OPINION Page 4 Tuesday, February 12, 1985 The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan A new approach to the code Vol. XCV, No. 110 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board _ Awareness lives T he current wave of conservatism on the nation's campuses has been the subject of much debate in the news media. Feature stories and news programs have theorized that young people have become more right-wing for a variety of reasons ranging from a quest for economic security to a mere political apathy. Last week, however, there was evidence that today's post baby- boomers are not lacking in awareness nor opinion of world events. A three-day conference held at Columbia University in New York City, the Conference on International Strategic Affairs, was the most recent example of college-age Americans with a concern about the events that sh- ape U.S. and Soviet military policy. It is not so much that one event in far away New York is a herald for a new period of student political concern, but it is evidence of a dormant tendency in college students to form inter-univer- sity contacts. The Columbia conferen- ce may have been small-45 un- dergraduates from universities across the nation-yet it does present an example of concerned students working together on national political issues. Opinions of individuals involved in the conference, which heard and questioned a host of defense and foreign policy experts, ranged from both extremes of the political spec- trum. For the most part, however, these students were not gathered at Columbia to convince one another of their opinions. Instead, they gathered to discuss such issues as defense policy toward the Soviet Union, Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative, and the plight of Western Europe. This is the type of positive approach to world politics that is a necessity in this generation-or any generation-of young adults. This conference was a glimmer of hope in a young population that has been cast by the news media as unaware and unenthused. Hopefully, it is also a turning point that will drive college students in the direc- tion of knowledge and awareness in- stead of acceptance and neglect. By Paul Josephson In all discussions with the administration concerning the various drafts of the proposed code of non-academic conduct, it has become obvious that one of the main con- cerns of the University is the lack of judicial procedure for reprimanding residents of dormitories who are guilty of vandalism or other non-violent crimes in the dormitories. At present, the only punishment that can be levied against resident offenders is lease revocation, or the threat of revocation. In some cases, dormitories can gain restitution from offenders for defaced or destroyed property, but lacking a clear procedure, restitution is not always sought. The Student Rights Committee of the Michigan Student Assembly has proposed a system of autonomous dormitory councils to dorm government leaders and housing of- ficials to combat this problem. Although many organizations and individuals (in- cluding MSA) have pressed for rejection of the code, this proposal marks the first positive proposal as an alternative to the code. Such autonomous councils would protect due process and other basic civil rights guaranteed in this nation's judicial system, which all proposedcodes have lacked. The councils would be comprised of residents randomly selected by lottery, much like jury duty. Councils would be presided over by a Hearing Officer appointed by, and possibly from, the dormitory government. The officer would be permanent and thus have full comprehension of the system's procedure and rules. Complaints from Resident Directors and Resident Advisors might determine the council's agenda. The benefits from such a system are numerous. First, establishment of councils would foster a more positive attitude among residents towards their housing. Now residen- ts are simply lessees of University property with little direct responsibility for preser- vation of the dorm and dorm property. But by giving residents a role in governing the dorm, such a responsibilty and respect would have to follow. Second, the all-or-nothing punishment system (either the resident is thrown out of the dorm or no action is taken) has proven ineffectual in deterring minor offenses like torn-down posters/art and loud noise after quiet hours. Unfortunately, the system has also not deterred serious offenses such as arson, as proven in the rash of trash fires in South Quad over the past five years. No visible reminder that certain offenses will not be tolerated exists, only a list of Housing regulations rarely regarded by residents, and the presen- ce of R.A.s and