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January 13, 1985 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1985-01-13

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The Michigan Daily Sunday, January 13, 1985 Page 5
Pianist Ashkenazy returns to Hill
collection of prizes in competitions in- great abundance, are no less im- Chopin we will hear The Ballade No. 4,
cluding the first prize at The Queen pressive. He has covered all the con- Impromptu No. 3 and the Scherzo No. 4
By Neil Galan ter Elizabeth Competition in Brussels in certi of Beethoven, Rachmaninoff, Bar- in E Major. The Corelli Variations are
1956. This victory is actually what tok and Prokofiev, as well as all 32 heard in concert much less frequently
Once again here in Ann Arbor, we will brought him to immediate attention in Beethoven Piano Sonatas, and presen- than many of Rachmaninoff's other
have the chance to hear one of today's the music world and he has not suffered tly he is well into his project of recr- piano works, and the Chopin group that
top leading classical musicians. The or been the result of any neglect in dialh e pin wrs of Chi Ashkenazy will perform is also made up
Russian born pianist Vladimir musical circles since then. theseactivities keeping him constantly of lesser played masterpieces. This
Ashkenazy will present a piano recital Recently, in addition to his active buse it is hard to imagine how he should make the concert
at Hill Auditorium on Tuesday evening piano solo career. Ashkenazy has found busy, i shr oiaiehwh hud mk h ocr
ThecocetHill fems are g room to add conducting to his long list of balances and budgets his time so well, even more exciting and worth-
at 8:30 p.m. The concert will feature accomplishments. While on tour he has But, he does it, and does do it well, while, although it really does not need
works both by Chopin and Rach- worked most closely with The Philhar- because he is one of the most well roun- much plugging, because any
maninoff. monia Orchestra of London, conducting ded and well versed musicians around Ashkenazy experience is time well
Ashkenazy has been a major fixture many concerts with them both in Lon- today. In addition to his great success spent.
onanist sinea ienon fcert sien thea don and in other European cities as well as a pianist and conductor he is also a The very few tickets that are left may
Second International Tchaikovsky as Japan. With the orchestra, he has be purchased at Burton Tower, in the
Y happy family man, married, with five office of the University Musical Society
Competition in his native Moscow in also released a series of many fine children. The Ashkenazy's now live in durg ni ersines hor of
1962. Since then, he has gone on to recordings which inlude the major Luzern, Switzerland, but after Mr. 9:00 - 4:30. Student Rush tickets which
make a countless number of tours, per- symphonies of Tchaikovsky, Sibelius Ashkenazy left the Soviet Union in 1963, are priced at $5, will be available on the
forming in all the great musical centers and Beethoven, and combining his he spent time living in London and then day of the concert from 4:00-4:30 p.m.
of the world. Ashkenazy began his skills as pianist and conductor they in Reykjavik, Iceland, where he met at the Hill Auditorium box office. For
studies at the piano at a very young age have also recorded several of the and married his wife. more information on ticket availability
and studied at Moscow's Central Music Mozart Piano Concerti with Ashkenazy The concert at Hill Auditorium on and prices, interested parties may call
School with Anaida Sumbatian, one of as soloist, conducting from the Tuesday will include: Rachmaninoff's The University Musical Society at 665-
Vladimir Ashkenazy, no slouch at a grand piano, will be returning to Hill Russia's leading piano pedagogues. keyboard. Variations on a Theme by Corelli and 3717.
Auditorium Tuesday night. While he was still in his teens, he won a His piano recordings, which are in Six Etudes-Tableaux from Opus 39. By

Code of Honor-Beware The
Savage Jaw Subterranean
Code of Honor's newest record,
Beware the Savage Jaw, convincingly
expands the group's hitherto more
thrash-skate-punk appeal.
Remarkably, in this attempt to reach
out to a wider audience, this San Fran-
cisco band manages to stick to its anar-
chistic political guns.
"Not If I Can Help It" is the album's
most powerful song. It capitalizes on a
power-packed Led Zeppelin-like
opening, proceeds with a Byrds-soun-
ding multi-guitar style, and through
rapid and consistent tempo transitions,
it finally works itself out into a more or
less rock and roll jam. And Code of
Honor's message of personal freedom
remains intact throughout.
Code of Honor is closely linked with
another Bay area band, the now defunct.
Sick Pleasure. Not only did these twin
bands snare an LP in '82, they also
shared three-quarters of their person-
nel on that record-guitarist Michael
Fox, bassist Dave Chavez, and drum-
mer Sal Paradise being the majority
faction from the two groups. (That dual
LP represents one shizophrenic
group-my copy of the LP has the
labels reversed. Truly a bewilderment
for me until the 2nd or 3rd time that I
listened to it).

