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February 14, 1985 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-02-14

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Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom


LfiE 43


Snow expected with a low in the


- -- --

Plol. XCV, No. 112

Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, February 14, 1985

Fifteen Cents

Ten Pages

vies for
Fla. A&M
Niara Sudarkasa, a University
associate vice president for academic
affairs, is one of 10 finalists for the
presidency at Florida A & M Univer-
sity, according to a spokesman there.
Sudarkasa is scheduled to be inter-
viewed at Florida A & M next week,
said Tom R6ckman, the director of
public information there.
SUDARKASA HAS said that she in-
tends to work to bring the University of
Michigan's black enrollment up to the
goal of 10 percent set by the University
in 1970. She has held her position in the
vice president's office since it wasI
established last February, and
minority enrollment has increased by
232 students since that time.
The possibility of Sudarkasa taking
the Florida post prompted Roderick
Linzie, the Michigan Student "Assem-
bly's researcher on minority affairs, to
suggest that MSA and "the University

Cimagers set



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if there's any one game this year that
you can cakl "key" for the Michigan
basketball 'program, it's the one that's
going to be played tonight against Iowa
ir i Iowa City.
The Wolverines (9-2 in Big Ten, 18-3
o vetall) ;and the Hawkeyes (8-2, 19-4)
v re currently running one and two in
t;he conference, separated by a mere
1half gaine. Thus, the outcome of the
contest, will determine the Big Ten
leader. But that's not all it will deter-
THE GAME should also help to
establish a tempo for each team for the
rest of the Big Ten season. For the
Wolverines, who play five of their final
seven league games on the road, a vic-
tory would be a sweet start to the haul
away from Crisler Arena.

"There's no question that the
toughest part of our schedule is coming
up," said Michigan head coach Bill
Frieder. "We still have to go into a
couple of places, at least two or three
places besides Iowa, of teams that may
be in the NCAA tournament, like
Michigan State, Indiana and Ohio
A win away from home against 11th-
ranked Iowa would also help to further
justify Michigan's number-three
ranking in this week's Associated Press
and USA Today college basketball
FOR THE Hawkeyes, who have
already survived the tough part of their
road schedule, knocking off the
Wolverines might be all that it would
take to capture the Big Ten title. After
See TROUBLE, Page 10

Doily Photo by KATE O'LEARY
Playing cupid
Heather Maynard serves up heart-shaped cookies and cakes at the Quality Bakery on Main street yesterday. Across
town, flower shops and candy stores were busy with thoughful people buying gifts for their sweeties.

Students think twice about
med. school, says dean


Third of a series
"Medicine used to be the ticket to the
good life. Now, with government inter-
vention, malpractice insurance, and
the time involved to become a
physician, students are looking to
,other professions."
That's the assessment of James
Taren, associate dean for academic
programs at the University's School of
Medicine. After comparing education
costs and lengthy training programs to
a doctor's net income, he said, -more
' and more students are having second
thoughts about medical school.
THE LEN'G'TH of training in
medicine was both shorter and cheaper
in the past, Taren said. Tuition now
ranges from $5,000 to $18,000 a year.
And the average med student owes
about $25,000 in loans by the time he or
she graduates, according to Jack Tinker,
a pre-professional counselor at the Of-
fice of Career Planning and Placement.
In addition, after four years of school,
medical students must complete bet-
ween three and seven years of residen-
cy, an internship at a hospital, before
they can practice on their own. And
more than likely, they will have to fight
for residency positions.
Taren said there are roughly 20,000
residency openings every year for
18,000 to 19,000 new graduates from
American med schools. But there may
be as many as 5,000 other med school
graduates - Americans who study
abroad or foreign students who want to
take their residency here - who com-

pete for the openings.
ACCORDING to the American
Medical Association, there were con-
siderably more residency positions in
internal medicine last summer than in
any other field. The next most popular
fields were surgery, family practice,
and pediatrics.

