OPINION 4 Page 4 Friday, September 7, 1984 The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XVC, No. 2 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Hardball with the UAW A really poor defense plan ! Cis dU IT IS ALWAYS unfortunate when, party and politics come before responsible government. Unfor- tunately that is just what happened at last month's meeting of the Democratic Labor Caucus. Bowing to pressure from United Auto Workers leadership the caucus voted over- whelmingly to reject University Regent Gerald Dunn's bid for reelec- tion. It is a classic case of government. representation being warped to serve party leadership. It seems that UAW political director Frank Garrison has the equation backwards: party leadership should be doing a more con- scientious job of serving the people it hopes to represent. The political games-playing of the convention did not have the Univer- sity's best interests at heart. The Democrats have not offered any real justification for Dunn's ouster other than weak claims of a "conflict of in- terest" involving Dunn's lobbying against a UAW sponsored bill. The real motivation behind Dunn's rejec- tion, though, appears to be a personal vendetta on the part of the UAW's Garrison. Garrison holds a grudge against Dunn because of lobbying the regent did for Wayne County school districts in 1979. At that time the UAW backed a state bill requiring individual school districts to provide additional funds for school lunch programs-being cut back by state and federal government. Garrison handled the issue for the UAW while Dunn was representing school districts which opposed the UAW's plans. Garrison failed to get the desired bill and has apparently not forgiven Dunn for his opposition. One of the most ironic aspects of the feud is that Dunn has consistently been the most committed liberal and strongest supporter of labor on the board of regents. His record is vir- tually unblemished from the union's point of view. Dunn hardly represen- ted the opposition. All of this attests to the power the party leadership, and the UAW in par- ticular, holds over those they find per- sonally disagreeable. That the University and the state lost one of their finest regents - a regent who supported the aims of the party faith- fully - seems to distress the leader- ship depressingly little. Dunn was a particularly good representative of the University student community. He consistently voiced opposition to the Solomon amendment and with Regent Deane Baker opposed last year's 9.5 percent tuition hike. He was also the first to propose the University's divestment from its holdings in South Africa. As such a spokesman he will be missed. The party's nomination in place of Dunn, Eastern Michigan University Professor Marjorie Lansing, is a respectable candidate and if elected would undoubtedly be a fine regent. Her qualifications, however, should not provide justification for the party's actions. The machinations of the Democrats have made the office of regent un- necessarily partisan and politically motivated. That might be good for the bigwigs in the Michigan Democratic Party and the UAW but will detract from the pursuit of quality state education boards. Dunn said of his defeat that, "It clearly shows the power and control of the UAW within this party." It does indeed, and it is power that is not being wielded responsibly. By Bert Hornback I am running for Secretary of Poverty and National Defen- se in the next Reagan ad- ministration. As everybody knows, poverty and national defense go together naturally - and necessarily. If we spend enough on national defense, eventually the whole nation will be impoverished. There are no returns on invest- ments in national defense. It's not like building houses or plan- ting crops. At first only the marginal citizens in a society are impoverished byrnational defen- se: the ones for whom decent housing is a higher priority than missile silos, the ones who have more use for food than for rocket fuel. But eventually national defense will get us all, even the ones who sell all the stuff our government buys for our protec- tion. NATIONAL DEFENSE eats up national wealth and undermines national health. Enough spen- ding on national defense and we won't have any natural resources left; we will have used them all defending ourselves. Then what will we do? It's time for some new thinking about national defense. For anyone who has studied modern economics, it should be clear that poverty is - or could be - a natural resource. It grows as a natural product of capitalism. In the language of the economist, poverty is the excremental fun- ction of capitalist feeding. The rich feed and get fat and the poor come out at the other end. So far in our history nobody has made much use of the poor. Despite all the promises of democracy in this land of oppor- tunity nobody has come up with anything socially useful for the poor to do, or be - except poor. Until recent times this hasn't been a serious problem; there weren't that many poor people around. As our civilization ad- vances, however, and our economy improves there are ever-increasing numbers of poor people created. The im- poverished have become a glut on the market and it's time for serious entrepreneurial interven- tion. THAT'S WHERE I come in: as the Serious Entrepreneurial In- tervenor. As Secretary of Pover- ty and National Defense I will bringthe poor into the