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February 07, 1985 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1985-02-07

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Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom

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Mostly clear skies with
possibility of snow flurries.
Highs in the low twenties.


Vol. XCV, No. 106

Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan -

Thursday, February 7, 1985

Fifteen Cents

Eight Pages

Consider insert
'Stuffer' defends extra articles

A person who said he was responsible
for putting unauthorized inserts in last
week's Consider magazine said he did it
because the magazine has a very
limited viewpoint.
"The Consider format in general is
two views that differ insignificantly,"
said the person who spoke on the con-
dition that he not be identified. "They
claim it's unbiased. That's totally
false," he added.
LAST WEEK, hundreds of flyers
discussing the issue of U.S. in-
volvement in Nicaragua were inserted
into issues of Consider after they were
distributed around campus. The flyers
were titled "Consider (Consider)."
"How can he defend putting
something he does under our name?"
asked Consider editor Jeff Spinner last
night. "No one has the right to publish
under the name Consider, except Con-
Consider presents two articles each
week to offer two points of view on a
specific topic.
"SHOULDN'T they present multiple
views?" the 'stuffer' asked.
"We are just presenting more views.

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They should welcome it."
He said the Nicaraguan issue is very
important and very poorly understood.
"This wasn't a personal attack (on the
magazine). It had to be done. It was
important to have (the views) presented
together," he said.
The person who said he was respon-
sible for the inserts referred to himself
as Captain John Early. The insert said
Early is an American intelligence of-
ficial working in Central America.
The 'stuffer' said last night he wanted
to see an issue of Consider in which he
would write an article examining the

value of the weekly magazine. He
challenged Spinner to write an opposing
view of the magazine for the same
issue, and Spinner said he "might take
him up."
Spinner said "the insert was ob-
viously partisan. It was disturbing.
'Mr. Insert' lacks understanding of
what Consider-is."
"Consider does not present itself as
being representative of all the views of
any issue," said Spinner. "What our
purpose is and what we have succeeded
in doing is to start discussion of issues"

Daily Photo by KATE O'LEARY

Karen Morris relaxes on a sunny ride along W. Liberty on an AATA bus. Morris, a Kelly Services employee, was on her
way to a job interview.

Reagan calls for new tax plan

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan, in his
fourth State of the Union address, asked Congress
yesterday to pass - this year - a tax simplicfication
bill that he said would help unleash "the tremendous
pent-up power of our economy."
Marking his 74th birthday with the annual evening
address to both houses of Congress, Reagan said "we
did what we promised" in his first term, and he
described the United States as "renewed - stronger,
freer and more secure than before."
IN PREPARED remarks, Reagan barely men-
tioned the record federal deficit or his controversial
budget-cutting plan just submitted to Congress.
Rather, he reaffirmed American support for freedom
movements in Afghanistan and Nicaragua, stressed
his proposals for helping the nation's law-income

citizens, embraced guidelines for an overhaul of the
tax system.
He did not endorse the tax plan put forth by the
Treasury Department in December; rather, Reagan
said he was directing his Treasury secretary to begin
working with congressional authors and committees
to write bipartisan legislation based on principles of
"fairness, simplicity, and growth."
He provided guidelines that he said would ensure
no "tax increase in disguise" - mentioning in par-
ticular that he would not "jeopardize the mortgage
interest deduction" for family homes. He owed a top
tax rate of "no more than 35 percent, possibly lower,"
to replace the current top rate of 50 percent.
TO ACHIEVE a lower rate, the plan would trim
"many tax preferences," but he proposed at least two

new ones himself - tax breaks for companies that
locate in depressed urban "enterprise ones," and
tuition tax credits to help families who send their
children to private schools.
Even before Reagan made his tax proposal, Senate
Majority Leader Robert Dole (R-Kan.) said it would
be "very difficult" to overhaul the tax system this
year, given the lawmakers' preoccupation with
Reagan's proposed spending cuts in the budget the
president sent to Congress on Monday.
In his remarks, broadcast nationally, Reagan
declared "a second American revolution" of hope,
opportunity, technological progress and the promise
of a free and peaceful world.
Of his first four years, the president said, "We have
begun well, but it's only a beginning."

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lISA says
Preport must
be released

The Michigan Student Assembly filed
a petition yesterday under the Freedom
of Information Act to acquire an
unreleased minority report from
University administrators.
The report, written by Niara
Sudarkasa, an associate vice president
for academic affairs, analyzes
recruitment, retention, and financial
aid levels for undergraduate minority
students on campus.
THE OFFICIAL request for the
minority report was delivered to Vice
President for Academic Affairs and
Provost Billy Frye, and another copy
was sent to Susan Lipschutz, an
assistant to the University president.
Lipschutz is responsible for compliance

with the Freedom of Information Act.
The Michigan Daily filed a similar
Frye was unavailable for comment,
and Lipschutz said that "someone will
respond within five days," the
maximum time allotted to respond to
such a request.
UNDER THE Freedom of Infor-
mation Act, a public report is "a
writing prepared . . . or retained by a
public body in the performance of an of-
ficial function, from the time it -is
MSA President Scott Page said the
report originally was scheduled for
public release last Nov. 2, at which time
the University's executive officers met
to discuss its contents.