Specialities with the smallest number
of residency positions were nuclear
diagnostic radiology, nuclear medicine,
allergy and immunology, and general
preventive medicine.
Despite the arduous training and
steep education and insurance costs,
certain fields of medicine remain at-
tractive because of their high salaries.
Generally, the longer the training is for
a particular specialty, the better it
AFTER expenses such as malprac-
tice insurance are paid, an
anesthsiologist earnsan average of
$144,000 per year, according to the
AMA. Surgery and radiology are even
more lucrative, paying an average of
$145,000 and $148,000, respectively.
Though less profitable, research in
certain fields such as respiratory
systems and radiology are currently
strong job markets for young

physicians, said James Davis of the
The danger, however, is that resear-
ch jobs geared toward discovering a
cure to a particular disease can be lost
quickly once the cure is found. As an
example, Davis pointed to the surge of
physicians now researching a cure to
the fatal Acquired Immune Deficiency
Syndome (AIDS). Many of these doc-
tors, he said, will be forced to look for
other research projects if a cure is
MEDICAL school professors conduct
the bulk of research, Tinker said. But
state and federal government funding
for research has declined under the
Reagan administration, he added.
In the future, physicians probably
will work less in a hospital as profit-
making health care facilities and am-
bulatory care clinics grow in
popularity, Davis said.
Medical tests and other services
traditonally offered only by hospitals
will soon be available at these clinics
on a "fee-for-service" basis.
FOR INSTANCE, patients currently
can have x-rays or blood tests takenat
a private doctor's office. In the future,
Davis said, they will also be able to un-
dergo surgery and receive radiology
treatments as out-patients.
And more and more private prac-
tioners are likely to work as part of a
health maintenance organization, he
said. Under the health plans, offered by
an employer to its workers, doctors
provide patients with a certain number
See MED, page 3

Ann Arbor Realty-663-7444
Baker Management-662-6626
Campus Management--663-4101
Campus Rentals-665-8825
David Copi-663-5609
Dahlman Apartments-761-7600
Maize and Blue-761-3131
McKinley Properties-769-8520
Modern Management-668-6906
Sang V. Nam-662-0351
Old Town Realty-663-8989

Post Realty-761-8220

1 bedroom apartments

105 units-65 available

R. 0. Associates-662-5911/662-5500 Apartments; houses 150 units-100 available
Ravalp Management-665-2341 Efficiencies to 9, 10 bedroom houses 100-120 units-S0 available
Real Invest-996-5929 Apartments; houses 80 units-20 available

1, 2 bedroom apartments; 1 house 400 units-75-80 available
1, 2 bedroom apartments 50 units -16 available
1,2 bedroom apartments, efficiencies 135 units - about 70 available
Efficiencies to houses 135 units-54-67 available
3-6 bedroom houses 80 units-20 available
Efficiencies; 1, 2 bedroom apartments 112 units-openings unknown
2 bedroom apartments 40 units-about 30-40 available
Efficiencies to 4 bedroom apartments 250 units-about 200 available
Efficiencies; 1, 2 bedroom apartments 150 units-openings unknown
1-3 bedroom apartments 60 units-about 1/2 open
Sleeping rooms to 10 bedroom houses 315 units-110 available

Realty Enterprises-668-7640/76 1-8990

Efficiencies to 3 bedroom apts.; 1 house

30 units-about 15 available

Neil Snook-996-1444
Spears & Woltersom Co.-663-30

Efficiencies; one 2 bedroom apartment 60 units-about 50 available


Apartments; houses

200 units--130 available

University Towers-761-2680

Efficiencies; 1-3 bedroom apartments

240 units-renting next week


Students rush for fall- housing

Trash can fire set in Union

September is seven months; away, but already University
students are rushing to secure that house or apartment on
central campus that will enable them to roll out of bed and
still make it to class on time.
This year, there seems to be an increase in the number of
early bird housing hunters, with students fearing that
houses and larger apartments will be gobbled up if they
"THIS IS the first year this has happened in a long time -
it looks like everyone will. be rented out early," said Krysti
Whedon, property manager of Real Invest. She added that
she hasn't seen a housing rush this early since 1979 or 1980.
Jo Rumsey of the University's housing information office
said the rush began around the third week of January. This
month, she said, it has been "exceedinghiy busy." And the
scramble won't, wind down until about the first or second
week of April, she added., Large houses often sell by word of
mouth, according to Rurnsey, and there. are reportedly few
Doug Milkey, manarger of Campus Rentals, said he
believes that students are hoping to make up for past
mistakes. Last year, students waited, until the last minute
and didn't get what they wanted, so they're starting earlier
this year, he said.
ELAINE BOTT of Baker Man:agement said students
seem to be takirig the initiative this year by asking for a cer-
tain location and price.

