The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 7, 1985 - Page 3
'U' journalism
program reaches
ampaign goal
t 11
House opens
abortion clinic
attack hearings
The University's Journalists in
Residence Fellowship Program
received a $180,000 grant last week that
Oelped put the program's fundraising
campaign over the $2 million mark.
The grant from Cox Enterprises of
Atlanta pushed the amount of money
ollected by the University over $1
million, enabling the program to collect
0 matching $1 million grant from the
Knight Foundation and Knight-Ridder
JOURNALISTS in Residence is a
nine-month sabbatical program for
outstanding mid-career journalists. It
was established in 1973 by the National
Endowment for the Humanities and
was funded by that agency until last
University officials agreed to provide
transitional funding so the program
could operate this year. Meanwhile,
communications Prof. Graham Hovey,
director of Journalists in Residence,
organized an advisory committee of
nationally prominent journalists to
raise money for the program.
, The committee hopes to build an en-
dowment fund of $4-$5 million:..
Reaching that goal will allow the
program to be self-sufficient.
Chairing the national fund drive
committee are David Lawrence,
executive editor and publisher of the
Detroit Free Press, and Eugene Rober-
ts, executive editor of the Philadelphia
Hovey said it is appropriate for the
news industry to finance Journalists in
Residence because the major aim of the
program is to improve the quality of
Fenced in
A worker peers through a fence on East Liberty Street as
work on Tally Hall, a parking structure and shopping plaza
he continues his
currently under
-PP I-
Don't miss this performance by the Chinese Music Ensemble from Taiwan
tonight at 8:00 in the Rackham Auditorium. This concert is one of the last
stops before the group returns to China. The performance is sponsored by
the School of Music.
Alt Act- The Rape of Love, 7 p.m., Aud. B, Angell.
AAFC-West Side Story, 7 & 9:30 p.m., Nat. Sci. Building.
'MTF- The Graduate, 7 p.m., The Paper Chase, 9 p.m., Michigan Theater.
UAC'Impact Jazz Dance, 8 p.m., Mendelssohn Theater, Michigan
League; Soundstage, 8p.m., U-Club, Union.
Ark-Mike Cross, 8 p.m., Ark, 637S. Main Street.
Music at Mid Day-Amy Shevrin, violin, 12:15 p.m., Pendleton Room,
University Musical Society-Kodo, 8 p.m., Power Center.
Performance Network-Four plays by Samuel Beckett, 8 p.m., 408 W.
Washington Street.
Center for Afroamerican and African Studies-Dr. Trudier Harris, "Toni
Morrison and the Uses of Folklore," 4 p.m., Whitney Auditorium, School of
Center for Western European Studies-Heinz Henisch, "The Daguerreian
Waltz; Early Photography in Vienna," noon, room 130 Tappan Hall.
Center for Japanese Studies-William Sterling, "Patterns of Job Duration
in Japan and the United States," noon, Lane Hall Commons.
School of Art, History of Art, Residential College-Sondra Freckelton,
"Contemporary Watercolor Painting," 3:30 p.m., room z104, School of Art
Near Eastern and North African Studies-Ilku Bates, "Safiye Sultan, An
Ottoman Patron of the Arts," 4 p.m., East Conference Room, Rackham
Biostatistics-G. Schooley, "Evaluation of Statistical Procedures for
Analyzing Ordered Response Categorical Data with Small Sample Sizes," 3
p.m., room M4332, School of Public Health II.
Chemistry-'J. Tully, "Rates and Pathways of Energy Flow at Surfaces,"
4 p.m., room 1200, Chemistry Building.
English Language and Literature-Bernard Beckerman, "The Image of
Sound in Beckett," 4 p.m., West Conference Room, Rackham Building.
IEEE-Doreen Weinberger, "Optical Bistability," noon, room 1042 East
Engineering Building.'
Extracellular Matrix Group-Joanne Blum, "Role Extracellular Matrix
in Mammary Growth and Differentiation," noon, room 6301, Med. Sci. I
Medical Chemistry-Tanya Djanegara, "Application of Fourier Tran-
sform I.R. Methods of Interest to Medicinal Chemists," 4 p.m., room 3554,
CC Little Building.
