The Michigan Daily -- Sunday, March 10, 1985 -- Page 3 MIT prof: Women should use computers Fletcher Follies seek recognition for men 's dorm 'By KYSA CONNETT Sherry Turkle admitted that she used to be a technofoe - she had a hatred for new technological innovations like the modern computer. And she was jealous of the computer's ability to organize things in a way she couldn't think. But Turkle, now an associate science professor at the Massachusetts In- stitute of Technology, has changed her attitude toward the computer. She told a crowd of 400 gathered yesterday in Rackham Auditorium that she has learned to tell herself "I can make something of this technological object." THE KEYNOTE speaker at a sym- posium entitled "Women's Lives in the Information Society," Turkle is author of the critically acclaimed book, The Second Self: Computers and the Human Spirit. Turkle noted that there seems to be a difference in the way males and females approach learning how to use computers. "There is a difference between the girls and the boys," said Turkle. "I don't think it's in their genes, but in the way they are trained." Turkle ex- pressed her own fear of using a com- puter and compared her early dislike of computers to a distaste for outlining her ideas before she wrote them out. "I expected computer programming to be outlining type of stuff," she said. Virginia Blakenship, an Oakland University assistant professor of psychology, defined what she termed computer hesitancy," a phenomenon she noted in a study she was involved with. In contrast to men in the Oakland University study, "women quickly questioned their own ability when making mistakes on computers," Blankenship said. "Women globalized their mistakes." She said that the way in which com- puter-use is taught to women con- tributes to the feelings of alienation they experience. Blankenship said she found that teachers explained how to correct a mistake to men who then fixed it themselves, whereas "the women were often helped by the teacher correcting a mistake through rescue." -HAPPENINGS- Sunday Highlight The Creation Science Club will present a lecture by guest speaker John Fricke, "Darwinism Revisited Spontaneous Generation or Creation?" It will take place at 3 p.m., Room 2003 Angell Hall. Films AAFC-Closely Watched Trains, 7 p.m., Aud. A, Angell. Alt. Act-The Dead Zone, 7 & 9 p.m., MLB 4. Mich-Lord of The Rings, 4'& 7 p.m., Michigan Theater. U-Club-Animal House, 7:10p.m., Union. Pilot Program - Streamers, 7 p.m., Alice Lloyd Blue Lounge. Performances School of Music - Faculty clarinet/piano recital, 4 p.m., William Ransom piano, 6 p.m. ; Blane Shaw, voice, 8 p.m., Recital Hall. Performance Network-Four by Beckett, 6:30 p.m., 408 W. Washington. University Musical Society-Paul Badura-Skoda, pianist, 4 p.m., Rackham lecture Hall. PTP-Hot'l Baltimore, Trueblood Theater. Hillel Foundation-Gimpel The Fool, 7:30 p.m., Mendelssohn Theater. Today's Brass Quintet-The Music of J.S. Bach, 2 p.m., Kerrytown Con- cert House, 415 N. Fourth Avenue. Miscellaneous His House Christian Fellowship-Dinner, 6:30 p.m.; Bible Study, 7 p.m., 925 East Ann. Monday Highlight The School of Public Health will sponsor a lecture by Dr. Helen Caldicaott, "The Threat of Nuclear War: Can Women Make a Difference?" Rackham -Lecture Hall. Films Near East & North African Studies-The Predators, 7 p.m., Aud. B, Angell., Performances School of Music-Katerine Kliemann, viola; Michele Cooker, piano; Jef- frey Gilliam, piano, 8 p.m., Rackham Assembly Hall. Performance Network-Staged reading, Three Square Meals, 7 p.m., 408 W. Washington. Speakers Computing Center-Forrest Hartman, "Introduction to Textfirnm Part I," 3:30 p.m., 165 Business Administration Building. Law School-Melvin Eisenberg, "The Social Functions of Courts," 4 p.m., 120 Hutchins Hall. Near East & North African Studies-Rashid Bashshur, "U.S. Policy in Lebanon," noon Lane Hall Commons. Urban Planning Alumni Society-Steve Serchuk, "The Planner as A Developer: The Real Estate Aspects of Planning," 7:30 p.m., room 3105 Art & Architecture Building. Engineering-"Propigation on Random Media," noon, Room 4040 East Engineering Building... School of Art-Ann Noggle, 7:30 p.m., School of Art Auditrorium. Center