10 OPINION Page 4 Saturday, March 9, 1985 The Michigan Daily 4 ie adbtheganrit y Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Separate realities in college Vol. XCV, No. 124 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board i Unfaithful brothers R ONALD REAGAN'S "brothers" in Nicaragua haven't been keeping up on their morals, at least not according to a pair of reports filed recently. Reports from Americas Watch, a non-political organization that reviews human rights cases in the Western hemisphere, and a private group headed by Reed Brody, a former New York State assistant attorney general, found that the Nicaraguan rebels had committed a large number of human rights violations. The Americas Watch report un- covered many instances of the current Sandinista government's abuses, but noted that those numbers had declined significantly since 1982. The Brody report investigated 28 in- dividual cases of abuses and its fin- dings paint a bloody picture. Victims recount stories of being kidnapped at gun point from their homes and of being wantonly attacked while riding in unarmed civilian automobiles. It is fortunate that the report is being released now, however. Reports of atrocities on the part of the rebels have been common since the Sandinista revolution almost six years ago, yet with a controversial funding bill coming to a vote in Congress shortly, those atrocities might pack some political weight. Last year, Congress voted to suspend covert aid to the Contras, but allocated $14 million which could only be released by a Congressional vote after February 28. The measure is expected to come to a vote in April. Reagan either misunderstands the Contras or is deliberately distorting the truth to call such a group the "moral equals of our founding fathers." Political activist Abbie Hof- fman reported that in his visit to Nicaragua he was told of some Contras blinding a 12-year-old sentry. Had John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, or James Madison even attacked a child they would surely have been ostracized from their community, yet the Contras have done much worse. In light of Reagan's false picture of the Contra's morality, his view of their exportation of revolution is suspect as well. Reagan claims that the San- dinistas have been beefing up their defense systems to prepare for in- vasions of nearby Honduras, Costa Rica, or El Salvador. There has been no evidence yet, however, that the Sandinistas are in- terested in such expansion, and indeed it is doubtful whether they could muster the necessary transport facilities for any such expedition. Their weapons buildup appears defen- sible in view of the abominations committed by the Contras, who have benefitted from years of U.S. covert aid. The recent reports on human rights abuses by the Contras will likely apply pressure on Congress not to continue funding them. In the meantime, however, even more pressure, in the form of letters to Senators and Representatives, may be necessary if the U.S. is to sever its ties to such a morally bankrupt group as the con- tras. By Robert Honigman Last in a series "For both sexes in this society, caring deeply for anyone is becoming synonymous with losing." - Columbia Psychiatrist Herbert Hendin.1975 * * * * In 1977 a University official assured me that there was no housing crisis. He wasn't lying or trying to deceive me. He honestly believed there was no crisis, but I felt as though I had stepped through the Looking Glass and was talking to the Mad Hatter. University officials always see the univer- sity through a lens of their own concerns and goals. They see students' lives passing by like the pages of unread books, and there is a naive belief that the majority of students are happy. This is strikingly similar to the belief by colonialists that the "natives are happy," by slave holders that their slaves are happy, by factory owners that their workers are hap- py, or by athoritarian governments that their people are happy. Each believes that it is only radical fringe groups and troublemakers who stir the natives up and make them disconten- ted. But there was a housing crisis in 1977, and the University is a place of unhappiness. Studies have shown that the 25-40 percent drop-out rate among undergraduates at major universities is due largely to dissatisfaction with the university environ- ment - or, in other words, unhappiness. Given the enormous pressures on young people stay in college and get degrees, it is likely that an equally high proportion of students are dissatisfied with the university but choose to stay and complete their degrees. Moreover, studies of this generation have noted the increase in suicide, alcohol abuse, social tension and breakdown among people of college age. Lansing Lamont, who sur- veyed a dozen of the nation's top universities, including the University, for his 1979 book Campus Shock, found deeply disturbed human relations at these campuses - lost civility, crime, racial distrust, sexual anar- chy, careerism, cheating and widespead emotional breakdowns. "What shocked me Honigman is an attorney in Sterling Heights. most, however, was the numbness, emotional as well as moral, that I encountered everywhere." "Students are happy" is obviously a self- serving view of reality. The University is enormously dependent upon public