4 OPINION '. Page 4 Sunday, November 18, 1984 The Michigan Daily CIA leaves campus for safety reasons shouted that they wanted answers to theseAll the fun and games came to a productive leader was Constantin Chernenko because "He ECRUITMENT officers for the Central questionable actions. halt when the protesters filed into the regents is stupid and ill." R Intelligence Agency found they were the Meanwhile, the around 39 students who were room to listen to the monthly meeting and tell Later in the symposium a question on the role target of around 100 protesters who flooded a scheduled for interviews with the CIA were the regents their problems with the proposed ofrhetoric in Soviet-American relations came room last week where the agency had asked to submit their resumes to the recruit- code. up. Ford said that harsh rhetoric isn't, of cour scheduled an informational presentation and ers. Some of those who lost out on the code,_se, a positive force for better negotiations, but held a mock trial. During the trial, protesters campus interview process felt they lost a good e and said nonetheless comon. Heold of shouted, whooped, cheered, and banged pots as job opportunity. S uicdean nuclear war Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko's "Howarethe gong o mae adecsio tohabit of reading an official statement com- one of them charged the CIA with a number of o athy going t ae ei Nuclear arms control has been on Ann Arbor letely condemning the United States right violent, illegal acts. In response to the group, hire me without getting the chance to interview residents' minds for the past month. Students before his meetings with Ford. Once he had the recruiters headed for their cars to flee me?" said John Potter, an LSA senior. Against Nuclear Suicide (SANS) brought their finished reading the prepared statement, Ford campus, with some of the protesters on their yproposal, which would force the University to said, they commenced negotiations as if heels. missed interviews against interested University stock suicide pills in the event of a nuclear war, ' students. And University President Harold before the Michigan Student Assembly nothingnastyhadbeenexchanged. Shapiro said he would apologize to the students Tuesday. And former Presidents Gerald Ford The power of the spoken word should never who missed out. and Jimmy Carter gathered here Wednesday be overestimated. T It seems to be an instance of job seekers along with other top officials to offer their view z pitted against the seekers of the truth behind of new weapons technology and Soviet- Victory for Tear the CIA's covert operations. American relations. ___SANS ran into some problems with MSA in In leWtheir attempt to get approval for the proposal SThe code II which they want on this April's ballot. Some theLSA tent benmet lat eek. Bu tr e e p a r pp ,the LSA Student Government last weekn Bo MSA representatives felt the idea was just a while Tear was hardly in a mood to cry about Just when it seemed that this community was i and others felt at the word the way the elections turned out, turnout was Jus t when itk seemedtha this Mrcommunty wa suicideshouldn't be included because teen- down from past years. Apparently in response to the protesters, the going to be stuck with the March draft of the This booklet is part of the information the suicide is a touchy issue. SANS can still get the Only about 1,700 of the approximately 14,000 CIA cancelled all of its Wednesday interviews student code for- non-academic conduct, CIA distributes to potential employees, measure put on the April ballot if it collects eligible students went to the polls last Tuesday on campus out of "concern for the safety of University officials had to go and make another The CIA cancelled its campus recruit- 1,000 student signatures. And MSA is working and Wednesday to cast votes. Last year 2,300 terpersonnel," sithUnvrty drco draft. ment meeting due to protesters. with the group to reword the proposal. The suet oe nteeeto.Ei emn of Career Planning and Placement. Later, a Although the University originally seemed to group's leader, however, said SANS is no students voted in the election. Eric Berma, CIA spokesperson said that the recruiters fight student demands that the rules cover willing to compromise on the word suicide the current LSA-SG president, had previously would indeed return. She said the CIA faculty members, deans, directors, and the Eric Schnaufer, chairman of MSA's code because that is the meat of the proposal. hoped at least 3,000 students would vote, and recruiters were not, however, interested in executive officers, they have suddenly changed committee, said that the administration "is on SANS believes that by equating nuclear war that if even 2,500 students voted, the election "being targets," but only in interviewing. the rules of the code to include these people. the right track," but added that "a lot of with suicide more students will take action in would be a success. Ironically, the protesters were charging the Now it is up to the University Council to revisions are tactical and not substantive." attempting to end the arms race. This year's flood of voter apathy was at- CIA with doing some of their own targeting. issue a code which can be voted on by the Thursday around 80 students and one It's hard to say how the former presidents tributed to the time students spent working on They questioned the representatives about the Michigan Student Assembly, the faculty Senate kangaroo rallied against the proposed code. would have reacted to the suicide pills the national elections. Apparently, students recent CIA manual which advocated targeting Assembly, and the Board of Regents. The The kangaroo symbolized the similarity bet- proposal, but one thing the Washington insiders were too pooped even to get themselves into the Nicaraguan government officials and council is composed of students, faculty, and ween the proposed conduct guidelines and the could probably agree with SANS on is the Fishbowl or the Michigan Union to vote in the assassinating them for political