4 OPINION Page 4 Saturday, February 9, 1985 The Michigan Daily _1 14 Edie nd mai L i Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCV, No. 108 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board A peaceful decision EACE BEGINS at home" has become an important tenet of the anti-nuclear movement around the world. Although Ann Arbor's nuclear free zone proposal failed, other parts of the world have had some success with similar proposals. In Japan, all nuclear weapons are prohibited and recently the Australian government refused to allow the U.S. to conduct tests on the MX missile system with Australian surveillance devices. It has fallen to the islands of Zealand, however, to take strongest anti-nuclear stand yet. New the New Zealand's prime minister David Lange was elected to his post on a wave of anti-nuclear sentiment, and seven months ago his government passed legislation outlawing all nuclear propelled or nuclear equipped ships from docking in its harbors. Fur- ther, his governmnet is enforcing the legislation by demanding that the U.S. announce whether visiting ships are carrying the weapons. The U.S. has a long-standing policy of selectively releasing information regarding the cargo of its ships-especially those equipped with nuclear weapons. New Zealand's actions are not en- tirely unprecedented-Japan has similar legislation-but no country has ever taken such steps to insure its freedom from nuclear weapons. The situation has been further com- plicated by Australia's failure to cooperate with the U.S. in the MX testing. TheU.S., Australia, and New Zealand make up Anzus, a southern pacific defensive alliance similar to NATO, yet without any standing organizational body. The U.S. has been claiming that New Zealand's refusal to allow any navy destroyers from en- tering its ports is a threat to the Anzus alliance. In the U.S. Senate, William Cohen (R-Maine) called for economic retaliation against New Zealand. In addition to asking for a halt in special American trade and security benefits, he has proposed releasing U.S. stock- piles of butter to compete with New Zealand's principal export. The U.S. opinion that New Zealand's action poses a threat to Anzus is un- founded. Lange has repeated his desire to maintain ties to the U.S. and has said he would welcome a visit to his country by an American vessel, provided it could be determined that vessel had no nuclear weapons in her cargo. Further, Sen. Cohen's response to the situation is entirely unfounded in light of New Zealand's long history of alliance with the U.S. By labelling the action a threat, the U.S. is trying to paint the incident as a display of betrayal rather than as a manifestation of public outrage over nuclear escalation. It has been doing so because if New Zealand is successful in preventing any ships equipped with nuclear weapons from docking, it may set a precedent for Japan and other an- ti-nuclear countries to follow. New Zealand may be a tiny country in an exotic corner of the world, but its stance on nuclear weapons is a beacon of hope to the rest of the world. As long as nuclear weapons are produced and transported anywhere, the threat of world annihilation remains. New Zealand's stand against a nuclear visit could set a precedent that will help other countries demon- strate the anti-nuclear convictions of their populaces as well and should bring additional pressure on the U.S. to bring an end to the insanity of the nuclear arms buildup. War and By Mary Jo McConahay SOMOTO, NICARAGUA - Hundreds of peasant families fleeing attacks by US- backed anti-government forces, "contras," have come down from their isolated mountain homes to search for safety in a valley near here watered by a tributary of the Rio Coco. They are among some 140,000 Nicaraguans-mostly peasants-now displaced by the conflict, according to gover- nment figures. Here, near their country's northern border and on the edge of the fighting, the displaced commonly say they "wait for the Contra" to appear again. They lead lives obsessed by the war. Their new homes-sometimes still only ten- ts or shacks made of sticks-are huddled in clusters which look incongruously crowded together in the wide expanse of the valley. Some settlements are ringed with trenches. In others, settlers have dug tunnels to serve. as cramped communal shelters during at- tacks. Grandfathers in their 60s and boys as young as 12 dress in the brown shirts and olive green pants of the civilian militia shouldering Russian-made AK-47s or old U.S. carbines. Much like settlers in the Old West, men and some women go about their farm work ar- med. "We carry the guns for self-defense, not to attack anyone," said Gabriel Hernandez, 41, who lives in a settlement called "Hermanos Martinez," named after two brothers who were killed when Contra attacked their moun- tain house in 1981. Five other persons, in- cluding an infant, also died in that attack. Terrorized peasants living nearby, in- cluding Hernandez, moved to this valley where they were giver land by the gover- nment. Here they grow basic foods and produce tobacco which they sell to the state. "We believe the Contra attacked the Mar- tinez brothers because they belonged to a cooperative and supported the revolution," Hernandez said. "Now even as refugees we have to worry because this is an agricultural McConahay wrote this article for the Pacific News Service. Nicaraguan farmers cooperative too." Built on some of the country's best far- mland-land confiscated by the Sandinistas from the holdings of Anastazio Somoza and his officials and given to peasants-the co-ops sell products to the government. There have been more than 100 Contra attacks on such co- ops and state farms, according to the Nicaragua SocialfServiceaand Welfare In- stitute. As Hernandez spoke, he seemed to ignore the thunder of mortar fire rumbling through the mountains in the direction of the border with Honduras only about ten miles away. Other refugees from the fighting, and peasants whothave been threatenedebecause they support the Sandinistas or have sons in the army, are also seeking safety in numbers elsewhere in the country-moving in with other family members or swelling provincial capitals. Some chance returning briefly to their old fields in daylight to recover part of a food crop. Displaced peasants interviewed in northern towns like this say the move is doubly hard for them. As mountain dwellers, they are ac- customed to a more private, independent life, they say, in houses as much as an hour's walk away from each other-a fact which also makes them more vulnerable to Contras. The displaced in the agricultural settlemen- ts