e Michigan Daily-Thursday, February 14, 1985-Page 7 Street Light tkstheatre otfbud By Rita Girardi F OR ANY THEATER company to produce 20 original plays in one year is an extraordinary accomplish- ment. To do it without any kind of financial backing is almost impossible. Just ask any stogie-puffing New York producer. But don't try telling that to the people at Street Light Theater-because they did it. Not bad for a group that only has one candle on its birthday cake. Street Light, a Univesity of Michigan theater company, was founded in January, 1984 by five student playwrights eager to stage their work. However, there was little support from the established university theater community. "No one had an interest in doing student plays on a regular basis," says Danny Thompson, one of the co- founders of Street Light and currently one of its producers. At 25, Thompson is the oldest in a company that has over 50 members-10 of them playwrights. Thompson, a senior studying drama, playwriting, and film, often strokes his beard as he talks about the company in a soft voice that reveals just a touch of a Tennessee lilt. "It's the best mix of people you can imagine," he says. "You can describe the group as bizarre, unique, and very theatrical." There are no "stars" or "primadon- nas" at Street Light. Everyone does a little of everything-actors write, writers act and "all the dirty work (is) shared" explained Thompson referring to the technical aspects of play produc- tion. "Tech" work includes everything from hanging lights to sweeping the stage. If all this seems to be a far cry from the glamour of Broadway, it's because that's the way Street Light wants it. "We're a minimalist theater," Thom- pson explains. Productions are usually staged without any set and sometimes even without a theater. "This is the first time all our plays will be onstage," says Thompson. In the past, Street Light has performed in classrooms and hallways. According to Thompson there are plans for future productions that will take place out- doors or even in a parking structure. Plays that will be produced are selec- ted by all members of the company during open readings. "If the group gets interested they'll get done," says Thompson. "The best thing about Street Light is there are no rules. Everything could change after the next performance depending on what the group wants. It's like a perfect system of anarchy in its positive sense," he laughs. Although some of the student-written works are political in nature, Thom- pson is careful to point out that Street Light is a purely artistic effort. "We don't have a political foundation, a common political base," he says. Recently Street Light was officially recognized by .the University of Michigan Student Assembly and was given $200 in funding. Not that that will make much difference in the way things are done at Street Light. In fact, Thompson partially credits the group's success to its poverty. "I think it's because we don't have any money that we're working harder. And since Street Light isn't out to make a profit, they do not charge ad- mission although they do accept $1 donations from those who want to help support the group. "We definitely don't want to turn people away with dollar signs," Thompson says. Things are always changing at Street Light and Thompson isn't sure what the group will be doing next week, much less next year. "If the need isn't there then there won't be a theater," Thom- pson says. However, if the need to have a place for students to exhibit their theatrical work continues to exist, Thompson is confident that need will be filled-if not by Street Light then by some other group. "The name isn't important," he says and smiles. For Thompson, as long as the desire is there Street Light will be there, if not in fact then in spirit. Thompson ponders a moment and then adds, "The best thing we'll be leaving behind is that people will see it's possible to do your own play without any money.". A rather idealistic statement-one that our New York producer would probably dismiss in the time it takes to light up a fresh Panatella. But 20 new Terri Kapsalis picks up cans of fallen vegetables in her Street Light performance. plays in one year are not that easily dismissed, not bad for a bunch who don't even smoke cigars. The Street Light Theatre will present all their goodies in an Original Plays Festival commencing today and ending on Saturday. The group will stage a collection of six short farces and comedies written, directed, and per- formed by University students. Per- formances will begin at 8 p.m. at the Residential College Auditorium in the East