Ninety-five Years of Editorial Freedom C, bt Sir i au iI atl u Like a Virgin Mostly cloudy and breezy. Chan- ce of snow showers. High 26-29. Vol. XCV, No, 93 Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, January 23, 1985 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages CIA meets protests again By KERY MURAKAMI On their second visit to campus in three months, Central Intelligence Agency recruiters yesterday met once again with loud oposition from students whowanted to stop interviews with the agency. But the day-long protest outside the Office of Career Planning and Placement and the Michigan League failed to prevent 13 scheduled inter- views or drive recruiters off campus as a mock trial staged by protesters did last fall. MANY OF THE same University students who placed the CIA "on trial" in the Modern Languages Building last November gathered yesterday morning outside the career planning and placement office. Three Detroit members of the Spar- tacus Youth League were also present, but the students said the two groups were not working together. The 50 student protesters asked students entering the office if they had interviews with the CIA and chanted criticisms of the agency. At noon they See STUDENTS, Page 2 Economy Daily Photo by DAN HABIB boom year' From AP and UPI WASHINGTON - The gross national product was up a surprisingly strong 3.9 percent in the fourth quarter, helping the 1984 economy to its fastest growth in 33 years - an American miracle, the White House said yesterday. The first quarter of 1985 is turning out much the same, Commerce Secretary Malcolm Baldrige said, on the track of the 4 percent average growth the ad- ministration sees for the next several years. PRESIDENT Reagan, told of the report in advance, had been unable to restrain himself Monday night during a tour of inauguration balls and said one of the Commerce Department figures released yesterday would be the best since 1951. The facts showed 1984 to be growing by 6.8 percent when compared with all of 1983, the most since 1951's 8.3 per- cent. The government's overall inflation rate was only 3.7 percent, the lowest since 1967. Most economists were surprised at the intensity of the 3.9 percent fourth quar- ter spurt, coming on the heels of the third quarter's 1.6 percent growth that had hinted at an economic slowdown. SOME AGREED with Baldrige's assertion that it confirms the ad- ministration's projected growth rate in 1985. "I'm very happy with the figures because they show we're keeping inside our target areas," said Baldrige. "It shows that everything is on course. We have to worry about the budget deficit, but everything else is falling into place." With growth on a steady pace, and in- flation remaining low, Baldrige said in- terest rates should ease further during the first half of 1985 and keep the recovery moving. PRIVATE ECONOMISTS generally agreed with Baldrige's optimistic view. "We are going to see a second act what has been an exceptional recovery with growth and inflation both turning in performances in the neighborhood of 4 percent," said Jerry Jasinowski, chief economist of the National Association of Manufacturers. at end Mark Weisbrot, a LSA graduate student, places a protest sign in the Michigan League yesterday as Patti Schmittle, a CIA recruiter, packs up an exhibit. Abortion protesters brave cold By JACKIE YOUNG More than 25 local anti-abortion demonstrators braved the subfreezing temperatures and snow showers yesterday to mark the 12th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision legalizing most abor- tions. Matthew Gutchess, a senior computer science major, addressed the group of protesters and bystan- ders in the Diag at noon before leading them to University Hospital where some abortions are per- formed. Toting signs such as "Equal Rights for Un- born Women" and "Every baby deserves a birth- day," the group marched around a traffic island at the Observatory and East Ann entrance for nearly 45 minutes before breaking up. THE 1973 decision in Roe. vs. Wade granting women the right to chose to have an abortion should be reversed, Gutchess told his supporters. In the early '70s there was no consensus on when human life began, but that has changed, according to Gutchess. "There is a consensus as to when life begins," said Gutchess, who is a member of Students for Life, a campus pro-life group affiliated with Michigan Right to Life. "It begins at conception." After the brief speech, the demonstrators were lead in prayer by Diag evangelist "Father" Mike, and marched on to the hospital. SOME UNIVERSITY students in the Diag reacted to the group's protest by shouting obcenities, while one woman driving by in her car stuck her head out of the window smiled, and gave a sign of support. Several of the protesters said they belonged to the Cornerstone Church of Ann Arbor and that the question of abortion was a religious issue. "I'm a Christian and God created life, and he commands us not to kill," said Renate Dyke, a city resident. "It is my responsibility as a Christian to protest." "I LOVE infants," said Carol, a city resident who declined to give her last name. "I read in the bible that I was created by God and I can't stand to see. babies killed like that." Although the protesters disagreed with the Supreme Court ruling, none of those questioned said they supported incidents of violence directed at abortion clinics nationwide. "I think (the abortion clinic bombings) are generally irrational," said protester Tom Meloche, an electrical and computer engineering major. "I can't say I cry about it... but someday someone might be killed." MELOCHE SAID he thinks that President Reagan will have the chance this term to appoint four or five Supreme Court justices who will reverse the decision. Meloche said he looks forward to this reversal, because the current court has "overstepped their bounds" in the 1973 ruling. In Lansing, Rep. Michael Griffin, the Jackson Democrat leading efforts to ban state funding for welfare abortions, told a crowd numbering up to 211 that he will be successful this year. Both Gov. James Blanchard and his predecessor, William Milliken, vetoed funding cutoffs in the past. "I tell you emphatically that he will override the veto this year and we will be victorious," Griffin told the demonstrators, gathered in sub-freezing weather outside the Capitol. In Washington, warmed by President Reagan's strongest anti-abortion statement to date, more than 70,000 shivering but optimistic anti-abortion demon- strators marched on Capitol Hill to demand an end to all legal abortions. Reagan, made a short speech by special telephone hookup from the White House to the throng gathered, for the