4 OPINION Page 4 Thursday, January 10, 1985 The Michigan Daily -------------- I The Barbie doll mentality A Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan By Naomi Saferstein Vol. XCV, No. 82 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Farewell to Dunn D URING THE December Board of Regents meeting, Gerald Dunn bid farewell to the University after having served on the board since 1969. Dunn's career as a regent was marked by a dedication to admirable social and political goals. And though he often found himself at odds with his more conservative fellow board mem- bers he was not afraid to cast a dissen- ting vote. He was a consistent opponent of the Solomon Amendment. He was one of only two dissenting votes on the 9.5 percent tuition hike. In addition he was the first regent to propose divest- ment of the University's holdings in South Africa, and his was the only vote in favor of the proposal to extend the guidelines governing military resear- ch to non-classified projects. Dunn's record shows that he has been one of the finest regents in recent years, and his failure to be renominted speaks poorly for the machinery of the Democratic party and for the very nature of the regental selection process. Dunn himself claimed in September that his bid for the nomination was passed over because of a personal fued he had with UAW leader Frank Garrison concerning Dunn's private position as a lobbyist for 11 school districts in western Wayne County. Whatever the reasons, Gerald Dunn's absence leaves the University a poorer place. Conservative mem- bers of the board have lost their ablest opponent and liberals throughout the University community have lost an important ally. Little Sally had her heart set on a Barbie doll for Christmas. But Little Sally's mother was very much against it. She said it made more sense to listen to her head than to her daughter's heart and so the answer was no. And Little Sally cried. And cried. And her mother still said no. And through the downpour of boo-hoos and but-I-wants Little Sally's mother tried to ex- plain to six-year-old Sally that although she might not understand it now, playing with Barbie at the age of six was bound to leave her bitter and disillusioned in the years to come. And in the long run it was better to do without for the moment than to suffer in the future. "Think of it like vitamin C pills, Sally," she began. "You take vitamin C pills now so you won't get sick later..." But Little Sally was confused. "Here," said her mother, "Let me make it so you can understand, O.K.? Look at it this way, what does Barbie do? She doesn't go to school, she doesn't work, she doesn't even do community service. All Barbie does is spend her days lounging around the pool, whizzing up and down the floors of her penthouse suite in the elevator-never the stairs-or flying around to God knows where in her private jet. "And Sally, for that kind of lifestyle you'd need lots of money, and Barbie doesn't even have a last name let alone a career. . . Can you buy Barbie a waitress uniform? Or a business suit? How about a briefcase and books? Uh-uh, all you can buy Barbie are ball gowns and bathing suits, sportswear separates and lots of shoes. "Sally, honey, you still with me? I realize this might not make a whole lot of sense now, but it really does. Mommy knows. Sweatheart, I just don't want you growing up and continually asking yourself who pays for Barbie's lavish tastes because no one will ever tell you. No one really knows. Oh sure, ce, she beamed over to K-Mart to check up on Barbie, for it had been a long time since her doll days and perhaps Barbie had burned her bikini and donned a danskin instead. Maybe she had become a woman of the '80s after all. As she reached aisle seven Little Sally's mother realized that yes, she had been wrong. Barbie was not the frivolous blonde that she had remembered from her youth. She had gotten worse. Barbie had multiplied. Now not only were there basic Barbie and her counterpart Malibu Barbie-who after more than twenty years had not lost that "California look"-but now the aisles were lined with "Loving You" Barbie, "Crystal" Barbie, "Twirly Curls" Barbie, "Pretty & Pink" Barbie, "Angel Face" Barbie, and "Dream Date" Barbie. And Mattel had also expanded on the ac- cessory concept rendering the jet airliner and the penthouse suit passe. Now there were specific ways for Barbie to spend her days; there were "Barbie Play Packs:" the wed- ding (complete with 32 pieces), the beach scene (sand not included), and a biking day with a pink motor bike that makes a "realistic motor noise." As Little Sally's mother looked up and down the aisle she realized it was quite stupid of her to have thought that Barbie's clothes would have remained the same while the times had changed. Sure, Barbie still had bathing suits and ball gowns and there wasn't a business suit to be found, but now Barbie had three lines of clothing to choose from: Fashion & Fantasy, Fashion & Fun, and Twice as Nice (reversable clothing, twice the value). As she walked out of K-Mart, package un- der her arm; Little Sally's mother smiled, feeling more the good fairy than the evil wit-4 ch, smiling because she had done something that would make he daughter happy on Christmas morning. She had forsaken Barbie and bought a Cabbage Patch Kid instead. Saferstein is an LSA junior. You've come a not-so-long way, Barbie. some people will point to Ken all right, but the poor guy can't even afford anything nicer than a polyester leisure suit. "Sal, does any of this make you feel better?. See what I'm saying?" And Little Sally nodded her head and cried. * * * Little Sally's mother felt awful. She felt like a tyrant, an ogre, a mean old witch. So in or- der to save her soul, or at least her conscien- Guarded optimism Wasserman SECRETARY OF STATE George Shultz and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko have agreed to a sound negotiation schedule for the Geneva talks. Both sides of the table in these