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January 27, 1985 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1985-01-27

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Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom


L~tE 43U

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Cloudy and breezy with a high of
28 and a chance of snow flurries.

Nol. XCV, No. 97 Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan- Sunday, January27, 1985 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages


Reagan to
tudent aid
Reagan will ask Congress to deny
federally guaranteed loans to all
college students with family incomes
above $32,500, a move which would lock
out hundreds of thousands of students
from the loan program, an ad-
ministration source said yesterday.
Reagan's fiscal 1986 budget will also
seek to clamp an overall $4,000 per year
ceiling on the total federal aid-in-
cluding loans and grants-for any
student, regardless of how poor his or
her family is. The ceiling would also hit
graduate students, who can now borrow
up to $5,000 a year, twice as much as
undergraduates, in guaranteed loans.
IAND, IT would restrict eligibility for
Pell Grants-outright federal stipends
of up to $1,900 a year - to students from
families with incomes of $25,000 or less,
according to the source, who spoke only
pn condition of anonymity.
See REAGAN, Page 5

s eti




Radio City?
This snowbound kickline of would-be Rockettes are rehearsing in Palmer Field for the outdoor master's dance thesis of
Jennifer Jean Clark. The performance will start today at 3 p.m. outside the Dance Building behind the CCRB.

Bill may extend scholarships

States and the Soviet Union have
agreed to begin three sets of
negotiations on nuclear and space
defense weapons on March 12 in
Geneva, Switzlerland, the two countries
announced simultaneously yesterday.
The Kremlin said the Soviet
delegation will be headed by Viktor
Karpov, who was its main negotiator on
the strategic nuclear weapons talks,
suspended in late 1983.
KARPOV accompanied Soviet
Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko
during his meeting in Geneva Jan. 7-8
with Secretary of State George Shultz.
Yuli Kvitsinsky was the Soviet
negotiator who discussed the so-called
"walk in the woods" formula with
veteran arms expert Paul Nitze that
would have reduced the superpower
medium-range missile arsenals. Both
sides apparently rejected the approach.
Unlike the U.S., which is bringing in
new negotiators for the talks, the
Soviets stayed with a familiar team, all
of whom are experienced arms
negotiators. Ubukhov served as Kar-
pov's deputy during the aborted
Strategic Arms Reduction Talks
ALL U.S.-Soviet arms negotiations
were broken off by Moscow in Novem-
ber 1983 following the deployment of
Pershing II and cruise missiles in
President Reagan previously an-
nounced the U.S. will be represented by
a three-roan delegation, ireludiig
Washington lawyer Max Kampelman
who will deal with talks on space arms,
the so-called "Star Wars" proposal;

If Sen. David Holmes has his way, the University
may soon be seeing an abundance of grey-haired ex-
athletes at commencement.
'The Detroit Democrat introduced a bill on Jan. 22
that would allow athletes up to 15 years to earn their
bachelor's degrees free of charge. The proposed bill
would give a student who has earned a varsity letter
In football, hockey or basketball the chance to attend
classes on full scholarship ten years after their
r eligibility had expired.
SENATOR HOLMES said he introduced the bill "to
protect the athletes." According to Holmes, athletes
get little reward for their hours of training and hard
work in comparison to the profit the universities
nake. "These schools make millions off of these
boys, millions," he said.
Although the ten-year extension is negotiable,
Holmes said it was justified. "The training period is
so strenuous ... they don't get enough time to concen-
trate ontheir studies," he said.
According to Jamie McCloskey, a legal assistant
for the National Collegiate Athletic Association, such
a law would violate the association's guidelines.
Normally an athlete is allowed to participate for four

seasons within five years. "The institution couldn't
offer aid beyond the five year period," he said. "It
would be a problem as far as the NCAA is concer-
IF PASSED, the bill could place Michgan univer-
sities belonging to the NCAA in a legal catch-22. Mc-
Closkey refused to outline what kind of action would
take place if the bill were to pass. "I cannot speculate
on that," he said.
However, Holmes denied that the bill was in
violation of NCAA guidelines. "Lawyers are a dime a
dozen," he said. "He (McCloskey) was probably
Holmes has proposed that a university's athletic
department pick up the tab. According to the
Michigan athletic department, an athlete on full
scholarship costs about $5,331 a year - for an in-state
player. But if that 6'8" center or 285-pound defensive
end happens to hail from Tumbleweed Gulch, Texas,
the amount jumps to $10,017. This leaves the athletic
department with a $150,225 bill after 15 years.
NOT SURPRISINGLY, most athletic ad-
ministrators are not too pleased with the idea. "I
don't think it's effective at all," said Don Canham,
the University's athletic director. "We can't
provide any more financial aid for the athlete than

for the student body," he said.
George Hoey, a student advisor, agrees, saying the
proposal is "way out of sync with normal expec-
tations of students." He added that the move seemed
unnecessary in view of the fact that better than 75
percent of the University's athletes graduate within
the five-year guidelines of the NCAA.
"I'm in favor of helping the kids in any way," said
Bill Frieder, Michigan's head basketball coach.
However, he said the ten-year extension is "not
necessary." According to Frieder, all but one of his 14
players will gradute within the five-year limit.
STUDENT ATHLETES had mixed reactions to the
"I'm all for it," said basketball captain Leslie
Rockymore. Although the senior center admits that a
ten-year extension is going "a little too far," he said
the proposal is a good one. "I think it's a nice thing,"
Rockymore said. "It's a strain to graduate in four
years and play athletics.'
Raymond Dries, a hockey center in his last yer of
eligibility, called the proposal a fair one. "There's
been a lot of classes I haven't been ableito take; " he
said. "I know if I wasn't playing sports I would have a
See STATE, Page 3

