Ninety-five Years Eof Editorial Freedom P Ltt i jau tti Spring Partly. sunny with a high in the low-mid 30s. Vol. XCV, No. 117 Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 2,1985 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages C Happy New Year greetings, like the Chinese New Year. This is the year of t Chinese By LILY ENG The celebration of Chinese New Year today is a mixed bag of traditional an But a mixed bag might not be a bad de year-old holiday. Today marks the start of a new lung around the world and a time to feast, ex family ties, and wish acquaintances g year is symbolized with animals which year cycle. This is the Year of the Ox. "NEW YEAR is the time when you I friends and relatives," said Ming Hu, who came from China to study at the U :ago. "Wherever you are, you try to c which is hard for me to do." Chinese students on campus - many away from home - have been gatherin Year celebrations. "It is a traditional festival," said Rot representative for the University's Mi vices. "If you still have close cultui celebrate them " Three weeks ago the Free China Stud Si C 6e c one above, will be exchanged today by people celebrating the first day of the he Ox. ring in new year ved up a seven-course Chinese dinner to 400 guests. Traditional dinners feature whole roasted pigs and tiny in the United States dumplings among other Chinese specialities. d current customs. THIS SATURDAY the Chinese Student Union will hold an scription for a 4,683 informal get together for its 200 members. Other Asian groups have celebrated the new year with a ar year for Chinese inix of old and new customs. Earlier this month, the Asian change gifts, renew American Association sponsored a Lunar Moon Festival ood luck. Each new which combined an Asian dinner with a dance and the are rotated in a 12- presentation of seven plays depicting the Asian American lifestyle. Over 125 students attended. try to visit all your "Ultimately, the festival is to celebrate Chinese New a graduate student Year, but we also wanted to recognize our Asian-American niversity two years values," said Linda Sun, a spokesperson for the ome home to visit, association. FOR MANY Asian students at the University, Chinese * thousands of miles traditions are still important, though the history behind g all month for New them is fading away. "I'm a bit Americanized," said Julie Su, an LSA n Armaki, the Asian sophomore and first generation Asian American. "But my nority Student Ser- parents follow many traditions so I like to follow my ral ties you would culture," she added, admitting that she wished she knew more about the new year's meaning.: ent Association ser- See CHINESE, Page 3 Liquor prmotion ban proposed By JERRY MARKON A proposed Liquor Control Commission law that would ban the promotion of alcoholic beverages on college campuses throughout the state has aroused strong opposition from beer distributors and student organizations. The proposed law - which will not affect retail bars and pubs - would forbid beer and wine manufacturers from "promoting, sponsoring, or in any other manner defraying the cost of any activity, event, or contest on a university or college campus in Michigan," according to Walter Keck, the commission's director of licensing and enforcement. IN ADDITION, Keck said, the law's adoption would prevent beer companies from continuing to station marketing representatives on campuses to bring in business, and it would also prevent restaurants with liquor licenses from delivering alochol on campus. Keck called the law a "sign of the times that have swung the pendulum against underage drinking." "The Liquor Control Commission has a real concern with companies directing a substantial marketing effort toward the student population that can't legally drink," Keck said. RECENT tightening of drunk driving laws and prohibition in some states of "two for one" and Happy Hour drink specials have focused national attention on this problem, he added. Alcohol distributors contacted yesterday expressed displeasure with the proposed law. Jim Wanty, vice president and sales manager for O&W, a local distributor for Stroh Brewery Company, thinks that "what's been proposed and what will come out as a law will be two different things." "IN MY OPINION, it would be discriminating against college students over the age of 21," Wanty said. "I have a 32- year-old brother who's in the M.B.A. program here. Does that mean I can't promote to him?" Over 20 percent of O&W's promotions involve fraternity events, fundraisers, and concerts on campus, Wanty said, but he is "sure that we'll find alternative promotions." "If we give in here, it'll never stop," he