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January 23, 1985 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1985-01-23

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:debate city
The two men vying for the
Democratic nomination for Ann Arbor
mayor squared off last night on housing
and the quality of life of area residents
.during a debate at the Ann Arbor Public
"We have had a gradual process of
the poor being pushed out of Ann Ar-
bor," Ed Pierce, a local doctor and
former state senator told the crowd of
about 100 last night. "We have to main-
tain decent housing base so we can all
live here.
PIERCE'S challenger, University,
Prof. Bunyan Bryant, agreed. But the
two men had different plans for in- ,
creasing the amount of inexpensive
housing in the city.
Pierce outlined a plan which would
combine a cut in local property taxes,
lowering interest rates at area banks,
and reducing the cost of land. He
diclined to give specifics, saying he
would have more details on the plan in
the future.
Bryant, a professor in the School of
Natural Resources, said his camp is
"planning a very different kind of for-
mat." He called for a land trust in
which the city would set up a non-profit
corportation to purchase blocks of land
and then lease the land for develop-
AN AGGRESSIVE energy conser-
vation campaign could also help save
area residents an estimated $2.3 million
a year, Bryant added.
"The quality of life in Ann Arbor
depends on social class and
background," Bryant said. " We must
think globally and act locally." Bryant
called upon the city to divest its finan-
cial holdings in forms which operate in
South Africa.
Pierce directed the quality of life
issue in Ann Arbor to concern for the
homeless and poor. "All of us can go
down tomorrow at 7 in the morning to
the local shelter and see the homeless
people. We can then watch them trying
to stay warm in this library during the
afternoon," he said.
ONE- audience member asked the
candidates what they would do to stop
{ rape on the university campus.
"I would like to have patrol cars in
neighborhoods," Pierce answered.'
"That may mean beefing up the size of
the (police) force somewhat."
Bryant said: "If I'm mayor, I'd make
people in this community know that
rape is a serious problem. I would also
increase lighting around the city and
{ give police training in handling the rape
victim," he said.
Another audience member com-
plained of parking meters.

The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 23, 1985 - Page 3
'U' prof says Pentagon

desires armi
The stockpiling of nuclear weapons and national defense
are not closely related, said a University physics prof.
"The word 'defense' has very little to do with the build up of
nuclear arms," Prof. Daniel Axelrod told a group of about 15
community members gathered at the First Unitarian
Church on Washtenaw Ave.
"THE STOCKPILING of arms is to assure victory in any
type of nuclear war," he said.
According to Axelrod, documents obtained during the past
couple of years reveal that the Pentagon is using nuclear
superiority over the Soviet Union as a political weapon. In
other words, the U.S. is practicing a philosophy called
escalation dominace," he said.
DIFFERENT types of nuclear weapons are like steps on a
ladder, Axelrod said, explaining that the U.S. wants to
dominate a battle or situation at their own levels of destruc-
The U.S. has, in the past, used this domination to threaten
non-nuclear states such as Korea and Vietnam with nuclear
aggression in the past.
"They knew that the threat of nuclear attack gave them
political clout to dominate any situation," Axelrod said. "The
threat is everything. The U.S. government wanted to get
across the feeling that small nuclear weapons are just as
glorious as conventional weapons of the past, and would have
liked other countries to believe they would use them just like
conventional weapons," he said.

" 0
s superiority
AXELROD LIKENED the Pentagon's nuclear strategy to
a mugger's. Both stick guns in someone's back and forces
them to hand over their money, he said.
Neither of these practices are credible, Axelrod said. "To
be credible, you must use a limited weapon for a limited pur-
pose, and maximize the intimidation value." In other words,
the mugger just uses the gun in order to make a threat - just
as the U.S. uses its nuclear weapons to make threats.
ACCORDING to Axelrod, it is the United States job to stop
this practice.
"The responsibility to stop the policy of escalation
dominance is with the side that started it - and that's the
United States," he said.
According to Axelrod, since all "rungs of the escalation
ladder are interconnected" and depend on one another to
work, the peace movement can stop escalation dominance
and nuclear arms build up by working against just one or two
of those "rungs." He said this was done in Vietnam and
Axelrod has co-authored a book with Michio Kaku, called
"To Win a Nuclear War," while will be published sometime
this year. The book discusses the history, strategy, and
technical features of the Nuclear Arms Race, he said. It
focuses on the historical desire of the U.S. government to
gain nuclear superiority over the Soviet Union, he said.
The speech sponsored by the Women's International
League for Peace and Freedom (WILF) and Michigan
Alliance for Disarmament (MAD).

