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February 20, 1985 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-02-20

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Women's Basketball
vs. Michigan State
Friday, 7:30 p.m.
Crisler Arena


vs. Western Michigan
Friday, 7:30 p.m.
Yost jce Arena

The Michigan Daily

Wednesday, February 20, 1985

Page $

Polo players take plunge



By Barb McQuade

We all know horses can't swim, or even
tread water for that matter, but how
many people really know what water
polo is?
A bunch of Michigan students knew
well enough to earn themselves a
second place finish in the Big Ten
championships last fall. But just what
is water polo? "It's a combination of
basketball, soccer and hockey," said
team member Scott Steiner, a junior,
who also coaches Huron High School's
team in the fall.
THE GAME itself is divided into four
seven minute periods with a running
clock. "You end, up swimming about
five to seven miles in a game, it's about
20 miles jogging, easily," said Steiner.
Each team has seven men, including a
goalie, who is the only player allowed to
touch the ball with two hands.
If you think that a ball is thrown into a
pool and 14 guys go haywire for 28
minutes you're partially correct. "If
you got a camera underwater you'd see
a lot of pushing, shoving, and
fighting...it's really physical," said
sophomore Bill King. But this game,
like most, has a lot of room for strategy.
The offense, very much like hockey,
revolves around getting an advantage
in manpower. This is achieved by get-
ting three consecutive fouls on a player,
who is "kicked out" for 35 seconds,
which Steiner says, "almost always en-
ds up in goals."
FOR MOST of these guys the strategy
is second to the idea of spreading the
popularity of the sport. "Our number
one priority is to teach people how to
play," said co-captain Scott Cot-
tingham, "When we get to a tour-
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nament we're out to win but we're not
really scrooges about giving pedple
time. We don't say, 'you're no
good-you sit on the bench."'
Don't be misled. The team practices
three days a week all through the win-
ter, five times weekly in the fall and the
results are documented. "Our season
never ends," said co-captain Mike Hsi.
Unlike other sports where practice is
viewed as little more than a chore the
players look forward to the afternoon
workout. "It's an outlet from going to
class all day. Instead of going to the
library you come here," said Steiner.
"It's really physical. That's probably
a big reason why I play."
KING PUT it more candidly, "You
get pissed-off all day, you got to get it
out of your system."
As with most club sports there is a
cry for cash. "We definitely need more
money," said Cottingham. "On road
trips we drive our own cars we use our
own budget ($850) for gas."
Steiner takes a different approach to
the situation, though. "Since it's a club
sport, when we go on the road it's a lot
of fun," he said.
Surprisingly, the players claim that
you don't have to be a great swimmer to
play this sport. "I know a lot of great
swimmers who can't play water polo
and a lot of water polo players who
wouldn't make good swimmers. The
two don't go hand in hand," said Hsi.
So you've got some time or just want
to get in shape? Do as Steiner invited,
"Come on down."
But beware as Cottingham warned,
"It doesn't help on a resume for law
school or medical school."


No more oiecial trouble.. .
...if only the refs were double
A FTER VOLUMINOUS incidents of cheap shots and retaliation and an
altercation that halted play for nearly 15 minutes in last weekend's
hockey series between Michigan and Ohio State, it's apparent that of-
ficiating in the CCHA leaves something to be desired.
The referees handed out 108 penalty minutes in the two games, but never
seemed to have control in either contest.
"(They) called some pretty picky things, some interference and hooking
calls that could be called any time you drop the puck," said Ohio State head
coach Jerry Welsh, "and they didn't call some blatant things that were
going on."
Part of the problem is the league's new system of one referee and two
linesmen per game. In past seasons the officiating crew was composed of
two refs and one linesmen. With only one set of eyes judging the difference
between clean, aggressive checking and due cause for a trip to the sin bin,
the CCHA is finding more and more chippy play going on on the ice.
"One of the reasons it was put into effect was to increase the consistency of
the calls by just having one person make the calls," said league com-
missioner Jim Ruehl.
"With the same man calling the game all night long it's easier for the
players to determine the style of the game," said Miami University head,
coach Steve Cady. "Each official may be a little off. One may call a real
tight game and the other may let you play."
Perhaps the new system has quelled the discrepancies that can occur with
two officials making the calls, but only at the expense of obtrusive violations
behind the referee's back.
That's exactly what went on last weekend in Columbus. What started as a
physical game became an exchange of smacks, slaps and shoves,
reminiscent of hitting your little brother when mom's not looking.
"We got tackled twice in front of the net with no penalties called," said
Welsh. "I'm not saying he calls Ohio State penalties and lets Michigan's go.
I'm not so blind that I can't see what we're getting away with."
"It's impossible for one man to keep up with the game," said Cady. "A
number of calls are missed during the course of the game because of the one-
man system. It's not the fault of the referee, it's the system itself."
Because of a gag rule in the CCHA that forbids referees or linesmen to talk
to the media, Ruehl was the lone league representative reached for com-
ment. The commissioner admitted that the system has its drawbacks.
"It's virtually impossible for one referee to see everything that's going on
on the ice, particularly those things that go on behind the play."
Michigan bead coach Red Berenson, who spent 22 years in the NHL as a
player and coach before becoming the Wolverine head man this season,
sees the problem not in the system, which is used in the NHL, but in the of-
ficials themselves.
"I don't think it's the one referee. It's harder to get two good referees than
it is to find one," said Berenson. "They lose control of the game, and I don't
think they realize the leeway they have. I think they're trying to let the
teams play hockey but they're allowing too much to go on.
"I don't think it's the officials, per se , as much as it is them knowing
what they should be doing to control a game."
Berenson pointed out that blatant highsticking and the wearing of face
masks are at the root of the problem.
"The face mask is here to stay," the Michigan mentor said. "It's like
giving you a policem'an's badge and all of a sudden you completely change
your personality because of that badge. The same thing in hockey is giving
someone a face mask.
"(Players) do things they normally wouldn't do because they normally
would be retaliated on. Someone would punch them in the nose," Berenson
said. "But now they're not worried about that. The face has always been
sacred in hockey. Now it's not."
But while the face mask is at the root, the violence that stems from it can
only be controlled by an efficient officiating team.
It's hard to disagree with Cady who said, "One man can't be looking at 200
by 85 and see everything that's going on. There's no way you can say that one
man can see as much as two."