Pharmacology, Psychiatry-Wolfgang Sadee, "Opioid Receptor Binding
In Vitro and In Vivo," 3:45 p.m., room 1057, Mental Health Research In-
Center for Eating Disorders-7 p.m., Green Room, First United Methodist
Church, corner of State and Washtenaw.
University AA-noon, room 3200, Union.
Psychiatry-Anxieties Disorders Support Group, 7:30 p.m., Third floor
Conference Room, Children's Psych. Hospital.
Medical Center Bible Study-12:30 p.m., Eighth floor Main Hospital.
Baptist Student Union-7 p.m., Room D, Michigan League.
Agape Christian Fellowship-6:30 p.m., S. Quad Minority Lounge.
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship-7 p.m., Michigan League.
MSA-Housing Fair, 1p.m., Ballroom, Union.
Literacy Council of Washtenaw County, Friends of the Ann Arbor Public
Library-Training sessions for reading tutors, 7 p.m., room 317, old Ypsilan-
ti High School, corner of Washington and Cross Streets.
Netherlands-America University League-Jan Willem Holsbergen,
novelist, readings from his works, 8 p.m., International Center.
Linguistic department-English language classes registration, 7 p.m.,
English Language Institute, near CCRB.
Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation Commission-public meeting,
7:30 p.m., Board Room, County Administration Building, corner of Main and
Huron Streets.
Hill Street Cinema-Audition for Cinderelly, 9 p.m., 1429 Hill Street.
Scottish Country Dancers-Beginners, 7 p.m.; intermeds, 8 p.m., Forest
Hills Community Center, 2351 Shadowood.
League-International night, Spain and Portugal, 5 p.m., Cafeteria,
Michigaq League.
CEFF, AAUP-James Brinkerhoff, Richard Pettingill, Albert Steiger-
wait, panel discussion on TIAA/CREF and Alternative Annuity Plans, noon,
Michigan Room, Michigan League.
Women's Basketball-Michigan vs. Ohio State, 7 p.m., Crisler Arena.
Co-ed Cheerleading Squad-Cheerleading tryout clinic, 6:30 p.m.,
U-M Flint-Becky Beck, "Women in Skilled Trades in Flint;" Dionne
Cooper, "Women Working in Flint's Factories;" Doris Suciu, "Working as a
Women and for Women in Health Care;" Frankie Perry, "Changing Role of
Women in Health Care;" Betty Harrison, "Women and Job Security," 7:30
Hospital committee to'
study measles policy
WASHINGTON (AP) - Members of
a House Judiciary subcommittee
opened hearings yesterday on abortion
clinic attacks by urging the Reagan
administration to crack down on
protesters who harass patients outside
abortion centers.,
"Civil rights laws protect blacks who
want to enter any restaurant in the
land," said Rep. Don Edwards, (D-
Calif.), chairman of the subcommittee
on civil rights. "Why aren't the same
laws applied to women entering abor-
tion clinics."
THE HOUSE panel heard testimony
from abortion patients and clinic ad-
ministrators who said women's health
centers are disrupted daily by bomb
threats, vandalism, telephoned death
threats, and shouting anti-abortionists.
One witness, Katherine Taylor of
Portland, Ore., said she and her mother
were surrounded and vilified by a dozen
protesters last January as she entered
a clinic for an abortion she said was
necessary to protect her health.
"They started yelling things at me
like 'two lives go in and one comes
out,'" she recalled. "Each sign they
were holding had the word 'murder'
written on it. One sign had some old
pictures of dead babies in the garbage
"WHILE WE were in the clinic, I
could still hear one woman outside
yelling 'Auschwitz' continuously," she
said. "Whatever their reasons are, I do
not believe it is right for them to be out
in front of the clinics."
But Joseph Scheidler, director of the
Pro-Life Action League, told the panel
that vigorous protests outside abortion
clinics and even bombings are justified
because "of what takes place inside the
abortion chambers."
