Ninety-five Years Off Editorial Freedom j:j; b r LIE 43U IE aIQ Hide Cloudy and windy today with oc- casional snow flurries. High in the mid-20s. Vol. XCV, No. 73 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, December 4, 1984 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages Facult discusses out-of-state students By SEAN JACKSON As the number of in-state high school students applying to the University con- tinues to drop each year, the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts is preparing to handle this crisis. Solutions to the problems are con- troversial - one involves violating the state's college appropriation legislation. 'Yesterday, LSA's faculty heard one suggestion for tackling the problem: Increase the number of out-of-state students for Fall 1985 and, at the same time, keep tuition revenues constant. THE RECOMMENDATION was made by LSA's Steering Committee on Admissions. This committee says gradually in- creasing the number of out-of-state students will improve the quality of students at the University and bring in more tuition revenue. "PEOPLE WHO come from different parts of the country have different per- spectives," said Carl Cohen, a Residen- tial College professor. And these dif- ferent opinions make for a better class. "They come with a different view of the world," he said. However, others such as Jack Walker, associate dean for academic appointment say they feel differently. Walker suggested that the University step up its recruitment efforts in the state. "WE COULD DO a better job (of recruiting in Michigan)...we should try to get more people from other parts of the state than we have now," he said, The majority of the in-state students come from the Detroit suburbs, Walker said. But the different perspectives Cohen values in residents of other 'We should try to get more people from other parts of the state than we have now.' - Jack Walker Associate LSA Dean number of out-of-state students said Louis Loeb, LSA Steering Committee on Admissions Chairman. THAT UNKNOWN number could become a valuable source for the University in the coming years. The number of Michigan high school graduates as well as the number of high school seniors in the University's prime out-of-state recruiting grounds -' Illinois, Ohio, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania - is expected to drop dramatically in the coming years. Walter noted that the projected drop in 1989 alone is approximatley 17 per- cent. An additional decrease of 9 per- cent is predicted for the following year. Although the expansion of out-of-state recruitment will enable the University to maintain its current enrollment, ex- panding out-of-state enrollment does pose some problems for the University. In the state appropriation bill in which, the University receives $182 million, there is a stipulation that the University not exceed 20 percent in it's out-of-state student enrollment. THE UNIVERSITY is in violation of that regulation. The law says that state-supported universities which in 1974 drew in ex- cess of 20 percent of the student population from out-of-state would be allowed to maintain that number while universities under that mark may draw up to 20 percent from out-of-state. In 1974 the University had 19 percent of its student body coming from out-of- state. In the ensuing decade that num- ber has climbed to 25 percent. Vice President for Government Relations and Secretary of the Univer- sity Richard Kennedy called the clause See OUT-OF-STATE, Page 3 states can be found in Michigan's rural and upstate students. The steering committee doesn't agree. They say the number of potential in-state students for the University to draw on is falling fast and has been nearly exhausted. FOR EXAMPLE, the committee points out that the number of ap- plications from in-state students has remained approximately the same. Within the last six years there have been no more than 4,786 applications and no less than 4,419. But the out-of-state pool has been ex- ploding. During the same six years, the number of applications soared from 2,899 to 5,780. There is an unknown limit on the -Students arrested in Walled Lake By LAURIE DELATER Special to the Daily WALLED LAKE-Five University students were among 13 anti-nuclear demonstrators arrested early yester- day morning at the site of Williams In- ternational Corp., a firm which builds engines for cruise missiles. The demonstrators were arrested five minutes after they lined up in front of the facility's front gate with a banner. saying "Work for Life," in an attempt to keep the 7 a.m. shift from entering. An estimated 150 supporters sang softly as they watched on. THE FIVE students arrested at the site were LSA junior Carter Cortelyou, Residential College junior Ken Jannot, graduate student Brian Larkin, Residential College junior Mike O'Neill, and LSA senior Maria Ringo. Five other protestors are from the Ann *Protestors explain community activism By LAURIE DELATER The 13 protestors arrested yesterday morning at Williams International Corp. in Walled Lake are part of a two- year-old movement in the state to halt production of nuclear weapons through community activism. The movement has grown from nine members just two years ago to thousands, young and old, from all cor- ners of the state. PROTESTORS say they are tired of writing letters and lobbying their congressional representatives. They say change must begin in the com- munity. And they say civil disobedience is the only way to force the issue to the forefront of public attention. Williams International has been the target of protest because it is the third largest defense contractor in the state. The firm manufactures cruise missile engines for the Navy and the Air Force. In 1983 the company won Navy contrac- ts totaling $209.5 million, making it the 83rd largest military contractor in the country. Top officials at Williams say they support nuclear arms reduction but at the same time they refuse to talk to protestors about why they help produce missiles which carry nuclear warheads. AFTER FIVE protestors trespassed on the firm's property in May 1983, spilled red dye in a pond, and spread ashes on the ground to symbolize the Japanese who were killed during atomic bomb explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Williams International obtained an injunction which prohibits gathering in front of the facility.