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January 30, 1985 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1985-01-30

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Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom


Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, January 30, 1985

i ai1tj

Mostly cloudy with some light
snow. High 26-29.

Vol. XCV, No. 99

Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily

Fifteen Cents

Eight Pages

prof lea
list for
RC post
Psychology professor Elizabeth
Douvan is the leading candidate for the
directorship of the University's
Residential College, (RC) The Daily
learned yesterday.
The College's current director, John
Mersereau, confirmed that Douvan
would appear before RC students early
next month. She is the only candidate
scheduled to appear before the studen-
ts, he said.
LSA DEAN Peter Steiner refused to
comment on the status of the search.
However, according to Steiner a can-
didate will first be approved by the RC
students, then will be endorsed by the
LSA Executive Committee, and upon
acceptance of the post will be ratified
by the regents.
Douvan has been a professor at the
University since 1968. She is currently
the co-director of women's studies
department and holds an endowed
chair within the psychology depar-
SHE HAS served on LSA's executive
committee, and on the RC's review
board which conducted a year-long
evaluation of the RC in the mid-1970s.
Mersereau, who will be stepping
down in June, said Douzan will appear
early next month and will be introduced
to RC students and staff by Steiner. At
that point students will have the oppor-
tunity to question her and offer or
retract their support.
The students will not get to vote on
Douvan, but they can veto her. Steiner
has said in the past that the final

Education slotted


big increase

Special to The Daily
LANSING - Education was the big
winner when Gov. James Blanchard
unveiled his budget recommendations
before the Michigan legislature yester-
The Governor's proposed "toe-the-
line-budget" would operate on $5.65
billion, representing an overall 2.4 per-
cent spending increase. But except for
boosts in education environmental
protection, and crime control, funding
for public programs would shrink by
$16.9 million. The Department of
Social Service alone would receive a
$182 million cut, the largest reduction to
any one program.
BLANCHARD'S proposals called for
a 6 percent - or $300 million - increase
in education spending. That figure in-
cludes an 11 percent, or $117 million, in-
crease in higher education funding in
Higher education spending proposals
set aside $18 million more for financial
aid and $25 million for the creation of a
research fund to support research at
the state's four big research univer-
The University's piece of the pie
would be a $16 million increase in its
general operating budget, a 9 percent
increase from the $182 million the
University is currently receiving from
the state.
UNIVERSITY officials last night,
however, would not say whether the
boost in aid to the University would
mean they could keep a lid on future
tuition increases.

Robert Sauve, assistant to the vice
president for academic affairs, said
tuition levels would depend on how
"flexible" the budget recommen-
dations are.
"If, for example, it says that all of the
money is for buying pencils, we'd be in
good shape as far as pencils are con-
cerned, but we wouldn't be able to
lower tuition," Sauve said.
THE ANN ARBOR campus would
receive roughly $14 million of Blan-
chard's proposed allocation hike. The
Flint campus about $11 million; and
Dearborn about $9 million.
Budget recommendations for the Ann
Arbor campus include $10 million to
renovate the chemistry building, and
about half of the $60 million needed to
renovate and expand the natural
resources building.
The University is expected to be the

biggest target for research fund dollars
as well, according to Bob Naftaly,
director of the state's Office of
Management and Budget.
"WE'D LIKE to see the money go to
the four institutions," he said. "We feel
that (our dollars would) be better
utilized if they went to schools which
are already in a position to help us.
The research fund proposal is sure to
prickle a few spines at lesser known
public colleges in the state, said a
legislative aide to Sen. William Seder-
burg (R-East Lansing).
"The money is supposed to go mainly
to the University of Michigan, Michigan
State, Michigan Tech, and Wayne
State," said Sederburg's aide, Kathy
Wilbur. "But I doubt the other schools
will just sit by."
"I WOULD HOPE that all colleges

Gov. calls for hike
in need-based aid

Associated rress

White House tourist

Robert Latta, 45, marched into the White House with the Marine Band Jan.
20, the day of President Reagan's inauguration. The fun ended, however,
when the Secret Service arrested him for unlawful entry. He spent five days
in jail and has been released on $1,000 bond pending a hearing in District of
Columbia Superior Court in March.