said, adding that his company plans to send representatives to the public hearing for the new law on April 16. "YOU HATE to lose the opportunity to be involved in a visible community-orientated activity," said Doug Barr, a sales manager at M&M Distributor in East Lansing. "We're not really talking big dollars, since we only sponsor three or four events on the MSU campus a year," he said, but he added that his company is sorry to see the proposal anyway. Even this limited sponsorship is ending, Barr said, since his company has already been told by the 4lichigan License Beverage Association to stay off the MSU campus. "THEY THINK (the new law's) a shoe-in so we have no plans at this point to do anything in the student community," Barr said. Adoption of the new law would prevent fraternities and other student organizations from accepting beer companies as sponsors of events - for some, a longstanding tradition. John Meyers, special events chairman for Alpha Delta Phi, said the law would be a major inconvenience for his frater- nity, which co-sponsors a pep rally with Budweiser beer every year during football season. IN FACT, at least one-third of Alpha Delta Phi's events are sponsored by beer companies, he said, but he still remained confident that the fraternity would find other sponsors. "I'd be real surprised if it passed, but I'm sure we'll find ways to get around it," said a Theta Delta Chi member who See PROPOSAL, Page 3 MSA replaces researcher By AMY MINDELL Members of the Michigan Student Assembly voted unanimously last night to appoint Dave Buchen as students' rights staff member. Buchen will replace LSA senior Lee Winkelman, who resigned from the position then titled "code and budget researcher" last term but had remained through January to finish his duties and to.give the assembly enough time to find a replacement. BUCHEN SAID THE new postion will. require him to inform University students about Winkelman's previous research on the code of non-academic conduct. He said he will also try and in- sure that students have a more meaningful voice in University policy- making. Before yesterday's meeting Winkelman said he gave up his assem- bly post iorder to devote more time to. his honors thesis, "Analyses of a. system of thought of a university ad- ministrator," which is part of his con- centration in sociological and political philosophy. "I enjoyed my position very much, and feel that I have done a lot," said Winkelman. "I will still be around to answer any questions on the budget or on the code." WINKELMAN added that he found Buchner to be a "very competent and See MSA, Page 3 I I Trial sparks bizarre testimon Pt Davis- nromnted Picoz- could not have gottend y dressed, run to By ERIC MATTSON The defendant jumped out of the wit- ness box and pulled on an imaginary pair of pants. He pulled on his boots, laced them up, and dashed to the mid- dle of the courtroom. Wild-eyed, he glanced around, then ran back toward the witness box. ve ers crowd the streets for &Md Gras Twenty-two seconds. Pretty good, Mr. Picozzi," said the prosecuting at- torney.I AT ISSUE IN the intra-University hearing is whether James Picozzi, 25, deliberately set a gasoline fire in his Law Quad dorm room on March 8, 1983. During Picozzi's testimony yesterday in Hutchins Hall, the University's at- Forney,refer VV ,p PLV1PV. .V zi's performance by asking him to re- enact his reaction to the fire. But despite the loose atmosphere, the stakes were high: University officials say the Law School's integrity is on the line, while Picozzi says his entire career is in jeopardy. DAVIS CONTENDED that Picozzi his door where the fire started, and dashed back to his window in less than 45 seconds. He was trying to show that the former law student was dressed and awake when the fire began one morning nearly two years ago. John Schnur, a firefighter who See ARSON, Page 2 . .. . . y. .,.r:J. :."._ :."".'"________.S. . ..... -. " I..J...".."::.: ...."::"": .-i : r..".yt .4":: r. "Y""1 't"."".... {..",7...;: r...::.:'. ta%7Q'r.:+k.''Q+d :: !MSG::ttYl.1r5'vv2 :lrt"_4t+J^.c+.'r,'!":..:: }i:"}Ri:,}:!:t :5:4_: % {!rt:+'rS:{r '" '.K'" : ..' ^r:s34: ::::};:Si:+i.' :2: .ti Gv,.ti wO':{:t. By CHARLES SEWELL Special to the Daily NEW ORLEANS - Parades have filled the streets of New Orleans for three weeks in celebration of the Mardi Gras season, which began officially Jan. 6 with the Twelfth Night Reveler's Ball and built to its climax yesterday, Fat Tuesday. Rowdy revelers - including several University students - who have flocked to this city in the Mississippi delta say that they are part of the world's biggest party. Area residents boast of the special feelings