Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom
cl ble
Lit 4
Partly cloudy with tem-
peratures in the high forties.
Vol. XCV, No. Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, November 29, 1984 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages
Campus crawls with
closet kleutos
Many students at the University have a problem.
Walk into a dorm room or apartment and look around. The
evidence of the problem covers the walls, sits in the cup-
board, and hides in the closet.
SERVING drinks in glasses from Charley's, sitting in high
chairs from McDonald's, and decorating walls with "No
Passing Zone" signs, these students have a tendency to make
off with just about anything they can get their hot little hands
on. -
Some steal out of "necessity" - they need glasses or salt
shakers for their dorm rooms and haven't gotten around to
buying a new set. Others take things just to take them and
show their collections with pride.
One of the most popular items to abscond with is the bar
glass. It makes little difference from where: Rick's
Dooley's, Charley's - anywhere will do. It's easy, many
people say - just walk in, order lots of drinks, and simply
stuff a few glasses into your coat or purse before walking
casually out the door.
MOST STUDENTS agree that this occurs often.
"I'd say everyone who goes to the bar takes at least one in
their ... whatever, career," says a first year nursing student
who asked to remain anonymous.
"I'm pretty sure it happens a lot," says Christopher Evans,
an LSA freshman. "The bars have a lot of glasses, right?"
"PEOPLE DO take a lot of glasses and stuff," says LSA
junior Jenny Davis. "I think it's something that the bars are
so used to, it doesn't bother them much."
Bar managers, however, say the practice occurs frequen-
tly, too frequently, and that the cost is eventually passed on
to the customers.
Norm Foltz, a manager at Dooley's, says he believes some
students, when they've had a little too much to drink think of
getting out the door with a glass as a "conquest."
"WE GO through about four beer cases a week," says Jeff
Trumper, a manager at Rick's American Cafe, adding that
each case contains six dozen glasses. That figure also in-
cludes replacements due to breakage, he said.
Although theft doesn't directly affect drink prices, Trum-
'People do take a lot of glasses
and stuff . . . I think it's
something that the bars are so
used to, it doesn't bother them
- Jenny Davis
LSA junior
per says it is figured into the overall cost of operating and
costs Rick's about $270 each week.
Eventually everyone pays, says Foltz, because "You have
to make up the difference somewhere."
MANAGERS FROM Dooley's, Good Time Charley's, and
Rick's say they don't prosecute people they catch but merely
make them return the merchandise. To do anything more,
they say, could cause strained customer relations.
Sometimes, however, it can be difficult to watch all of that
money walk out the door.
"It'd be nice to be able to search people when they leave,"
says a manager at Charley's who would not reveal his name.
THOUGH LOCAL bar owners and most students recognize
the problem, some are not quite convinced it runs rampant.
Education school freshman Jeffrey Kiel says he hasn't seen
it happen much. Kiel added, however, that he doesn't go to
the bar much, either.
Drinking establishments, although the primary target of
this criminal urge, are not the only one. The manager at
Wolverine Den Pizzeria says that, especially near the begin-
ning of the semester, students take silverware, salt and pep-
per, and other things for their rooms.
See CAMPUS, Page 3
This veritable treasure of stolen goods adorns a West Quad dorm room. Among the hot items are plants from Burger
King, Charley's beer glasses, a MacDonald's high chair, and a sign from White Castle.
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study about
one hour
per day,
poll says
WASHINGTON (AP) - America's children
average just over an hour of homework each
school day, but girls do more than boys and
students at private schools do more than
double the work of those in public schools, the
Census Bureau reported yesterday.
The bureau's annual survey of school
enrollment, conducted last October, also
discovered that black students do slightly
more homework than whites.
THE STUDY found that the median time
spent on homework for students in American
elementary and high schools was 5.4 hours
per week, or 1 hour and 5 minutes per school
day. Median indicates that half of students
would have done more than that amount and
half less.
FOR BLACKS, the total was 5.6 hours per
week, compared with 5.4 for whites and 5.3 for
Hispanics, which may include students of any
But the sharpest difference was between
types of schools, with students in private high
schools doing 14.2 hours of homework weekly,
compared with 6.5 hours by their public-
school counterparts. In the elementary
grades, private schools also led with 5.5 hours
per week.
It said 12.8 percent of students reported
having no homework at all.
propose cuts
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of Meat'
ousted by
Competition in the Miss Georgia Colleg(
Beauty Pageant has really been beefed
No, the spotlight isn't on a leggy
college freshwoman with perfect
measurements.wTheattention grabber
is a three-and-one-half pound piece of
beef roast. The staff of the school's
newspaper, The Georgia College
Colonnade, entered the contestant,
called Piece of Meat, to protest the
rules of the 20-year-old February
pageant which one newspaper staffer
called a "flesh show."