R.D.s. Implementation of an autonomous system and functioning councils would remind potential offenders of the con- sequences. As a previous dormitory resident (Bur- sley), it becomes clear that not all residents and resident advisors see eye-to-eye on all matters. This leads, at times, to a belligerent attitude between the two, and may lead to malicious destruction of the dorm or the idea that the R.A. is "out to get" the resident. Because students would be introduced into the process of determining guilt, no R.A. could purposely harass a resident. Yet at the same time, R.A.s and R.D.s would still serve the function of trying to mediate any dorm conflict, and would not submit a resident to' the dorm council unless all attempts at con- flict resolution failed. Judicial procedure matching that of the court system in general would be overseeen by Housing authorities, but offenses would be determined by each dorm or hallway, just as they are now voted on at the beginning of Fall Term. To return to the system of punishmen- ts, the council could not revoke leases; this would and should still be handled by Housing. However, restitution and work duties in the dorm would be adequate punishements, and would be constructive in not only providing punishment, but also in actually restoring the dorm to its previous condition, at the offen- der's, rather than the University's cost. This plan is being circulated to housing of- ficials and dorm governments. John Heidke, associate director of housing, will present it to building directors and has expressed ap- proval in such a system; he has seen it fun- ction elsewhere effectively. Rather than sim, ply antagonizing the administration, this plan 4 can only work with student and ad- ministration cooperation. Such cooperation has moved code discussions back to the University Council, and is a positive solution to the present stalemate between the two groups. Josephson, an LSA sophomore, is editor of the MSA News and a member of MSA 's Student Rights Committee. 1 Wasserman WEl DWXP-NlS AQS G&YN& TO MAV Mt)SLOP iM IWJ& ECUSES FOR flXE TO FAGS 'TE VW2D RUTAl,,, f'PRTY'S DEFEA\T IN NOVEMBERz Il -, - II1 I ni I-oI-i 'pU I' i OUR ' EUGM S SOMRMIN&FA DEEFC-Q- N M ( M~A G P120BLCM- It "a/ -NS IM66 OF AMItM6E P~oSLeNA Fuel for the fire Letters Consider seeks discussion on issues S outh African Prime minister Botha's recent scheme to improve his government's reputation with many western critics appears as if it might have backfired. .Last week Botha told Nelson Man- dela, the jailed leader of the outlawed African National Congress, that he would be freed if he renounced his call for violence in combatting Apartheid rule. Yesterday, Botha's daughter read his refusal to a crowd of 9000 sup- porters in the city of Soweta., U.S. human rights activists have stepped up criticisms of Botha's mostly white government since Ronald Reagan's reelection. The South African government pursues a policy of segregation which has resulted in an unequal distribution of resources as well as diminished civil rights to the black majority. Botha had hoped that by attaching Mandela's release to a renunciation of violence, he could justify his continued imprisonment as an anti-terrorist measure. In making his offer to Mandela, Botha has succeeded on one level in linking Mandela's name with terrorism, but on another level-a level of inspiration for the oppressed black citizens of South Africa-he has harmed his own cause by giving the ar- ticulate Mandela a chance to play a dramatic revolutionary role. In the statement read by his daughter, Mandela said, "I cannot and will not give any undertaking at a time when I, and you the people, are not free. Your freedom and mine cannot be separated." Public acts of self-sacrifice for a revolutionary cause can be inspiring to a people whose anger has been fermen- ting into revolutionary fervor. U.S. Revolutionary War hero Nathan Hale provided one of the most famous rallying crys for the revolutionaries when he declared to the British soldiers hanging him, "I regret that I have but one life to give for my coun- try." The situation in South Africa remains tense, and Botha may have won some respect with western human rights activists for his offer to release Mandela, but he has also granted momentum to Mandela's movement. Confronted with having their leader labelled a "terrorist", South African revolutionaries can repeat, "I cannot sell my birthright... Your freedom and mine cannot be separated." 