w w w w w w w .qw. T .qmf -IMF- 7r -lw MW w EWU qV1 The bla'nd season The Mean Season Director: Phillip Borsos Stars: Mariel Hemingway Kurt Russell By Joshua Bilmes T he press kit for The Mean Season comes with a new page 15. The only difference between the old page 15 and the new page 15 is that the old one talks about screenwriter Christopher Crowe while the new one omits him. In fact, the movie says it was written by Leone Peidmont, from the novel In the Heat of the Summer by John Katzen- bach. Someone, it seems, does not want to be known as the writer of The Mean Season, and I don't blame them. The film is okay, kind of, but I was almost positive what was going to happen next, and I was almost always right, and that tends to take an awful lot of the thrill out of a thriller. Like a good thriller, The Mean Season starts out with a murder, along the beach in the Miami area. At the fic- titious Miami Journal, the story is given to malcolm Anderson (Kurt Russell). Anderson would rather not cover the story. He just wants to quit and become managing editor of a small Colorado weekly, a decision which girlfriend Christine Connelly (Mariel Hemingway) totally agrees with. As always, the best-laid plans go awry, and Anderson finds himself forced to stay in Miami because the killer likes Anderson's story so much that he gives Anderson a call and suggests that An- derson could serve as a conduit bet- ween killer and public. That is the last surprising twist the movie takes, as it goes on in varying degrees of boredom for another ninety minutes. Every once in a while a good chase or some gore gets the film pum- ped up for' a few minutes, but for the most part it becomes far too predic- wwII, up close "The Good War" Studs Turkel Pantheon, 653 pages, $19.95 By Ron Schechter N THE LAST four decades, innumer- able accounts of World War II have been published. From the sentimental kitsch of war novels to the copious erudition of historical works, the subject has been overworked. Americans have been numbed by a barrage of information and misinfor- mation about the war. Studs Terkel's "The Good War," however, con- travenes the popular approaches to World War II historiography, worlsing instead with a less conventional method: the oral history. Through can- did interviews with more than a hun- dred witnesses, both famous and forgotten, Studs Terkel presents an en- semble of accounts which summarize the World War II experience. What is most significant about "The Good War" is that it emphasizes the war's effect on people as opposed to governments and political movements. Inherent in Terkel's interview ap- proach is the quality which allows the reader to feel close to the action. Unlike novels, which shroud the reality of war in unreal characters and situations, and intellectual historical works, which focus on the broad implication- r, war rather than on the hideous reality, a personal account diminishes the distance bet- ween the reader and the action. In this manner, the war is neither roman- ticized nor abstracted, but described simply and in believable terms. Although the testimonies are often graphic, descriptions of violence are included not for sensation's sake but in order to portray honestly the horror, that was World War II. To capture the essence of World War II - an enormous if not impossible task - Terkel has interviewed represen- tatives from virtually every group af- fected by the war. Veterans of the ar- med forces, both Allied and Axis, recount the terror of combat. "Rosie the Riveter" tells of her experiences as a faithful patriot, working arduously for the war effort in American fac- tories. Blacks recall discrimination in the armed forces, Jews describe the an- ti-semitism both in Europe and the United States, and Japanese- Americans discuss the humiliation of the detention camps forced upon them by the United States government. High ranking members of the military, as well as veterans of the Roosevelt administration, share their views on the war. Finally, the civilian victims of World War II - survivors of the Nazi death camps, of the Allied bombings of Dresden and Hamburg, and the hibakisha, survivors of the nuclear attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki - painfully recall their memories of intense suffering. "The Good War" is remarkably sensitive and non-judgmental. Terkel eschews the simplistic tendency to see the war as a struggle between the ar- mies of light and the armies of darkness. This is not to say that Terkel excuses or ignores the heinous deeds of such groups as the SS or Gestapo, whose guilt is taken for granted. In- deed, "The Good War" includes eyewitness accounts of the liberation of Dachau, leaving no doubt as to the culpability of the Nazi. The emphasis in this book, however, is on the innocents, who are represen- ted not only by the civilian victims but by the warriors themselves: the magnitude of which was destined to overwhelm if not destroy them. The testimonies also stress the fact that the war was not the idea of those unfortunate