THE BEEF, however, was
disqualified immediately.
According to Colonnade staff mem-
ber Drew Boswell, the beef began when
the rules for the pageant were passed
out." He added, "we wanted to make a
statement about an activity which the
college should not be involved in.
See BEEF, Page 3
WASHINGTON (AP)-President Reagan
studied but made no decisions yesterday on a
series of defense and domestic spending cuts his
aides proposed for fiscal 1986. Administration of-
ficials said the proposed. cuts would reduce the
federal budget by about $35 billion in the first
White House spokesman Larry Speakes said
Reagan met for about 90 minutes with budget
director David Stockman and other aides and told
them he wanted more time to consider their
"IT WAS HIS decision that he wanted to hear
more," Speakes said. Decisions on where to trim
spending could come later in the week, he said.
The president and his advisers have begun the
process of drafting a spending plan for the fiscal
year that begins Oct. 1, 1985, which Reagan will
submit to Congress early next year.
Their task is complicated by a burgeoning
deficit in the current fiscal year, now expected to
exceed $200 billion, and the president's insistence
that tax increases or cuts in Social Security be
ruled out in any attempt to reduce the deficit.
Stockman gave the president a black, loose-leaf
notebook with suggestions for paring the deficit
which he and his aides have put together in the
past few weeks.
Speakes refused to list the programs outlined in
the budget book as candidates for spending cuts.
But other officials have said they range from
Medicare and farm subsidies to veterans health
care and civil service retirement.
Defense was also on the hit list, officials said,
even though Defense Secretary Caspar Wein-
berger has indicated he intends to seek a nearly 14
percent boost in miliary spending over the
current level.
WEINBERGER, at a National Press Club lun-
See CUTS, Page 2
Senateeets Dole as cie
WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. Robert Dole, chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee,
wisecracking chairman of the powerful Senate both senators confirmed following the four-hour,
Finance Committee and a likely 1988 presidential closed-door caucus.
aspirant, defeated four rivals yesterday in thb A beaming Dole emersed from the meeting with
hotly contested battle to succeed Howard Baker Baker, who did not seek re-election to the Senate
Jr. as Senate majority leader. this year, and told a jammed news conference he
The 61-year-old Kansas Republican was elected would work his hardest to shepherd President
28-25 over his closest competitor, Ted Stevens of Reagan's second-term initiatives through the
Alaska, on the fourth secret ballot in a caucus of GOP-controlled chamber.
all 53 GOP senators who will serve in the up- "Deficit reduction is at the top of everyone's
coming 99th Congress. agenda," Dole declared. He added that he shared
THREE OTHER contenders - James McClure the president's view that a tax increase would be
of Idaho, Pete Domenici of New Mexico and "a matter of last resort."
Richard Lugar of Indiana - were eliminated one However, quipping his way through his first
by one in the first three rounds. news conference as leader, Dole said he hadn't
Lugar will become chairman of the Foreign thought much about other agenda items. "I'm
Relations Committee, while arch-conservative going to find out first what you do as leader," he
Jesse Helms of North Carolina will stay on as said.
Associated Press
Jackie Smith, editor of the Georgia College Colonnade poses with her student paper's entry in the Miss
Georgia College Beauty Pageant yesterday.
munity," was taken to Kettering Memorial Hospital,
where she was listed in good condition. Wednesday. No
charges have been filed against her. "She's been ill," said
Stingley's brother-in-law, who asked not to be named.
"Everytime I'd see her I could tell. She was kind of with-
drawn from society." Walker said the standoff began
when police spotted Stingley driving erratically and stop-
ped her when she ran a red light. "She put her car in
reverse and rammed a cruiser," Walker said. "Then she
stead of a red one. Forrest Bruner won reelection to Cave
Junction council in similar fashion, by drawing the
correct colored peanut m & m from a box. Both drawings
were held as alternatives to a run-off election in two tied
races. Eagle Point City Council candidates Carolyn
Clayton and Linder finished with 507 votes each. So the
council put a green lollipop and a red one in a box and
decided that the candidate who drew the green one would
win. Linder was the winner. Cave Junction decided a tied
niv nmnlrnninnci inr fchinn nntin Tnr -mhpn
weeks, that I'd passed the halfway mark, they became
like a cheering section ...," he said. "I try to call at least
one of them each weekend to tell them what strange place
I'm in." United Airlines is offering a year of free first-
class travel anywhere in the nation to mark its expansion
into all 50 states as of Oct. 28, said United spokesman
Joseph Hopkins. It goes to anyone in United's frequent-
flyer program who hits every state by midnight Dec. 16.
"It's not a contest to finish first," said Hopkins. "It's a
contest to finish. neriod." Elliott. a 40-year-old unmarried