A low vacancy rate of 1.'63 percent coupled with the strong
- economy makes this year's housing scene a "seller's
market," Rumsey said. Many students are paying a higher
rent than they would have paid three or four years ago.
Once the demand is evident and landlords sense that
students can pay, they'll increase the rent, Rumsey said. A
bedroom in a house for next year currently sells for $200-
$250 a month, not including utilities, up from $192 a month
this year. Two bedroom apartments with utilities will cost
about $600 a month, up from $546 this year.
REALTOR DAVID Copi said the higher vacancy rates in
past years prevented him from raising the rent, but this
year he has tacked on a 5 percent increase - just above the
rate of inflation.
Dick Vail, manager of Ravalp Management, said he too
has noted that students are willing to pay more this year.
Rents are going up 10 to 15 percent, whereas they went up
only 4 to 5 percent in previous years, he said.
Milkey of Campus Rentals said he has raised rents by 7 to
8 percent this year, compared to about 6.5 percent in the
SEVERAL landlords said that the rent increases are not
primarily due to utility increases which have remained
Utilities, a major chunk of some landlord's expenses, are
rising at a normal pace, according to Vail. Landlord Copi
See STUDENTS, Page 5

The latest in a recent series of small trash can fires on
campus broke out in a men's bathroom at the Union yester-
day morning and was quickly put out by a Union employee.
The fire - which was discovered around 6:45 a.m., - star-
ted in a trash can in the Union's Computer Center, which is
open 24 hours a day. It was extinguished within minutes with
water from the bathroom sink.
COMPUTER CENTER employees said there was a smell
in the hallway next to the bathroom when they reported for
work at 8 a.m., and the fire's odor still lingered as late as
According to John Brockett, the Union's associate director,
"there was really no damage other than having to clean up
the area." The only noticeable evidence of the fire, he added,
was a plastic garbage bag that melted onto the metal trash

The fire followed in the wake of similar fires during the
past two weeks. On Feb. 4, four simultaneous small fires
broke out in South Quad and another trash can fire was ex-
tinguished in West Quad a week later.
CAMPUS AND city officials are investigating the Union
fire and attempting to determine whether it was connected to
previous incidents.
"They're set fires. That's obvious to everybody," said
University Fire Marshall Robert Patrick. "There's always the
possibility that all of these fires could be related." All six
fires have been in three adjacent central campus buildings:
"One of these fires is too many," Patrick continued.
"Regardless of whether it was a prank, the potential for
See FIRE, Page 2

What a dog
HEN CRITICS SAY this actor was a dog, it's no
exaggeration. Fourteen of man's best friends

ET phone dentist
T, A YOUNG walrus at the Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma,
Wash. was suffering a "tuskache." Enter the dentist,
with the tools of his trade-a screwdriver, a hammer and a
large pair of forceps. The 2-year-old 640-pounder was back
in fine form early this week following the removal of both
his tusks. said acting zoo director Tom Otten. The walrus

ET's records, Ot ten said. ET came to the zoo as an infant in
August 1982 after his rescue from an oil-rig platform near
PrudhoeBay, Alaska.

damaged machine was found stopped at a barn belonging to
Jimmy Dietz, who lost another barn to the wayward trac-
tor. The driverless vehicle weaved 12 to 15 miles in
covering the five miles from Edgar Robinson's farm to
Deitz's barn, said Robinson's.wife, Mattie Ruth. The trac-
tor crossed a road several times, circled a high-tension
tower, drove over a couple of plows and squashed an aban-
doned car.




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