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December 07, 1984 - Image 25

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-12-07

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Page 16S - The Michigan Daily - Friday, December 7, 1984
The Dally







The Michigan Daily - Friday, C

Holiday Line

"It's been a dream come true," said Daily sports
editor Mike McGraw. "Just imagine, Michigan in the
Holiday Bowl against top ranked BYU. And you
know what, we're going to beat them."
"Now settle down Mikey," advised Katie Black-
well, McGraw's associate. "Don't forget that the
Holiday is still one of the drippiest bowls around. And
God damn it, I wanted togo to Hawaii (Aloha Bowl),"
sighed the next Ann Doyle.

"OH, I THINK it's wonderful that Michigan has
this kind of opportunity after such an up-and-down
season," raised Hel from a distant corner of the
newsroom. "San Diego should be a hot time, it'll beat
spending all my time in Westland over break."
"Bo'sthe most beautiful person I've ever had the
pleasure of interviewing," screamed the truest of the
Blue, Doug Levy. "I'm not shaving until Michigan
wins its next bowl game."
Needless to say, all four Daily football writers are
exhilarated at the prospect of covering the Holiday

Bowl. McGraw, Blackwell, Helgren and Levy will all
be in San Diego, lapping up the freebies. "Whatever
the Holiday people give me, I'll take," said McGraw,
staking his clame to at least one free dinner. "And
I'd really like to take the day trip to Sea. World."
"Mikey grow up," counseled Blackwell, her
sorority's second vice president. "I'm going to check
out those Mormon guys."
"The game is all we care about," agreed Biel and
Blue. "Go get 'em Bo."

If Michigan is to stop Robbie
Bosco and the B YU offense, a
superlative performance by the
Wolverine 'D' is imperative.
Associate sports editor Paul
Helgren talked to the man respon-
sible for designing a strategy to stop
the Cougars, defensive coordinator
Gary Moeller.
DAILY: From what you've seen on
the films, does Brigham Young have
any weaknesses on offense?
MOELLER: They're a skilled, but
not extremely skilled team. I don't
think they have the speed at the
receivers that some people have. Their
big thing is they have an excellent
passing concept. Regardless of who the
quarterback has been and who the
receivers are, they've always been able
to execute.
D: What does it mean to have four
weeks to prepare instead of just one?
M: It really has two meanings. One, it
should be enough time to prepare for
anybody. But sometimes you can get
too much prepared because you come
up with too many ideas. So you've got to
watch so you don't overdo it. And you
have to remember that what got you
there is still pretty good so you don't
have to completely change. I like the
idea of having a look at an opponent and
studying them, but sometimes you
mull it over too long.
D: Is it an advantage knowing they'reG
going to throw it about two-thirds of the Ga
time? be
M: Yeah. They're just opposite of plays-
how teams used to be. But they're still of thatt
going to have their basic running off bal
look ati
off - it
i. that ha:
The big
give hi
got fiv
on you
a team
you to d
up with
you've F
D: H

'M'stop it?

land Rivers slows down Wisconsin tailback Larry Emery as Jim Scarcelli (85) zeroes in
at the Badgers, 20-14 in the September 22 game.

-draw plays, screens and things
nature that are going to keep you
ance... You know a lot of good
g teams throw the short pass and
it as a run. A swing pass, a dump-
's the same thing to them as a run.
am Young) is constantly a team
as five men in the pass-patterns.
g thing is whether you're going to
m (Bosco) time to throw. You've
e men out there, I don't care if
playing "man" or zone or
ver, he's going to hit some plays
... And you can't constantly blitz
n like this because if you blitz
doing exactly what they want
do. You've got to be able to come
1 a standard rush that gets the
re that keeps him on time to
At least that. And once in a while
got to get a sack.
Having an all-senior line and
kers has to help.

Miami feeling. The grass field. (The
Holiday Bowl will be played on grass).
Of course the Purdue field wasn't wet
(when Michigan lost, 29-27) but it didn't
seem like you get the traction that you
get on our field.
D: In the opener against Miami, Bo
gave you a lot of credit for developing a
strategy to combat a passing .team.
There's been talk that if Michigan can
stop Miami it can stop Brigham Young.
Do you make any correlation between
the two offenses and if so how do you
think they're alike?
M: They're alike on the surface
because a big part of their game is
throwing the ball. But let me put it to
you this way. There are different kinds
of running teams, like we're a different
running team than say Auburn. I don't
think Miami tries to get as many
receivers out as Brigham Young does. I

think M
than ma
do. Hop
like (wi
wrong. I
ball do,
same gi
Miami u
tly alike
D: Yoi
After the
Jim Eve
up some
team lik
short pa.

(Continued from Page 3)

taking Michigan lightly, because
we're going out to San Diego with
everything we've got and to win that
The Holiday Bowl is Michigan's ten-
th-consecutive bowl game and the 12th
in Schembechler's 16-year career in
Ann Arbor. Schembechler's bowl
record is a poor 2-9 and it seems that the
Wolverines face several other obstacles
as they prepare for the Cougars.
location, site and time of the game. The

Wolverines are 1-3 away from Michigan
Stadium this season and San Diego is
far away. The game is played in Jack
Murphy Stadium which is a grass field.
The prospect of playing on grass has
always done poor things for Schem-
bechler's psyche. Finally, the starting
time of the battle is 6:00 p.m. Schem-
bechler has long been an outspoken
critic against playing college football
games after sundown.
"Tell Bo that we're going to play the
game at midnight and that we're letting
the grass grow three inches," said Ed-

wards jokingly.
But Edwards admitted that the
preceding factors will give BYU a
measurable advantage. The Cougars
play every home game on the natural
stuff while the Wolverines have played
a grand total of one game on natural
turf in the last two years.
IN THE end, Michigan's major ob-
stacle will be stopping Brigham
Young's vaunted offensive barrage.
The Cougars are averaging 36 points
per contest behind the complex passing
attack administered by junior QB

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Robbie Bosco.
"I don't think there is any way for a
defense to screw us up," said BYU of-
fensive line coach Claude Bassett.
"We'll justntake what the defense gives
us." The Cougars send five receivers
out on most plays and have not been
stopped thus far.
While BYU has fielded outstanding
offenses for the last several campaigns,
it is the Cougar defense which the
coaches credit for bringing the team up
to the ranks of the superpowers. "You
can't win 23-straight football games
without a great defense," said Edwards
The BYU defense has yielded only 13.8
points per game, which brings up the
question of whether the sputtering
Wolverine offense can put enough poin-
ts on the board to offset the Cougar at-
tack. As always, Schembechler will
seek to establish a ball-control, time-
consuming attack to keep Bosco and
company on the bench.
Brigham Young's defensive strength
comes at the linebacker positions.
"They can all play pro ball. They're all
about 6-2, 225-230 and move real well,"
said Edwards of his foursome.
If nothing else, this grid battle should
offer a fascinating contrast in
philosophies. Michigan will run the ball
75-percent of the time to BYU's 75-
percent passing. As Schembechler
would prefer, the better defense should
determine the outcome.

... can Bosco and Co. be stopped?



M: Yeah, that should help us some,
hopefully. But again I always get ner-
vous 'cause I don't like the Purdue
feeling, I don't like the Boston College-



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