good will. Its reputation determines how well it will at- tract money and students to its ivy halls. If students weren't happy, something would be wrong. But that is not to say that people in power are insincere or are consciously lying. Normal people really don't see or recognize facts that make them uncomfortable. Moreover, there's a strong feeling that people who publicly complain are traitors to the in- stitution. Dirty linen should not be aired in public even at the cost of concealing rather than cleaning the linen. But when you conceal problems - they get worse. And so the university operates over time likena circuit with a one-way feedback loop - certain values decay, and other values keep growing, until the institution becomes a hollow shell pretending to be something it's not. The suppression of symptoms then becomes a very valuable administrative tool. No doubt a certain proportion of students are truly happy in the university. This is a great time in their lives, and no one can spoil it for them. And of course, many students are probably happy just because they are robust and successful. Samuel Johnson was once asked whether he would prefer to be happy or to be human, and he replied that he supposed it would be very fine to be a bull in a pasture with his cow nearby and plenty of grass, but that on the balance, he would prefer to be human. It's comforting to believe in the official ver- sion of reality because everyone in society urges students to trust their elders and bet- ters - particularly in an educational context where the university represents both the parents that students left behind and the adult world that lies ahead. But as comforting as it is to accept the of- ficial version of reality, there is a price to pay. For some students, the price is never growing up intellectually or emotionally. These students are the "good" students who always do what they are told. For other students believing the official line is self- destructive because the university says that if you're not happy it's your own fault. Then the only explanation for their unhappiness is that they have done something wrong, or there is something terribly wrong with them. In either case, they feel they don't belong with the normal happy people in the university. They feel like the human beings surrounded by4 rhinoceroses in Ionesco's play. That is not to say that students don't come to the University with deep personal problems left over from their childhood or family relationships. But compare the institutional line with common sense. The university usually tells deeply unhappy students, "Why don't you drop out for a while and get your act together?" If the university is a more benign environment than the outside world, why should anyone be advised to leave in order to get better? The advice makes sense only if the university makes people sicker not better. There are always hidden messages embed- ded in institutions - not what the institution says, but what it does and how it behaves. When the official institutional reality is dif- ferent from the actual social reality some students will draw a shell around themselves and withdraw into themselves the way a tree turns off its external energies in the winte4 and waits for Spring. But many will absorb the negative lessons which are embedded in the university. The strong use the weak. Reality is what the people in power say it is. Success is more important than moral values because people worship success. And human feelings are a sign of weakness. In a perfectly rational world, one pursues one's self-interest and calculates profit-maximization just as the university does when it impoverishes un- dergraduates education for the greater good of the institution. Date rape is thus both an event within the institution and a metaphor for what the in- stitution does to each student who enters. It welcomes them with open arms - promising them a good experience, an enriching ex- perience. It embraces them and holds them firmly - for once a young lady or a young man accepts an invitation to the university they know what to expect. Their consent to the policies and values of the university is presumed to have been given at the door.E Theseare the lessons that the university teaches and the price of its separate reality. Wasserman MYK 9WUEN1T.DWAN? *DO'T W~O PY... Ak NEW OPPORTU~4tTY SOCIE.TY 5 .os, '_I'PT V'NDS. OELL, LET'5 vgoa CASN YOUof oo? l aa 4 Costly responsibility THE PROGRESSIVE Student Net- work may have accomplished what it set out to do with the group's sit-in at Prof. George Haddad's laboratory last winter. In the current trial of PSN members charged with trespassing onĀ°Univer- sity property, the verdict will not be reached as quickly as in the first trial. The present trial involves a sit-in con- ducted by PSN last March in the Had- dad's laboratory. Yesterday the jury was not able to reach a unanimous decision regarding the students' ac- tions. Although a hung jury could mean a variety of things, in the case of PSN, the inability of the jury to call a verdict to a certain degree indicates a victory for the defendants. PSN argues that their individual reasons for commit- ting the alleged offense-to protect the University from a greater harm-override the trespassing offen- se. PSN members involved in the March action charged