purposes. They administrators. "Kangaroo courts" which are unfair judicial necessity for arms reduction talks to begin student elections. also charged the CIA with such things as Most of the changes were drawn from the systems with secret hearings, lack of due soon. The opposition party, SPCK, didn't con- illegally mining Nicaraguan harbors, funding recommendations of the University's Civil process, and vague rules. Ford said that he believes the national elec- tribute to any increase in the awareness, said the anti-government rebels in Nicaragua, and Liberties Board and individual students. Student protesters seemed to be having a tions had held the president back from the election officials, because they didn't excite the interfering in the elections of other countries. In the new draft, among many changes, the jolly good time hopping up and down like negotiation table and that negotiations would electorate. "The CIA has no right to be on this campus ... participation of attorneys would be unrestric- kangaroos and shouting "Student rights, start soon. Maybe if an Indiana Jones type had run a they murder people, they torture people, and ted; sanctions imposed under the code would student power. There's no justice in the Ivory Richard Burt, assistant secretary of state for party in the election more University students they have replaced democratically appointed not be noted on students' transcripts; hearings hTheyalso' European and Canadian affairs said he governments abroad with military dictator- would be before an all-student board and would ey. Ho, ho. The code of conduct has got bel thebal fh hiftedto University campaign officials could start now ships," said Lisa Vihos, a Rackham graduate be open - that is unless the hearing officer - a variation of the "Hey, hey. Ho, ho. The CIA rthe United Statesand thato get him to run in the 1986 LSASG elections. student and one of the protesters. decided otherwise. has got to go" chant, and resembling a benefit us in any negotiations. One of the CIA representatives responded to But if the administration thought it would thousand other protest themes, but not to be Former National Security Advisor Zbigniew the charges, claiming that he did not come to please students by making these changes, it confused with the laugh associated with Santa Brzezinski spoke some of the most popular The Week in Review was compiled by answer questions. Nonetheless, the crowd was mistaken. Claus. words of the day. He said his favorite Soviet Daily Opinion Page editor Jackie Young. E e nd md aUnr ty of M Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan LETTERS TO THE DAILY Daily disregards free speech principle Vol. XCV, No. 64 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Fears involved with rape THERE IS A LOT of fear at Central Michigan University; some of it is understandable, some of it is un- forgiveable. Those who have ex- perienced the psychological trauma of rape must live with that nightmare for life. Several women at a CMU sorority have accused members of the campus Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity of raping them. The women's fear of taking their case to court is understandable, especially considering that many members of the fraternity have par- ticipated in some destructive acts directed toward silencing them. What is unforgiveable is not only the frater- nity brothers' actions in trying to keep the women from pressing charges against their members, but the great number of people within the university community and the women's sorority who urged them to keep the whole issue quiet in order to avoid a public disturbance. A public disturbance is necessary, however, if the problem is ever to be solved or addressed legally in the courts and in the victims' minds. Women often end up being the vic- tims in more ways than one. If they have the courage to admit that they were raped, they then face the questions, "What did you do to deserve it?" or, "Why not just forget the whole thing?" This places the victim on the defensive and makes it harder for her to prove her offender's guilt. Fifty Sig Ep members made the whole process even more painful by surrounding the Phi Mu sorority house last month and inaina nnhcenpn nna ThkQ tv nf should have taken this into account before she told one victim to let the matter go. No responsible person should give such bad counsel. Similarly, the fraternity's national organization has refused to comment throughout the investigation. The least that could be expected is a statement from the organization condemning rape and all those who would try and prevent it from being reported. This would allow the accused to have- his day in court but would show that the organization is opposed to rape. It is also not unreasonable to expect that the CMU Sig Eps would apologize for the harassment they have openly ad- mitted to. It may be that not all of the fraternity's members participated in the rape or the following harassment, but all of the members should condemn such unacceptable behavior and intim- idating tactics. Instead, they issued a statement emphasizing the damage the incident has caused to their "tradition of excellence." The bureaucratic wheels of the CMU administration have finally become involved in this case and have taken appropriate action: They have severed their ties with the local Sig Eps and requested that the national organization revoke the fraternity's charter. The climate of fear at the university is not going to disappear quickly. But an important attempt to address these fears is being made by the CMU ad- ministration and local law officials. The sorority advisor should have lear- ----------- ---- ------------L _ k - To the Daily: In my four years as a reader of the Daily, I've come to ap- preciate, with some amusement, its editorials for their frequently uninformed invective. The recent commentary regarding the break-up of a CIA recruitment meeting, however, forces me to respond. In asserting that those who protested last Wednesday's meeting served the Michigan campus a valuable service shows