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February 09, 1985 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1985-02-09

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Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom

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Sunshine in the morning followed
by clouds in the afternoon. Highs

Vol. XCV, No. 108

Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, February 9, 1985

Fifteen Cents

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to go ape
Just when people thought a tide of
conservatism had swept college cam-
puses, three students wearing gorilla
masks and paws descended upon
University classrooms vesterday.
The sophomores - who would identify
themselves only as Dave, Dave, and
Dave - did handsprings, cartwheels,
and flips through classes in Angell and
Mason Halls, as well as the Frieze and
Modern Languages Buildings.
PROF. DIANE Kirkpatrick's Art
History 102, held in Angell Hall Aud. A,
was invaded by the gorillas. She said
she had not seen such antics since the
late 1960's and 70's.
The gorillas hope to bring back thea
liberal spirit of the 60s and 70s. "Con-
servativeness is spreading rampant,
we want liberal ideas to spread across
campus," the Daves said.
"What we're trying to do is tell the
students here to loosen up ... to let their
hair down, to go apes, to go bannanas,"
said one of the three Daves.
THE FURRY trio made a dramatic
entrance into the art history class. They
raced down the aisles doing car-
twheels and flips, and bounced up on
stage to greet the dumbfounded Kirk-
See GORILLA, Page 2

After six years as head of University
security, Director of Safety Walter
Stevens said yesterday he will retire at
the end of this month.
Stevens' retirement will not be an-
nounced officially until Monday, when
the University begins to accept ap-
plications for the post.
DIRECTOR of Business Operations
John Weidenbach, who will appoint
Stevens' successor, acknowledged that
at least one person from within the
safety department has already applied
for the post. He declined to elaborate.
Other sources, however, said the heir
apparent is Leo Heatley, assistantj
director of safety and a candidate in
last year's county sheriff's race.
Anne Ryan, chairwoman of Michigan
Student Assembly's Women's Issues
Committee, said she thinks Heatley will
succeed Stevens.
"IT'S MY impression that the'
decision has already been made," she



said. "It was a chain-of-command in-
stead of an interview process.
Heatley last night declined to com-
ment on the report.
The biggest issue the incoming direc-
tor will face is the perennial question of
whether to make the University's
security department an official police
STEVENS said the new set-up, which
is common practice at campuses
throughout the country, would have a
number of advantages. For one thing,
he said, a University police force would
be "completely dedicated to The
University of Michigan.'
He added that students could benefit
from a police force that is "totally
familiar with the University."
As it stands now, Stevens said,
responsibility for campus security is
divided amongst the Ann Arbor Police
Department, the security department
at University Hospitals, and general
See NEW, Page 2

... to retire this month

Investigators clear U-Club

Daily Photo by MATT PETRIE
The three gorillas who bounced through classes yesterday take a minute to
pose for a group photo. The apes dropped in on classes in Angell and Mason
Halls and the Frieze and Modern Languages Buildings.

Exiles: Communists repress art

When Communism was young in the
early 1900s, writers and artists in
Eastern Europe enjoyed substantial
But by 1956,"the year of Soviet leader
Joseph Stalin's death, culture was
severely crippled under the sup-
pressive reign of Communist gover-
THESE WERE the impressions of
Czeslaw Milosz, a Polish poet who won
the Nobel Prize in 1980 and who has sin-
ce moved to the United States. Milosz
was one of four exiled writers from
Eastern Europe who spoke last night at
a symposium sponsored by the slavic
Communist leaders tightly control

the content and type of literature
authors can write, Milosz told a packed
audience at the Rackham Auditorium.
They limit political viewpoints to the
pro-Communist stance.
"I feel a boredom with one theme,"
Milosz said. "One thing I would advise is
that the Polish government allow the
publications of other articles. Other-
wise, they'll bore the people in Poland
to death.,
STANISLAW Baranczak, another
Polish poet, added that a person in
Poland caught carrying an unapproved
leaflet could be sent to jail for as long as
three years.
The imposition of martial law has not
completely suppressed culture in
Poland, however. The government does

forbid publication of
ticles, not realizing such a ban
only drives the literature to the
underground press. Once the literature
is printed in legal publishing firms, the
government will censor the contents.
Suppression of art and literature is
worse in the Soviet Union, the speakers
"RUSSIA will exit this country
without one great writer," said Russian
poet Joseph Brodsky, one of the other
speakers. "Censorship has killed the
best and silenced the mediocre."
"Art can neither be owned by the
patron, the state, nor the artist," he ad-
The Communist ideology has dwin-
See EXILES, Page 3