crucial talks have agreed to a format for discussing reductions of nuclear arsenals and the limiting of a potential arms race in space. There is reason for cautious optimism at the start of the first arms control talks between the United States and the Soviet Union in 14 months. The vast majority of Americans favor arms control and the current talks at Geneva offer the first glimpse of hope in over a year for halting the arms race. In recent months, the American public also appears to be more confident about the way President Ronald Reagan handles foreign policy with the Soviet Union. According to a recent New York Times/CBS News poll, the number of respondents who approve of the president's Soviet policy has increased to 60 percent from 48 percent in Oc- tober of last year. But hopes for fruitful negotiation should not be translated into optimism for the President's plan. Aside from using the prospect of continued negotiation with the Soviet Union as a reelection ploy, Reagan has never shown a strong desire to limit arms. Many administration officials main- tain that the Soviet Union is superior to the United States in strategic weapon s capability. American officials are determined to demand more con- cessions from Moscow than they are willing to give. There is still cause for concern about the proliferation of nuclear arms. Although the agenda has been set, neither government appears willing to make the concessions necessary to end the nuclear weapons build-up. The optimism for a chance to reduce the nuclear weapons threat con- tributed to the success of Reagan's reelection campaign last year. But Reagan's Soviet policy still deserves careful scrutiny. The Geneva talks and their effect on arms proliferation should be taken very seriously and confidence in U.S. policy should be tempered with the reality of Reagan's failure to constructively approach the Soviet Union. ~CTh PR 5I DENT O \E UtN tTW ST TES SF'OVS OUT TOPNI ONjSOONw AF9AC.AW \AThEip- l ~~6~T NT O~ A'S'R CAN4S?-- PONkL Lt e44 @ P~k D hT UIETF DtPLON~cY WPBSNOTf NLWAY NoU&4., i ) 1 _ T0Vfair (r rOA -v 41 7 Counting blessings and days LETTERS TO THE DAILY Suicide pills won't help in a crisis WITH ONE DAY of classes already out of the way, vacation is seeming farther and farther away. We really ought to count our blessings, though, because this year's Christmas break actually was about as long as it could be under the current scheduling system. Starting with the fact that winter semesters traditionally begin on Wed- nesdays, simple arithmetic reveals that there is only one situation which could bring about a longer break. Last year, when New Year's day fell on a Sunday, classes began on the following Thursday on the assumption that it would take at least three days for everybody to straggle back from Florida, New York, or Flint. This year, since New Year's fell on Tuesday, the earliest classes could resume was January 9. Those numbers suggest that the greatest possible duration of vacation occurs when New Year's falls on a Monday. This year's vacation, then, was only one day shorter than the longest possible. Not bad. Those extra days meant more sleep and probably more procrastination all around. They left time for evenings at home with the parents as well as nights out with friends. They meant that the New Year's hangover was already a distant memory by the time the first text book bindings were cracked. But as with most good things, there is a price to pay for such a long winter break: exams this year venture into the beginning of May-and as April showers give way to flowers, those January days are going to seem an awfully long way away. To the Daily: There has been ever increasing coverage in the press over SANS Students Against Nuclear Suicide. This group feels that University Health Services should stock cyanide tablets for student use. Recently, SANS revised their proposal to state that these tablets would only be used in the case of a nuclear war. I disagree with this view. In the event of a nuclear war, the use of suicide now instead of cancer later would only heighten the destruction and collapse of our world. Other opponents to SANS might, and I do, believe that the idea of stocking suicide pills could prove an effective protest and influence government policy. When the government comes to realize the impact of losing an important and massive part of the population after a nuclear war has been fought, it could try these pills would be on hand so students could use them, in order to escape their future of un- bearable, painful, lives. In the event of a nuclear war, the world would, at least for a while, be in a state of total con- fusion. Many people would un- doubtedly perish. But someone must remain to carry on, to rebuild the world. College studen- ts would be crucial to whatever future would exist. Students are indeed an important group in today's society, the very future of the world rests, to a large extent, on them. Suicide pills are just one more form of escapism, and should not be given much more than a passing thought. Nobody wants a nuclear war, but there are other BLOOM COUNTY ways of expressing a viewpoint. Other forms of protest could be developed to impress views on the world's leaders. Suicide pills just aren't good as a protest measure, and are totally unac- ceptable in actual use. -David Weiner December 9 .* .** G.*.*.*. ivL:.:":::::;};} }i*.}{4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . :::::. : :: ... ;::.::. :::v: :.:....::. : :": i'i:;;::$;:i }}X4 ^::;: .:...-if::}:...":": Unsigned editorials appearing on the left side of this page represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board. a '"ii}};;?: i:+4ii:iiw.v::: i::.vn": r^:ti"::"i:"ii:C"ii:it:titii}}:"i: }:"ii:"i::: r::::::: n.....:' ":::v:v: n:yv nn": ........ ..... ' by Berke Breathed KftqrMAY wrry11 1'PA V. A 77E. I 5peCf(CMaY, A 776 1 WHICH CONNOm65 67RM~611.. HONESY. A flx FIATr5, IV'WY! AAVMAA/ 56/Nb. AF/ r ra ~a I IaVrrsr 4H. BOnW 1~1/E, hFL MY 0P f I Lm