near here, however, say that despite the nearer threat of violence, they may be more fortunate than farmers who have gone to town. Indeed, though it is filled with poor, dislocated and sometimes traumatized families, this does not feel like a valley of the dispossessed. Still, the daily routine is disrupted by the war in many ways. "We expect attacks from one hour to the next," said Angela Maria Martinez, 49, who lives with 11 children and grandchildren and other adult relatives in a dirt-floored house of rough logs at a cooperative called "LabCar- bonera." She and her neighbors grow basic foods and comb the hills for wood which they burn into charcoal and sell to the government. At this co-op, children attend classes under the trees. Construction on a school has stop- ped for lack of cement, which is particularly scarce in war zones because Contra forces regularly ambush state vehicles transporting building material. On one recent morning, Martinez stood in the middle of a compound on the long narrow bulge of dirt that marks the length of their4 underground shelter. She argued per- suasively with Oriano Salgado, 27, a member of the co-op's governing council, that some families would have to run too far to reach the tunnel in case of attack. "At El Cairo, nobody has to jump more than three steps now from their kitchen," she said, naming another valley cooperative where displaced peasants live. El Cairo settlers in- creased defense measures after a Contra at tack last summer killed one and injured three adults and three children, including a 10-year- old boy whose right arm had to be amputated. Salgado, hurrying to join other armed set- tlers already departing to hunt for deef, hastily agreed the camp should consider digging new trenches. The last time Contra came within threatening distance of La Cabonera was more than a month ago. Then, warned by a runner from a hamlet further north, Salgado and other militia members hid in a lookou point "to make sure they weren't heading in our direction." At Hermanos Martinez, "We all live with a certain nervousness," said Sara Hernandez, no relation to Gabriel, who operates a 20- volume lending library out of her house. Young men from here are in the Sandinista army, she says, some fighting in the very mountain zones abandoned by their refugee families. Because it was a Sunday, Hernandez, who' is one of the Roman Catholic social and religious "promoters" called Delegates of the Word, was readying a regular 3 o'clock, where peasants gather to sing religious songs and read from the Bible. As she did so, she defended the emphasis on military prepared- ness. "You might look at us and see a kind of militarization. But we have to defend our- selves," she said. "Everyone here has lost someone to the Contra. Just because we're Christian doesn't mean we'll sit here waiting for them with our arms crossed." 4 Sinclair 4 f - r Pb S. . N - p° r . ' . 4.Y Military security E VERYBODY IS appealing to the young Republican market. After two overwhelming victories by a fun- damentally conservative presidential candidate, the demise of Tom Hayden's Students for a Democratic Society and. the mainstream radical movement, and the recent predomination of career-oriented students on the nation's college cam- puses, United States businesses and governmental agencies are cashing in on the new market. And just as the Central Intelligence Agency and General Motors are appealing to young people's newly realized need for in- dividual economic security, the U.S. armed services are offering high school and college graduates a batch of offers they can't refuse-in the form of military pensions. The military pension system, which allows thousands of servicemen a chance to retire in their late 30s as wealthy civilians, has recently come under the scrutiny of budget reformers in the Reagan Administration and Congress. It is not surprising that government officials are finally begin- ning to realize that allowing a ser- viceman to retire after 20 years of service is a very liberal policy. Budget Director David Stockman is the most recent critic of the military pensions. He calls that system, which will account for $44 billion in defense department expenditures by the year 2000, "a scandal" and "an outrage." Even Sen. Sam Nunn (D-Ga.), one of the most respected defense experts on Capital Hill who has criticized Stockman's remarks, admitted that the system deserves investigation and reform. The average retired officer is 42 years old and draws a pension of $7,500 a year. The average enlisted man gets $9,600 a year. Not a bad security blanket for a job that requires no more than ability to do what you're told-when you are told. There are now 1.4 million people drawing military pensions, the vast majority of whom are not veterans of any war. With defense expenditures at a peak, and an administration devoted to buildup of nuclear weapons arsenals and technology, it is unfortunate that the most overly funded and potentially destructive arm of the federal gover- nment is also the most wasteful. It is time the military pension system receives Congressional scrutiny. Perhaps once it is discovered why a 38- year-old can retire in indefinite security, Stockman and his congressional allies can discover the rationale behind a $650 toilet seat. Letters Poor women should have free choice To the Daily: In Michigan, Medicaid recipients are the poor mostly. They are women and children and there are large numbers of minorities represented. The intent of the Medicaid assistance program is to help bring about equality of medical care between the poor and non- poor. To assist with this effort, the state established that lack of income would determine Medicaid eligibility for the cost of medical pregnancy, as with the decision to accept pre-natal care, has been defined by law to be up to the patient. A poor woman should not be penalized for whichever of these decisions she makes because she is dependent upon Medicaid for her medical care. The annual attempt of a small group of anti-abortionists to deny BLOOM COUNTY poor women medical care is an affront to the poor among us, a denial of equality under the law, and a waste of tax dollars. These wasted dollars and this enegy could be used to prevent unplan- ned pregnancy; a step that truly begins to address the underlying problem. The poor don't need the morality of the minority t jeopordize their collective righU and they are able to make their own decisions. -JoAnne E. Peterson January 31 Peterson is the executive director of Planned Paren- thood of Mid-Michigan. by Berke Breathed N, 4-\' YOU OWW 5(6,qKIN& ND. I STRAIN~P I