- Yesterday's protestors were the sixth group arrested for violating that injun- ction. A total of 75 people have gone to jail. And the protest continues. "We can expect severe charges and yet we'll be out there," said Rev. Robert Dougherty, a Catholic priest who two years ago formed the Lansing- based Covenant for Peace. The group stirred up interest in civil disobedience at Williams and every Monday distributes anti-nuclear literature at the firm's gates. See PROTESTERS, Page 7 Arbor area. District Court Judge Michael Batchik in Walled Lake fined the protestors $100 each for violating a police order which forbade blockage of the firm's entrance and for refusing to move when asked by police. A trial to determine whether the demonstrators violated a court injun- ction prohibiting gathering in front of the facility is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. today in Oakland County Circuit Court in Pontiac. SUPPORTERS gathered outside the firm's gate at 6:30 a.m. in a darkness permeated by bright blue Christmas lights strung on a tree and by matching blue signs on the company buildings. They sang Christmas carols while they watched workers pull into the driveway About a dozen police officers waited in- side the gate. As tears streamed down his cheeks, 70-year-old Ralph Townsend of Woodland, Mich., waited to join hands with the other protesters who would block off the driveway. For Town- send-as well as four others-yester- day's arrest was a repeat performance. "My purpose is to be one of the movement to stop the arms race," Townsend said. He is back again, he added, because of the encouragement he received from people who heard about his first arrest last year. UNIVERSITY English Prof. William "Buzz" Alexander, a member of the Ann Arbor Peace Community, said the demonstrators chose Williams Inter- national a sixth time as a target for civil disobedience because the firm is the third largest defense contractor in the state. In 1983, the company received con- tracts worth $209.5 million to build See STUDENTS, Page 7 Dily Photo by JEFF SCHRlIERU Mike O'Neill, a junior in the Residential College, is carried away after being arrested yesterday at Williams Inter- national in Walled Lake. O'Neill was protesting the firm's production of engines for the Cruise missile. --L" \ . .... . .:...... .:" ... ". . .y " "1Y.1 Y": .{. .....y.J. h "{.*1"'"":""{:"." :1v::::.": v:: " K{Sr" . Conmittee calls for renewed respect for liberal arts BOSTON (AP) - Liberal arts colleges and their graduates can succeed if they don't forsake the traditional lessons of philosophy and language for classes in metal working or sheep sciences, a panel of college presidents said yesterday. "Colleges which have maintained and strengthened the quality of coherence of their liberal arts programs are thriving," said Arthur Levine, president of 180-year-old Bradford College and one of six college presidents drafted by the Ford Foundation to study the decline of liberal arts education. LEVINE'S comments concluded a weekend conference during which about 25 educators and corporate executives of- fered their views on the future of liberal arts education to the six-member panel. The group's report, to be released early next year, follows studies by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the National Institute of Education on the decline of humanities programs at U.S. colleges. Those studies have said many schools are dropping traditional liberal arts curricula in favor of specialized classes designed to prepare students for the job market. The trend was blamed on the general decline in student enrollment and greater interest among students to prepare for the job market. BUT LEVINE, head of the private collge in Bradford, said he and his colleagues were picked to de their own study because of the success at their schools. All six schools have seen an increase in enrollments, endowments, and fiscal stability while continuing an emphasis on liberal arts. "What we're saying to our colleagues is that there is cause for concern, but don't panic . . . don't sacrifice your educational traditions for a black bottom line," said Edwin Delattre, president of St. John's College in Annapolis, Md. All six presidents said the schools are able to place better than 90 percent of their graduates in a wide variety of jobs. See EDUCATORS, Page2 Soviet emigre warns of anti-Semitic trends By RACHEL GOTTLIEB The human rights of Soviet Jews are being violated more often today than five years ago, a Jewish immigrant from the Soviet Union told a group of about 50 students and professors at the Michigan League yesterday. "We are facing the probability of a second holocaust in the same century," said Yuri Stern, who emigrated to Israel from the Soviet Union three years ago. THE DETERIORATION in human rights is prompting more and more Soviet Jews to think about leaving their country, Stern said. There arerbetween 50,000 and 100,000 Soviet Jews who are still waiting for exit visas. These people are known as refuseniks, Stern said. While waiting for an exit visa, refuseniks often lose their jobs or are demoted and blacklisted and live in constant fear of being arrested, he said. DURING THE ERA of detente, Jews were allowed to emigrate in relatively large numbers under the Jackson- See EMIGRE, Page 3 .4.1 .....:.. .... .. . .... . . . ....... . . . . . . . ...............::...;.*...........*. 4,. ......... ......................... ..... . . . . . . .. . . . .........................:.:::::.::...........:.:..:......:........................... L L. 14. .." ....1J ... . . . . . ............ . . . . . .....:..~...... .1" . ..".4 .......... ...................... . . . . . . . . . . . . ... TODAY- Commencement: Money talks graduation ceremony will begin at 2 p.m. in Crisler Arena. About 2,000 students expect to receive their degrees this winter. Ho, ho, ho ... ooh! I N LONDON yesterday, the British government was urged to ban the import of pornographic Christmas car- ds from the United States. The Greeting Card and Calendar Barely hunting TWO HUNTERS picked up by police in Mio, Mich. weren't loaded for bear, but they were loaded and definitely were bare when they stomped through the woods armed with guns and wearing only tennis shoes last week. The two men spent several hours in the Oscoda County jail after they were arrested on a road south of this central Michigan community. "A sheriff's deputy investigating a citizen's report of two men carrying rifles and apparently "There were quite a lot of beer cans in their motel unit," Smith said. "I guess they were pretty drunk. I don't think the deer were in too much danger from these guys." Mc- Veigh said the men would not say why they decided to em- bark on their hunt in the buff. "They offered no explanation for their hunting technique," she said. - i .1 i i I .