ponder possible
The Michigan Daily - Thursday, February 14, 1985 - Page 5
Detective generates
assault awareness
By DEBORAH HAUSLER aggressive resistence, which would in-
clude faking seizures, vomiting on the
"There's nothing wrong with being assailant, or telling him he will contract
paranoid and surviving," said Ann Ar- a disease if he rapes a woman.
bor Police Detective Jerry Wright at a aTheaeiherayesra woman.
workshop on crime prevention and self- The other way for a woman to react in
defese estedayat te Uion.The an attack is through active resistance,
defese*yesterday atate Uniona.oTh again being aware of the situation and
workshop stressed awareness among physical capabilities of the rapist. One
women of the risk of rape and how to method is to scrape the fingernails
Most rapes are commited by an across the rapist's face. This marks the
acquaintance of the victim and are assailant, inflicts pain, and it collects
seldom reported, Wright said to the physical evidence which the police use
dozen women who gathered for the to identify the rapist, Wright said.
seminar. Women on campus should be Wright stressed that although self-
aware of the threat of rape andknow defense may not succeed there are no
howatprothectthemselvesr esaid, ad- other choices for survival. He also
how to protect themselves, he sdd-suggested kicking the assailant's
ding that a woman must use her own kneedap, cinghssian's
initiative as her defense and not count kndecap, scraping his shin, and step-
on thes fr elp necaping ,w hard on his instep to allow
on others for Aelp, the victim enough time to escape.
weapons, and Wright suggested various Every woman must be constantly
ways for a victim to react, according to alert and ready to defend herself in any
the situation. One way is to use non- situation, Wright emphasized.
University students arrested last
December at Williams International -
a Walled Lake firm that builds engines
for cruise missiles - expressed in-
decision yesterday about whether they
would serve an indefinite jail sentence
if their appeal falls through.
An Oakland County Circuit Court
judge imposed the sentence on the
protesters for disobeying a court injun-
ction which prohibits blocking the
plant's entrance. Although their sen-
tence is currently under appeal, losing
the appeal would force the students to
either obey the injunction or go back to
"I DON'T KNOW what I'll do until I get
a court decision. I have a lot of choices
and decisions to make," said LSA
senior Maria Ringo at yesterday's
Campus Meet the Press. Ringo was one
of five students among the protesters
who tried to blockade the entrance to
the plant.
The protesters spent nearly a month
in jail until their release on Jan. 3. Car-
ter Cortelyou, an LSA junior, said he
did not enjoy his time behind bars.
"The uncertainty of now knowing
when I was going to be released
weighted heavily on me. I take my
commitment to my education, family,
and my fiancee very seriously," Cor-
telyou said.
"I KNOW that I cannot serve an in-
definite sentence," he continued,
describing how he became ill from
stress during his final week in jail.
Residential College junior Mike
O'Neill, however, called his jail term an
"educational experience," that enabled
him to "meet .people who weren't part
of the protest movement."
Would he want to return to jail? "I'll
make that decision when the time
comes," O'Neill said.
- UNIVERSITY English Prof. William
"Buzz" Alexander, a self-proclaimed
"peace activist" who appeared with the
protesters in the Michigan Union's
Kuenzel Room, said "it's not just a
Man collapses
A 32-year-old Ann Arbor man who
collapsed on the second floor of the
Michigan Union yesterday was
arrested on an outstanding assault and
battery charge, according to Ann Arbor
Police Sgt. Wayne Smead. The mane
was taken by ambulance to the
detoxification unit at University
Hospitals and arrested after he was
treated and released.
matter of people going back to jail."
Alexander predicted that if the
protesters lose their appeal, "a lot of in-
ternational pressure will be applied in
their favor" by groups such as Amnesty
International, a London-based
organization that supports "prisoners
of consciousness."
"It's clear that in each case, the jail
experience has strengthened their con-
victions," Alexander said.
HE ADDED that it "was a marvelous
experience in some ways, but very bad
in others because jail is never an easy
place to be."
Several protesters said that Ken Jan-
not, a Residential College junior who is
still in prison, has remained optimistic
in his letters from jail.
"Ken is doing great. He's settled in,
and he's deciding whether to join the
appeal," O'Neill said.
All of the protesters agreed that their
actions were worthwhile, because they
helped raise awareness of Williams'
defense contracts.
They said they plan to keep applying
pressure to Williams and the gover-
nment by writing letters to
congressmen and stimulating
discussions about defense spending
among fellow students.
"Each little thing counts," Ringo
said. "Little ripples in the pond go very
Cher luckAssociated Press
Cher holds the "Pudding Pot" she was awarded yesterday as Harvard
University's Hasty Pudding Club Woman of the Year. Cher quipped that she
would turn the pot into an earring.
Students scramble for fall housing
(Continued from Page 1)
said that this is because natural gas
prices haven't gone up in the past year
and the demand for oil is low while the
supply has increased.
While students should plan ahead for
next fall, housing officials and legal ex-
perts warn that leases should be read
slowly and carefully.
"DON'T BE railroaded into anything
- don't sign anything you don't under-
stand," said Rumsey, adding that the
housing office doesn't charge a fee for
reading over a lease with students.
Margaret Nicholls of Student Legal
Services said she advises students to
get written promises from landlords
who say they will fix items. If both parties
sign a written document specifying the
repairs, when September rolls around
and the changes haven't. been made,
Nicholls aid, the tenants can opt out of
the contract or ask for a per day charge
until the problem is fixed.
She added that many sutudents are
not aware of the responsibilities im-
plied in a "joint and several" clause of
a lease. The tenants are responsible as
a group and individually for the rent
payment, she added.
"NOT ONLY do (the tenants) have a
contract with the landlord, but they
have a contract with each other."
Nicholls said, adding that this could
mean other residents paying a missing
tenant's rent or finding another tenant
to fill the room.
Tenants often discover they're not
quite as compatible as they thought,
and often simple matters like
cleanliness or "extra roommates"
become legal problems instead of per-
sonal problems, Nicholls said.
Basement apartments, Nicholls ad-
ded, are a major problem due to bad
sewer and soil conditions. "If at all
possible do not rent one," she advised.
In the search for the perfect place to
live, Nicholls urged students to keep in
mind that under city law "people are
entitled to a clean apartment fit for
human habitation."
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