4 OPINION Page 4 Tuesday, January 29, 1985 The Michigan Daily I Edie dmi tuntsa nigan Edited and managed by students at.The University of Michigan Horsey_ Vol. XCV, No. 98 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board "" WHY 18 MR(OKE -- ALWAYcS Ma TO RUSH U590 0." Editorial restriction r... I'D SAY WE'RE MWING ALOW AT A NICE KEPI UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT Harold Shapiro has taken a small but significant step toward inhibiting the editorial independence of The Michigan Daily. A recent appointment to the Board for Student Publications, a group of students, professors, and professional journalists that oversees the financial affairs of this paper, was made in violation of the rules designed to protect that independence. Regents' Bylaw 13.11 requires the Daily's senior editors, working jointly with the editors of the Ensian yearbook and the Gargoyle humor magazine, to submit a list of six nominees for the professional position on the board. Normally, this seat is filled by a person with a background in journalism. Preferably, the appointee is a Univer- sity alumnus. The most recent appointment to the board was not, however, on the list of editors' recommendations. Instead, Guilty, OF COURSE they were guilty. Three of the 11 Progressive Student Network members charged with trespassing in a University laboratory were found guilty on Thursday. They were arrested last March during a sit- in to protest Prof. George Haddad's research which the group's studies had shown to have applications to the Phoenix missile system. Their senten- ce has not yet been handed down. There never was any doubt that they were guilty of trespassing. A civil disobedience action, such as the one they undertook, entails breaking a law in order to protest the larger wrong of perpetuating the arms race. In this case, trespassing was that law. The point, however, was not whether the protesters were guilty of trespassing, but rather that under great personal sacrifice they called at- tention to some of the research on campus that is contributing to the per- petuation of the arms race. Defense attorney Donald Koster initially hoped to base his clients' defense on the claim that they acted under duress to put an end to the threat posed by Haddad's research. The prosecutor, however, filed for and was granted an order banning the defense. Koster then tried to claim that the decision to invoke the trespassing act could be made only by President Shapiro who had been out of town and unavailable during the sit-in. Koster himself admitted in his closing statement that the defense was purely technical. Even though the protesters were aware of the consequences of their ac- tions, it would have been just - in light of their purpose - if they had been found not guilty of trespassing. Some of the research taking place on the president ignored the recommen- dations as well as the regental guidelines in selecting a person to fill the seat. Allowing the students in charge of the Daily to determine these nominations is crucial to the formation of a balanced and effective board. Although the president's office has assured the editors that the appoin- tment was the result of a procedural mistake, there has yet been little ef- fort to rectify the situation. Whether unintentional or intentional, an ap- pointment to this board without con- sulting the Daily's editors constitutes a threat to the traditional student control of the Daily. The board will hold its first meeting in nine months tomorrow night. Mistakes can happen, and if this ap- pointment is merely an oversight by the president's office, we hope Shapiro will take steps to rectify the situaton before an inappropriately constituted board is allowed to meet. but noble campus has significant applications to weapons systems. Increased weapons technology heightens world tensions and increases the likelihood that these weapons will be used. Therefore, research such as Haddad's poses an indirect threat to the entire world. The protesters' action is an inspiring example of individuals working for the betterment of all society. Now that they have been found guilty of trespassing, the rest of the community must again ponder several personal questions: How will a continued arms race affect you? Do you feel comfor- table while military research con- tinues on campus? Do you have the committment and generosity to engage in civil disobedience to bring a stop to that research? There is an anecdote told about Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson. Thoreau was in prison for refusing to pay his taxes during the Mexican-American War when Emerson visited him and asked, "Henry, why are you in here?" Thoreau's reply was, "Why are you not in here?" Concerned community members are in the same position as Emerson. They have the example of the protesters' ac- tion for inspiration, but must choose some personal way to express outrage at the research being conducted. Civil disobedience is only the most extreme of a number of different possibilities for action. Others range from writing letters to public officials, investigating research contracts, to attending rallies in support of other actions. The action by the 11 PSN members was a noble attempt to stop military research on campus. Simultaneous to praising those individuals who took part in that action, members of the University community should weigh the issues and have the courage to act upon them. A A .. . , ,, ' ' " .... ; z . -' .- - .i iii _ '' ' % - LETTERS TO THE DAILY Reagan supports Contra terrorism 4 To the Daily: We are writing to express our deep concern and distress over the current policies and involy- ment of the U.S. government in Central America. The Reagan Administration insists that U.S. policy is "to promote democracy, reform, and freedom; to support economic development; to help provide a security shield against those ...who seek to spread tyranny by force, and to support dialogue and negotiation both within and among the countries of the region" (Statement of the State Department, January 18, printed in the New York Times, January 19, 1985). But consider the actions of the U.S. government. We are currently witnessing increased U.S. military and C.I.A. involvment in Central America. U.S. troops train Hon- duran military troops, U.S. ad- visers work with Salvadoran military, and C.I.A.agents repor- tedly continue to advise "contra" leaders on military tactics. Although official U.S. aid to the contras ended in 1984, questions exist as to whether the U.S. government is funneling aid to the rebels through third party countries, namely Honduras, El Salvador, and Israel (New York Times, January 13,1985). As U.S. aid to rebels decreased last year, these three countries which receive significant military and