Ninety-five Years of Editorial Freedom V' Lir IEIUIIQ Swirling Three to five inches of snow ex- pected with highs in the 20s. r ol. XCV, No. 111 Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan- Wednesday, February 13, 1985 Fifteen Cents Ten Pages U'U probes No 2- or-1 S. Quad ire leads By JERRY MARKON University and city officials have several arson suspects in connection with last week's series of early-morning fires in South Quad. Sources close to the investigation said one of the suspects is a former West Quad resident who was lieved to be involved in a similiar series of fires there last year. THE SUSPECT was reportedly evicted last year from West Quad for assaulting another resident, and it is believed that he may be seeking revenge for the expulsion. Sources said the same suspect, or someone resem- bling him, was seen in South Quad several days after four simultaneous fires kept dorm residents out of the building for over an hour on Feb. 4. The same suspect is being investigated in connection with a trash can fire last Saturday in West Quad's Adams House. The suspect lived in West Quad's Adams House last year. When asked if this made him a suspect in either the West Quad or South Quad fires, Ann Arbor Fire Marshall Wesley Prater responded: "Certainly we're aware of it." "WE TRY TO connect any of these fires that occur on campus" Prater said. Officials are investigating another suspect who ap- parently attended the University last year and last term, but didn't return this term. That suspect was reportedly seen in a University building during the weekend of the South Quad fires. Still another suspect, the sources said, is a varsity athlete who lived in South Quad last year and was a suspect in another series of fires there last April. DESPITE THESE leads, Ann Arbor Police Detec- tive Joe Witlowski said the investigation "is in no way complete." "We're looking for some information," he said, ad- ding that the police have established an anonymous, tip line for information about the fires. Witlowski and University housing security super-- visor Joel Allen urged anyone who might know something about the fires to call the number 996-3199, at any time to report information about the fires. "Without help from the student community it's 99 percent harder," Allen said. "There's people who know something, but they don't necessarily know that they know it. These people must come forward." Happy hour ban spurs nuxed reactions By STACY THOMPSON As patrons of local bars sipped their happy hour drinks yesterday, many ex- pressed mixed reactions over the statewide ban on two-for-one drink specials that begins today. Many said the ban would do little to curb the number of drunk driving ac- cidents, but instead would punish drinkers who watch their limit. Others claimed the ban would effectively stop people from getting drunk because they get two drinks when they only order one. DOOLEY'S and Ashley's, the only campus bars that sold two-for-one drinks, ended the drink special two weeks ago. Matt Phillips, a computer technician and Dooley's patron, said he resents the ban because he feels it punishes everyone when there are only a "few people who can't hold their liquor who ruin it for the rest of us." "That sucks," said LSA senior Brian Conybeare when he heard that two-for- one specials would be banned today. His friend, LSA senior Gerry Adams, wondered, "What are we supposed to do in the afternoons now?" BUT PAULA Shalling, a bartender at Ashley's, approved of the ban, saying that as a drink server she's "the one who gets in trouble," or at least feels responsible, when clients drive home drunk. Shalling added the ban would reduce drunk driving because "the harder you make it to get something the fewer people will make the effort." Other patrons said the ban would help See TWO, Page 5 Nik Kizlow (left) and Matt Phillips, patron's at Dooley's, complain specials which goes into effect today. Daily Photo by BRAD MILLS about the ban on two-for-one drink Lawfuc By CARRIE LEVINE Second of a series The ivy-covered Gothic arches of the University's Law School may evoke visions of young lawyers in court vehemently defending charges leveled against their clients. But for today's young lawyers, that picture of today's legal profession couldn't be further from the truth. The majority of new law school graduates will find themselves working in large private legal firms. And many will hold jobs com- pletely unrelated to the legal training they have received. Though applications to law schools are declining across the country, the number of people holding law degrees could double from 500,000 to one million by 1990. This prediction has drawn criticism that the job market for Id crwechanging attorneys is already overflooded. Every year roughly 35,000 new lawyers join look ahead the work force and up to one third must settle for jobs outside of the legal profession, accor- ding to Lou Rice, a pre-professional counselor at the Office of Career Planning and Placement. "There are more law school graduates going into non-legal positions in business and government than five years ago," said Colleen Moore, an administrator at the National Association for Law Placement. Non-legal jobs in government which attract lawyers include policy analysis, legislative drafting, speech writing, and managerial consulting. Many of these positions are of- fered in the military. Lawyers forced to turn to the business world often opt for employment as accounting managers or journalists. The fact that more and more law graduates are forced to take non-legal positions may not frighten away potential law students, Rice said. But it should, he added. "Some people suggest law school is good training for anything. I don't believe that," he said. "I think legal training is good for'prac- ticing law, not for training a wide range of careers." Quickly disappearing from