soldiers who were assigned to fight in it. Indeed, Terkel's inter- views point out the curious fact that af- ter the war, Allied and Axis soldiers were often sympathetic toward the "enemy" rather than spiting them that they were forced to take up arms. For example Terkel describes a scene in which veterans Hans Gobeler and James Sanders toast one another, in 1982: Thirty-eight years before, one tried his damndest, as a loyal mem- ber of his crew, to sink the other's craft ... Now they reminisce, wist- fully. Despite the fact that Terkel includes several testimonies of affectionate reminiscence, "The Good War" is primarily an anti-war book. As Terkel explains, the quotation marks around the book's title appear "not as a matter of caprice or editorial comment, but simply because the adjective 'good' ; AN ORAL HIS OF WOR LD W A R Hemingway and Russell: trying to appear convincing table. Anderson nicknames the killer the Numbers Killer, and the reporter becomes a victim of the hordes of press that he was once a part of. He becomes intertwined with the story and, as the characters are always sure to remind us, begins to make the news just as much as he covers it. Obviously, the Numbers Killer has to find out about Malcolm's girlfriend, and he does. You just know that Malcolm is going to start getting calls at home, and he does. You just know that Malcolm and the police are going to get upset with one another, and they do. you just know that Malcolm is going to come under attack from everybody who thinks the job of a journalist is to cover the news, and not make it, and he does. You just know the killer is going to tell Malcolm where a few more bodies can be found, and he does. It would seem to be a given that sooner or later something is going to happen to Christine, and sure enough, something does. Maybe I was only able to figure out so much of what would happen because of my vast moviegoing ex- perience, or some such nonsense, but I have to think that if I could figure out this much, other people will be able to figure out a bit too much, too. The script has perhaps a few nice 'touches, such as the Numbers Killer getting upset because he is overtaken in importance by Anderson. No doubt there are one or two other good things, but they elude me at the present time. With such a weak script to work from, director Phillip Borsos, who crafted such a nice film in The Grey Fox, is for- ced to resort to a lot of cheaper thrills and our naturally suspicious post- psycho view of any scene which takes place in a shower. The film is also for- ced to resort to incredibly obnoxious music by Lalo Schifrin. It does its worst to pound some excitement into us by using all of the standards of the thriller film musical score, but all it en- ds up doing is sounding loud and an- ticipating too much of the action. The movie would have been much better off with something subtle like the rolling thunder off in the distance that Michael Small composed for Star Chamber. The Mean Season's all too typical script is in no way helped by all too typical music. On the bright side, Frank Tidy, who gave The Grey Fox a splendid black and white in color look, does a very good job here, and makes everything look natural. The acting troupe is, to a certain ex- tent, in a thankless cause. Russell proves his versatility, doing a fairly decent job as Malcolm Anderson. Definitely not Academy Award material, but decent enough. Mariel Hemingway still looks too much like the high school student she played in Manhattan. She has the technique down right but just does not convince as an elementary school teacher who must be in the high twenties. Her face is just a bit too youthful. There are no other real standouts or problems in the cast. But with a fairly awful script and music so bad that it tends to draw your irritation away from the more important flaws, The Mean Season (the title refers to the summer weather in Miami) is more boring than anything else. 01 " 'The Good War' ": sensitive and non-judgemental mated with the noun 'war' is so in- congruous." While most of Terkel's witnesses agree, from an Allied per- spective, on the necessity and morality of World War II, the general consensus is that the war was not the romantic and glorious event that it has been por- trayed as in the movies but was rather a terrifying and gruesome experience. Even an officer as high ranking as Ad- miral Gene LaRocque was so seriously affected that, for two decades after- wards, he was unable to watch any films on Wor films, peoph their clothes a ground. Yo being blown an antiseptic gloriously. As a histor Good War" is remarkable a is the effect describes the lives of humar THE STUD CLUB neoteric music for the discriminating ear MONDAYS AT THE NECTARINE, BALLROO~M 510 E. Liberty 994-5436 DJ-GalenDavsL SHAMPOO & CUT Special only 1 o ." o Eyebrow Waxing I or Manicure, reg.700 Speia oly O ASK FOR JULIE, JENNY or RICKS 50 n Call for Your Appointment Today! 663-6273 Hair & Company * 221 S. Main at E. 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