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November 18, 1984 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1984-11-18

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Page 2 -The Michigan Daily- Sunday, November 18, 1984
Egypt accuses Lit
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - Egypt used faked
photgraphs of former Libyan prime minister lying in 'We 1
a pool of blood to trick Libya into claiming he had
been assassinated by a roving death squad hired by group
Col. Moammar Khadafy, President Hosni Mubarak .a
said yesterday. senate
Mubarak revealed during a speech yesterday that
the supposed victim, Abdel-Hamid Bakoush, was
"alive and well" at the resort town of Aswanin
southern Egypt. Later in the day, as if to futher em-
barrass Khadafy, the stocky, 46-year-old Bakoush
himself appeared at a news conference in Cairo with
Interior Minister Ahmed Rushdi.
IN HIS SPEECH, Mubarak also warned of plots to
assassinate the leaders of Saudi Arabia and West Bakoush on
Germany and to overthrow the government of relatives rej
Pakistan. Egyptian
Mubarak said an Englishman and two Maltese reports, but
were hired by Libya for $106,000 to arrange the News Agen
assassination of Bakoush, King Idris' last prime was "alive a
minister before Khadafy overthrew the Libyan He said E
monarch in 1969, and other Libyan dissidents living in dupe the pe
exile in Egypt. murder.
"We were able to arrest the group that planned to "WE GA
assassinate Bakoush," Mubarak was quoted as Bakoush to
saying. However, he did not say whether those blood," Mub
arrested included the Englishman and two Maltese, the Libyan l
or whether there were others involved. Libyan Emb
JANA, LIBYA'S official news agency, and the NeitherR
state-run Tripoli radio both reported Friday that one Bakoush yeE
of Khadafy's "suicide squads" had "executed" on Malta. L

rya of fake assassination

were able to arrest the
that planned to assas-
- Egyptian President
Hosni Mubarak
Monday - the last day friends and
ported seeing him and his wife.
officials initially refused comment on the
t yesterday, Egypt's official Middle East
cy quoted Mubarak as saying Bakoush
nd well" in Aswan.
gyptian authorities staged photographs to
ople hired by the Libyans to arrange the
VE IMAGINARY pictures showing
be critically injured and lying in a pool of
barak said. "These pictures were sent to
eadership by those terrorists through the
assy in Malta."
JANA nor Tripoli radio mentioned
sterday, while Khadafy was in meetings
ibya and Malta's Socialist government

have had normal diplomatic ties since resolving an
offshore oil rights dispute in 1982.
Mubarak said he learned that a Libyan hit squad
had been sent to Egypt when he was visiting West
Germany last month. He said he also learned of pur-
ported terrorist plots to assassinate Chancellor
Helmut Kohl of West Germany and King Faud of
Saudi Arabia, and for forces loyal to Zulfikar Ali
Bhutto, the late Pakistani prime minister, to over-
throw the government of President Zia ul-Haq.
Pakistani officials have said that Bhutto's two sons -
Murtaza and Shahnawas - are said to have
organized a Libya-backed underground group, Al-
Zulfikar, to avenger their father's 1979 execution by
Zia and overthrow Zia's regime.
Khadafy announced last May he was forming
roving death squads to hunt down and kill Libyan
dissidents, That was after gunfire from inside the
Libyan Embassy in London wounded 11 anti-Khadafy
demonstrators on the street outside and killed a
British policewoman.
Britain ordered the Libyans to leave the country
but did not arrest them because the Libyans inside
the embassy claimed diplomatic immunity. The two
countries subsequently closed their embassies in
each other's capitals.
On Friday, Tripoli Radio called Bakoush a "stray
dog" and said he was killed because he "sold his con-
science to the enemies of the Arab world and the
Libyan people." It warned that Khadafy's killers
would track down his opponents "wherever they

Students share rooms with fish, snakes
(Continued from Page1) pplays football." "Chopper is always over here," said tributed to the house when his owner
Doug Londal, a member of Lambda Chopper has girlfriends, too. One Gary Stolberg, a Phi Delt member. left in 1979. Sirus often waits for one of
Chi, said the fraternity's dog Chopper is special friend is the Phi Delt golden The Delta Tau Delta's pooch, Sirus his masters outside their classrooms on
"a gig dog, she dances, drinks beer, and labrador retriever, Alphie. (named after the dog star), was con- central campus.

Students chow on world's

largest nacho

(Continued from Page 1)
fashion," Florin said.
"I don't recommend (participating in
a nacho eating contest)," said Brehm,
one of three students who placed in the
"Nacho sauce up your nose is not a
good time," he said.
BREHM and Florin both took home t-
But what possessed these students to
smother themselves in nachos? "We
did it for the honor and glory of 'Dweeb
Hall', he said referring to the hall in
Markley which honor students like

himself and Florin live in. "We honor
students can party," Florin said. "I
was in a partying mood. And I saw this
beautiful blonde I wanted to impress,"
he said.
So, the students disregarded possible
perils such as choking on guacamole
sauce, or cracking a tooth on a tortilla
chip. They plunged in before a crowd of
BREHM broke out to an early lead by
using the "lap it up and absorb it with
your face" method. The others who
used variations of traditional "hunt and

peck" method fell behind quickly and
from there it was history.
Clearly, strategy was a big part in the
victory of the "Dweeb Hallers", who
credited their coach, Chris Roberts, an
LSA Junior.
"This makes all the training worth-
while. I couldn't be prouder of my boys.
I'll let them have all the glory," Rober-
ts said.
"I WOULDN'T do this at home unless
you've practiced. It's for professionals
only. You better keep your nachos
tucked away," Brehm warned.
Reactions to the contest ranged from
"funny" to "poetic" to "the most
horrible thing I've ever seen."
"They've got to be pretty desperate
to do that for a T-shirt. They truly
deserve financial aid if they did it for
that," said Andy Lyos, a second year
medical student.

