OPINION Page 4 Friday, February 15, 1985 The Michigan Daily a Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Grumblings at Greenham Vol. XCV, No. 113 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor M1 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Negligent representation M SA'S FAILURE to meet a quorum check in the middle of its February 12 meeting is the second significant display in two weeks of lack of concern .by large numbers of Assembly members. In the midst of discussion over a proposal brought forward by the editors of Consider magazine to con- demn the unsolicited stuffing of inserts in a recent issue, MSA representative Eric Schnaufer (Law) called for a quorum check. MSA bylaws state that a quorum is one-half of the then active membership. Of 27 active members, only 13 were present. The meeting was adjourned. For the discussion two weeks ago concerning the removal of Randy Mc- Duffie from his chairmanship of the minority affairs committee, only two members were reported to have made special efforts to study the case. MSA president Scott Page estimated that between 10 - and 15 representatives were not sufficiently familiar with the case by the time of vote. It's obvious that not every represen- tative elected to MSA will be able to devote 40 hours a week to the position, but it does seem that each represen- tative should meet some mimimum standard. That standard would cer- tainly include attending meetings and researching important discussion topics in advance. Most of MSA's work is done in com- mittees that meet during the week and then report during meetings. It is dif- ficult, then, to determine whether representatives are working up to minimal standards. When those representatives come to meetings un- prepared, or don't come at all, it reflects negatively on any of the other work that they do. There are several committee mem- bers on MSA who do accomplish wor- thwhile things. Negligence on the part of many other members, however, tarnishes the reputation of an other- wise positive institution. As elections for next year's MSA ap- proach, it is important to give more thought to the effectiveness of those people who do represent student views on campus. Those people considering running for MSA should ask them- selves whether they are ready to make the commitment that is necessary to be effective representatives, and those currently on MSA should ask them- selves whether they are adequately fulfilling their elected responsibilities. The last two weeks suggest they are not. By Jody Becker Funny they call it a peace camp. Angry fac- tionalism and hostility have turned the place into an emotional war zone. Three years after the "peace women" took up residence outside United States Air Force Base Greenham Common in Newbury, England, to protest the deployment of the cruise missile it seems a bit of nasty reality has turned the haven for non-violence into a dismal dystopia. There is noadenying that the Greenham women have been a beacon of hope to the world, radiating a plea for peace and sanity, protesting the arms race and attempting to avert a nuclear holocaust. No doubt the ideals upon which the camp was founded are noble, but today the camps at each of Greenham's eight color coded gates areanothing more than unrealistic islands. It may be time to go home. "There is always discussion about whether we should keep the camps - whether we are being effective," said Alessandra Nichols, a 30 year old American woman from Chaplin, Conn., who has been a resident at the camp for over a year. The sad fact is, the peace women have hardly been effective at all. Despite their three year vigil, the women have been unsu- cessful in preventing the installation of the cruise missile at Greenham. They haven't stopped military maneuvers 'exercising'' the cruise as planned. Sure, the road blockades slow things down, vandalized fen- ces must be repaired, more barbed wire p- up. The British House of Commons estimated that in 1983, 4 million pounds was spent on ad- ditional ministry of Defense police and another 3 million pounds was spent on beefing up civilian police security at Greenham. Ironically, inflated defense spending is one thing the peace women are protesting. Their deterrence tactic of dancing on missile silos is apparently much more expensive than it is ef- fective. The peace campers have created ad- ditional defense expenditures for both Britain and the U.S. to the tune of $10 million accor- ding to British officials. And they seem to be alienating one another. and local supporters with aplomb. But they insist that "continual presence" is vital. "The women's continual presence in a creative, non-violent atmosphere on the ex- terior of the camp is a strong and persistent statement against deployment," peace cam- per Teresa Carr said. A lot of fancy sounding jargon, but how true is it? Interaction at the camps at several of the gates and meetings is far from idyllic. The disharmony suggests it is time to disband the camps and integrate ef- forts into more direct public policy forums. "Greenham has become very devisive. You know, what is more femininist or right on," said Astra, a London poet and day care center em- ployee who visited Greenham during a mon- thly "CommontWomen's Day" sponsored by a London support group. "There is no "we" at Greenham," confir- med another camper who would identify her- self only as Luz. "I feel subjected to a hierarchy of sacrifice," said Jenny, a London school teacher whohas actively supported the Greenham women and frequently visits the camps. "On visits I've felt very alienated from some of the camp women, as if by not giving up our jobs and coming to live at Greenham we are somehow less committed." Questioning the seriousness of commitment on the part of some of the campers them- selves is not unjustified. It seems that more than a few Greenham women are confusing Becker is a Daily staff writer. 