University Physics Professor. Daniel Axelrod, speaks yesterday on the hid-
den nuclear strategy of the Pentagon.
Col dmpem im uration

763 1107

(Continued from Page 1)
"We're just so disappointed," said
Frank Fields, an official of the Hyat-
tsville, Md.,- company which built and
now is demolishing the platform
without a presidential step having been
taken upon it. "It's so sad to go through
this. "
Three catering service employees,
chef Tony Kline and assistants Dan Fox
and Pat Stahlmecker, clowned on the
platform where Reagan would have
taken his oath, taking pictures of each
other standing behind one-inch thick
bullet-proof glass that had not yet been
"A lot of guys got frostbite the day
before yesterday. They didn't come
prepared," said Kline. "They ought to
do this in the spring."
"I've never served so much coffee
and hot chocolate in my life," he added.
Near the White House, another team
from the same company began tearing
down the open reviewing stands which
stretched several blocks along Pen-
nsylvania Avenue, as well as the
special, bulletproof enclosure built for
the president. Those structures,
estimated at $600,000, were paid for
with private funds by. Reagan's
inaugural committee.
Some of the materials - the struc-
tural steel, for example, - will be
stored by the District of Columbia
government for future inaugurations.
The bulletproof glass in owned and
stored by the Secret Service.

The Inaugural Committee promised
refunds to 26,000 people who bought
special reviewing seats, 'at prices
ranging from $12.50 to $75, for the
parade, though it hinted it would be nice
if many of them bit the bullet. "We're
expecting a good many people will un-
derstand the circumstances we're in,'
said John Buckley. "Even though the
parade was canceled, all the costs of
the parade get paid out anyway."
Even so, Buckley said, the committee
still hopes to break even despite the
setback wrought by the weather. It
initially estimated costs of the
inaugural at $12 million, and
preliminary figures indicate more than
that amount was raised through ticket
and souvenir sales,he said.

Pool Speed Reading
WEDNESDAYS 7-8:30 pm 2/6-2/20
$1 2/person $50person
Beer Bridge
Appreciation WEDNESDAYS 7-9pm
S2 2Thursdays 7-9pm 3/6-3/20
$20/person $15/person
Aerobic Dance Winetasting
Section 1: ADV., THURSDAYS 7-9pm
MW 3-4pm 3/7-3/28
Section 2: MW 4-Spin
1/28-4/3 $25/person
Section 3; T Th 4-5pm
2/11-4/1 2/12-3/26
ona Med 7 3M0UESDaY 7-pm
Section 2: T 7-9pm $25/person

** Basic
*. f Conversation
Skills for
European Travel
Ballroom Dancing
2/1 1-3/25
Section 1:
Z Z Z 2 1S 7-9 pm.
Section 2:
° $15/person

Michigan Union
Ticket Office
MONDAYS 7-8:30 p.m.
2/12-3/ 12
Sign Language
Section 1: M 7-9 p.m.
Section 2: M 9-11 p.m.
Section 3: T 7-9 p.m.
W~1E Section 4: T 9-11 p.m.

The center for Russian and East European Studies will present a brown
bag lunch today at noon to discuss Soviet mortality. Barbara Anderson is
the speaker. The lunch will be in the Commons Room at Lane Hall.
MED-A Place In The Sun, 7 p.m., From Here To Eternity, 9:15 p.m.,
MLB 3.
Hill St.-Little Big Man, 8 p.m., Hill St.
MTF-Richard Pryor Live On the Sunset Strip, 7 p.m., Michigan.
Ark-Hoot Night with Lady of the Lake, 8 p.m., 637S. Main.
School of Music-Recital, "Basically Beethoven," 8p.m., Recital Hall.
University Music Society-Music from Marlboro, 8:30 p.m., Rackham
Chemistry-Cynthia Friend, "Surface Chemistry of Modified Tungsten," 4
p.m., 1200 Chemistry Building, Caren Rock, "1, 3-Dipolar Cycloadditions of
Nitrones," 4 p.m., 1300 Chemistry Building.
Biology-Dr. William Fink, "Parsimony, Units of Selection, and
Phylogenetic Inference," 4 p.m., Lecture room 2, MLB.
Computer Center-Forrest Hartman, "Introduction Ontel Terminal," 1:30
p.m., "Advanced Ontel Terminal: Full Screen Editing," 3:30 p.m., Ontel
Room, NUBS.
Minority Student Services-Black Student Union,.7 p.m., Trotter House.
Latin American Solidarity-8 p.m., Michigan Union.
Society of Physics Studies-7 p.m., Duffenback Lounge, 2038 Randall Lab.
Student Legal Services-Board of Directors meeting, 7:30 p.m., 3000
Turner Geriatric Clinic-Alzheimer's Disease Support Group meeting, 10
a.m., 1010 Wall St.
Academics Alcoholics-1:30 p.m., Alano Club.
Ann Arbor Support Group for Farm Labor Organizing Committee-5:30
p.m., 4318 Union.
Science Fiction Club-8:15 p.m., League.
Dissertation Support Group-8:30 a.m. 3100 UCS.
LSA Student Government-6:30 p.m., 3909 Union.
Campus chapter, the American Civil Liberties Union-7 p.m., Anderson
Room, Aud. C., Union.
International Center-Brown Bag Lunch, "Customs Tailoring Your
European Trip," noon, International Center.

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