Besides the nacho eating contest, the
other halftime event was the Ohio State
University joke telling contest.
THE WINNER was an engineering
school freshwoman, Bridgette Venture.
Her prize winning joke: "Why does
OSU have a turf field?" The Answer:
"So the cheerleaders don't graze at
Students said the festivities drew
them to the U-Club yesterday.
"I can sit in my room and watch the
game, but it's not the same. People are
rowdier here," said Ed Mehall, an LSA
"IT'S A GOOD WAY to blow an after-
noon. There's a good crowd," said
alumnus Jesse Mossburg.
It was also a chance to gr t in on the
making of history. The nacho was the
world's largest

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Ortegaasks Reagan for summit
MANAGUA, Nicaragua-President-elect Daniel Ortega, insisting that lef-
tist Sandinista leaders are "not enemies" of the United States, has called for
a summit with President Reagan to ease heightening tensions between the
two nations.
"We are ready to meet anywhere," Ortega said in an exclusive interview
with United Press International. "We are ready to visit the United States or,
receive President Reagan here in Nicaragua or meet in any other place."
Dressed casually in blue jeans, a striped cotton shirt and a green leather
jacket, Ortega made his remarks Friday night at the Cesar Augusto Silva
Convention Center, the former Mejapa Country Club frequented by
Nicaragua's high society.
The 39-year-old head of Nicaragua's ruling junta was elected president -
Nov. 4-two days before the U.S. election-on the ticket of the Sandinista
National Liberation Front.
Gandhi probe spurs rumors
NEW DELHI, India - The investigation into Prime Minister Indira Gan-
dhi's assassination has spawned rumors and conflicting reports of a foreign-
backed conspiracy.
And the government's reluctance to talk about its investigations have fed
the confusion.
An Indian government spokesman declined comment yesterday on press
reports that investigators want to extradite a former Indian diplomat from
Norway for alleged involvement in a broad conspiracy to kill Gandhi.
New Delhi's largest circulation newspaper, the pro-government Hin-
dustan Times, alleged that the former envoy, a Sikh, paid $100,000 to one of
the suspected assassins. The Indian government has accused two men, both'
Sikhs and both members of Gandhi's personal security detail, in the Oct. 31
shooting. One of the men was himself shot dead and the other was wounded.
"I've nothing to say on that," External Affairs Ministry spokesman
Salman Haidar said. He said he was not aware of any extradition request by
the investigators.
U.S. plans marijuana blockade
MIAMI-U.S. Vessels will blockade major shipping lanes off the coast of;
Colombia in an attempt to stop the flow of the fall crop of marijuana into this
country, it was reported yesterday.
A spokesman for the South Florida Task Force on drugs would neither con-
firm nor deny reports by the Orlando Sentinel and ABC News Friday night
that the U.S. Navy was involved in the operation, to be called "Operation Hat
"We will not attest to its accuracy or remark to its inaccuracy," said Jim
Dingfelder of the task force.
But a Navy spokesman at the Pentagon said that if there is such a plan, it
will be carried out by the Coast Guard and not the Navy.
The task force is coordinating efforts by the Coast Guard, U.S. Customs,
the federal Drug Enforcement Administration and state authorities to stop
Colombia's fall marijuana harvest from getting to Florida or anywhere else
in the country.
NBC television show forces night
court session for murder case
ROCKFORD, Ill.-The trial of a man accused of killing his wife and three
children will iove to rare night sessions today and tomorrow so jurors can- -
not see a made-for-television movie about an Army doctor convicted of mur-
dering his family.
The scheduling change was ordered at the request of defense lawyers in
the murder trial of businessman David Hendricks because of the broadcast
of NBC's two-part dramatization "Fatal Vision."
A prosecutor says there are some "striking" similarities between the
Hendricks case and the subject of the NBC mini-series, the 1979 conviction of
Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald, a former Green Beret physician, on charges of
murdering his pregnant wife and their two daughters.
Hendricks, 30, a back-brace inventor and salesman from Bloomington, is
charged in the Nov. 7, 1983, ax and knife slayings of his wife and three
youngsters. He denies committing the killings, contending he was in
Wisconsin on a sales trip when his family was slain and his home ransacked.
Hendricks' lawyers contend that two or more people invaded the house
and murdered Susan Hendricks, 30, and the couple's two daughters, aged 9
and7, and son, age 5.
FBI continues investigation into
nine Tampa Bay sex murders
TAMPA, Fla.-FBI agents examined clothing fibers yesterday seeking
more evidence against an unemployed radiology technician held without
bail on charges that he committed nine sex murders of young women over
the last six months.
The two FBI clothing specialists were brought to Tampa Friday night to
help strengthen the chain of evidence against Robert "Bobbi Jo" Long, 31,
who was arrested earlier Friday, Hillsborough County Sheriff Walter
Heinrich said.
Long faces nine counts of first-degree murder plus two counts of sexual
battery, abduction and robbery. Assistant State Attorney Michael Benito

said he will ask for the death penalty and go before the Hillsborough County
grand jury to seek indictments Nov. 28.






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Vol. XCV - No. 64
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Tuesday through Sunday
during the Fall and Winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during the
Spring and Summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. Sub-
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The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to
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Editor in Chief ................... BILL SPINDLE
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