Dole faces sensitive Social WASHINGTON (AP) Majority Leader Bob Dole day Republicans are look to reduce Social Security creases without sending Americans below the pove : Dole (R-Kan.) sa Republicans are willing front" in tackling the po sitive issue. As a result, he become political "cannon fi Without commiting his p Social Security as a defi mueasure, Dole said if Jagree to such a move, it w with cooperation from Der "WE DON'T want to wa trap," he said, rec Security issue - Senate Republicans tried to tinker with the in- said yester- flation increase in 1982 and found them- ing for ways selves blasted by Democrats in that inflation in- year's election campaign. millions of Dole, in an interview with wire ser- rty level. vice reporters, said he was sensitive to id Senate studies showing that a freeze on Social litically sen- Security cost-of-living increases would said, he may send many elderly Americans below fodder." the poverty line. The Michigan Daily - Sunday, January 13, 1985 - Page 3 - Kennedy attacks racial progress in South Africa arty to using cit reduction Republicans Nould only be nocrats. 1k into a bear alling that A study released Thursday by an economic forecasting firm showed that a one-year freeze of such increases would result in 500,000 older Americans, mainly elderly women, being pushed below the poverty line in 1986. Dole ... trying to cut Social Security costs Casablanca showing draws Bogart fans JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP) - Sen. Edward Kennedy said yesterday he encountered "the grossest inhumanity of man to man" in South Africa, and that anti-Americanism was growing because of perceived U.S. sup- port for apartheid. Flying back from South-West Africa, where he had pledged for an end to South African rule over the neigh- boring territory, Kennedy told repor- ters he found South Africa's white leaders "unresponsive and unrealistic" on the prospects for race reform. "I DID NOT gather from my conver- sations with government officials that they were committed to meaningful progress on the basic issues of citizen- ship, voting, and human rights for blacks," Kennedy said. The Massachusetts Democrat has met three Cabinet ministers and many anti-apartheid campaigners. He ends his nine-day stay today with a speech in Soweto, Johannesburg's huge black township. His visit has been marked by hostile exchanges with white officials and a warm welcome from most black activists. Kennedy said he hoped to announce measures soon which he wants Congress to adopt on South Africa. Much speculation has focused on whether he will endorse the growing U.S. disinvestment campaign or propose milder legislation. DISINVESTMENT IS a policy of withdrawing investments from com- panies that operate in South Africa. Its aim is to put economic pressure on the companies and the apartheid gover- nment. Kennedy said he encountered "A siege mentality" among white officials and a dramatic increase in polarization between blacks and whites since his brother, the late Sen. Robert Kennedy, visited here in 1966. He told reporters that "those like the U.S. Ambassador," Herman Nickel, who speak out against disinvestment may get applause from white businessmen, but they "do not realize the depth and sense of passion and restlessness" among blacks. Nickel told a luncheon Tuesday disin- vestment was the wrong way to oppose race segregation, but that President Reagan is committed to encouraging reform. (Continued from Page 1) the theatre wearing a double breasted B ogart-style trenchcoat, a low- rimmed hat, baggy pants, a scarf, and, of course, a cigarette in the corner of his mouth. KELLEY SAID he'd seen Casablanca "a couple of dozen times." To prove this, he began to recite the entire air- Sex stigmas hurt women port scene. "You've got to get on that plane. Do it now. If you don't, you'll regret it. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon, and for the rest of your life," Kelley said, imitating Bogart. Other diehard fans like Inteflex student Robert Levine noted that Bogart never actually said "Play it again, Sam." "He says, 'Play it, play it. You played it for her, play it for me. Play it, Levine said. Kennedy ...attacks South African whites Kennedy cited a growing refusal by black leaders in South Africa "to iden- tify with anything associated with the South African government or the United States." The senator said this feeling was subtle but more pervasive than the occasional Black Con- sciousness protests against his visit. (Continued from Page 1) because it's very chaotic right now." She said women were looking back to Da simpler time with clearer roles and expectations. Hite, author of the "Hite Reports" on human sexuality, said society must eliminate this double standard to prevent a retreat to the old male and female role models. "Many men assume today that a woman is having sex for pleasure... that both the man and woman got what *they wanted out of the encounter. In fact, most women who go to bed with men even today are doing so in an emotional context, not just to gain a moment's physical pleasure." Hite said women's disappointment in their relationships with men who see sex as a strictly physical affair is pushing women into conservative movements, such as anti-Equal Rights Amendment and other organizations that support the conservatism em- bodied by President Reagan. "WHAT KIND of world do we want? Should we urge that women be freer or that men have sex only when they are emotionally involved? Perhaps it is the definition of masculinity we should seek to change," she said. "But whatever we decide about the sexual revolution, whether we would want both sexes to be sexually free with nO' negative judgements, or whether we would like both to become less sexually preoccupied and more chaste, it is the double standard that is wrong and must be eradicated," she said. The double standard, she explained, is that men can have multiple sexual relationships and women can't without bringing upon themselves society's censure, and society must find a middle ground. Hite said she thinks there is a third alternative: reducing the pressure and the expectation of men to have sex with many partners to prove their masculinity and at the same time give women greater respect. Become a Daily photographer- Get into concerts for free, Go backstage and meet the stars, Stand on the sidelines at U of M football games, Impress members of the opposite sex (or the same sex, if you prefer). HAPPENINGS Sunday r Highlight The women's basketball team battles Purdue University at 2 p.m. in Crisler Arena. Films Alt. Act.-Swept Away, 7 & 9:15 p.m., Nat. Sci. Aud. Cinema Guild-The Old Curiosity Shop, 7 & 8:45 p.m., Angell Aud. A. Michigan-Watership Down, 1:30, 4 & 7 p.m., Michigan Theater. Mediatrics-Yellow Submarine, 7 p.m., Let It Be, 8:30 p.m., MLB 4. U-Club-The Pink Panther Strikes Again, 7:10 p.m., Union. Performances School of Music-Horn Students Recital, 8 p.m., School of Music Recital Hall. Meetings Woman's Issues Committee of MSA-6:30 p.m, Rm. 3909, Union. Miscellaneous His House Christian Fellowship-Dinner, 6:30 p.m., Bible Study, 7 p.m., 925 E. Ann Street. Nectarine Ballroom-"Star Tracking", 9 p.m., 510 E. Liberty Street. Intramural Ice Hockey-sign-ups due at IMSB by Jan. 16. Monday Highlight UAC is having a mass meeting and audition sign-ups for the Winter '85 production of Pippin. The meeting will be in the Anderson Room in the Union at 7 p.m. Speakers Near Eastern & North African Studies-John Green, "Post-Revolutionary Iranian Postal Art", noon, Lane Hall Commons Room. Chemistry-Seymour Newman, "Recent Developments in Sheet Molding Compounding Technology", Rm. 3005, 4 p.m.; Debra Bergstrom, "Band Theory of Extended Linear Chains: Four Systems", Rm. 1200, 4 p.m., Chemistry Building. B'nai B'rith Hillel-Jeff Last, "The Psychological Space Religious Ex- perience", 7:30 p.m., 1429 Hill Street. Statistics-Gordon Simons, "Sequential Medical Trials", 4 p.m., 1407 Mason Hall. Meetings Asian American Association-6:30 p.m., Trotter House. Turner Geriatric Clinic-10 a.m., 1010 Wall Street. Christian Science Organization-7 :30 p.m., Michigan League. Miscellaneous Enineering-Intro to CAEN & Macintosh, 7 p.m., Chrysler Center Aud. Portfolio Review: Sunday, January 13th, 1985 Bring prints, published works.