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November 28, 1984 - Image 15

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Page 14S - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 28, 1984
Where are they now?

The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, Noy
The freshmen from I

Yearly attrition is something that nearly all college
basketball teams have to deal with. A coach can
usually prepare for seniors graduating. An oc-
casional player going hardship and turning pro is dif-
ficult but not earth-shattering.
But the turnover of the 1984 NIT Champion
Michigan squad has been somewhat unusual. Six
players who were with the team at the beginning of
last season, four of whom still had basketball
eligibility left at Michigan, are not with the squad at
the beginning of this season. From Seattle to El Paso
to Ann Arbor, here's a look at where they wound up.
E. T. checks out options
Point guard Eric Turner decided to pass up his
senior year at Michigan and test the sometimes
rough waters of professional basketball. He may
have gotten in a little over his head.
After an up-and-down junior campaign, the 6-3
court general went hardship and was selected in the
second round of the NBA draft by the Detroit Pistons.
During the last week of training camp, however, the
Pistons decided Turner wasn't ready for the NBA yet
and released him. Since then, Turner and his agent
Peter Kirsanow have been treading water, waiting
for something to break and give Turner another op-
"WE'RE JUST kind of up in the air right now," said
Kirsanow. 'We're moving forward, but we don't have
anything definite.
"We did have some feelers from some NBA
teams, but nothing concrete. We have also pursued
all the other avenues. We checked all the European
leagues and the (Continental Basketball Association)
and we've come up with a few things."

For right now, though, Turner and Kirsanow plan
to be patient and see if anything opens up in the NBA.
"WITH THE NBA, we're in kind of a predicament
because their season has already started and they've
trimmed their rosters to 12 players," said Kirsanow.
"That works out a commitment where they have to
stick with those players for one or two months, so we
have to wait."
They haven't set any deadlines yet, but according
to Kirsanow, if nothing comes up in the NBA they are
considering two options in Italy and one in Spain, as
well as the CBA. Currently, Turner is leaning toward
the CBA.
"I'm not considering (Europe) too seriously," Tur-
ner said. "I think being around here and having
people see me here would be best for me. That (the
CBA) would be what I think I would do."
"IF HE GOES to Europe," Kirsanow explained,
"we'd have to suspect that he wouldn't be able to play
in the NBA for at least a year because he'd be tied in-
to a contract."
Getting into the NBA is Turner's main goal for this
season. "I don't think I would want to go to Europe,"
admitted Turner. "The money would be good, but I
think that would hurt my chances of getting into the
NBA this year."
So for now, nothing is certain for Eric Turner, but
he is confident about his future.
"I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do," he
said. "I know that there'll be something for me to do,
I'll be playing ball somewhere this year."
EDITOR'S NOTE: At press time Turner was in
camp with the CBA Detroit Spirits, citing that
playing in the CBA still left him the option to play in
the NBA later this season.
McCormick hits big time
One player whose basketball future is not up in the
air is Tim McCormick, who is experiencing NBA life
as a reserve for the Seattle Super Sonics following a
whirlwind introduction to the NBA in June:
After an impressive senior season with the
Wolverines, McCormick nearly made the U.S. Olym-
pic team. The 6-11 center/forward's value was
greatly increased and he was taken in the first round
of the NBA draft (12th overall) by the Cleveland
Cavaliers. Within an hour after being drafted
however, the NIT's Most Valuable Player was traded
twice; first to the Washington Bullets and then to the
THE WHEELING and dealing didn't bother Mc-
Cormick. "I was just excited to be in the NBA and to
be drafted," he said. "I was a little concernea tnat
Seattle was further away from my home than I
would like to be, but that didn't matter. It's a great
organization and I'm happy to be out here."
And the Sonics were happy to have him. Shortly af-
ter obtaining him, they gave McCormick a three-
year, no-cut contract worth an estimated $700,000.
"I'm in the NBA for three years for sure," beamed
McCormick. "It's a good feeling knowing I won't
have to worry about a contract for three years."
MCCORMICK HAS been seeing some playing time
as well, averaging ten minutes per game while
playing both center and power forward. Some believe
that he was more an investment for the future for the
Sonics, and that his rookie season would be spent on
the bench, but McCormick disagrees.
"A lot of people are saying that I'm one year away
from being able to perform," he admitted. "But I
don't believe that. I go out there and work hard to im-
prove. I think I'm improving everytime I step on the
When he left Michigan, McCormick still had
one year of eligibility remaining, but when he wasn't
admitted to graduate school and the lure of the pros
was too hard to ignore, he decided to forego his fifth
year as a Wolverine.
"Financially I just couldn't pass it up," he said.
"Plus, it's always been a dream of mine to play in the
"Of course I miss (Michigan)," he went on. "I en-
joyed my stay at Michigan for four years and I had a
good career. But just like it happens to everyone else
after four years, I had to leave and go out in the