a blatant disregard for the rights of both the representatives of the CIA and those who legitimately wished to attend the meeting. The Daily asserts that those who blocked Wednesday's meeting stimulated "...a valuable discussion of the CIA's strategies and invited the representatives to explain the agency's morals." It fails to recognize, however, that a recruitment meeting is neither the time nor the place for an open forum on the merits of covert ac- tivities. The Central Intelligence Agency did not send its recruit- ment representatives to take part in a spectacle reminiscent of the Scopes monkey-trial. It is one thing to hold an open debate on the need for covert activities; it is quite another to obstruct a meeting that is of a legitimate in- terest to graduating students of the University. While asserting the value of a policy debate on CIA activities, the Daily ignores the rights of both the agency's representatives and its potential recruitees. The Constitution has been shown to protect the rights to both speech and assembly. Thus those who are opposed to the ac- tivities of the Central Intelligence Agency are most certainly en- titled to those rights (as some showed most effectively last Wednesday). Against these rights, however, are the same guarantees available to the CIA and its recruitment patrons. The Daily seems to suggest that the rights of protestors are greater than the CIA's, however, because they possess a moral imperative. No such analysis of First Amen- diment rights peists. just whose views are to be freely exchanged. That's a little like the proverbial kettle calling the pot a fascist. An academic community "where ideas are freely discussed and debated," does not mean that some views are given more access than others, just because they may be of higher moral cause to one group or another. Justice Douglas spoke of the "market-place of ideas" that exists within the United States. This concept guarantees that all views, no matter how pernicious, have a right to be expressed. It does not give one group license to shut out the views of another via its right to speech and assembly. Code won't deter sexual assaults By asserting that last Wed- nesday's protest served a valuable experience for this community, the Daily blindly disregards the principles of speech and assembly on which this nation rests. -Dan Gentges November 17 To the Daily: In the introduction of the proposed code for non-academic conduct, it states, "The purpose of the Student Code of Non- acaderhic Conduct is to help protect the safety and well being of the campus community...". Yet according to President Shapiro in the code forum on Nov. 8, safety was in no way the main issue of the proposed code. We think safety should be a major reason for passing the code, one in particular, is the problem with sexual harassment. We are con- cerned about the prevention, not just the punishment of, sexual of- fenders. As it presently stands, the code is extremely vague regarding the issue of sexual assault. For instance, what con- stitutes an "unwelcome sexual advance?" Unless the code is put into more specific terms, it is useless in regards to having any effect on the deterrence of sexual assaults. The passage of the proposed code is not the answer to solving these problems. Instead, the University should be em- phasizing programs already in existence, such as the student legal services, or the many coun- seling facilities that are available to the student body. These programs are excellent in helpingsvictims of sexual harassment, yet most students aren't aware they exist, or how to go about finding them. We think the University should be promoting student awareness of these programs, which provide functions the code can't compensate for. A maiinr nurnne nf tha deterrents. Also, how would the measures in the code act as a deterrent against non-student of- fenders? It can't! The purpose of the code is to act as a deterrent to crimes in general, including sexual assault. Judging by what is included in the proposed student code in regards to sexual assault, the A code will have no effect in the prevention of this problem. Therefore, the code should not be passed on the basis of preventing sexual harassment. -Lee Dolan Dave Hoogterp Brian Kolb Ken Haller November 16 4 MSA reworks proposal 4 To the Dailf : Regarding the article "MSA vetoes suicide pill referen- dum" (Daily, Nov. 14), a couple of points need to clarified. First of all, the headline was misleading. The assembly shares the concern about nuclear war with SANS, and these con- cerns were discussed heavily at the MSA meeting of Nov. 13. MSA has problems with the content of the proposal as it stan- ds: members expressed concern at the possibility of the promulgation of an advocacy of suicide within the student com- munity, and desires instead to make a broader, more obviously nonbinding statement about the reprehensibility of nuclear war. Once again, it is important to note that the assembly does not fault the idea of protest of nuclear war; we merely ioult the idea of suicide. Second, the article. tates, "Due to misunderstanding c. the rules of MSA, the assembly acciden- tally closed discussion on the SANS proposal before a discussion was actually finished." We do not "acciden- tally" close discussion. We can't. When a majority of usdecide to close discussion, we bring 'he subject to a vote. Not all assem- bly members may be pleased with an end to discussion, but when 39 vocal people, all of whom care deeply about the assembly and about the welfare of their constituents, the students, are expressing their concerns a discussion is bound to get lively and consequently must receive guidance from the leaders of the assembly. Guidance came in the form of a call for a vote. The outcome of the vote was that MSA will not accept SANS' proposal as it stands. In- stead, MSA will work with the organization to arrive at a statement about nuclear war which is in the best interests of the students here at the Univer- sity. -Noreen Ball November 14 Ball is MSA 's director of volunteers :I ,NJ