for Russian & East European Studies, William Odom, "Dilemmas and Directions in Soviet Force Development," 8p.m., Room 25 Angell Hall. Anthropology, Center for Japanese Studies-Theodore Bestor, "Asserting the Past: Traditionalism and The Legitimation of the Japanese Social Or- der," 5 p.m., Lane Hall Commons. Meetings Asian American Association-6 p.m., Trotter House. Turner Geriatric clinic-Women of all ages join the Intergenerational Women's Group, 10 a.m., 1010 Wall Street. Christian Science Organization-7:30 p.m., League. Reader's Theatre-8:30 p.m., Room 2013 Angell Hall. Miscellaneous Tau Beta Pi-Tutoring, lower-level math, science & engineering, 7 p.m., Room 307 UGLI, 8 p.m., Room 2332 Bursley Hall, 7 p.m., Alice Lloyd, Red Carpet Annex. Guild House-Poetry Reading, Suzanne Burr & Laurence Goldstein, 8 p.m., 802 Monroe Street. Chemistry-Seminars, Alexander Blumstein, "Structure Property Correlations in Main Chain Thermotropic Liquid Crystal Polymers," 4 p.m., Room 3005; Luigi Marzilli, "195Pt, 3pP, 1H NMR Studies of the Interaction of Metallo-Antitumor Agents with DNA," 4 p.m., room 1200, Chemistry Building. Daily Photo by DARRIAN SMITH A Fletcher Hall resident takes a breather from the Bombay Flour Face Relay at yesterday's "Fletcher Follies." Relay contestants attempted to retrieve candy buried in pans of flour with their mouthes and tongues. Measles afflict E. Quad By VIBEKE LAROI Members of the University com- munity have forgotten something over the years - a little, red brick building tucked away from the hustle and bustle of Central Campus - best known - or, apparently, least known as Fletcher Hall. Thirty-five of the 60 residents in the all-male dorm gathered, together yesterday, christening their preliminary attempts to remedy the dorm': anonymity, the "Fletcher Follies." JINNY BARTEL, head resident and the only female in the building, said dorm residents realized they needed to do something about the fact that few University students have ever heard that the dorm exists. According to Bar- tel, Fletcher is the smallest, oldest and least known dorm on campus. Saturday's games were only a preview of events planned later this month to promote the dorm. Fletcher Awareness Week begins March 18 with the Rolf Benirschke Competition and concludes with football games dubbed the Mudbowl. Other scheduled events include a Big Tim Wrestling Night and The Flop-a-Fletcher party. Yesterday at the follies, Fletcher residents devoted their energy to various events such as the Chinese Egg- Drop Relay, Bombay Flour Face Relay, Tokyo Trot, and Munichal Chairs. THE international flavor to the games stems from the fact that half of the dorm's residents are foreign, hailing from distant countries like Singapore, Jamaica, Turkey, Korea, and Taiwan. At the Chinese Egg-Drop Relay, par- ticipants found good concentration and a solid bite to be the key to success. The trick involved is balancing an egg on a spoon, which is placed in the mouth. In the Tokyo Trot, students scuttled around the building in the traditional three-legged fashion, screaming and c heering. Municahl Chairs involved an internationalized version of musical chairs. PERHAPS the day's most en- thusiastic participants were those who competed in the Bombay Flour Face Relay. The object of this game is to retrieve candy buried in a pan of flour by sticking the face into the pan and searching with mouth and tongue - all while hands are tied behind the back. For those who are unfamiliar with the Rolf Benirschke competiton, LSA sophomore Mike Schulte said it is a game which originated when residents kicked empty milk cartons down the hall, yelling out "Ralph Benirschke" - the name of a professional football player. Fletcher's history goes back to 1922, when it was built by a group of alumni. It was taken over by the University in 1933 and has essentially housed male students, except for a period from 1954 to 1960 wheni it was converted to a female dorm because of a campus women's housing shortage. Although Fletcher's image is quite subdued thesedays, it aroused a great deal of attention about 55 years ago when the Ann Arbor police raised the dorm to crack down on illegal distribution of liquor. Residents know that