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February 17, 1985 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-02-17

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Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom

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Sunny with a chance of flurries
and a high near 30.

Vol. XCV, No. 115 Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, February 17, 1985 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages
Drivers ecu os
~ Bue c ughs,
may be
forced to choke
buckle up
By RITA GIRARDI M' soqueaks by Gophers, 66-64
Motorists in Michigan could soon be 5I
M t rssi Mi hg nc ud s o berequired to buckle up when they drive if°".
the state House passes a mandatory By JEFF BERGIDA Grant dribbled past two Minnesota miss with a rebound bank shot.
seat belt bill Tuesday. Special to the Daily defenders and went up as if to shoot. Rellford, who contributed 11 points,
sThoug b a smilsay attmpWith the defense frozen, Grant passed was fouled by Gopher center John
Thrthe legislation has already made MINNEAPOLIS - It's supposed to be off to a free Wade right under the Shasky and his free throw cut the
year, i the gsatiSnae yhealthy for a highly ranked team like basket. margin to four.
SUPPORTERS of the bill say the law Michigan to get a scare from a lesser- "I WAS GOING to fire it up but Butch One minute later, Minnesota had ex-
coul sae thusads o lies wileop-regarded squad. A little tension can was wide open underneath," said tended the gap to 59-54 but Grant hit
could save thousands of lives, while op-
ponents charge that such a statute is a convince the players that they can't Grant, who had twelve points in the Rellford on the break and with 4:50
.o . . e. just walk out on the court and expect to game. remaining, the lead was three.
violation of civil liberties. o u anwin. "At halftime, he (Grant) told me SHASKY WAS fouled by Wade on the
"Wy o ou as hays a But what the Wolverines received that he was going to do that - dribble Gophers' next possession and made one
nually on our nation s highways as we yesterday before 15,162 ear-shattering just to the gap and pass it off," Wade of two, but coming through in the clutch
did in 10 years inVietnam,' said Meg fans in Williams Arena was more than a said. "But at that instant, I thought he for the umpteenth time, Antoine
Wiviott, a research associate at the
Uivity a n esearch hsmall scare. Trailing by seven points was going to shoot it." Joubert hit a jumper in traffic to pull
University's Transportation Researchwith 6:26 remaining, Michigan had to The Gophers had time for one last Michigan within a basket.
InstiouteUmtesU come back feverishly to defeat Min- play but Marc Wilson's wild attempt After Minnesota's Tommy Davis,
Wiviott estimates that wearing a nesota, 66-64, on a Butch Wade lay-in from eight feet was well off the mark. who led his team with 17 points, hit tWo
harness-type seat belt can improve a with 19 seconds left on the clock. "WE GAVE IT our all but we just free throws, Michigan's Robert Hen-
persons crha b3 o ercn n*THE VICTORY extended the third- came up short," said Wilson, who derson pulled off what turned out to be a
automobile crash by 30 to 50 percent. JO rated Wolverines' winning streak to 11 finished with 16 points. "We had them huge play. The 6-9 forward grabbed a
"IT'S VERY clear that seat belts do and raised their record to 20-3 overall, on the ropes. We were playing so hard." strong offensive rebound and was
reduce the risk of injury. . . and the ex- Associated P 11-2 in the Big Ten. The final comeback began with the fouled by Minnesota's George
ten ofinjry, Wiiot sid.Thee socitPress Michigan State's 57-55 win over Iowa Gophers up, 54-47, with the crowd going Williams, who had to be removed from
were 1,417 deaths and 130,061 disabling Minnesota's Marc Wilson swats the ball away from the grip of forward Rob extended the Wolverines' conference nuts. Minnesota guard Todd Alexander the game with five personals.
injuries in Michigan due to car acciden- Henderson during yesterday's game. Although Henderson failed to gather in lead to two-and-a-half games. missed an easy layup which would have Henderson, who made both pressure
this rebound, his seven boards enabled Michigan to overcome a seven point The game-winner came with five put his club up by nine. On the other
See MICHIGAN, Page 3 deficit and slip by Minnesota, 66-64. ticks left on the 45 second clock. Gary end, Rich Rellford followed a Grant See GOPHERS, Page 8
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By SEAN JACKSON tle attention to how that knowledge has been based industries. According to University officials, however,
time baulsdre ha, aln pne have led to its creation," the report said. colleges to give students the freedom to choose dangerous to the University.