that Haddad, whose research projects are funded by the Department of Defense, was con- tributing to the development of the Phoenix Missile Project. Members were outraged at the idea of the University contributing to the arms race by condoning such defense- related research and staged the demonstration in Haddad's lab to make the community more aware of the University's work for the defense department. With tha students' violation of the trespass statute not at issue, the reason for the hung jury is clear: Jurors are considering the validity of PSN's defense, and therefore con- sidering the individual defendants' rationales for demonstrating. In this respect, PSN has accom- plished what they set out to do. By making the jurors aware of the im- plications of their opinions and in regard to the actions of University researchers PSN is keeping the issue in the public's eye. Although the in- dividual student protesters will most likely suffer for their actions,: the University community has benefitted from this demonstration. Still, infor- ming oneself on the University's ac- tivities should be the responsibility of every student. Groups like PSN should not have to bear the entire bur- den-and the cost-of that respon- sibility. Letters Article trivialized campus rape issue1 To the Daily: Robert Honigman's article, "Rape Springs from Loneliness" was an interesting, often penetrating, and undoubtedly well meant piece about the dif- ficulty men and women have in forming lasting, meaningful relationships with each other. This is an extremely important and worthy topic. Publication of informed articles about it would undoubtedly raise consciousness about the annihilating effects. of sexism an relationships between men and women, particularly in the setting of a competitive university. However, aside from a few scattered, general statements about rape, and the fact that it's a problem, the article does not engage the issue of rape on any meaningful level. Instead, it trivializes rape. The-statement, "Rape springs from loneliness" trivializes the fact that rape is a violent, an- tisocial crime, by garnering sympathy for the poor, "lonely" rapist. Honigman speaks of rape as "desperate behavior," in a class with alcoholism, bulimia, and emotional breakdown. Rape should never be construed as merely desperate behavior in the same sense as these problems. In startling contrast with these lat- ter three, rape is a crime, in- volving the violent subjugation and invasion of another human being besides the "poor lonely rapist." don't have any sympathy for violent criminals of this type. The type of loneliness I'm talking about is the type that en- sues from a woman refusing to go out with a male acquaintence because she fears he may be a rapist. Or, the type of loneliness a woman may feel when she is unable to go to the movies, to the library, or to meet friends' because she has nobody to walk with her, and is afraid to walk alone, perhaps because she has been raped before while walking alone at night. Or, the types of loneliness and bitter frustration couples may experience sexually because the man is unable to shed the pre- rapist conquest mentality toward sex with women that society has inculcated upon him. If you, the reader, don't see this type of loneliness as something that directly affects you, please consider the following question: if you are a man, have you ever tried to get a woman to go farther than she wanted to with you sexually? If you are a woman, have you ever been exposed to coercive sexual behavior from man? How did you feel? -Rebecca P. Smith March 7 Daily story was unfair to PIRGIM To the Daily: What gives you the audacity to print such a biased and misleading story about the Regents' decision about PIRGIM? Had your reporter spoken to anyone besides the doc- trinaire arch-conservative Deane Baker, she would have discovered much less of a clear- cut consensus among the regents. I won't mention the factual errors in the piece. They should have been ironed out in the editing process, if there even was one. Funding controversies have always marred the clean image of PIRGIM. Even Steve Angelotti cannot attack PIRGIM's educational value, and no BLOOM COUNTY responsible Ann Arbor 'civic leader would argue that the chief advocate for Night Ride, the student voter registration drive, and weatherization ordinances was anything but a benign and reasonable force on campus. PIRGIM's problem is that it ap- pears too low-key and thus inef- fective, just because it chooses to tackle problems through the system. PIRGIM doesn't stage sit-ins. It operates quietly and with great success behind the scenes, and I hope it intends to stay there. What PIRGIM needs is a workable funding system, whic is fair to all members of the University community. It doesn't need the doghouse. And it cer- tainly doesn't need a yapping schnauzer like the Daily celebrating its premature demise. - David Rickter February 1 KWi PUC411C O w UP2 G _ __ "" 1 l\ Y , "_ t ( -I The Michigan Daily encourages input from our readers. Letters should be typed, triple- spaced, and sent to the Daily Opinion Page, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. by Berke Breathed S&GOING 1 HMP6N [..'AGIN&, WH CHEMICA- 7fL- 2 /541 1 7T .zras' aI rr xcnW *,irK5 II ii& Al 1?EYW6 &9AKA'G t1it4V ThE 1RJ! 1 lWin)' 1 VMY uAi