The Michigan Daily - Friday, Npvember 30, 1984 - Page 3
Brown protesters take
blame for CIA rally
Protesters at Brown University voluntarily signed a list
Monday taking responsibility for disrupting Central In
telligence Agency recruitment on campus, the Providence
Journal reported yesterday.
Originally the Rhode Island newspaper had reported that
some students believed they were signing a petition barring
the CIA from campus, but that those names were turned into
the university for disciplinary action without the students'
YESTERDAY morning, however, the Journal ran a
correction saying, "Robert Reichley (vice president for
university affairs), and protesters agreed yesterday that
they gave their names voluntarily, and they knew that they
could face punishment."
In an incident similar to CIA protest here at the University
last month, the protesters staged a mock trial, charging the
CIA with various crimes including the support of rebels in
Nicaragua. But Brown's protesters added a twist.
The protesters charged the CIA with "soliciting people to
commit illegal acts," said Juliet Broodie, one of the
protesters, and tried to make a citizen's arrest.
MEANWHILE, three lists were being passed around. One
was a petition asking the university to bar the CIA from
campus in the future, another was a typed list of protesters'
names who claimed responsibility for the rally, and a third
was circulated by John Robinson, a university official, for
students who were present but did not have their names on-
the typed list.
One student who signed Robinson's list mistakenly thought
he was signing the petition, and complained when his name
was given to the university. His complaint was the basis for
the Journal story.
Yesterday, however, the student claimed "full respon
sibility" for the mix-up.
REICHLEY SAID Tuesday that "If that's the way they
took it, that's their problem. There was no attempt to deceive
Nevertheless, Reichley said, the names of those who did
sign the document were turned over to the University Council
on Student Affairs for disciplinary action.
The council, which is made up of students, faculty, and
administrators will try the case.
BRODIE SAID that the protesters took responsibility
because they were "not ashamed of their actions."
She said that even though they could be dismissed from
school, they felt it was "worth it. We feel strongly that the
CIA should be held responsible. It wasn't just a symbol. We
thought that it would be unbelievable to be punished for
upholding the law."
Brodie didn't know what the verdict would be, but said that
she thought the university should give them "a medal for
upholding the law."
SHE SAID that she thought they were pretty "mellow"
compared to the protesters at the University of Michigan.
Protesters here chased CIA recruiters down the street,
causing the recruiters to cancel job interviews. They have
not been punished.
For the cartons Associated Press
Joe Mayo, commander of the Chicago Police Department's youth division, displays a poster of missing children (left)
along with a sample of a milk carton panel upon which the pictures will be distributed in the Chicago area.
(Continued from Page 1)
hope to top
students has always been very good,"
Wiedrich said.
EVERY PENNY raised goes stright
to children's groups such as Galens
Mott Children's Hospital Workshop,
Children's Psychiatric Hospital, Arbor
House, and the Pediatric Neurology
and epilepsy clinic.
Additional money is set aside for
special Christmas parties for hospital-
bound children. The tag drives first
began in 1927 as a way to fund these
Galens Medical Society, originally
formed in 1914, meets once a month
throughout the year to receive requests
for funding from various children's
organizations and to decide where to
spend the money raised during their
holiday drive.
"We all love kids, that's why we do
it," said Herb Miller, a senior medical
student. "(Other organizations) take
care of adults, but who is going to take
care of the kids?
"It gives you kind of a warm feeling
to know that you're helping someone
who wouldn't get helped overwise, plus
it's fun to stand out on the street cor-
ners and solicit money," Miller added.
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-APPENINGS Protest ends peacefully
University Dance Seniors will present a recital tonight and tomorrow in-
cluding modern dance, some singing, and Jazz. The performers, Jeff
Krestik, JoLea Maffei, and Tammy Thomas, wrote stages, and
choreographed the recital which will be at the Dance Building, Studio A
Theater, 8 p.m.
Cinema Guild - The Graduate, 7 & 9 p.m., Lorch Hall.
Alt. Act - The Last Detail, 7:30 p.m., Chinatown, 9:30 p.m., MLB 4.
