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November 28, 1984 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-11-28

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Page 7

Wednesday, November 28, 1984

Ex-gridder Curtis tackles new


Tom Curtis is a busy man. Since
retiring from professional football, the
. former Michigan defensive back has
pieced together a successful publishing
company. "In this business, there's
always a deadline," he says.
His firm, Dolphin Publishing Com-
pany, not only publishes the popular
'Dolphin Digest, but it has grown to in-
clude monthly and weekly newspapers.
Before he began publishing, Curtis was
an outstanding football player.

CURTIS CAME to Ann Arbor from
Aurora, Ohio in 1966 where he enjoyed
an excellent career as both a quarter-
back and a defensive back. During his
first year at Michigan he played both
positions on the freshman team. At that
time, freshmen were ineligible for var-
sity competition. "At that point, I
thought I was going to play quarterback
(for the varsity team)," Curtis said.
Head coach Bump Elliot had other
plans. Curtis became a full-time defen-
sive back. The position suited him well
as he enjoyed great success there. Curtis

intercepted 25 passes-a Michigan
career record. From there, it was on to
the pros.
The Baltimore Colts drafted Curtis
after his senior year and he remained
with the club for two years. After seeing
limited playing time on the special
teams, Curtis was traded to the Miami
Dolphins when the Colts changed
ALTHOUGH he was a member of two
Super Bowl champion teams
(Baltimore in 1971 and Miami in 1973),
Curtis was disappointed with his pro
career. "It was a shame because I
never got to play, except on special
teams. I injured my leg and had to have
two knee operations." Those operations
put an end to his career.
Curtis had to rely then on his
background. Having graduated with a
degree in economics, Curtis decided to
contact a friend who was doing some
publishing in the Cleveland area. "I
showed him a copy of Dolphin Digest
and we decided to try a similar
publication in Cleveland."
Just as their partnership began in
Cleveland, Dolphin Digest went up for
sale. It wasn't long before they were
publishing two periodicals. Curtis had
become fond of Florida's climate while

playing there and longed to return.
HE TRADED his half of the
Cleveland digest stock for his partner's
share of the Miami product and he was
heading south to begin his own
publishing company. "I've always gone
where the winds have taken me," Cur-
tis said.
Although he did have a business-
oriented degree, it didn't help Curtis
much when it came to running his own

By JeffBergida

i' 1%

'M' offense no puzzle
Tarpley is key piece
IT DOESN'T take a Billy Packer, or any other basketball "expert" for that
matter, to figure out Michigan's Achilles heel this year. The starting five
will be solid. With the return of Paul Jokisch, depth at forward and guard
should be more than adequate.
But, as evidenced in Monday night's 80-66 victory over Detroit, the
Wolverines are completely dependent on center Roy Tarpley. While Bill
Frieder's club is at least two-deep at every other position, the absence of
Tarpley means playing with three forwards and praying a lot.
If Antoine Joubert or Gary Grant is off his game, Garde Thompson and
Leslie Rockymore are available to fill the gap. Similarly, Butch Wade and
Rich Rellford are capably backed up at the forward spots by Rob Henderson
and, in the future, Jokisch. Steve Stoyko will also see some playing time
the front court.
But if Tarpley comes out flat, or gets in early foul trouble like he did
against U-D, Frieder goes to the 6-9, 220-pound Henderson, a natural forward.
While the Lansing resident has improved a great deal recently, Michigan
without Tarpley is like Late Night without David Letterman.
"We don't have a lot of options," Frieder said when asked what he can do
when Tarpley heads for the bench. The Wolverine attack revolves around its
leading scorer and rebounder. Monday night's first half demonstrated what
happens when the big man is absent or ineffective.
"We try to take over for Roy as a team," said Wade, who pulled down five
boards in the first half while Tarpley was trying to avoid committing his third
foul. Henderson, Rellford and Wade combined for 11 rebounds and 15 points
in the first 20 minutes but the team looked bad and trailed, 31-29, at the
"We didn't play well in the first half. Fortunately, the game was as close
as it was," said Frieder. "We (were going) three or four possessions without
The halftime score didn't indicate the way Michigan struggled. The guar-
ds made only five of 14 shots, a 36 percent clip. The Wolverines committed
nine turnovers while forcing the Titans into only five. The 29-point output was
nearly equalled by Tarpley himself when he got rolling in the second stanza.
Tarpley was appreciative of the club's effort without him but
acknowledged his importance to any future success. "They looked good,"
said the New York native. "We were still in the game but I think I have to be
in there because I can carry the team."
He proved that in the second half. The pivotman had 21 of Michigan's 51
second-half points and added seven rebounds. The entire squad picked up the
pace as backcourt production increased to 60 percent from the floor and the
Wolverines committed only five more turnovers. Even the foul shooting got
While it may be unrealistic to credit Tarpley for the entire improvement,
no one denies that this club is extremely reliant on its center. Frieder hopes
that the junior is up to the challenge.
"He has to learn to play intelligently," said the Michigan head man, who is
now 4-1 in season openers. "What I mean by that is reading defenses and not
forcing (the shot) when they collapse on him.
"Last year, he had a heck of a player with him, (Tim) McCormick. When
you defended Michigan you started with McCormick. Your best defensive
man was going to go on Tim.,As Tarpley got better, he got freer and freer.
Now he doesn't have time and that presents problems. He's got to learn how
to combat that."
A lot of people were thinking about McCormick when Tarpley was sitting
in the first half. If the seven-footer had used his remaining year of college
eligibility, Michigan would have had all the elements of a national conten-
der. Eric Turner's absence is not felt as sorely as is McCormick's. While four
guards share the burden of replacing E.T., Tarpley is facing his challenge
alone. All eyes are on the middle.
"I'm going to (have to) be the man now," Tarpley said, after the victory.
"I'm going to have to carry this team and I feel like I can do it."
It's difficult to judge if Monday's game was indicative of the way things
will be all season. People like Joubert and Rellford should now be to the point
where they can pick up the slack when Tarpley falters. Yet it didn't appear
that way against Detroit, hardly a national power.
One-man teams don't make it in the Big Ten. No matter how good Tarpley
becomes, Michigan is going to have to learn how to do without him.