Neil Quinn holds the ball high overhead during a recent water polo practice.
The first year graduate student, like many of his teammates, enjoys water
polo as an outlet from classes.

player of
the week

Senior goaltender Mark Chiamp,
whose 76 saves last weekend at Colum-
bus against Ohio State helped -the
Wolverines sweep a two game series,
has been named CCHA player of the
"It (the award) was kind of a bonus,"
said Chiamp. "This is the first time I've
been on a team that won two games in a
row on the road.
"THEY HAD a lot of shots, but no
third and fourth rebounds. I could see
almost all of the shots, and there
weren't any clear breakaways."
Chiamp, who had been splitting time

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with fellow netminders Jon Elliott and
Tim Makris, has assumed a full-time
starting role for the past three weeken-
ds, and credits that change for im-
proving his play.
"Coach (Red Berenson) always said
he's wanted to go with one goalie, but
none of us were really hot," said the
East Detroit native. "Once you get in
that groove you really get a lot of con-
The sweep over Ohio State was the
first road sweep for the Wolverines in
conference- play since the 1981-82
season, and clinched seventh place for
the playoff-bound Wolverines.
Craig named
Tiger scout
DETROIT (AP ( - The Detroit Tigers
have signed former pitching coach
Roger Craig to scout the National
League and to work as a special minor
league instructor.
Bill Lajoie, general manager of the
defending World Series champions,
said yesterday that Craig will scout the
NL out of his home in San Diego.
Craig will also spend a few weeks
with pitchers at the .Tigers' Triple-A
farm club at Nashville early in the
season and again in June, Lajoie said.
The 54-year-old Craig, who was
Manager Sparky Anderson's chief
'assistant and confidant, retired after
the 1984 season, saying he wanted to
quit traveling and devote more time to
his family and his 40-acre California
U nderthe guidance of Craig - whose
favorite pitch is the split-fingered fast-
ball - the Detroit pitching staff was the
best in the AL with a 3.49 earned run
average in 1984.



AP Top Twenty

1. St. John's (59)........... 22-1
2. Georgetown (1)..........23-2
3. MICHIGAN.............20-3
4. Memphis State..........20-2
5. Oklahoma ..............21-4
6. Duke................. 18-4
7. Syracuse.............19-4
8. Georgia Tech............18-5
9. Southern Methodist.....20-5
10. Louisiana Tech........ 22-2
11. Nevada Las Vegas.....20-3
12. Tulsa ................. 19-4
13. North Carolina.........19-6
14. Iowa ...,.............. 19-6
15. Kansas ................ 20-6
16. Illinois ............... 20-7
17. Virginia Commonwealth 204
18. Georgia ............... 17-6
19. Oregon State.........18-5
20. Boston College........ 18-6


UPI Top :Twenty
1. St. John's (38)...........22-1585
2. Georgetown (2)..........23-2 560
3. Oklahoma ................ 21-4 422
4. Memphis State..........19-2 421
5. Duke.................. 19-5 399
6. MICHIGAN ............. 20-3 367.
7. Syracuse ................. 19-4 342
8. Southern Methodist........20-5 284
9. Georgia Tech............18-5 249
10. Louisiana Tech ........22-2 199
11. Nevada-Las Vegas...... 19-3 192,
12. Tulsa ................... 19-4 168
13. Kansas.................. 20-6 1084
14. Illinois.................20-7 103
15. North Carolina...........19-6 87
16. Iowa................. 1946 72
17. Oregon State..........18-5 30
18. Virginia Commonwealth. 20-4 23
19. Maryland...............19-9 16
20. (tie) Ala.-Birmingham ..2146 13
20. (tie) Southern Cal........ 16-6 13

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