When Gary Grant made a commitment
to attend Michigan last April, he didn't
know exactly what his role would be
during his freshman year. "Eric (Tur-
rer) was undecided (about turning pro)
when I made my decision to come
here," the 6-3 guard from Canton, Ohio
One year ago, Steve Stoyko, a high
school senior from Bay Village, Ohio,
was on his official visit to Ann Arbor,
discussing his future with a group of
Michigan players. Senior center Tim
McCormick appeared to be directing
the conversation and Stoyko's future.
MOVING INTO the present, Grant is
establishing himself at point guard
while wearing Turner's number 25.
Stoyko is wearing McCormick's 44
while learning to play power forward
and center.
Maybe it's just a coincidence, but the
top two players to come out of the
Buckeye State last year have been
given big jerseys to fill.
From all accounts, Grant can handle
it. His teammates and coaches have
nothing but good things to say about the
freshman from Canton McKinley High
"HE'S GREAT. He's something we
need," said fellow backcourtman An-
toine Joubert, who knows a little bit
about being a freshman under
pressure. "Gary's very smart. He's
going to help our team a lot."
"I think he'll fill Eric's shoes very
well.. . ," said center Roy Tarpley. "I
feel good playing with him. He inspires
me to play hard like Eric used to do."
Since the All-American arrived in
town in September, stories have been
coming through the grapevine about
just how good Grant really is. He is
most often described as an Eric Turner
with consistency. Grant knows that big
things are expected quickly.
"IF COACH calls on me to start, then
I'll be ready," said Grant, who
averaged 23 points per game his senior
year. "He works me with the starting
line-up (in practice) just to get me used

to playing with them."
After three weeks of practice, it was
easy to see why "The General" was
named to nine All-America teams, one
of only twelve players to accomplish
that feat. Freshmen are expected to
come in with one-dimensional, flawed
games. Grant has been practicing with
the skills and know-how of a three-year
"My biggest (asset) is my defense,"
said Grant. "I've got to give credit to
Coach Riley, my high school coach. He
really stressed defense a lot. We
worked on it all the time."
"HE'S AN all-around player," offers
Stoyko, who finished second to Grant in
the voting for Ohio player-of-the-year.
"He'll give up his shot to let someone
else score. He knows the game real
"They expect more from Gary (than
they do from me) because he's an
awesome player and he's really going
to help the team."
While Stoyko wasn't a unanimous All-
American at Bay High School, his num-
bers, both on the court and in the
classroom, were impressive. Stoyko
complemented his 23 points and 14
boards a game by graduating in the top
five percent of his class. At a time
when the term student-athlete is scof-
fed at by many, Stoyko is putting a
strong effort into both aspects of his
college career.
THE 6-9, 195-pound forward is plan-
ning to attend medical school. He is
struggling with an identical course load
taken by pre-meds who don't have to
practice three hours every afternoon. It
hasn't been easy, but Stoyko has
managed to keep his classes and his
basketball game under control.
"My social life is pretty much cut
down to zero, even on the weekends,"
he said. "I've never studied so hard in
my life."
Stoyko, whom Street and Smith
magazine calls a three-star prospect,
has had to adjust to the rigors of college

Eric Turner, shown here moving the ball up court in
NIT action last season, won't be donning a Wolverine
uniform, or a Piston uniform for that matter, this
Greek system?
While Turner and McCormick have been trying
professional basketball in this country, backup cen-
ter Jon Antonides has made a go of it in Greece.
Earlier this fall, the 7-2 Canadian spent six weeks
playing for a team in the Greek Basketball
Federation. The team, he noted, is a private
"amateur" club, but he did receive compensation for
A FEW WEEKS ago, the question of whether An-
tonides was eligible to play in the Federation came up
and he decided to return to America while his team
straightened it out.
"They're just trying to get papers through the
Federation," he said. "They're trying to get me in as
a Greek player because I have ancestry from there. I
hope to be over there again in about four weeks."
Antonides isn't really looking for a career on the
hardwoods. "At this point I want to play in Europe for
a year or two and then go back to school," he said.
"It's just a way of supporting myself right now and
getting away from school."
Antonides was recently back in Ann Arbor,
checking out his options as far as returning to the
University. "It's a possibility," he said, "I'm
thinking about going to grad school, possibly
Changing uniforms
Two other players with basketball eligibility
remaining at Michigan also decided to jump ship, but
not. to chase pro dreams. Instead, Paul Jokisch and
Quincy Turner chose to pursue other college sports
Jokisch, 6-8 forward for Bill Frieder the last two
years became Jokisch, the 6-8 split end for Bo
Schembechler in '84. It hasn't yet been determined if
he'll be back on the court when the gridiron season is
"I'VE GOT to sit down and talk with Schembechler
and Jokisch and see what's best for Paul," said
Frieder. "We need some size and to get Paul Jokisch
would help us. But if he's going to have to play
behind some big guys and if it'll hurt his football, I
don't want him. I want the best for Paul Jokisch."
According to Jokisch, Schembechler holds the key
to his future.
"I really haven't made a decision yet," said the
junior from Birmingham Brother Rice High School.

Stoyko wore number 44 in high school. McCormic
him to stay with it.

ball the hard way.
"IT'S BEEN rough," he begins.
"I'm playing a different positon (he
was a center in high school) and they
demand more, both physically and
"Right now, I don't have the talent
that many of the older players do. But
what I lack in talent, I make up in hard

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Tim McCormick makes his move to the hoop
past Phoenix's Larry Nance (22) in action from Seat-
tle's contest with the Suns, October 28. McCormick's
Seattle teammate, center Jack Sikma (43), looks on.

Daily Photo by DAN HABIB

Grant, shown here being interviewed by WDIV's Fred Hickman, knew that Turner's absence would mean more-playing

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