company. "I don't think an economics
degree from U-M qualifies you to run a
business. I would've been better off if I
had gone to business school. But I really
never planned anything in my life. I'm
always looking for a challenge."
Tom Curtis has found a challenge.
Although he probably didn't plan on all
of the deadlines he has to meet every
week, his publishing company keeps
him on his toes. Just like the days when
he wore the maize and blue.

Hand ball:, An off-the-
wall 'M' club sport

Gazing down at his large calloused
hands, Ed Kulka, president of the
Michigan Handball Club, is the picture
of a well-conditioned athlete.
Kulka pole-vaulted for Michigan
when he was a student, but he has
easily made the transition to handball
during the last three years when he
decided to get back into shape after a
few off-seasons.
THE CLUB meets every Monday and
Wednesday night from 6-8 p.m. at the
CCRB. Handball is a lesser known, but
truly addictive sport.
The team is open to anyone, regar-
dless of previous experiences in the
sport. The opportunity to compete in
tournaments is up to the individual.
Handball, not to be confused with
Olympic team handball, is similar to
both paddleball and racketball, and it
ClubSports 4
has the same rules. Handball is played
either indoors on a racketball court or
outdoors on a three-walled court with a
half ceiling.
THE INDOOR event is played with a
small hard ball similar to a squash ball
in resiliance, or with a "family ball," a
softer version of the original. The
family ball is often used by beginners
and it is used in all women's com-
Kulka explained that the ball isn't
simply reflected off the player's gloved
hand, but it is aimed with the hand and
literally rolls off the fingers in a variety
of shots. Players are able to develop
their off-hand much more than in other
sports and perform side-arm, over-
hand, and under-hand fist shots.
Although a racket is not used, a good
player can get the ball moving at
around 90 miles per hour, which is why

the players wear goggles, Kulka said.
"HANDBALL IS far more
challenging than racketball, since the
player must develop his off-hand,"
Kulka explained. "Timing is vital and
there is more skill involved since
players are working with their hands."
Kulka recommends handball for
those who want to develop excellent
hand-eye coordination. He also termed
the sport "a real thinking game."
With the ball zooming along at such
high speeds, there is little time to think
before each shot and experience is a
key factor. It's not surprising to see
older players defeating younger ones,
Kulka said. Bob Ullman, the oldest
member of the club at 64, regularly
defeats the club president.
ONE OF THE greatest things about
the club is the lack of pressure on
members to compete. The member can
compete in any number of tournaments
at local, state or national level, and in
either singles or doubles events.
Currently only a few members of the
team compete in tournaments, but
those that do fare very well. Michigan
alumni Bob Foster and Larry Price
have combined efforts several times to
win the state doubles tournament held
in early spring. Tournaments are
generally held on weekends with
several different levels of competition.
The Michigan club sports players of
all ages and levels and would love some
new blood on the team. Anyone in-
terested can talk to Ed Kulka by either
going to practice or calling him at 971-

-Sports Information photo
Former Michigan defensive back Tom Curtis snags an interception against
Washington in 1969, one of two he had in that game. Curtis is now caught up
in business; he owns and runs Dolphin Digest printing company.
Long holdout finally over

PONTIAC (AP)-Free agent guard
John Long, a holdout from the Detroit
Pistons since the start of the season
Oct. 26, has come to terms with the
National Basketball Association club,
the team announced yesterday.
The 29-year-old Long, a 6 foot 5 guard,
became a free agent at the end of last
season. He sat out the first month of the
season after he and the Pistons were
unable to agree on a new contract and

no other team put in a bid for his ser-
vices by Saturday's deadline.

Long is a six-year
Pistons and has a
average of 16.9 points.

veteran of thie
career scoring

To make room for him on the roster,
the club cut Lorenzo Romar, a 6'1
guard picked up on waivers from
Milwaukee two weeks ago, the team

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