former Sen. John Tower (R-Texas) who
will discuss reduction of long-range
strategic missiles (START); and
career diplomat Maynard Glitzman
who will be chief negotiator on medium
range missiles.
Kampelman will coordinate the three
sets of negotiations.
The time and place for the
negotiations was arranged through
diplomatic channels. Shultz had no
plans to return to Geneva for the
opening of the talks but will oversee
them from Washington.
President Reagan told UPI earlier
this week he has "some optimism" that
an agreement between the superpowers
to reduce their nuclear arsenals is
possible, but said history proves no one
should be "euphoric."
NITZE, special adviser to Reagan and
Shultz on arms control, told reporters
Friday that he expected the United
States to put forward some new positions
in the next round of talks. But he gave
no details.
He said Reagan has adopted a new
"strategic concept" for the next 10
years that will be the basis of the U.S.
position in the coming talks.
Nitze expressed some skepticism
over the prospects for an agreement. "I
think they're somewhat better than
they have been in the past but I couldn't
really say they're very good," he said.
"We've got a lot of work to do."
Nitze stressed there are "important
differences" between the two countries
on the central purpose of the arms
talks, particularly Reagan's deter-
mination to develop a defensive
weapons system in space.
CBS crew
labors to
catch the
right angle
In a room that would soon be filled
with sweating players and screaming
fans, the CBS sports crew worked
quickly to prepare Crisler Arena for the
broadcast of the Michigan v. Kansas
basketball game.
Men and women dressed in sweaters,
jackets, and hats emblazoned with the
CBS logo'swarmed about the inside of
the arena checking camera angles and
charging batteries.
Some of the crew were high in the
stands attending the large and com-
plicated television cameras. Others ran
two-and-a-half miles of cable through
the building, taping it to the floor and
plugging in into sockets.
These anonymous workers, whose
names flash only briefly on the screen
during the final credits, labor many
hours to make sure the show runs
smoothly. The job requires "not only
See T.V., Page 5


Middle-aged woman
pursues her dream
By CARLA FOLZ quit a $32,000 a-year-job for four
Clad in faded jeans and a beige grueling years of dental school and the
pullover, 44-year-old Doris Allen uncertain future of a new career.
slouched back in a couch in the dental "It was always in the back of my
school lounge and watched her mind that I wanted to go to medical or
classmates leave for the day. Several dental school," Allen said.
stopped to chat. She flashed her bright BUT FOR YEARS Allen was satisfied
white teeth in a broad smile and joked without realizing those ambitions. She
with each of them. married, had two sons, and kept house.
"Aw," she said to a woman who In a short time all of that
changed. Her marriage fell apart when
her children were just two and three
o fP le years old. She was forced to enter the
job market. She also enrolled In college
part-time and eventually earned
bachelor's degrees in sociology and
:><>: ; .:>:::: ;....::.::;...::...psychology.
asked her to watch a bouquet of flowers Over 17 years, Allen worked her way
momentarily, "I thought they were for up to a managerial position in a firm
me!" owned by the City of Detroit. The firm
ALLEN radiates cheerfulness and created incentive programs to
contentment. Her warm personality discourage Detroit-based businesses
quickly diminishes not only the age gap from fleeing to the suburbs. When she
but also the tragic events which distan- left, she was earning $32,000 annually.
ce her from her classmates. Her per- DESPITE the job's attractive salary,
sonality stems from an inner strength. benefits, and security, Allen grew con-
It is with this fortitude that she raised vinced she could find a more self-
two boys after her marriage crumbled fulfilling career in the health
in 1969. It was fortitude 15 years later profession. And she thought a bigger
that pulled her through the sudden paycheck would help pay for her sons'
deaths of her sons and spurred her to

Daily Photo by KATE O'LEARY

Dental student Doris Allen, 44, practices the skills she waited so long to learn on fellow student Betty Burkhart.

i - _

Draft choice
THOMAS PITCHER of Tombstone, Ariz., said he knew
the armed services were in need of draftees, but he
thought the Selective Service System had gone too far
when it asked him to fill out a draft form. Pitcher is
81 years old and a retired Army colonel to boot. "I knew
it.......,..,..~~~~t.--4 ... __,mn11Tinhrcm"hiltdid'


Lifelong friends
ThE TERM "LIFELONG FRIENDS" has special meaning
for Carol Mansfield and Chip Stalter of Hillsdale, N.J.,
who plan to marry in March. The two were introduced 25
years ago in their mothers' hospital maternity ward. "We
got introduced as, 'This is the couple that met the day they
were born,' " said Mansfield, a housing administrator for
Fairfield University in Connecticut. The couple say they
get plenty of ribbing from family and friends about being
"maternity ward rommates." Both were born Oct. 21, 1959,

200-hour "Back orgy" to mark the 300 anniversary of the
birth of Johann Sebastian Bach and is billing it as the most
"complete presentation of Bach's music in history."
"Some people are trying to stay up for as much as they can
but we don't advise that they stay up for the whole thing,"
said programming director Michael Rosenberg. Students
start getting "cranky" after about 30 listening hours, he
said. The radio station's tastes are a bit eclectic. Later this
year, students will make the switch from 16th century
classical music to hard rock from the 1970s and '80s when
the station gives them a 24-hour dose of Led Zeppelin.

video tape aired Friday night on WJLA-TV showed Sinatra,
known for his angry outbursts, and his entourage at the
downtown center, where he was rehearsing for the
presidential extravaganzas. The full text of the exchange
went like this: "Listen, I wanna tell you something. Did you
read the Post this afternoon? You're all dead, everyone of
you. You're all dead, every one of you."
On the inside...
The Opinion Page looks at The Week in Review... and
Snnr~ti nvers the Wolverines' effort to chalk tin a rare



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