R c e a e d n d w h a m th o s n d sty e f i q u ry g o w n g tu e n t b oytosda yc d as thstu d e nstse e n e d byree remo rere n o T
pirofessionaly oriented and les well pared hough University officials say mnany of the their courses from a vast selection. The studen- The basic curriculum proposed by the study.
thnsuet ftelte17sadarpr byprollems the report examines aren't prevalent ts' choices may not always parallel the courses cal o orssi oia thinking liteay
tha stdens f te lte 97s, aida rpot b heeLSA Dean for Long Range Planning, Jack which the colleges want to stress.al o ore n oianeay
*The rporit, "InAegrityn in Colles ec igt, sin mhy oa poin" th eoti More recently, financial strains have forced numerical data, historical consciousness,
The epot, Intgriy in Colegeexatlyrigh, i myopiion" . academic officials to worry more about fun- science, philosophy, the arts, and in-depth
Curiclu,"whchwa isud hi pstwek, The cause of the crisis, the report said, is ding than the quality of education. - study.
c r iti iz e scites curricula lacking minimum both current and historical. The historical MEILAND SAID the current LSA
requirements and colleges that do not teach basis of the problem is a result of more than 100 THE ANSWERS to the problems of the distribution appears to fulfill many of these
their students how to learn as some of the years of specialization by career scholars who esteem of the bachelor's degree can be recommnendations.
0 major problems facing the country's higher have narrowed their field of study at the cost of regained the report says by creating a "Who thinks about the course of study, as it is
R CCeducation system. a more general education. "minimum required curriculum," improving experienced by students, who reviews and
c u r r c u la"THE PROBLEM with American college A MORE recent problem plaguing college the quality of teaching, regaining control of the justifies and rationalizes the academic
curriculum is not that it has failed to offer up curriculum is the demand for hi-tech graduates college curriculum, and teaching students how program," the report asks. The University an-
knowledge. The problem is that it offers too lit- to satisfy the growing number of scientific- to learn. See DEGREE, Page
-Chemistry Prof helps -~n,." tamn prices
potential 'scholars' o*t
By MARLA GOLD "There are still the very outstandinig in1RcreaRse
Models of multi-colored molecules students, not in terms of grades, but in
swing on strinigs hanging from the terms of quest for knowledge," he says.
ceiling. Other models sit on the window These are the students who make his
ledge.A huge, wooden desk is littered teaching worthhie.c tte vr
with staks of ppers. "y est xerlietneradtthe nvrst-2 2cnsoa
"This is my filing system," says udents and high school students who
really want to have an impact with a
given scholarly endeavor," he says. ~.~'~B I OE nytocns
P ro ii e EVANS IS one of only 17 black wit wire reorts nywocns
professors at the University. When he w.hwr rprs"IT'S RIDICULOUS," said LSA senior
was hired in 1970, there were far fewer The cost of mailing a letter in the A gl igl T ocnsd entse
Chemistry Prof. Billy Jo Evans, black professors, University officials United States rises today from 20 to 22 like a lot at first, but it adds up,
waving his hand over his office desk say, though there are no records on the cents, the first increase in 3 years.escily fr sdns. I'
and he eatstaks f cass andout, eactnumer.Virtually all classes of mail increase aggravating to have to go get two cent
research notes, and materials for "For the first four or five years that I in price by an amount similar to the 13 stamps."
students he is counseling, was here, I didn't have a lot of contact percent increase in first-class rates.