1e 'leiwer 6e acMo l yJa . . ... ,.;: , . rF.,,, .r. . . , r.. v . v_ :. --I3 J *.. r ' l £ ,E . . 3 Y f ' ' A 4. A grandmother at Greenham Peace Camp. Greenham has a noble foundation of peace and sanity, but today's camp is plagued with women looking only for an escape -- not a 4 chance to change the world. the commitment of deterring nuclear war with assertions of sexual proclivities. "I came because I needed to get away from things in Sweden, and here there is a place to live an alternative lifestyle that I think is very important," said' Lena, a 20 year old resident at the Red Gate camp. But what are Lena's political motivations, what are her convic- tions to the peace movement? She neglected to mention either when asked to explain her reasons for coming to live at Greenham Common. Lena is representative, but it seems that for many women hating men validates or even takes precedence over the camp's ostensible purpose of pursuing peace. Rose Walter, a 50- ish supporter from London said, "If some of the women are lesbians and have the same ideas about peace that I do that's jolly good. But I doubt the sincerity of some of the younger ones. They seem to use Greenham as a woman's' place and have little dedication to the peace movement." Greenham has earned the reputation as some sort of radical feminist safehouse. For many of these women it is impossible to fun- ction in a world where nearly half of the population is considered "the enemy." At some of the gates men are unwelcome even as visitors. How legitimate are claims that the peace camp environment encourages women to confront reality, when Greenham has become a place to escape the challenges and compromises basic to human existence? In many respects the Greenham Women are refugees, huddled together on the edge of a world they have rejected or that has rejec- ted them. The younger women are radically coiffed and spew angry rhetoric. The older ones appear haggard and resigned. "In many ways these women are extreme. They have turned their back on society," said Astra. And in so doing they seem to be defeating their purpose. Carola, a peace camp resident for a year and a half said she spends her days, "Talking, answering questions and taking long walks. We are a reminder to people who drive by." But the military compound is tucked quietly into the remote English countryside, and perhaps Carola's efforts to save the world from nuclear destruction would have more impact if she scrapped the tent and brought her commitment to the world where the rest of us live. "The Greenham Women are a symbol" is the standard validating statement that now echoes obsolesence. A statement has been made, but "continual presence" is not mobilizing the citizens and governments of the world in fervent protest of the arms race. Campers say it themselves. A "What I had hoped for is already hap- pening," said Gene Wright, 19, a camper from Milton Keynes, England. "People have become more aware." So after 15 months why doesn't she go home? i Nuclear allergies The peace women's more aggressive urban "actions" are heeded. The mass marches are media events, the minor protests are visible. Last summer seven women were arrested for painting peace slogans on the "Theatre of War," a government run "amusement" glorifying the military adventures of World _ War II. People paid attention; caught in traf-4 fic jams and bombarded with newspaper photos. However irrelevent the institutions of popular society may seem to the peace women, the fact remains that translating the radicals' urgent message of abandoning the arms race to the average citizen is vital. Many people might find it difficult to relate to the purple-haired: braless and shirtless women I saw angrily debating revolutionary theory amongst themselves at Greenham Common. Agressive local actions.and involvements are necessary not obscure, isolated acts and symbolic gestures. It seems obvious that the peace women are- spending hundreds of precious hours at Greenhaih which could be }more valuably spent working for peace with the people of London or Leeds or Los Angeles: concerned men and women who live in con- ventional communities, read newspapers and watch the T.V. news and might appreciate guided efforts. by activists to educate the public on issues regarding the avoidanceof further nuclear proliferation and reducing the existing threat of war. The power to stop the madness rests with the majority "mainstream" members of the world's powerful democratic nations. Still the clock draws ever nearer to nuclear midnight. So stop dancing on missile silos. Come talk to us. HE POLICY of reassurance state department and Pentagon officials are currently seeking for U.S. allies is perhaps the furthest thing from reassurance. The new policy