created by the crowds which line the streets. "THIS IS the only city in the United States where you can party like this," said Tommy Weindell, a bartender at the Old Bamboo Lounge in New Orleans's central city. "It's the world's biggest party," said Ed Rasnis, 44, who moved from Missouri to New Orleans 12 years ago. "You feel like you could burn out on Mardi Gras, but once you get down there ... the electricity of the crowd. . . it's a feeling." For Karen Hyman, an LSA senior, the Mardi Gras festivities gave her a chance to "party for four days straight." ANOTHER University senior, Bill Freeman, said he came to the city because he's a "party vulture." But not everyone likes the merrymaking associated with the Carnival, the formal name for the Mardi Gras season. "I don't like anything about it," said Robert Warren, a transplant from San Francisco who works as a busboy at Rick's breakfast shop. "I never like Carnival." See MARDI, Page 3 ......................... - .1 .................... I ............ f1 .1 V." ... JN. .....{7?1J': J..::ti}... :.".S}':":Y":}... J "J}}:'.. .." ".-d..f.": .'. J.:.{;:: Ir Y..".. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .":.:":::"f}}.. . . . ..X.. . ............!J.. . . . ....{J:.' ,v~A . 1} ::x: .1..J "t~.riJ.'}..:}} .Y1 : .1}": : Shapiro} backs{. m edicalt:f?: enrollm ent:". cuts...f.. .: {:Y:: : Y Y::.:: .":::"h:J":r1. By KERY MURAKAMI Special to the Daily LANSING - University President Harold Shapiro testified before the State Sub-Committee on Higher Education yesterday and said he supports recommendations to cut enrollment in dentistry, medicine, and nursing programs in the state's universities and colleges. Under the recommendations made' by the Governor's Commission on the Future of Higher Education last December, the state would cut about $70 million in subsidies for the state's health instruction programs. As a result, there would be a 35 percent cut in the number of physicians, a 55 per- cent cut in the number of dentists, and a 35 percent cut in one and two year nur- sing programs in the state's schools. SHAPIRO thinks the money saved from these cuts would be better used in other areas of education, like financial aid, and the proposed $5 million resear- ch excellence fund. Shapiro said his reasons differ from those given by the state's Office of Health and Medical Affairs (OHM). The office believes the state is producing more of these health professionals than the state needs. President Shapiro instead said that "we can only do a little bit about it. If we were to close all the medical schools in the state, what we'd be doing is creating a vacuum that'll be filled up by physicians from other states and other countries. SHAPIRO admitted that by cutting enrollment and tightening licensing restrictions, the state could cut the number of physicians, and dentists in See SHAPIRO, Page 2 Supergiri Associated Press Professional stunt woman Leslie Munro leaps from a window ledge in Toron- to onto an airbag in a recent filming of the ABC-TV movie, Letting Go. The Toronto Fire Department and the smoke were included in the scene to make the stunt appear more realistic. TODAY Mickey Mouse in China ONALD DUCK would be mortified, but Mickey Mouse came to China yesterday to see the Great Wall and have a sumptuous feast of -Peking ,ii.d.i. nn of he vans in Mickev'sentourage ds, all that." The Chinese know Mickey Mouse, whose name in Chinese means "beautiful rat," from. cartoons on television. The identity of the person playing the role of Mickey is being kept secret, but the mouse will leave today for Hong Kong and Singapore, and then to Europe before returning to Disneyland. Doonesbury controversy genuine pictorial interest in their papers," he said. Trudeau, through his Universal Press Syndicate, has required that newspapers buying his comic strip not publish it an any size smaller than about 7 inches. "Many great strips, like 'Steve Canyon' and 'Li'l Abner,' were eventually reduced to talking heads," he said. "Morewand more readers, especially older ones, began voicing com- plaints that they could no longer read the comics." Some editors claim Trudeau's size mandate conpromises their critters. Others recommend she sprinkle mothball crystals around her house. The mayor's also got opossum recipes, opossum valentines, and an economic proposal for selling opossum-skin coats. Someone even deposited a dead opossum on the mayor's doorstep. But so far the pouched mammals, which resemble large rats, show no sign of leaving Toledo. They even have their supporters. When the ma or showed up for a TV interview this week to talk about the problem, opossum supporters chanted, "Up with i i 1