system, usefully and productively. For the future we will depend on the dependable poor for our national defense. I will give the im- poverished American a place of his or her own - an important that the poor will ever fail us or grow scarce. This is a Christian country, after all; and Jesus, looking ahead perhaps to the Reagan years, said, "The poor you will always have with you." That's true - and has been true - throughout history. The trick is to capitalize on that fact and make what Jesus knew work for our benefit. LET ME EXPLAIN with a couple of examples - and these aren't jokes like the President tells. These are serious. We have been at a stand-off with the Russians fortforty years - for the whole of the nuclear age. We keep building weapons we can't use, and they keep building weapons they can't use. And nothing happens. The Soviet Union continues to cause trouble 'Suppose we threatened to drop Several thousand mega-poor on the Soviet Union. How would Moscow like to feed and clothe and house another few million people?' Americans. How could they take; care of them? They couldn't. SINCE WORLD WAR-Il ended. we have added, on average, one.. hydrogen warhead to our arsenal every day. That's a lot of hydrogen warheads, but it's still not enough. And the cost has- been very high. It's easy to generate poverty, however, and it's fast and cheap. In the past '2 three years we have increased, our supply of poor people by, nearly two million. And if we put, a patriotic premium on the, production of poor people, we can do even better. Of course it will cost something.' to maintain our arsenal of im- poverished people. It doesn't cost much to make people poor, but we will have to invest heavily in their care and sustenance.Good national defense is going to cost money - and we will want our' poor people to be the pride of a strong America. We will want to have the finest, best-fed, best dressed, best-trained, smartest''"' poor people in the world. And if everybody will pitch in and do his, or her share we can afford it. _ Sure we can. The pacifist pat sies will protest, and the liberals will howl and wail. But true- Americans will turn off their hearing aids and side with the, President and me. The patriotic thing to do, come 1985 and the new mandate for madness, will be to support the poor, no matter what the cost. They're our hope for the future. And if you can't support the poor? If you really can't afford it? Well, the next best thing to': supporting national defense is being national defense. If you' can't support the poor, then be&-' poor - join up with the im- I poverished. That's what democracy is all about, isn't it? Hornback is professor of English at the University. J4 I 4 4 place - in American life. Not only will the American poor be proud to be Americans, they will be patriotically proud to be poor. No more nuclear weapons for us. They aren't trustworthy. Nike has long since failed us, and now we have recalled all of our Tridents. And just this summer one of our Cruise missiles got stuck outside Greenham Com- mon in a very embarrassing situation. For the future we'll put our trust in the poor. They will become our best and most impor- tant weapon. The poor can be depended on: there's no doubt about that. There's little chance in America in the world, despite our expen- ditures for national defense. But once we enroll the American poor in our arsenal things will change., Suppose we threatened to drop several thousand mega-poor on the Soviet Union. How would Moscow like to feed and clothe and house another few million people? They couldn't do it. We have about twenty million poor people stockpiled already.. A mere ten percent of that num- ber .would do in all of the anti- capitalist regimes in Central America. Those Sandinistas and Castro's Cuban communists would collapse under the weight of two million impoverished 4 A Wasserman 4; Row~~u) N AA4 &~ifDToIAy -Twk E WOULDIZAI~SC TAXESAS A LikS-f RESORZT,.- (t )< j V - AN D CVA2(D THAT 'WALTERZ MON1?L~ WNOULD RAISE TAXS AS A FIRST ~Qc-OT l - =5- L f- WNM cW NUL41S RIALL\Y MEA~N? ;' .4 4V .,; Partial victory C--- ( C' =-IK' I r^ . ANWY RESOQT % 2! 4a 'U - is x G'1 - 1 _ t 1 j . - ~ " f ff. " z, ;7 G Y N 1) w n$ 1 Q : t, Ii? E AST GERMAN leader Erich Honecker was thinking big when he proposed a visit to West Germany later this month. After all, it would have been the first time that an East German leader had made the journey to Bonn, and it would have come at a time when relations between the Soviets and West Germany are par- ticularly strained. His cancellation of the trip Tuesday was disappointing but this latest episode of German-German relations should not be viewed as a failure. Honecker's decision to postpone the visit is not surprising since it was only a matter of time before the Soviets bribed and threatened him into giving up this latest in a series of conciliatory moves between the two Germanys. The cancellation attests to the Soviet desire and will to keep a tight reign on the Eastern bloc nations. In talks with Bonn the East German leader responded to political offerings and a $333 million bank credit by relaxing visitation restrictions and engaging in an atmosphere of detente. Honecker's trip to Bonn would have been a tremendous political achievement for the two nations and a significant break in Moscow's dominance of the East German gover- nment. While the Soviets brought the process to a halt, the