would remind Western allies of their com- mitments to the United States defense program and assure those countries' leaders that they would have full knowledge of U.S nuclear weapons decisions that affect each individual nation. The proposed policy stems from what U.S. officials fear is a spreading aversion to any involvement with nuclear weapons among its allies. Pen- tagon and State Department officials believe this pheonomenon, dubbed "nuclear allergy," is a product of promptings from the Soviet Union, an- ti-nuclear activism in Europe, and a growing fear that the Reagan Ad- ministration does not appricate the consequences of a nuclear confron- tation. Administration officials are also concerned with the current shift in moods over nuclear policy. They worry that the United States' ability to main- tain a strong defense in -a crisis situation would be significantly har- med if allied countries demanded the removal of U.S. weapons, or if they took action such as New Zealand has done prohibiting ships carrying nuclear weapons from entering their harbors. Despite administration concern, it is encouraging to find that world opinion of nuclear weapons is finally reaching the previously deaf ears of U.S policy makers. And now that the State and defense departments have finally come to terms with increasing anti- nuclear sentiment on an international level, it is unfortunate they choose to deal with that sentiment in a negative, propagandistic manner. If the Soviet Union were to follow similar path of "reassuring" its allies, policy-makers in Washington would surely label such actions as propagan- da. If the United States truly wishes to reaffirm past commitments with its allies, it will have to be more respon- sive to the wishes of those countries. Administration officials must not con- sider their own defense programs above the morality of U.S. allies. Until the U.S. government is willing to face up to the growing op- position to nuclear weapons proliferation, it will continue to live in a dream world. It is said awareness is half the battle. Western nations have made their opinions known to the United States; once those opinions can be accepted instead of combatted, we will move another step forward in the pursuit of a peaceful world. Letters Letter reveals childish egocentrism ....e......... - -- .......... - i... - .. - To the Daily: We were very offended by Lisa Gram's letter to the editor of February 5 extolling the virtues of abortion. We feel that abortion is a very emotional issue for all people, not only for women. In Oram's rush to get her point across, it is amazing just how many people she offends. First, she presents herself as spokeswoman for the world's female population, as though she is somehow allied with every member. Secondly, she alienates all men from the abortion issue as if they are totally incapable of sen- sitivity and empathy. Apparen- tly, this renders the views of pro- abortion men as well as anti- abortion men invalid. Finally, she offends those of us who believe that unborn fetuses possess life which is inherently entitled to protection. She ad- vocates the slaughter of unborn children simply because they nflnnn* Iha can..a tih a *I thnlrt promote women's control of their bodies after an unplanned pregnancy, yet she all but denies that women are capable of con- trol before the fact. In all cases, except rape and incest, women are equally responsible for a pregnancy. At last, we get to the heart of Ms. Oram's claims and our disgust. It becomes evident that she promotes a lifestyle of manipulation and egocentrism. She claims that lack of availability of abortions would, "prevent women from con- trolling their own bodies, their own futures, their own lives." This self-serving attitude in which even human life is secon- dary to personal ambition is sickening. If, as Oram claims, most women cannot "support a child as freshmen in college," perhaps BLOOM COUNTY they should not be college freshmen. Perhaps they should postpone their goals (as men should) and take responsibility for their actions. If they do not wish to keep their child, they should give it to one of the many couples waiting to adopt a newborn. It is exceedingly presumptuous for anyone to claim that an unwanted child is an unworthy child. Under normal circumstances, we would have dismissed Oram's letter as one of many feeble at- tempts to justify abortion. However, the type of primary process thinking that Oram promotes begged for a response. In typical childlike fashion, she believes that the problem would go away if only she could kill it. This attitude, which is prevalent among adolescents, is dangerou in supposedly mature adult While abortion may seem like the desireable solution to a com- plicated situation, it remains to be seen whether or not a lifestyle that permits'* indiscriminate killing :of innocent children is worth pursuing. It is time Oram and others who share her belief start showing concern for people other than themselves. -Eric D. Laywei Debra K. Stone February 7 College Press Service - . I , R / \Ir 0 / The Michigan Daily encourages input from our readers. Letters should be typed, triple- spaced, and sent to the Daily Opinion Page, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor,. Michigan 48109. by Berke Breathed . r, ,r." g WHAT ? WffAT'S ...., -~- ". I ,