economic aid from the U.S., have increased their aid with Honduras becoming a major supplier of ammunition, El Salvador helping maintain the contra's aircraft, and Israel providing weapons and advice. And now the Reagan Ad- ministration wants to restore direct aid to the contras. Is it the policy of the U.S. government to promote "democracy, reform, and freedom" by providing military aid to overthrow a sovereign and fairly elected government? (Despite Reagan Administration rhetoric about "Soviet-style sham" elections, witnesses from many countries reported the Nicaraguan elec- tions to be a fair and democratic process.) The Reagan Administration claims to support "dialogue and negotiations," yet their actions contradict their words. The U.S. government yesterday suspen- ded negotiations with Nicaragua which can only hinder the prospects for peace in the region since the talks were intended to resolve some of the conflicts which prevented the acceptance of the Contadora treaty. In ad- dition, the U.S. withdrew from the case currently under con- sideration in the International Court of Justice, an action which shows a profound lack of respect and understanding for the prin- While the Reagan Ad- ministration maintains that it is supporting "freedom fighters," many Americans including our- selves, believe that the aid to the contras represents an act of state-supported terrorism, the kind which our government publicly condemns. We continue to hear of atrocities committed against the people of Nicaragua by the contras who kill, torture, Daily is biased To the Daily: Again, freedom of speech is under attack from those who would decide what we can say or hear. This time it is Brian Leiter who wants to experiment with .censorship by heckling conser- vative speakers ("Speakers Wor- th Disrupting," Daily, Jan. 21). The heart of Leiter's argument for disruption is that conser- vatives have stifled policy debate. By disrupting the speeches of these individuals, the public will know that there are opposing views. This will create questioning of established views and, eventually, public debate. The justification for disruption assumes that the only way to gain access to a public forum is through this sort of tactic. This assumption is false and reveals the intolerance in Disruption. Look at the most recent Disrup- tion on campus. Leiter approves of the blocking of CIA recruitment presumably because the act for- ces recognition of dissent to U.S. policy in Central America. However, dissent had already been recognized in a far-reaching public debate. In the press, in the Congress, and in the presidential election matters were discussed, including the manual and harbor minings. Public reaction was mostly one of acquiescence to Reagan policy. America hears, but was largely not convinced by liberal opinion. In light of the recent elections, this can be said about many issues. Therein lies Leiter's problem. His belief in his own righteousness distorts reality. If people don't agree with his ob- burn, and dismember civilians. Most of these barbarous acts are committed against doctors and other heath-care workers, agraicultural workers, teachers, community leaders, and others whose only crime is working to improve the quality of life of the Nicaraguan people. The mutilated bodies are often left in the street for all to see, suggesting that contra strategy is to erode support for the San- dinistas by acts of systematic terrorism aimed at dissuading others from participating in San- dinista programs. Is this the manner in which we want the U.S. to influence world politics? - Kathryn L. Savoie Michael L. Faigen' January 29 to condone disrupting speakers viously correct view, he thinks, it is because they haven't heard the argument. The undeniable fact is that people have heard, but are exercising their freedom to hold opinions contrary to Leiter's. I am not sure that Leiter approves of this freedom. What, then, will be the sole result of Disruption? During speeches, campus hecklers will decide when I and the public have heard enough of a certain viewpoint, and that it's time for me to be a captive audience for theirs. Like all censors who wish to control the communications of ideas, the hecklers will believe that they are acting in my best in- terests in that I will grow to bet- ter appreciate "reasonable and sensible" ideas. The public does not need anyone deciding what it can listen to or when. All those who value freedom of speech will condemn this proposed en- croachment on the rights of the speaker and his audience. -George Bueche January 22 Company negligent over mail AL 4V V To the Daily: Over the Christmas break our mailboxes were broken into. The Wilson White Company failed to inform us of this crime. We are all tenants of the company. The Company also failed to inform us that the post office had stopped delivering our mail. Wilson White has, without exception, never contacted us with information regarding this inconvenience. (In fact the only contact the company has initiated since Christmas break is a memo telling us'about how to renew our leases.) Most of us are students; many of us exp- ecting letters from prospective employers or graduate schools, or money from home to cover living expenses. v We had to call Wilson White to find out why our mail wasn't being delivered. We were infor- med the mailboxes had to be fixed first and would be fixed "soon." It has now been over three weeks since we have received any mail. We want prospective tenants of The Wilson White Company to keep in mind, when they are co sidering where to rent their apar- tments for the fall, the negligence of that company. - Pamela A. Fernandez Allison B. Salerno Daniel R. Baker Jackie Whitted Grant Smith Daniel Johnson January 22 The Michigan Daily encourages input from our readers. Letters should be typed, triple- spaced, and sent to the Daily Opinion Wage, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. 4 BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed ....I.. . . ....... . . }...... . ..... . . . . . . . ..i i. . . . . . . . . . . .."} i " ii i } i: v: i:i i :; : IW66 AW -ft I1ING ANO MilATIG 5CRIPM FOR w6. r mw FUTURE 05OP66 EwxYTHIN6 OF MR UIFE ? 15 PUANNED OUT NICELY. J 7 )c HE A05 ONE. BACK UP 10 17E CORPOR41E OfFM I&NCC HE "81NKaY GETS H6 MM. MP AECOMES R yVppE "... ,W1N1flEY MAM5 Hl5 CAWWX ANO BUY5 MATCHING AM* %W6 ':.. "BINKLEY O1E5 Af ASE 37 CHOKING 6W A CKOMANT " a 1f YE5, W17H &M M CHARACIM p6wd.OPMENTANO A AWE HMAl i - r Y I gIra4I/TY HAIL 10 m >r1AlN 7AIIVCP HE 5Alp.OR EG5E! 111 Aat, 16UE65 AW WC WONT M -M36 AAW MEEVING VERY Hor RUST COOKS PROPS 1766 7V INTRODUCE TH SELJ9YS 1we, w1a WE ? \ 1 t' A GAUGH7RACK . Letters, articles, and editorial cartoons on the right side of this nngp rpnrPCpnt the nnininn.v of the individual nifthnr