Quadrangle. Admission is free or $1 donation. Blues legends Jammin' Ann Arbor By Hobey Echlin There was a time when music was more than a catchy system of notes recorded in the hopes of making someone rich and famous. There was a time when there was no rock and roll. There was a time when the emotion and character of music was determined as much by the people making it as the music itself. There was a time when music was an extension of some very real emotion by some people who just didn't feel right about life and love, who did something about it. And for as many names that come to mind, they all have one thing in common: the blues. And that time seems to have passed. Now we pack concert-halls to see made-up men play- three chord anthems that every two year-old can pick up or we worship screens in discos that show us a world as plastic as the people who "sing" about it. Screw "Like a Virgin," I want some real music. Bring on Buddy Guy and Junior Wells, the bluesmasters whose teachers included Muddy Waters and Sonny Boy Williamson, and the ups and downs of life. One of America's only truly unique forms of music, the blues has been the most prevalent influence on music around the world, from the Rolling Stones to the Violent Femmes. Yet no one seems to really remember. Hell, if it weren't for the Blues Brother's, Cab Calloway would be another forgotten legend. But some of the legends still remain. Buddy Guy and Junior Wells are two of them. And who are they? Two blues musicians whose careers span more musical legends than most people would ever think possible. Buddy was born and raised in Baton Rouge and taught himself guitar. He was a regular studio musician and close friend of the late Muddy Waters. He's been around a while. He's jammed with Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Keith Richards, Stevie Ray Vaughn, and even Neil Schon (maybe there is some hope for Journey). Buddy and Junior were filmed playing with the Stones in 1981, Correction The photograph of WCBN DJ Marc Taras in yesterdays paper was taken by Kate O'Leary. Her credit was inadver- tently left off the photo. The music of Sun Ra will be played by arwulf arwulf for the two hours im- mediately before the bash begins. Yesterday's article mistakenly in- dicated that they would be playing live. In addition, no alcohol will be served at the event. and RCA is toying with the idea of releasing it on a video. Buddy's already on a videodisc with his disciple, English blues revivalist John Mayall. His last record with Junior Wells, released a few years ago featured Bill Wyman on bass. The record, Drinkin' TNT and Smokin' Dynamite was recor- ded in Europe at the Montreux Festival, and incidentally was released by Ann Arbor's own Blind Pig Records. Since that effort, Buddy and Junior have been touring American blues clubs leaving awed audiences everywhere. Their appearance at the Blind Pig tonight is a sign that the time I described earlier may not be gone, at least not if Buddy and Junior have their say in it. They've got a whole record, featuring some twelve-string guitar work from Buddy, ready to go, if only a record company executive not to coked- up with Frankie Goes to Hollywood would give it a listen. But as long as companies like Prism and clubs like the Pig are willing to bring the legends back, as they did with Luther Guitar Jr. a few nights ago, Buddy and Junior are more than willing to sit back in the smoky haze, after a heated game of gin rummy and a few beers, and give you the blues the only way they know how, from the heart to' you, good'n real. ~SENISEVEIGS ONL3. I " NEW TWILIGHT SHOWS = MON. THRU FRI. " $2.50 TIL 6 P.M. with this entire ad $1.00 " 10i 0 off any $4.00'admission. OFF 1 or 2 tickets. Good all features thru 2121185. * ENDS TONIGHTI S "STRANGER THAN PARADISE" f Nick Colasanto, who portrays Coach on the prime time sitcom "Cheers" died last Tuesday of a heart attack in his holiday home. Graduate Management Study in Israel Boston University and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Master of Science in Management Full-time study in Israel - One year program Taught in English - Full Campus facilities Learn about this exciting educational venture at the open meeting Thursday, Feb. 21,7-9 p.m. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Michigan Union 530 South State Street Ann Arbor, MI Pond Room A-C ISN'T ALWAYS THE BEST Birth defects are THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY THE PUBLISHER 7 RABBINICAL SCHOOL -GRADUATE SCHOOL -SEMINARY COLLEGE OF JEWISH STUDIES - CANTORS d C' JEWISH STUDIES a AT ANY LEVEL IN JERUSALEM-IN NEW YORK Visi fnrn v mA~tar Xntl rrrr.) i