annual March for Life. But he praised the demonstrators. "God bless you for your courage and commitment and thank you for See ABORTION, Page 2 Badrige ... says everything is on course Personal consumer spending was up at an annual rate of 3.9 percent increase in the final three months of the year, compared with a 0.7 percent increase turned in during the third quarter. A slump in consumer spending has been blamed in large part for the slowdown last year. BALDRIGE characterized the in- crease as "a real kick" for the overall figure and Jasinowski called it "the most surprising feature of the speedup- in the fourth quarter." "It looks like consumers are spending more than expected and this is likely to lead to stronger economic activity in the first quarter," said Jasinowski. Baldrige warned, however, that growth could slow down again in the second half of 1985 and that interest rates could go back up after some fur- ther declines in the near future - if Congress does not make some im- pressive progress in balancing the budget. Economists generally believe sustained 4 percent growth is necessary to keep the unemployment rate - 7.2 percent in December - from getting worse. 'MSA shelves report on educational quality MotherNature freezes By AMY MINDELL Fearing factual errors, the Michigan Student Assembly last night withheld release of a report on teaching quality- 'at the University. The report, prepared by the assem- bly's joint investigative committee on educational quality, was scheduled to be released this week. But several assembly members -who had read the study said they found factual errors and suggested it be revised before it is released. THE committee studied four general areas: teaching assistants, curriculum, cheating, and faculty. MSA member Rich Layman said the report damages students credibility with University officials. "This kind of report makes it hard for the ad- ministration to respect us," he said. Layman said the committee "didn't take advantage of competent research materials available on the impact of a college education on students," and pointed to a stack of books written on the subject. ANDREW Hartman, an LSA junior and co-chairman of the eight-member committee, said the group based its research on personal observations and on articles published in The Daily. He said the group studied honor codes at other schools as solutions for some of the problems his committee discovered. MSA unanimously voted to send a let- ter inviting faculty and the ad- ministration to discuss solutions to academic integrity problems among students. In other action, MSA discussed budget problems with the upcoming In- ternational Cultural Weekend. The weekend could put MSA up to $5,000 dollars in debt due to budget miscalculations. inauguration From AP and UPI WASHINGTON - Scores of majestic floats lay in shreds, and the gleaming inauguralplatforms stood merely as the targets of forlorn demolition crews yesterday as the capital began clearing the rubble of the Parade That Never Was. Thousands of young people who came to march, play and sing for President Reagan headed for home, having been cheated by a brutal cold snap of what he acknowledged would have been their "magic moment' - a once-in-a-lifetime march down Pennsylvania Avenue before a national television audience in the Republic's grandest celebration. IN WHAT some viewed as a parting slap by Mother Nature, the temperature rose to an almost balmy 30 degrees yesterday - far closer to parade weather than Monday's sub-zero blast. But the day after produced another chilling reality for hundreds of inaugural entrepreneurs, ranging from gourmet caterers to sidewalk ven- dors. Many staked their pocketbooks on souvenirs and memorabilia to hawk amid the throng that didn't come. celebration At a warehouse at the Washington Navy Yard, 66 floats, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars, were ripped apart, the scrap heap their only jour- ney. They ranged from a glorious, corporation- financed victory wagon for America's Olympic athletes to the self-built and self-paid pride of Aberdeen Central High School in South Dakota, whose delegation dropepd by for a group picture before the slegehammers took their toll. Many cried. - AT THE Capital, about 40 workers began dismantling the elaborate outdoor platform Reagan had planned to use for his oath-taking and inaugural address, a ceremony. moved inside the Rotunda. The platform took months to build, at a cost of $239,000 to the taxpayers. On the westside of the Capitol where 140,000 were to have witnessed Reagan's swearing-in, the sea of plastic folding seats - at least some borrowed from the nearby University of Maryland - remained spread out before the presidential plat- form as a silent reminder of the outside celebration that wasn't. See COLD, Page 3 The Reagans .. . on stage at the Inaugural ball TO0DAY Designer cigarettes 1HE DESIGNER AGE is. really here. And the R.J. premium priced luxury cigarette," Reynolds President G. H. Long said. Though many women are willing to pay the top dollar for designer jeans, the big test is how much they will pay to be a trendsetter among smokers. Long said the image a Yves Saint Laurent cigarette suggests is one of "romance, mystery and intrigue of a spirited, opulent lifestyle." Besides, if one's whole wardrobe is composed of Saint Laurent clothing, it would be gauche not to have mat- ching cigarettes. nasium. The parents assumed that dancing is a form of ex- pression protected by the First Amendment and that school property was a public forum. But the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals didn't agree with the U.S. District Court in Arkansas, which ruled that the school gymnasium was not a public forum. The appeals court said, "We hold that social or recreational dancing is not, in the circumstances of this case, entitled to First Amendment protection." The parents contended that the district denied their request to rent the gymnasium because of pressure from religious sectors, "which believe that dancing is amoral and should not be permitted in public schools." both are operated by government officials. The Donkey diaper idea was proposed during a stormy town meeting earlier this week called to discuss ways to keep the city clean following an outbreak of cholera in the region, the news agency said. According to residents, the 10 street sweepers now employed by the town are unable to cope with all the donkey droppings and urgent action was needed to contain the potential health hazard. But the diaper isn't law yet. Town officials said the donkey diaper idea must await final approval from senior government authorities before it's instituted. J i i I I