4 To the Daily: In today's paper you quote me as saying that, "Mr. Insert lacks understanding of what Consider is" ("Consider insert," Daily, February 7). While this is correct, I would like to take this opportunity to clarify that statement, especially in light of Mr. Insert's remarks. Mr. Insert said that Consider should present "multiple views" and should "welcome his ad- dition". If Mr. Insert reads Con- sider, he would know that we have persistently encouraged our readers to send us their viewpoin- ts in the form of both articles and letters. Indeed, during the coming weeks we will print responses to the Nicaragua issue by readers who have submitted their views. Why does Mr. Insert feel that he is above this time- honored method to which coun- tless publications adhere? Consider attempts to en- courage serious debate on some of the important issues of the day. Refraining from a partisan stan- ce on any issue allows us to present a forum in which readers and writers of all political per- suasions will feel comfortable. Through this forum, we hope to get people to begin to think about various issues. Certainly many issues are poorly understood, and it may be that Nicaragua is one of them. Consider hopes that we can clarify some of the issues we present; similarly, many times the articles discussed in our pages will bring out the com- plexity of the issues. The insert presented an ob- vious parody of many people's views on Nicaragua. This is cer- tainly not a welcome addition to Consider. We believe thatvthe Nicaraguan issue is a very serious topic; satirizing the issue as Mr. Insert does not increaset people's understanding of it as he insists. It serves only to further obscure the issue. Of course all this ignores the impropriety of Mr. Insert using the Consider name, and presen- ting his insert as part of Consider. He appears to have a remarkable lack of repect for the Consider staff, our reades, and the entire University community. But I imagine that someone like Mr. Insert, who apparently lacks a basic comprehension of many things, doesn't understand this. -Jeff Spinner February 7 Cartoon simplified issue To the Daily: I am writing in response to a cartoon by Glenn Bering which was published on the Opinion Pagerof the January 31, 1985 pa per. Bering's sophomoric attempt at political comment is one which sadly misrepresents a complex situation. It is obvious that he has little idea of the state of affairs in Lebanon. To imply that Israel solely caused hardship in Lebanon is a blind view to facts. Disregarding the civil war strife which is the base of the instability and en- suing violence in Beirut and all of Lebanon shows his ignorance of world politics. Not only does he miss the underlying reasons for the violence, he fails to recognize American, French, British, and Italian occupation of Beirut. Their weapons caused a significant amount of deaths and injuries. Bering also seems to be ignorant of the major con- tributors to Lebanese suffering; the P.L.O. and Syria. The P.L.O Correction Because of an error in produc- tion, a line of type was inadver- tently left out of Prof. Robert Weeks's letter to the Daily («I nA.f.cdrtA..AQlP ill based their terrorist operations against Israel in Lebanon, a country which did not want them. They, along with Syria which in- vadedLebanon, incitedaviolence with their rhetoric and more directly by their distribution of arms. They fueled the civil war and maintained a high degree of military aggression. Bering, by presenting a skewed and incomplete picture of the situation in Lebanon, has subverted truth. He should learn that basing one's opinions on fact lends more credence to them and is the proper goal of editorial comment. -Kenneth Howard February 4 BLOOM COUNTY Spinner is Editor-in-Chief. Optimists fear no holocaus To the Daily: In the January 25 edition of The Daily, Amy Ann Angelasstro, a defendent in the PSN trial, is quoted as saying, "I feel that this fear (of nuclear holocaust) is like a dark cloud over everybody. People are waiting to die. They have no hope." I must assume that she meant "everybody" metaphorically, as I, for one, have little fear of nuclear holocaust and a lot of hope for the human race. I believe that the human race, as a whole, has the wisdom to use the beneficial results of scientific research and to control the non-beneficial. Before anyonerebukes me with, "I'd rather be a live pessimist than a dead optimist," - I will say that I would rather be the dead optimist. Everyone dies sometime. At least the optimists enjoyed themselves. -Charles Lipsig January 26 by Berke Breathed Consider's 5aWKIM1LAZE. - "6eWRAL HOSPITq" WAS AN. hVW YA PONfr &(0880 ? z-Iu I iea ME FAX I .. HAI TO1W VI&((AA'17m 71I/5 MORNING,"A ARZ~-CRMzP tW5 4iW~EG" ATE f1YMMMr6e55 WHV 96 WRe. a 01POU5rA WA7MNNGCH#V&lE H/0 M/t (?A/1WO I/N THE WEWi&r gOOMi r1~55 N/CE. YEP. HE. 60T A 5AY5 we MU .MAT? " 5Th'AW6P ' OIKLANP." AM ap 5pcAW5 K~f4L55G~g AR . © =,r~ IllAu' I -,MW 't. Im 'W'ikmW klw .%. .t r '^°:.