Mediatrics - Cool Hand Luke. 1 p.m., American Graffiti, 7:30 p.m., Nat.
Sci. Aud.
Cinema II - Maitresse, 7 & 9 p.m., Angell, Aud. A.
AAFC - The Marriage of Maria Braun, 7 & 9:15 p.m., MLB 3.
Performance Network - Theatre Productions, Mother Lode, 8 p.m., 408
W. Washington St.
The Ark - Richard Thompson, 7:30 & 9:30 p.m., 637 S. Main St.
Musical Society - Handel's Messiah, 8:30 p.m., Hill Aud.
Residential College Singers - Fall Concert, 8 p.m., East Quad
Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies - Carla Sinopoli, "Palaces
& Potsherds: Recent Archaeological Work at the Hindu Capital of
Vijayanagara," 12:10 p.m., Lane Hall Commons Room.
Anthropolocy Colloquium - John Watanabe, "Why Santiago is an Indian:
Religious Syncretism and Ethnic Identity in a Highland Guatemalan Indian
Community," 4 p.m., 2021 LSA.
Chinese Students Christian Fellowship - 7:30 p.m.; Memorial Christian
Korean Christian Fellowship -9 p.m., Campus Chapel.
Ann Arbor Chinese Bible Study - 7:30 p.m., basement, University Refor-
med Church, 1001 E. Huron Ave.
Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship - noon, 220 W. Engineering.
International Students Fellowship -7 p.m.
Duplicate Bridge Club -7:30 p.m., Michigan League.
Men's Ice Hockey - Michigan vs. Ohio State, 7:30 p.m., Yost Arena.
American Civil Liberties Union - Fall Forum, "Getting Rid of the Bob
Jones University Syndrome: Planned Change Intervention Designed to
Promote Quality Integrated Education,"8 p.m., 1265 Lincolnshire Ave.
University Counseling Service - Dissertation Support Group, 8:30 p.m.,
3100 Union.
Folk Dance Club - Teaching Hungarian Dancing, 7:30 p.m., Request
Dancing 9 p.m., Angell Elem. Gym.
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109
BOGOTA, Colombia (UPI) - Sixty-
five men, women and children yester-
day ended a peaceful 18-hour oc-
cupation of United Press Inter-
national's Bogota bureau without ob-
taining the release from jail of three
guerrilla leaders.
Several of the protesters shook hands
with office staffers and apologized for
involving them in their attempt to win
the guerrillas' freedom as well as
government promises to settle a num-
ber of local problems.
"WE'RE GOING to give the gover-
nment the week it asked for" to resolve
the local issues, said the group's
spokesman, Jaime Gomez. "If they
will improve,
study says
(Continued from Page 1)
ELECTRICAL engineers will have
the highest average salaries among
bachelor degree recipients at $28,086,
Shingleton said. Those with degrees in
human ecology will be the lowest at
Job availability follows a similar pat-
tern. It is best for those in technical
fields and worst for those in natural
resources, social science, arts and
literature, Shingleton said.
"There will be jobs for those people
(in social science and the arts) but the
ratio of jobs and people will not be as
favorable as it will for the technical
people," he said.
Job opportunities will be the best in
the Southwest, followed by south-
central states, the Southeast, the Nor-
theast and the Northwest, he said.
Despite recent optimism about
Michigan's economy, Shingleton said
he does not foresee significant im-
provements in the job market for
college graduates here in the im-
mediate future.
don't keep their promises, we'll take
tougher action."
The 65 protesters, ranging from a 55-
year-old man to a six-year-old girl, filed
out of the building to the applause of
onlookes and boarded buses provided
by the Red Cross and the fire depar-
tment to take them home to the town of
Zipaquira, about 25 miles to the north.
The occupation ended at 10:45 a.m.,
18 hours after the group walked into the
second-floor UPI office.
Top on their list of demands was the
immediate release of Antonio Navarro,
Alfonso Lackie and Luis Chara, three
leaders of the M-19 rebel movement.
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