Disney classic remains warm and magical

The best work on that back-to-back
LP was the Code's "Attempted Con-
trol". Jonithin Christ, lead
singer/songwriter of the group exudes
a firm yet passionate voice. Backed by
relentless bass and guitar work, enhan-
ced with appropriate "treatments",
lead and background vocals taunt each
other again and again. Outta nowhere
"Attempted Control" surprises with the
line California is our Home (you
know this group loves Madness's "Our
House") sung in the nicest family-next-
door voices imaginable.
The best material on Beware the
Savage Jaw continues in the group's
tradition of power and exploration.
While it is not surprising that hardcore
bands are finally beginning to sound
different from each other, it's shocking
at first to hear Henry Rollins reading
poetry, the Minutemen devoting whole
tracks to classical guitar, and Code of
Honor opening side 1 with a grand or-
chestral sweep.
On some songs Jonithin literally
wails away. Some songs clearly seem
Pink Floyd inspired. Still others are
like Buffalo Springfield meets Wire.
"This Day" is another of the album's
highlights, complete with raunchy fuzz
guitar phase shifting.
Code of Honor gives everything a
chance. Beware the Savage Jaw is
almost a child's version of Crass. It's a
nice album. -Jeff Yenchek

Books -
Satisfaction-The Rolling
Stones Photographs of Gered
-Gered Mankowitz (St. Mar-
tin's Press)
A book of only marginal interest to
Stones archivists and obsessive fans.
Gered Mankowitz is a London
photographer who, when he was only 18
years old in 1965, lucked into an
assignment shooting Stones album
cover December's Children and then
subsequently their breakthrough tour
of the States later that year.
The bulk of the photos are actually
pretty uninteresting, grainy (because
they wouldn't let Mankowitz use a
flash) and rather static, and are laid
out in a boring yearbook style format

ByByronL. Bull
The term magical gets tagged onto a
lot of films these days, but Disney
Studio's Pinnocchio, at forty five years
old, has perhaps the strongest claim to
that label as any film of recent
memory. The older it gets, the richer
its nostalgic glow. More so than any
other Disney feature, even Fantasia,
Pinnocchio is the prototypical Disney
product, an art by committee project
(over a dozen writers and directors put
their talents into it) that still manages
to exude genuine heart and sentimen-
tality by the bushel.
With a balanced blend of almost
surreal fantasy, slapstick, and
unabashed sentimentality, this is most
obvious formulated Disney concoction,
down to its predictable narrative,
streamlined to the bone, with all the
emphasis on visual and aural em-
For all its factory efficiency though,
and Disney Studios was nothing if not a
model factory, the end result is, for all
its contrived sentiment, still woun-
drously enchanting, due to Walt
Disney's innate sense of showmanship
and storytelling.
Inspired loosely on the classic tale by
Collodi (a work that is actually oddly
convoluted and gratuitously grisly), the
elements are refashioned in the classic
Disney form, an inherently good but
naive protagonist (parentless, of cour-
se), raging behemouths for villains,
and a death/resurrection climax
carefully calculated to tinkle ones heart
The character designs, their whim-
sical visualizations and vocal charac-
terizations, particularly in the
diminutive straight man Jiminy
Cricket and the monstrously bloated
heavy Stromboli, are among the most
memorable Disney characters.
In an obsessive desire to top the suc-
cess of his first feature Snow White,
Disney spared no expense and poured
all of burgeoning studio's resources into
Pinocchio, taxing his staff to the limit in
search of ultimate perfection. The
result is his triumph, Disney's
breakthrough film whose unique style
and technical innovations set the studio
far beyond its contemporaries.
The lush detailing and texture (the
F, , I
SUN. 1:00, 3:00, 8:30
MON., TUES. 8:30

studio used over one million cells pain-
stakingly colored and shaded in over
fifteen hundred shades) make the film
much more like a painting come to life,
instead of the usually flat coloring book
look endemic of animated films.
The imaginative use of Disney's then
newly invented multiplane animation
stand gave the backgrounds a startling
sense of depth. As production costs

rose, and made such lavish ex-
travagances become prohibitively ex-
pensive, Disney began to take short
cuts and tried to compensate with
gimmicks, like 70 mm, but he could
never top this. Anything the studio has
done since, particularly within the last
twenty years, pales pitifully by com-
parison. Pinocchio is a vintage wine
that only gets better with age.

The Good Fairy appears on the scene to save Pinocchio from crass exploitation at the hands of the insidious Stromboli.
The ultimate gem of Walt Disney's productions, Pinocchio is currently running at the Wayside Theatre.

Photography Classes
Rental Darkroom
663- 7867

that gets a little stifling after a few
pages. And since Mankowitz was too
sloppy to bother keeping notes of where
he was shooting photos (he claims he
often didn't even know what city he was
in), the photos have little historical
Of the lot, there are few curios of
passing interest, one of small town con-
cert that was canceled part way
through when the local sheriff jumped
up on stage and literally pulled the plug
(because the girls in the audience were
getting out of hand).
This is the sort of purely crass com-
mercial publishing venture that will
doubtless end up on the sale table
within a year, a book not worthy of
more than a cursory glance.
Byron L. Bull

to: All women interested in the
D Phi E Club

The membership and
goals of the D Phi E Club
remain the same, but, for
historical reasons, we are
changing our name to
AD ELPH I, and we
invite you to get
acquainted now...
Sunday, January 13
1 PM-3PM
Pendleton Room
The Union
Monday, January 14
Henderson Room
The League

All of us are looking
forward to meeting you!
Denise Albert
Michelle Azimov
Julia Barron
Marci Bernstein
Ellen Brazen
Felissa Burns
Stacey Coleman
Jill Cowan
Hilary Diamond
Antoinette Fleis
Rena Glaser
Rachel Goldman
Gail Goldshein
Leslie Joseph
Pam Kane
Janice Kramer
Kathi Kreske

-Course books
-Technical references
- Drafting materials
-Calculators & Computers
341 E. Liberty at Division
Open 7 days a week. 769-7940
North Campus Commons
Open 6 days a week. 994-9012


SUN. 3:10, 5:00, 6:50, 10:30
MON. 6:50,10:30; TUES. 5, 6:50,10:30


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