Daily to attend board meeting

The editors of The Michigan Daily
yesterday decided to attend a meeting
of the Board for Student Publications,
despite qualms over bow an opening on
! the board was filled.
Daily Editor in Chief Bill Spindle said
the meeting was too important to miss
since the board wil be voting on the
Daily's budget and publication plans
for the summer edition of the Daily.
"AFTER A long discussion, the
editors and business managers decided
that there were several other problems
of more immediate concern that need to
be settled at this meeting," Spindle
Spindle said some staff members
argued vehemently that the Daily
should boycott the meeting as a matter
of principle, but that everyone agreed
to go along with the final decision.
In a letter sent Monday to University
President Harold Shapiro and mem-
bers of the board, Daily editors said
SShapiro violated a regents' bylaw when
he appointed Frederick Currier,

chairman and chief executive officer of
Market Opinion and Research in
Detroit, to the board.
SHAPIRO IS supposed to appoint new
members of the board from a list of at
least six names submitted by the
Daily's top editors, according to the
bylaw. Currier's name was not on the
list sent to Shapiro last September.
The board, a ten-member panel in
charge of the finances of the Daily, the
Ensian yearbook, and the Gargoyle
humor magazine, is scheduled to meet
To resolve the conflict, the Daily
proposed that Shapiro promise to ap-
point the paper's first choice for the
next board opening in May, instead of
choosing from a list of six.
SHAPIRO'S office has not yet
responded to the proposal. Susan Lip-
schutz, assistant to the president,
could not be reached last night for
Communication Prof. Charles Eisen-
drath, theboard's chairman, said he
was pleased with the Daily's decision

not to boycott the meeting, but added board would address the issue
that he doesn't think the Daily's tonight's meeting. "There's no reas
proposal is a good idea. we have to decide it tomorrow,"
Eisendrath said the Daily should said.
suggest journalists other than Urban But Spindle said the Daily willr
Lehner, bureau chief of The Wall Street give up its fight. "We still a
journal in Detroit, to fill the next board dissatisfied with the procedure follow
opening. He said Lehner is qualified in appointing that last board positi
but that "we should consider the best and will continue to press for
people we can possibly get on the list. '-'resolution of the problem which
.'favorable to us " he said.
Eisendrath said he didn't know if the '
IISA vote unanimou
in support of Daily


Special to the Daily
LANSING - Gov. James Blanchard
yesterday proposed the establishment
of a state work study program as well
as an $18 million increase over last year
in need-based financial aid for the
state's college students.
Included in this recommendation,
part of the governor's budget plan
released yesterday, is an $8 million in-
crease in the state's competitive
scholarship program and a $3 million
increase in need-based financial aid for
private schools.
IN ADDITION, the governor
proposed that scholarship awards be
increased and that qualifying standar-
ds on scholarship tests be reduced to
allow more students to benefit from aid.
programs .
Blanchard also earmarked $5 million
to initiate a state work study program.
University officials contacted last
night said they were happy with Blan-
chard's recommendations.
"WE'RE extremely pleased with the
governor's proposal to increase the
maximum award for the competitive
scholarship. More of our students will be
able to qualify for the award," said
Harvey Grotrian, the University's
financial aid director.
"We are very interested in the state
increasing need-based scholarships and
providing access to more students,"
said Robert Holmes, assistant to the
vice president for academic affairs.
The state currently is sponsor of two
need-based financial assistance
programs - the competitive scholar-
ship program, and the tuition grant

STATE competitive'scholarships are
awarded to academically qualified
students based on need.
However, Blanchard, in the footsteps
of a recommendation made by The
Governor's Commission on the Future
of Higher Education, proposed
lowering the minimum qualifying score
eight points from 88 to 80 on the ACT
and increasing the maximum award
from $940 to $1,200. by increasing the
program's budget by $8 million.
Blanchard recommended combining
the state's tuition grant program, a
need-based program for students at
private schools, with its Tuition Dif-
ferential Grant program, a non-need
based private school aid program.
THIS MERGER will allow the state
to hike this program's maximum
award from$1,300 to $2,200.
In addition, Blanchard recommended
that an additional $3 million be added to
this fund and that it become strictly
Last year, 'the state dedicated $32.7
million of it's financial aid budget of $58
million to need-based programs.
BUT FOR fiscal year 1986, Blanchard
is recommending that this level be in-
creased to $65.5 million. Half of the in-
crease will come from the redirection
of funds such as combining private
school need-based aid, and non-need-
based aid, and the other half is expec-
ted to come from new funds.
Blanchard's proposal for a state work
study program also received support
from University officials.
"I am applauding the governor for


The Michigan Student Assembly last
night voted unanimously to support The
Daily in its efforts to convince Univer-
sity President Harold Shapiro to ap-
point the paper's next choice to the

Board for Student Publications.
MSA condemned the University ad-
ministration for violating the regental
bylaws last fall when it appointed a
board member who was not on a list
recommended by the, Daily's top
See MSA, Page 3