EVANS SITS down and quickly set- with minority students," he explains. .-Postcards rise from 13 cents to 14 cents LSA freshperson Julie Slakter o
tles into the role of a straightforward, "In geology," Evans' first teaching and sending a package by parcel post she, too was annoyed that she will have
thoughtful educator - one who devotes position, "there were no minority increases 11.4 percent. Overall, rates to buy two cent stamps in order to use
a great deal of time to guiding students student undergraduate majors, and increase by about 9 percent. the remainder of her 20-cent stamps.

in their scholarly work.there were no minority graduate
Evans exemplies the scholarly student majors, and I did my research, THE PRICE boost will provide the Mira 'Radakovich, manager of
philosophy he respects so much. With went to meetings, and I didn't worry " jPostal Service with $1.8 billion in in- "uround"nby sai busine ae
his hands clasped under his chin, he about other thngs, he says. ~ creased revenues, which will allow it to "trappe the potage hikes,
pauses before speaking, searching for I had to secure myself," he adds, operate at least on a break-even basis mailing which cannot be cut back.
the precise words. And he stares direc- before he could focus his interests on after it lost $496 million in the last half Completed credit card forms must be
tly at the person to whom he is talking. others. of the last fiscal year, postal officials mailed to the credit agencies at the end
BUTyear,9postalnoiciasdmailed toithetcredittagenciestatbthedend
Evans says he is disappointed with BUT IN 1981 Evans founded the said at a meeting of its board in of every business day, for example.
the trend in today's students, who he Program in Scholarly Research for Ur- December.
sees as "more concerned with ban/Minority High School Students, in Another manager, Lisa Weiss of
satisfying prerequisites and entrance which Detroit high schoolers are mat- The hike could translate into a jump Bivouac, said her store mails a large
requirements (to graduate schools) ched up with University professors on a in revenue at campus post offices, who volume of catalogues and cards
than they are with learning for intrinsic one-on-one basis to conduct science cater to students who regularly write promoting sales to regular customers.
knowledge." projects. He is also the faculty director Daily Photo by MATT PETRIE family and friends, and to University The postage hike "will affect us," she
"SOME STUDENTS see us as of the University's Comprehensive faculty and staff, who mail a con- said. "But if we continue to get results
primarily a credentialing operation," Studies Program (CSP), a tutorial and Chemistry professor Billy Jo Evans motivates students, particularly siderable amount of literature and we're not going to stop sending them."
he says, adding that he thinks this pra- academic counseling service. minorities, to reach their scholarly potential. He is the faculty director for other parcels. The last time first class mail prices
tice is "a misuse of the resources of a "He does an awful lot for black the Comprehensive Studies Program and the founder of the University's Ur- Students were disgruntled about the were raised was Nov. 21, 1981, when
school like the University of Michigan." See EVANS, Page 3 ban Scholars Program. price increase, though it is a change of the cost went to 20 cents from 18.
woman professor who looked at me like I had lost all my children that even the raspy sound of Velcro - the the city, each containg identification of a fictious Amy
marbles," McTeigue said. McTeigue, son of a telecom- reuseable sticking fabric strips used on everything from Lincoln and the station's phone number. Four of the wallets
munications executive, said he is considering expanding collars to shoes-could make music. Honorable mention were turned in the same day, surprised station officials
Hug power the Hug Club worldwide through mail-order sales. "I know went to an entry from the Rehabilitation Institute of Pit- said. "We figured at least half of them would take the
the world could use it," he said. "My dad told me it's a tsburgh, a shower curtain with Velcro ends to keep the money," said operation manager Tom Jackson. Announ-
HEN THE WORLD gets to be too much, jungle out there." water in the tub. Two local youngsters also won honorable cers Larry Dunlap or Dennis Elliot put finders on the air,
maybe a hug can help. Michael McTeigue mentions for a holeless record that fastens to the turntable told them to keep the $10 and to come by the station and
thinks so. The second-year student at Stanford Sneaker music wins with Velcro, and a cassette that is Velcroed to its recorder. collect another $10 "just for being honest," Jackson said.
University's Graduate School of Business has
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