The Union's University Club Bar ap-
parently did not violate Liquor Control
Commission rules when it ran an adver-
tisement for Labatt's beer on a poster
promoting last November's "World's
Largest Nacho Platter."
Liquor Control Commission (LCC) of-
ficials recently launched an in-
vestigation of the U-Club in an attempt
to determine whether it had knowingly
cooperated with Labatt's in the adver-
tisement. This would have violated an
LCC rule against "cooperative adver-
THE LCC also originally suspected
that the U-Club had violated the rules
by advertising a specific brand of
alcoholic beverage.
According to Walter Keck, director of
the LCC's licensing and enforcement
division, the U-Club will not be cited for
violating the LCC rules, "because
neither the U-Club nor anyone from
Labatt's actually had anything to do

with (the advertisement)."
"We don't think (the U-Club) violated
the law because they didn't pay for the
ad; it wasn't their ad," Keck said.
Members of the University Activities
Center (UAC) - a co-sponsor of the
nacho platter event - paid for the ad
without any evidence that the U-Club
participated, he said.
BUT KECK altered his position
yesterday when he learned - apparen-
tly for the first time - of a comment
made by Carolyn Sherman, the UAC
member who was in charge of the ad.
Last week, Sherman told the Daily
that the nacho platter, ad was per-
sonally approved by Michael Crabb, the
director of Union Food Services.
"If I had known that earlier, I might
have issued a written warning to the U-
Club," Keck said.
Crabb, however, refused to comment
on the ad, and Union Director Frank
Cianciola said that Crabb "couldn't
recall whether he had seen the ad or

license violations

"WE HAVEN'T made it a practice to
approve the advertising by student
groups - there's been no mechanism
for this," Cianciola said.
He added that the Union is presently
looking into changing its advertising
practices in an effort to "help us adhere
to the law."
See U-CLUB, Page 3
Illini center
out ofaction
Illinois center George Mon-
tgomery will not be seeing action
against Michigan today .due to a
broken foot he suffered Thursday at
Michigan State. See story, Page 8.


Followers of Buddhism
increase in Ann Arbor

At Zen Buddist Temple in Ann Arbor, devotees of the
religion perform the centuries old foot washing ceremony in
a porcelain bathtub with Ivory soap.
Then, clad in traditional gray, belted robes and Michigan
sweats, they bow before the image of Buddha before
assuming the (crossed legs) they maintain throughout three
or four hours of meditative practice.
BUDDHISM is the fastest growing religion in North
America and its appeal has not gone unrecognized in Ann Ar-
bor. "When I came here three years ago," says Sanbul
Sunim, the temple's priest, "I was in a small apartment. (A
year later) there were enough students here to get together to
buy this temple."
Sunim's temple is now located at 1214 Packard.
"We are... developing a North American Zen here;" Sanbul
says. "We are not limited by doctrine."
"We change all the time, every moment, this maintains our
ACCORDING TO Sunim, what is learned at the temple is
applied to all aspects of everyday life. "This training is hard

work, in your everyday life, not in passively sitting reading
something," he said.
It's possible to learn proper meditative practice, but it is
difficult to learn it on your own, Sanbul explains.
"We say," Sanbul says, " The master, he walks straight.'
This is to say his (meditative) practice is right."
Many have what Sanbul calls "right experience" but for
most it is only momentary. For example, the athlete who, af-
ter completing a long-distance run, rests without following
his thoughts to any conclusion has "right experience." He
neither reflects upon the past nor anticipates the future. He
simply experiences the present.
THE WAY the athlete experiences this moment is the way
the student of Zen learns to experience every moment,
initially, every moment of meditation - ultimately, every
moment of every day.
"Practicing meditation helps me experience everything
more full," says Elisa Seltzer, a University student who
became interested in Buddhism while taking a University
course on Eastern religion. "Taking the time to focus helps
See ZEN, Page 2

Daily Photo by DAN HABIB I

Zen Buddhist Temple member Janette Shepherd, children Ziranda Miranda (left), and Karima Lundquist (right) beat
on drums during the evening chanting ritual.




Bargain lover's paradise
ODAY IS THE last day you can pick up that
rench coat, circa 1950, grandma's primer, or chest
you've always wanted for your room. The 59th Annual


mory. In 1967 the sale moveds to its permanent home ... "
If you're a bargain lover, or just like to rummage, grab
your wallet-this is your paradise.
For God's sake
G EORGE LEVI of Dayton, Ohio hopes to find a faithful
following for his business venture - a grocery
store named after God. Levi, 40, avborn-again Christian,
said he plans to open God's Grocery Store to thank the Lord
for all his blessings. "A lot of people might criticize me

Zipeode gets zapped
D OGS AND mail carriers are often not the best of frien-
ds. But Zipcode, the mascot at Rye, New York's post
office, is another matter. Postal officials who evicted the
dog after nine years aththe post office have responded to
protests by workers there by saying they will hold a
ceremony to retire the mutt and erect a plaque in her honor,
says Gordon Hensley, a spokesman for U.S. Rep. Joseph
DioGuardi. But Leonard Braccio, the mail carrier who's
heen takin care of Zinode sine she was kicked nut of the

regulations, only seeing-eye dogs or those serving "of-
ficially" are allowed to live on the premises. After Zip-
code's eviction, postal workers began circulating petitions.
Enter DioGuardi, a freshman Republican from New
Rochelle. Several weeks of negotiations with postal officials
resulted in the decision to retire the dog and put up the
plaque, Hensley said. DioGuardi met with Postal Service
regional manager Raymond Murphy two weeks ago to lob-
by for Zipcode's reinstatement, but Murphy said he had to
stick to regulations.




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