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Ninet, y-fit (e iars of Editorial Freedom
43 att tj
L Vol. XVC; I No. 3
Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, September 8, 1984
Eight Pages
p .
Lines at
s orten,
speed up
CRISP lines thinned a little yester-
day, and students waiting to drop ac-
counting or pick up a minicourse had to
wait about a half hour, according to
Tom Karunas, head of CRISP.
The first day for students to drop or
add classes was Thursday, and
CRISP's new home in the basement of
Angell Hall was busy with as many as
500 people in line at one time waiting
almost three hours. More than 2,000
students went through the lines Thur-
sday, Karunas said, while CRISP
processed only about 1,850 yesterday.
KARUNAS SAID the lines moved
more smoothly yesterday because
fewer people lined up early in the mor-
ning and there wasn't a big backlog
throughout the day.
Karunas said that the wait Thursday
stemmed not from problems with the
computer system but from the large
numbers of students showing up.
Students were very understanding of
the long wait once inside the computer
area, Karunas said, adding that they
were polite, cordial, and cooperative.
ALONG WITH overflowing lines
Thursday, Karunas said there were
verflowing trash cans in the hall
Ioutside CIP
"The janitorial staff was appalled
when they came in to clean up (Thur-
sday) night. Kids had been eating and
smoking in the hall all day and just
leaving their garbage on the floor,"
Karunas said.
"I was surprised that students at the
University of Michigan would allow
themselves to be associated with such a
mess. I would think they would have
more pride in their classroom
Members of the Theta Delta Chi
Fraternity yesterday cancelled their
Beer Olympics party, one of the largest
annual campus bashes, after a Univer-
sity housing official told them that they
needed a city event license to hold the
party and the city police threatened to
arrest party- organizers if neighbors
The party was scheduled for tonight.
SEVERAL OTHER fraternities con-
sidered or have already cancelled large
parties this weekend because of recent
attention the housing office and city
police have given them.
Yesterday afternoon, detective David
Jachalke visited Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
sponsors of last night's Mud Mash par-
See POLICE, Page 2
Daily Photo by DOUG McMAHON
Despite warnings from the University and city police that organizers selling beer to minors could be arrested, hundreds
of students last night attended the Mudbowl party - one of the largest of all-campus bashes of the year.
Kosar is, in
eye of Hurricanes-
Every so often a quarterback comes around that
is so good you can see it in his eyes. It's a look that
says, "I'm good. I know I'm good. There isn't a
defense that can stop me."
Miami football coach Jimmy Johnson thinks he
has such a man in Bernie Kosar.
"BERNIE KOSAR," said Johnson, "is a winner.
There's no better way to put it."
Michigan and coach Bo Schembechler will find
out if Johnson's words ring true when the
Wolverines host the top-ranked Hurricanes (2-0)
today at 1:00 p.m. It is the season-opener for
Michigan, ranked 14th in the Associated Press poll
and ninth by the UPI.
A good example of Johnson's faith in Kosar
would be last Saturday's 32-20 Miami win over
rival Florida. Florida pulled ahead 20-19 with less
than a minute to play in the game. But three
Kosar passes and a dive up the middle put the
Hurricanes in field goal position. Johnson called
time out, was prepared to instruct Kosar to play it
safe with another running play, and then have
kicker Mark Seelig attempt the winning field goal.
KOSAR HAD other ideas, Johnson could see it in
his eyes.
"I think Bernie's eyes convinced me," Johnson
said of his decision to go for the touchdown. "Ber-
nie said 'Coach, I know I can do it.'"
Kosar "did it," hurling a TD bomb to Eddie
Brown that sealed Florida's fate and boosted
Miami to the top spot in the nation.
"I THINK next time on third and long in that
situation," Johnson said with a laugh, "teams will
be playing pass defense."
The Wolverines should be prepared to play a lot
of pass defense. Slightly better than 57 percent of,
Miami's plays in the first two games were airborn.
Kosar himself has been enjoying a lofty position
See FOR, Page 7
Panel says 'U' support for
nunorities must increase
A group of prominent University and
community officials last night called on 'I am con
faculty, alumni, and administrators to
help stop the decrease in minority the lea de:
student enrollment. many hla
In a panel discussion before the
Eighth Annual All-Class Reunion of here.'
Black Graduates last night at the
Alumni Center, the opening speaker
asked haw.blacks and minorities are af-
fected by changes at the University.