victory is Honecker's. He succeeded in warming East-West relations left tense following the deployment of American medium-range missiles in Western Europe. Honecker made progress where failure has been the rule laid down by Moscow. Most damaging to the Soviets is the realization that East Germany, and potentially the entire Eastern bloc, is capable of rebellion against the Soviet leadership. The world benefits from the im- proved relationship between the two Germany's and Eastern Europe benefits from the knowledge that in- dependence from Soviet rule may be, at least partially, possible. r= The hard line starts to crack '-' '4 By Franz Schurmann When the Reagan ad- ministration first came to power, it brought with it a flock of hawks who believed the time had come to seek some sort of victory over the Soviet enemy. Their strategy was simple: First, build up U.S. defenses to the point that anySoviet move against the West would be suicidal, and second, isolate them to provoke an implosion that would tear apart the Soviet em- pire. REAGAN INITIALLY followed this strategy faithfully. Later, he began to oscillate between it and the detente-minded approaches of his predecessors. And since late last year, he has been soun- ding more and more like Nixon, Ford, and Carter. Throughout this period, the Soviet hold in Eastern Europe has been confronted by serious challenges. During the earlier years, when the Reagan hawk strategy was in effect, the Soviets generally succeeded in meeting the challenges, especially in Poland, where they imposed martiallaw. Poland, Hungary and Romania, are busily weaving ties to the West while rhetorically assuring Moscow of their unswerving loyalties. Since the Cold War began, relations between the two Ger- manys have been gradually im- proving but have always remained cool and reserved. Yet, over the past year, a network of close personal relations has developed between the leaders of both governments. This new friendship took a qualitative turn last year when the ultraconservative Franz- Joseph Strauss of Bavaria visited Communist Party boss Erich Honecker in his East German country lodge. This was followed by Honecker's proposed, now cancelled, visit to West Ger- many. AS A RESULT, Pravda has been lashing out at West Ger- many in editorials that are a thinly disguised chiding of their East German ally, and Honecker was undoubtedly strong-armed into cancelling this month's visit. The Soviets evidently fear that German nationalism may be bur- sting out of its dormancy. Soviet military power in Eastern Europe is massive. There are 19 divisions in East Germany alone. But the more the East-West tensions ease, the more these military concen- trations become useless blights on the civilian landscape. There is nothing the Soviet military power can do to reverse what is a growing civilian process through which Eastern Europe is subtly weakening its links to the Soviet empire. The East and West German warming trend became evident earlier this year when 25,000 East Germans were allowed to emigrate to the West. Subsequen- tly, numerous explosive devices were removed from the border. Then came Honecker's planned visit to the West. The simplest explanation for this new relation- ship is that it is arising from powerful urges on the part of both peoples to reunite families, live in peace, and do away with the murderous absurdity of the world's most fortified frontier. Honecker, hopefully, had been persuaded that a warmer relationship gave him a better chance to act independently than a state of war-threatening ten- sion. The same thinking may. have prompted Poland's General- Jaruzelski to offer the recent, amnesty, and it may have im- pelled the Romanians to break ranks and attend the Olympics. All this suggests that Reagan's. hawks can take satisfaction in.;.. having achieved a portion of their' anti-Soviet goals, but not because. of their strategies. Fissiparous- tendencies began to intensify ilt the Soviet empire only after.,-. Reagan backed away from his. cold warrior stance and began to adopt the approach of those. liberal, pro-detente advocates whom he used to denounce so passionately. Like some West Europeanr leaders before Reagan, including De Gaulle, Strauss, and Helmut Kohl, the Reagan administration' may be coming to understand that the most effective way tolZ deal with the Soviet Union is through trade, aid, and the seduc-4 tive blandishments of consumer" capitalism. Schurmann wrote this ar- title for the Pacific News Ser- vice. 4: 4tX 4J:: {: L}::v {{: s. .. ..x.. \... :.:. v.:v.:vv}}:{-'':it.. t....:r......:.::vt "v:yii:"vti i ii:v::: :v }:4::C4}::";}::":; i}: i};'.ii:4i::::'"iy: "i};iii:ii::'viiii'rii::: r:::::.:w::::.v::.v::: :v:.v:::::: :"p'::::.v:: :v:.v..:.":.v ". .rv4,-..:".... ..x.. .. v..... v 4n .. ......... ...v...v.....................n...........r.................................."."::.v:::: "": - :"--:::::v:::.v::::::.v::: n...::" :v:::.:::::::::::::.:.......:::::::: pv:::. .. . t. .. }xi ...,. } ... .. 4 ..v .v... by ..... -... ..............................................:. ,v......... $G .vx :xvC. ?... ....... 4........k ................v ......v...:.... ..... n....... ........ .... _.. ...... ........ ,................. ........ :...:: nv .:.::.v.:.v:::::v::::.v:: r::::::.v::::::::"::v::; v:::::.v :::::v:::::.v::::::::: :":.v.... T T.... * .., .. .... _... ,,.1..,, 0AI 7 i I VJi " arfr oIJF rJn1 y7iJI(' l T Ill Vi (1 i