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March 06, 1985 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-03-06

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Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom

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Partly sunny with a high in the

I:XCV, No. 121 Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, March 6, 1985 Fifteen Cents Ten Pages

VSA berates
U failure to




create minority
student policies
The Michigan Student Assembly unanimously passed a
resolution last night condemning the University ad-
ministration's apparent failure to promote policies
enabling minority enrollment to reach goals established
5 years ago.
The resolution is a "culmination" of many issues per-
taining to recruitment and retention of minority students
at the University, said Roderick Linzie, MSA black
student researcher.
RECENTLY, MSA has tried to attain a copy of a'report
which analyzes minority recruitment, retention, and
financial aid levels for campus undergraduate minority
NMSA is pushing also for the establishment of a University-
wide commission to deal with minority concerns. The
commission was originally proposed by University Vice
resident for Academic Affairs and Provost Billy Frye in
ctober, 1983, the resolution said.
The responsibilities of the commission would be to "re-
examine institutional goals ... propose new ones ...
(and) seek to gain full implementation of the findings of
that commission" to the University community, the
resolution stated.
ALSO WITH the proposal for the commission, the
University established a position for Niara Sudarkasa as
an associate vice president for academic affairs to over-
see minority concerns.
Sudarkasa prepared the approximatley 300-page
inority report, which was completed in November, but
has denied the public access to the document.
MSA and the Daily each have filed twice under the
Freedom of Information Act to acquire the document, but
have been refused.
UNIVERSITY officials contend that the denial is legal
because "the information requested is preliminary in
form and substance and presents a high probability of
being misunderstood" if released, the denial said.
Under theFreedom of Information Act, a document that
will serve the public interest best if kept from the public is
allowed to remain secret.
A "watered down version" of the report is expected to
!o to the Regents next week, but MSA still wants the
original report, said MSA President Scott Page.
"IT'S VERY unfortunate that the Regents may pass
something that the administration is spoon-feeding
them," Page said.
MSA has also condemned the administration for
refusing to give students and other interested parties in-
put into the minority report.
"The concern is increasing that some activity has been
going on all year long with no student discussion," Linzie
IN OTHER ACTION Beth Meany, a business school
junior, was appointed treasurer of MSA. Ex-treasurer Bill
Mellin said that Meany was the best qualified of all the
applicants who applied for the job.
MSA also unanimously voted to accept process
guidelines for the Michigan Union Board of Represen-
tatives selections.
Earlier this year MUBR requested and received a
change in the guidelines which in effect removed MSA
from the selection process. MUBR said that MSA did not
publicize the board openings well enough. MUBR sent
its proposal to Henry Johnson, vice president for student
services, without'consulting MSA.
The new proposal calls for shared responsibilities, with.
MSA and MUBR each appointing two members to the
MUBR/MSA selection committee.
Daily staffwriter Amy Mindell filed a report for this



Defense investigates chief
contractor for overbilling

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Defense Department
suspended part of its huge annual payment to
General Dynamics Corp. yesterday, citing evidence
that the largest U.S. Defense contractor billed the
government for unauthorized expenses - such as
caring for the company's pet dog.
Pentagon spokesman Michael Burch said "we
found that General Dynamics' testimony was
nauseating' when the contractor tried to explain
the problem to Congress
THE PENTAGON said $40 million in monthly
payments for administrative expenses would be
halted for 30 days while the department investigates
whether General Dynamics wrongly billed the
government for advertising, entertainment and
other unauthorized expenses.
Burch said that if the inquiry is not completed in
30 days, the suspension will continue.
Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, who an-
nounced the decision in a speech to an American

Legion convention, said "it came out in our audits
that they were billing u's, as part of their overhead
costs, a lot of expenses that did not benefit the
He said some billings "may have involved
criminal matters, and they are being investigated
by the Department of Justice."
General Dynamics spokesman Peter Connolly
said that if the Pentagon investigation shows any
wrong billings, the company will return the money
"The company believes it will be able to satisfy
the Defense Department's concerns regarding the
validity of its billing procedures," Connolly said in a
statement issued at General Dynamics' headquar-
ters in St. Louis.
HE SAID the sums being withheld amounted to 8
percent of General Dynamics' total monthly charges.
See PENTAGON, Page 3

' begins study
of measles policy

Daily Photo by BRAD MILLS

Fresh popcorn rolls out of the machine at Otto's and ready for sale to hungry
Campus craze for
popcorn is here to stay

The cardboard sign plastered on the
front of the Campus Corner popcorn
machine says it all.
"You too cannbe a part of
today's movin' popcorn
Take a popcorn break today.
The snack that picks you up and
calms you down. "
The store, located on the corner of
State and Packard, is only one of many
campus area stores which sells pop-
Popcorn has been a movie house
staple for years. Now, it's become an
essential - well, almost - portion of
University students' diets.
WHETHER it's made at a con-

venience store or popped in a dorm
room popcorn maker, it seems, the
crunchy snack is here to stay. .
"Popcorn is good especially when
you're studying because it keeps you
going," said Steve Nelson, a first year
economics graduate student.
It seems Nelson is not alone in his
liking for popcorn.
LOCAL STORESrarereporting
brisk sales in popcorn makers. And
for some, the high demand for pop-
corn accessories is nothing new.
"We have had outstanding sales for
the last three to four years," said Dan
Clemons, area supervisor at K-Mart
in Maple Village.Shopping Center.
He added that his store sold 150
See POPCORN, Page 5

University Hospitals officials yesterday said they
are reevaluating their policy that allows employees
not to be inoculated against measles.
The study, to be conducted by Dr. Thomas Shope
and administrator Don Brown, follows a small out-
break of the disease at the hospital.
THE HOSPITAL currently requires its employees
who come in contact with patients to have received
vaccinations against German measles, according to
Shope, associate professor of pediatrics and com-
municable diseases.
But the hospital has no such policy regarding the
other virus, Shope said.
Shope said having the requirement "certainly"
bears looking into. "Fortunately, it seems like (the
outbreak) is on a small scale, and it gives us incen-
tive to look into what our hospital policy should be,"
he said.
SHOPE SAID hospital policy discriminates bet-
ween German measles and regular measles
because German measles often have adverse effec-
ts on unborn children.
Health officials offered different explanations for
why a requirement has not been instituted. Dr.
Caesar Briefer, director of Health Service,
suggested that the administrative cost of running
the program might be prohibitive.