this month's events won't prove quite as eye-opening as that incident, but they hope more students will decide to trot over to Sybil St.: across from the IM Building to check out the dorm. (Continued from Page 1) weren't able to get to East Quad for vaccinations. Winfield is optimistic that the out- break won't grow to reach more serious proportions. "All measles have been in one housing unit. The ones who have had it haven't circulated too much," she said. Winfield said that when he heard of the two most recent cases he made a housecall to the students' dorm to prevent them from infecting more people. ACCORDING to Winfield, the earliest symptoms of measles include irritated eyes and nose, which are similar to cold symptoms. Fatigue and pain when looking at bright lights are also com- mon. A cough and a rash usually appear three to four days after one has been in- fected, Winfield said. The rash starts at the back of the neck and spreads gradually to the rest of the upper body and the lower body. Five days after the rash appears, one usually recovers. Winfield pointed out that measles is a "very contagious disease". Someone with measles can infect someone else about four days before and four days af- ter the rash occurs. Because measles are so contagious, Gorelick strongly urges students who have not been immunized or who received shots between 1957 and 1968 to get vaccinated. Newlyweds find dorm life and marriage compatible THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS WHITE MARKET *POPCORN (Continued from Page 1) in the dorm. "YOU SORT OF get used to him as sort of an RA or something," said Stephanie Bickelman, an LSA sophomore. Indeed, when a rowdy group of men from West Quad payed a surprise visit to "trash the halls" of Barbour last fall, Ray blocked the door and refused to let them in. Ray often attends weekly house council meetings and sits with the other women in the cafeteria. But residents say the dark-haired, mustached man is a very private per- son who would prefer to downplay his presence in the dorm. For this reason, he declined to be photographed or in- terviewed by the Daily. "HE'S IN A DIFFICULT position because resident staffs' lives are public, so his life is automatically public. . . he's trying to seek out as much privacy as possible," said Miller. "I wouldn't describe him as quiet," she said.. "The better you get to know him, the more he'll tell you (about him- self.)." Ford said that some residents fail to understand Ray's sense of humor. "HE'S KIND OF LIKE a big brother. You know that they like you, but they aren't going to tell you that," she said. the type of person who claps when someone accidentally drops his or her tray in the cafeteria, residents say, or who routinely criticizes stupid television commercials and soap operas. The couple will-move out of the dorm after this term when Trish graduates from the music school's masters program in voice performance. Ray, a major in organ performance, will com- plete his undergraduate degree next December or May, 1986. IN ADDITION TO supervising the dorm, both Ray and Trish juggle two jobs and their schoolwork. During the day, Ray works at First of America Bank as a proofer of checks and tellers' tabs. At night, he repairs organs as an assistant to the University's organ master. Trish dashes in and out of the dorm each day to her five hours of class, voice practice from 3:30 to 5 p.m., and rehearsal for her performance as Josephine in the upcoming Gilbert and Sullivan production of "HMS Pin- nafore." She tops off all of that with 20 to 30 hours a week of RD responsibilities, a, weekend job at Gantos in Briarwood Mall, and on-going interviews for summer positions in opera companies and festivals across the country. "I like to be busy, otherwise I'm disorganized," Trish said with a soft laugh. "But sometimes it's over- whelming." Ray and Trish are so busy that most residents only see them in the cafeteria. And to most of them, the novelty of their RD's lifestyle has worn off. By now, Ford said, "It's just old hat." White or Yellow 2 lb. bag 69C SUB SANDWICHES Made Fresh Daily $1.89 609 E. Williams 663-4253 HOURS: 8-6 Mon.-Sat. Place an ad in. Ctainh. Cnmin Mrirk 9 mm" I I PREPARE FOR: I N I