"No one has been killed in the attacks
on abortion facilities," Scheidler said.
"But thousands of human lives are
destroyed inside these buildings every
MOST LEADING anti-abortion
organizations, including the National
Right to Life Committee, have publicly
condemned the bombing of abortion
clinics, but encourage picketing outside
the facilities.
Rep. Pat Schroeder, (D-Colo.), said
the fight over abortion often develops
into a confrontation between a woman's
legal right to have an abortion and the
protester's First Amendment right to
freedom of speech.
"No one wants to inhibit free speech,
but it shouldn't be allowed when it
prevents others from exercising their
right under the Constitution,"
Schroeder said.
In its 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision, the
Supreme Court ruled that a woman has
the right to abortion on demand in the
first three months of pregnancy. Since
then, anti-abortion groups have been
advocating that the court reverse that
decision or that Congress pass a con-
stitutional amendment outlawing abor-
Edwards lauded the efforts of federal
law enforcement officials investigating
31 incidents of bombing and arson
recorded since 1982 at abortion and
family planning centers. But the
congressman said too little is being
done to stop daily harassment and
telephone death threats at the clinics.
A standing committee at University
Hospitals will conduct an investigation
of whether the hospital should require
its employees to be inoculated against
measles and other infectious diseases,
according to a committee member.
The study follows a recent outbreak
of measles at the hospital which infec-
ted five area residents, including a doc-
tor at the hospital, a University un-
dergraduate, two medical students, and
a hospital technician.
No new, cases have been reported,
committee member Dr. Thomas Shope
said yesterday.
The Infection Control Committee will
also determine within a few months
whether the hospital should require its
employees to receive vaccinations
against hepatitis and chicken pox,
Shope said. The only such rule the
hospital has now is for German
Many public institutions, especially
schools, require their employees to
receive inoculations, but Shope also
noted that the practice is not universal.
Ryan demands action
on campus
(Continued from Page 1)
rapists when two students are involved.
Under the administration's draft of
the code, anyone can instigate an in-
vestigation, said Lee Winkelman, ac-
ting chairman of the committee.
"The concern was that victims
would be forced to testify," said
"ALL THE University can do is give
her access to medical or psychological
counseling after the rape," said Ryan.
"Beyond that, the University can't say
'we felt you should prosecute.' That's
rape issue
being big brother, and it's totally inap-
Ann Hartman, professor of social
work and one of the two faculty mem-
bers currently on the council, raised the
question then of letting the rapist run
around campus in cases where the vic-
tim does not want to testify. "Are we
just supposed to look the other way?"
she asked.
Ryan replied that the fear of punish-
ment wouldn't deter rapists. "It's
psychological," she said, "It's not that
they come here and become rapists,
they come here as ones."
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Protesters await trial for
sit-in of Haddad's lab
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(Continued from Page 1)
Lipsik pointed out that "technology is
neutral. It can be used for good or for
bad. The point is not to prevent resear-
ch, but to prevent it from being
Miklethun responded by saying he
does try to influence policy but the
"reality is that we have no control over
the applications of the research. What
we do have control over is what hap-
pens at this University."
THE organizers of last night's trial
had "subpeonaed" the University's
Board of Regents, but none showed up.
Earlier in the day, several of the
demonstrators, including Tom Marx,
one of those to be tried today, held a
press conference. I
Marx said that he didn't feel the
prosecution of the three demonstrators
Auto broken in
The car of a music school woman was
broken into in the music school parking
lot during the day on Monday. Taken
from the auto was a suitcase with $155
worth of clothes and other personal
Union theft
A calculator, radio, phone and elec-
tronic transcriber was found missing
from a third floor office of the Michigan
Union this past weekend. According to
Jan Suomala of the Ann Arbor Police,
total value of the property was less than
tried last month would affect his trial.
"They're not supposed to let the other
jury's decision influence them," he
said, "though if we were found in-
nocent, it would be strange."
He said they'd appeal to the jury that
there are higher laws that should
override lower laws. We felt that we
had a right to be were we are, and do
what we did."
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