"THE UNIVERSITY is being run
much more like a business," explained
Associate Rackham Dean Donald talking more with t
Deskins. "The question is, what is the them out," he said
place of minorities in this businessman- sampled the faculty
like view of the University." creased counseling
To deal with the changing University, a burden by the pro
Chemistry Prof. William Evans said IN RESPONSE t
students need increased support and floor, the direct
counseling from the faculty. Association, Rober
"WHAT HAS been lacking is faculty alumni have been
leadership. I am convinced that if the added responsibil
faculty provided the leadership the minority students.
University could get as many black "It is in the inter
students as it wanted to come here," he to keep this Univ
said. education for all
Evans explained that he would like to regardless of thei
see faculty create relationships with said, outlining a re
undergraduate students as professors some 1,400 recruit
do with graduate students. identify minority si
"I would like to see the faculty the University.
Every vote counts
atherine Stevens plans to vote early in the primary
election Tuesday, good news for the four election
inspectors who have to oversee the only person
eligible to cast a ballot. Stevens is the only mem-
ber of the Right to Life Party in this tiny town in the Finger
Lakes region. And that's the only party holding a primary
Tuesday. The polls by law must be open, and staffed by
four inspectors, from noon until "all of the registered voters
vinced that if the faculty provided
rship the University could get as
ck students as it wanted to come
- wiiam Evans,
chemistry professor
U truck
A 23-year-old student gave new
meaning to the word "borrow" on
Tuesday, when he jumped into a
University mail service van in back of
the LSA building and drove to the
hospital to have his sore foot examined
- leaving three baffled and somewhat
worried mail , service employees
looking for a ride.
Kathy Badgerow, one of the em-
ployees, said that she and the other two
had left the van running while they
made a quick delivery inside the LSA
IT ISN'T strange to leave the motor
Y running during such deliveries, she
said. But this time, when they returned
to the parking lot, the van had disap-
peared, Badgerow said.
After a futile search of several blocks
surrounding the building, the three
finally reported the missing van to their
manager Sue Schroeder.
"When they returned to where they
had left their van and didn't find it, they
thought someone was playing a joke on
them," Schroeder said.
See MAN, Page 3
he students, seeking
, adding that he has
y and is sure that in-
would not be seen as
o a question from the
or of the Alumni
rt Forman, said some
asked to take on the
ity of seeking out
rest of white alumni
ersity providing an
men and. women,
ir background," he
ecent request sent to
ters asking them to
tudents interested in
This stepped-up
recruiting includes visits to the homes
of potential students.
Billy Frye, vice president for
academic affairs and provost, said he
was concerned about the drop in
minority enrollment, despite the fact
that the University graduates the.
largest number of minority physicians
and Ph.Ds in the country.
"Our initial vigor has subsided but
we are determined to succeed," Frye
announced. Frye noted that the fall in
minority attendance is due in part to
the increasing economic difficulties
facing minority families in the country
and said the University is trying to at-
tract more minority students by of-
fering an increased amount of financial
Daily Photo by DOUG McMAHON
Acoustically speaking
John Cale performs his own, less-than-subtle music in a solo performance at
Joe's Star Lounge Thursday night. See story, Page 5.
early." However, she and other Right to Life members in the
district will have to write in their choices for office - no
candidates are listed on the ballot.
Quad cards
THE NEXT time you write home to ask the folks for
book (beer) money, your letter couia arrive on han-
_ ;
_ F a *. p. l
ii i t~a ; Mi t t i i; 1 ;1 ;
dsome stationary bearing an artist's rendition of your
dormitory. The new collection of stationary and postcards
featuring the fifteen University residence halls are the
work of artist Milt Kemnitz and are available at the front
desks of the dormitories. The price for the items varies
from dorm to dorm, but, in any case, the cost won't break
your bank account. At South Quad the postcards sell for
ten cents each, while at Mosher Jordan, they go for 25 cen-
ts apiece (which is probably just a reflection of the
relative architectural merits of the two buildings.)
Library survival
ARE YOU AFRAID of walking into the Graduate
Library this year because you saw Ghostbusters this
summer? Or are you afraid of getting lost in the bowels of
chance to put these phobias aside, because the staff of the
library is offering one hour tours of the facility for you not-
so-brave souls and for anyone else interested in learning
more about the library's plethora of resources. The tours
will be conducted during the weeks of September 10-14, 17-
21, and October 1-5, and will begin at 11 a.m., 1 p.m., and 3
p.m. in the North Lobby on the first floor. Participants
must sign up at the library's reference desk.
On the inside...
The Opinion Page jokes with President Reagan. . . Arts
dnguishes between Dez Dickerson and Prince . . . and