the legal world is the one attorney office. The capital required to open a private office and the com- petition for new clients makes it almost im- possible for new graduates to go into business for themselves. As a result, law firms have grown in size. "A law firm with 50 lawyers was considered big 10 years ago. Now a law firm with 150 lawyers is considered big," said Nancy Krieger, placement director at the Univer- sity's law school. The law profession is changing scope in other ways as well See LARGE Page 3 Eucation cuts disappoint student voters By RACHEL GOTTLIEB with wire reports Many students who voted for President Reagan in the 1984 election said yesterday they are glad Reagan is in office but they are not happy with his proposals to cut education funding. This is not necessarily a paradox, said Prof. Gregory Markus, an ISR researcher. "The majority of -Reagan supporters did not have coinciding policies with Reagan," he said. "THERE IS great weight put on per- sonality characteristics rather than ideologies, and Reagan has broad charismatic appeal," Markus said. Mark Leachman, president of the College Republicans, said his reason for voting for Reagan was that "Reagan was more optimistic while the whole mood of Mondale's campaign was negative." Reagan's "image of a strong America is what helped him to be elec- ted - he's confident," sid Tom Higley, a Reagan supporter and LSA senior. BUT HIGLEY said that were it not for federal grants he would not be able to afford school. Leachman did not know Reagan has proposed to eliminate National Direct :Student Loans from the federal budget and that the proposal also includes making students whose parents earn an adjusted income of over $32,500 ineligible for a Guaranteed Student Loan. "What they proposed is outrageous. Education should have a higher priority and I hope it will get more money than what is proposed," Leachman said. LEACHMAN contends that "it would be dangerous if spending very little money on education becomes a trend, but the military build-up is more impor- tant than education." Some students expressed concern that if the federal government cuts back on financial aid programs the wealthier students will have unfair ad- vantages for a college education. "If the government does not find an alternative method to subsidize education then the only people who will be going to the universities will be the people who can afford it on their own and America will be hurting," Higley said. REFERRING to the proposed educational cuts, Reagan supporter Natali Cracciolo, an LSA junior, said "I think it makes our internal political system look like a sham. Everybody is supposed to have equal opportunities . . . I can't believe I voted for him - I sound like a real ding-a-ling." "Education should be a priority. That's the only resource America has - the mindpower of the youth," said See ED, Page 5 MSA urges Consider to examine its format By NANCY DRISCOLL and AMY MINDELL In response to the unauthorized inser- ts placed in Consider magazine last week, the Michigan Student Assembly last night asked the magazine's editors to devote a special issue to the value of Consider. But for lack of a quorum, they fell short of condemning the unauthorized inserts which appeared last week. The inserts, entitled "Consider (Con- sider)," included several essays on U.S. involvement in Nicaragua. THE ASSEMBLY also voted to en- dorse the efforts of the Public Interest Research Group in Michigan to con- tinue ,soliciting student donations through the class registration process. MSA's resolution calls for an issue in which the magazine will examine its own format. Consider editor Jeff Spin- ner said he would "consider" putting out such an issue "at some future time." Last week LSA senior Andrew Boyd, who admitted to putting the inserts into the magazine, said the magazine was ineffective because it did not present widely varying viewpoints. He proposed an issue in which he and Spin- ner would write opposing pieces on the value of Consider. The first resolution, proposed by MSA member Eric Schnaufer, encouraged consider to run the special issue because of the importance of "freedom See MSA, Page 5 Daily Photo by SCOTT IUTUCHY Slush fund Accumulating sleet and snow again made travelling to class miserable for Ann Arbor students yesterday as they un- successfully attempted to hurdle the ankle-high slush puddles. ITODAY Campus Meet the Press EVERAL UNIVERSITY students arrested at last December's Williams International Corp. protest will be the featured guests of today's Campus treats at a festival where one can feast on chocolate chili, chocolate chicken and chocolate salad dressing. "I'm treating myself for the day. I'm going to chocolate heaven," said Craig Ann Merhmann, a registered nurse from Hershey, Pa. About 2,000 people, including chocolate fans from Florida and Texas, will attend all or part of the third annual Great American Chocolate Festival, spon- .....d by usrchav Fnetulrn and the Hntel Hersey vThe Bachelor blues NOT EVERYONE wants to be known as a swinging single. Nebraska Gov. Bob Kerrey said he found it depressing to be named by Good Housekeeping Magazine as one of the 50 most eligible bachelors in the country. Kerrey, a divorced father of two, is No. 24 on the magazine's list, between John F. Kennedy Jr. and New Vork Mavor Fdward Knch The article in the magazine's brought in more than $176,000 for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. The Ugly Bartender Contest is an annual drive to benefit the multiple sclerosis society and the amount collected in Columbus was the largest in the nation. William Bell of New York, chairman of the national drive, said the Columbus total, taken at about 125 bars and restaurants, easily topped competitors in Boston, New York, Los Angeles, and 50 other cities. Setting the pace as the nuliest hartender in 'lnbimhwe ms Svi emiA+ I I I