Briefer addedthat there is debate about the effec-
tiveness of the inoculations. "There is about a 10
percent failure rate even with the good vaccine," he
said. Until the mid-1960s, measles inoculations were
fairly unreliable.
NETTIE TOMASELLO, a nurse at University
Hospitals, said there is a small but growing number
of doctors who believe that measles vaccinations
can cause asthma and allergies in children.
Deputy Executive Hospital Director John For-
syth, however, said that this is the first time the
debate has really surfaced.
"It hasn't been an issue in the past, and we are
looking into it right now," he said.
THE STUDY comes on the heels of an outbreak of
measles that affected five area residents, including.
a University Hospitals physician, a University un-
dergraduate, two medical school students, and a
hospital technician.
Shope said the origin of the outbreak is still
unknown, and that officials are investigating the
He suggested that the victims may have contrac-
ted the disease from patients in Mott Children's
Hospital, but that the virus originated in another
area of the state.
See 'U', Page 5

MSU prof criticizes
higher ed. report

Analysts: Let innovation
drive U.S. auto, indus try

LANSING - Michigan State
Univesity Prof. T. Harry McKinney'at-
tacked some of the proposals made by
Gov. Blanchard's Commission on the
Future of Higher Education yesterday,
saying they threaten the autonomy of
public colleges and universities.
McKinney told the state Senate Select
Committee on Higher Education that
the commission has taken the stance
Ithat "educational quality can only be
maintained if more decisions about
educational matters are made at the
state level."
McKINNEY WAS referring in par-
ticular to the commission's recommen-
dation that the state define missions of
each public institution and award ap-
propriations for special programs only
if they coincide with those mhissions.

In the past, McKinney said,
"representatives have been relatively
free to approach the governor and the
legislature for funds needed to in-
troduce and support programs viewed
as essential to or consistent with in-
stitutional goals."
Michigan has one of the most decen-
tralized systems of higher education in
the nation, he said, pointing to the
universities' autonomous governing
boards with decided how their schools'
money will be spent.
reference to the constitutional respon-
sibilities of these governing boards," he
added. "Instead, it leaves the im-
pression that these responsibilities can
be ignored if decisions at the state level

Though the U.S. auto industry has
"grown up,'t it is regaining the in-
novative vigor of its past youth.
That's the message James Mc-
Donald, president of General Motors,
brought yesterday to the fifth annual
U.S.-Japanese auto conference.
Jokingly, he asked, "Could 'mature' be
a code-word for 'conservative'? For
'rigid,' 'stodgy,' 'encrusted with
bureacracy?' "
"THAT IS MOST certainly NOT the
way we at General Motors view our-
selves," he said, boasting of the com-
pany's Saturn project, which will com-
bine innovative business, design, and
manufacturing techniques to produce a

new line of compact cars.
"We've been practicing it (en-
trepreneurialism) for some time now,
and it's going to be even more of a way
of life for us in the years ahead."
"Entrepreneurship in a Mature In-
dustry" was the theme of the conferen-
ce, held in Rackham Auditorium, which
featured five guest speakers from the
auto industry, labor unions, and the
academic community.
Rosabeth Kanter, a professor of
sociology and organization and
management at Yale, endorsed en-
trepreneurship within big firms and,
sarcastically, gave the small crowd
some basic "rules for stifling in-
" Be suspicious of new ideas from

below - because they're new and
because they're from below;
" Insist that people who need ap-
proval to act go through many other
levels of the organization first. That
makes it easy to avoid saying no;
" Express criticism freely, withhold
praise, and instill job security.
While McDonald and Kanter praised
internalentrepreneurship as something
new - even touting it as 'intra-
preneurship' - Shoichiro Irimajire,
president of the Honda of America
Manufacturing; said the philosophy has
always been central to policies of
Japanese corporations.
He said Honda's company policy
stresses respect for the individual
See AUTO, Page 5

... stresses entrepreneurialism


Movie mania
DDIE MURPHY, Mel Gibson,. and the howling
face on a Pink Floyd poster seem to be what
E University students want hanging on their walls.

Millions against MS
FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS, students and merchan-
ts in Ann Arbor and 11 other midwestern college towns
will be selling, drinking, and massaging their way to what
may become a concert on Music Television. MTV will
arrange for a concert with a well-known rock star to be held
on the campus which raises the most money per student for

Airband Party-March 7, 8 p.m., East Quad S. Dining
Movie'Night-March 7, 9 p.m., West Quad...
Brown lag Lecture-March 8, noon, Hutchins Hall.
RHA Movie Night-Harold & Maude, March 8, Markley
March 9, Union.
Dance Marathon-March 8-9, Pendleton Room, Union.
Clanv. 1.ffivP nii 0 4AlnhIrhi Amcicm

Eat, sleep, and earn money
W ANTED: MALES between the ages of 30 and 70 who
would like to pick up $100 for drinking and sleeping.
The Sleep Disorder Center at the University of Arkansas for
Medical Sciences wants to study the effects of alcohol con-
sumption on breathing during sleep. Depending on body
size, participants will be given between a trace of booze and
about eight ounces. Speaking for himself-and presum -by




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