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LSA Student Government and

Dean Peter

LSA heads
may throw
private parties
for graduates

Steiner would like to give graduating seniors a
special treat after commencement this spring
- a treat some students say they would rather
pass up.
Steiner and the student government are
proposing that each LSA department hold a
private reception for its graduating seniors and
their families after the formal, University-wide
ceremony at Michigan Stadium.
LSA GENERAL budget would pay three-
quarters of the cost of the receptions, Steiner
said, if the departments picked up the rest of
the tab. The student government would sub-
sidize those departments which cannot afford
their share, according to LSA-SG member
Leslie Mitchel.
The proposal, modeled after similar
programs conducted by the College of

Engineering and the School of Business, has
drawn a mixed response from students.
LSA senior Scott MacGriff said, "I think a lot
of students would go. I've gotten to know my
professors and like them. My parents would
like it too."
BUT LSA junior Mo Avershied disagreed. "I
don't think I'd go," she said, "I've seen my
professors speak a trillion times."
"I wouldn't go," said LSA senior Dave
Monks. "I want my diploma, a nice dinner,
then go home."
LSA junior Ludia Kawak said, "It's an ex-
cellent idea, much better than the large imper-
sonal thing where no one has any interest in
each other."
LSA PROFESSORS endorsed the receptions
in theory, but said they had second thoughts
about the practicality of the plan. Most depart-
ments will discuss whether they want to hold a

reception at their upcoming executive commit-
tee meetings.
John Stevens, Chairman of the Com-
munications Department, said his faculty may
hold a reception. But, he asked, "In practice,
where would we put all these receptions?"
John Kingdon, Chairman of the Political
Science Department, echoed Stevens' fears.
The plan is "good in principal, but in practice,
where will we put 300 majors and their paren-
MITCHEL said there would be enough space
around campus if all of the departments
decided to hold receptions and added that
students and student government members
would organize the whole affair.
"If we get the professors to come to this, we
won't burden them with the food preparation,"
she said.
"This (reception) is what we need, and why

should the profs feel they are a 'victim' put up
to this?" said Prof. Gue Mermier, Director of
Medieval and Renaissance Collegium.
"WE SHOULD honor our students and be en-
thusiastic about teaching. It is an honor on both
sides, and shouldn't be a fight. I hope it will
gradually become accepted and everyone will
wonder why we didn't do this before," he ad-
That's the premise Mitchel is working on as
well. She realizes the reluctance by faculty and
students to commit themselves to having the
receptions, but said she is convinced that if one
department holds a reception, then others will
follow suit.
Mitchel said student government members
will randomly survey students in the Fishbowl
next week to determine how much support the
special receptions have among seniors.

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A real road hog
USH-HOUR commuters often encounter "road
hogs" on the way to work but motorists on a
freewav in Portland .Ore .nt a reai nne Earlv

a slaughterhouse in Carlton, Ore., when Mama knocked the
tailgate off and fell to the ground. Police tried unsuc-
cessfully for an hour to corral the 2-year-old hog. Then they
called in a state Highway Division earth mover to scoop up
the cantankerous animal. But the sow eluded the vehicle's
large scoop. About a half hour later, the police decided to
inject her with a tranquilizer. Officers put in a call for a
veterinarian. But Mickelson urged them not to tranquilize
the animal. As police waited for the vet to arrive, the hog
finally grew weary of running and she was scooped up and
put in the truck.

for us to meet compatible Jewish people," said company
co-founder Noel Levy. "Our great-grandfathers spent all
day in Hebrew school and our great-grandmothers stayed
home with their mothers," he said. When it came time to
marry, a matchmaker was called in. Levy and his partner,
Jan Naxon, say Dallas has 5,000 Jewish singles. "They're
insecure, unsure of themselves, and their parents are
pushing them to marry Jewish," Levy said. "Like
everybody else," he said, Jewish singles "want to get
married, have children, and buy a microwave."
Sex or bowling

female persons who wrote to condemn me as a male
chauvinist pig." Royko's poll was inspired by advice
columnist Ann Lander's recent survey, in which the
majority of the more than 90,000 women responding said
they would be content to be held close, treated tenderly, and
skip sexual intercourse. Royko said thousands of his male
respondents "talked about the joys-emotional and
physical-of their married life." But he also said, "There
are many miserable, frustrated men out there." The
remaining 12 percent of the respondents included men who
couldn't decide what they'd rather be doing, "or took this as
an opportunity to write a creepy note to my secretary,"
Royko added.




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