According to Sudarkasa, the report is
a discussion of the problems concerning
blacks on campus, and a series of
recommendations to increase recruit-
ment and retention of minority studen-
UNIVERSITY officials have kept
silent on why the report has been
withheld, and also have declined com-
ment on whether Sudarkasa's recom-
mendations were approved or rejected
by the executive officers.
Charles Holman, the chairman of the
education committee for the Michigan
State Conference of the NAACP, said he
believes "The Freedom of Infor-
mation Act is designed to make this sort
See MINORITY, Page 3

Daily Photo by DARRIAN SMI I
An IBM representative speaks to an interested student during the summer
job fair at the Union yesterday.
Students seek aork
at Su-mmer Job' Fair

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MSA questions McDuffie removal procedure
By AMY MINDELL the procedure of the discussion until

Some MSA members are not happy
with the way Randy McDuffie was
removed Tuesday night from his
position as the Chairman of the
Minority Affairs Committee.
The dismissal of McDuffie stemmed
from his handling of the International.
Cultures Weekend. McDuffie was
charged with misrepresentation of fac-
ts surrounding the event, unauthorized
disbursement of funds, and lack of
"I COULDN'T justify voting for the
motion, considering the gravity of the
situation, and a man's reputation at
stake," said MSA member Mike Laber.

The discussion was not a facade to the
five people who were not too lazy or in-
competent to research the facts for them-
selves.' -Steve Kaplan
MSA vice president

Monday evening.
BUT MSA Vice President Steve
Kaplan disagreed with the complaint.
"The discussion was not a facade to the
five people who were not too lazy or in-
competent to research the facts for
themselves," said Kaplan.
MSA spent 25 minutes of the hearing
on Tuesday discussing whether or not to
accept the format for the discussion.
Later, another 15 minutes were spent
on a motion to close discussion on Mc-
Duffie's removal.
Kurt Muenchow, an MSA member
and the appointed chairperson for the
See MSA, Page 3

Some wore navy suits. Others just
jeans. But they all had one thing in
common when they descended upon
the Union yesterday. They were all
students looking for employmentat
the third annual Summer Job Fair.
lobby waiting for a chance to talk to
the 80 recruiters on hand for the fair,
which was organized by Career Plan-
ning and Placement.
"For many students this- is the first
time to talk face-to-face with an em-
ployer," said Amy Richter, director
of the Career Planning and
Placement Office. "It's a valuable
experience and a confidence-building
Attendance for this year's fair was

up substantially over last year. One
thousand students had pre-registered
for the fair since Jan. 21, with another
400 signing up during the first two
hours of the event, Richter said..
Last year only 800 students had pre-
THE TURNOUT pleased many of
the employers, like David Himes, a
recruiter from a YMCA camp.
"It's a lot more comfortable here
than at other schools where I've
been," Himes said. "I'm impressed,
the program is very well run."
Some students were disturbed at
having to wait in long lines before get-
ting a chance to speak with recruiters,
but most were pleased with the fair.
"I WAS HAPPY to be able to get
See STUDENTS, Page 3

"There were basic questions that were
left unanswered," he added.
"The trial was being used as a way to
sanitize the whole affair," said LSA
senior Nick Kabcenell, who was one of
the four members to vote against the
proposal to remove McDuffie.

McDuffie, an LSA junior, said "it was
a .kangaroo (court) at its best." He was
given five minutes to state his case,
which he said was not nearly enough.
"If you play a game and want others to
play with you, the rules should be
known first," he added. MSA did not set

Winter Cleaning


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Happy Birthday
PARKER BROTHERS threw a 50th birthday party
yesterday for Monopoly, the game once dismissed as a
fad that now has players wheeling and dealing for lots and
hotels in 19 languages, under water, on mountain peaks,
and in space. Since a few workers put together the first
Monopoly sets in 1935, more than 90 million games have
been sold in 38 countries, including Japan, Saudi Arabia,
and England where low-rent Mediterranean Avenue has
become old Kent Road, and costly Boardwalk is Mayfair.

Penn., built a board bigger than a city block. The dice were
large foam rubber cubes cast from a third-floor fire escape
and players were informed of their moves by messengers
on bicycles equipped with walkie talkies. Richard Stearns,
Parker Brothers president, attributes the game's enduring
success to the American ambition to get rich. "Everybody
has that desire to make money, to be a land barron, so to
speak," he said. "In that way, it's the quintessential
American game. Other games come and go, but Monopoly
seems to have a life ot its own." And he's right, Monopoly
has monopolized the game market.




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