Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom
L i t40
More of the same today.
Cloudy with a chance of rain
early and late in the day. Temps
in the fifties.
Vol. XCV, No. 61
Copyright 1984, The Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, November 15, 1984
Fifteen Cents
Eight Pages
..r .... J . ...
to ask 'U'
Council to
review code
University administrators will ask the
academic conduct to draw up a new o
copy of the code, University President
Harold Shapiro said yesterday.
The administrators will also submit By KERY MURAKAMI presentation yesterday at 4 p.m. in
suggested revisions to the University A group of about 100 protesters forced preparation for the agency's recruitin
Council, a faculty, staff, and student the cancellation yesterday of a Central appointments today.
committee which 983, S ha si Intelligence Agency recruiting presen- But when they entered the MLB lee
tsdn ,h o said.oc t tation in the Modern Languages ture room, the representatives encoun
THE MOVE IS AN attempt to force Building and chased three agency tered a mock trial staged by protesters
revisions which have been stalled by representatives to their cars parked ~ which featured the CIA as the defen
the Michigan Student Assembly and the across the street. dant.
administration, Shapiro said. In an apparent response to the "THE CIA IS charged with over
The two groups have been unable to protest, the agency cancelled all of throwing the popular governments o
agree on the conditions for discussing today's campus interviews out of "con- El Salvador, Chile, and Iran," shoute
the code. cern for the safety of their personnel," former University student Tom Marx
MSA has said talks would not begin said Deborah Orr May, director of dressed in judge's garb and standing in
unless Shapiro promised not to ask the Care r g ay rct front of a blackboard which read, "The
University's Board of Regents to CareONE CIA reresentative said it was People's Court: the people preside.'
revoke the assembly's right to veto the the most persistent opposition the As the representatives stood in th
code. But Shapiro has repeatedly recruiters have met in their tour of back of the room, Marx went on t
refusedto begist aling several U.S. colleges, incing ng the "charge" the agency with "illega
negotiations begin. University of California at Berkeley inining of harbors in Nicaragua; wit
"It took six weeks jus akigabout Daily Photo by KATE 0'LEARY and Columbia University. illegal funding of (Nicaraguan) con
whether to talk. It seemed silly," The three CIA representatives had tras; with publishing manuals en
Shapiro said. Two CIA recruitment representatives are chased out of MLB yesterday by students protesting CIA activities, planned to give an informational See CIA, Page 2
See SHAPIRO, Page 3 see baAc oe s
,Speakers seek balance on arms control 'ightrope'
Regional conflicts in Afghanistan and
Central America could pose major
threats to achieving arms control
agreements between the United States
and the Soviet Union, former National
Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski
told an audience at Rackham
Auditorium yesterday.
"The Soviet Union would not mind
American intervention in Nicaragua,"
Brzezinski said to the crowd gathered
for the symposium on "New Weapons
Technologies and Soviet-American
Relations," which was chaired by for-
mer presidents Gerald Ford and Jim-
my Carter.
"THEY KNOW that the cost to the
U.S. would be enormous."
The Soviet Union wouldn't feel the
urge to step in, Brzeznski said, im-
plying that the U.S. would have done
enough political damage to its global
The day-long symposium dealt with
new weapons such as the Reagan's
proposed "Star Wars" plan and their
impact on U.S.-Soviet arms control
r negotiations. The event was presented
by the Gerald Ford Library.
"The Soviet Union is a one-
dimensional rival to the U.S. A rival
only in terms of military strength," Br-
zezinski said.
THE SOVIET Union's one-
dimensionality leads some experts to
-look with hope towards arms control
According to William Hyland, editor
of Foreign Affairs, the "correlation of
forces," how the Soviet Union views the
balance of power, not only militarily,
but also ideologically, socially and
economically, has shifted to the favor of
the United States.
Richard Burt, Assistant Secretary of
State for European and Canadian Af-
fairs believes that the shift of
"correlation of forces" away from the
Soviet Union should be more of an
initiative to come to the negotiating
IF THE SOVIETS can find it
politically possible to come to the
negotiating table, Burt is optimistic
See FORD, Page 3
Ford bring
students to
Though arms control was the topic of
discussion, fascination with former
presidents Jimmy Carter and Gerald
Ford brought many students to yester-
day's symposium on Soviet-American
relations at Rackham Auditorium.
Seeing the one-time rivals together in
person was a "once-in-a-lifetime op-
portunity" for first year graduate
student Jim Duncan, although he was
"disappointed they didn't participate
more in the discussions."
RUSSIAN AND Eastern European
Studies graduate student Leslie Wein-
See FORMER, Page 3
Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
Former presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter address the press at Rackham Graduate School before a symposium on U.S.-Soviet relations and
new weapons technology in Rackham Auditorium yesterday.
v 1
fast for
Though many University dormitory residents
regularly pass up cafeteria cuisine, nearly 2,000
students have decided to give up their evening
meal one day this week to participate in World
Hunger Day being held around the nation today.
Dorm residents had their choice of skipping
yesterday's dinner or tonight's evening meal so
the money which would have been spent on dinner
could be given to the Ann Arbor Committee Con-
cerned with World Hunger and St. Mary's Student
Chapel, which will pass the funds on to Unicef, Ox-
fam America, or the Ann Arbor Hunger Coalition.
ACCORDING TO Jean Cilik, campus coor-
dinator for Committee Concerned with World
Hunger, 1,999 dorm residents skipped a meal,
raising $2,700.
The percentage of money raised is down from
last year,." Cilik said, "but we aren't soliciting as
many dorms this year."
The committee has also been collecting
donations in the fishbowl this year and have raised
another $55 so far. Cilik said collecting money in
the fishbowl helps to bring off campus residents
into the fight against hunger.
WHEN THE students signed up to skip their
meal, they were given the choice of whether the
money would go to local or international hunger
programs. Cilik said 55 percent of the students
gave internationally, while the other 45 percent
wanted the money to be spent locally.
Ann Moreno, an LSA sophomore living in
Mosher Jordan, skipped her meal last night. "It
was not that much for me to give up to see the ben-
efits of what others get," Moreno said. "The star-
ving people will get something they woudln't get
Students at Harvard University are dining on
rice and water, while several fraternities and
sororities at the University of Illinois are giving
their cooks a day off to raise money for the
Inmates at a Texas women's prison plan to go
without food today, and in Philadelphia, the
proceeds of a three mile "hunger run" will be
given to fight world famine.
The Associated Press filed a report for this
No animal house
sity's vice president for student affairs banned booze from
all Greek events this fall after two straight weekends of
raucous partying which featured students hurling bottles
and verbal insults at campus police. But under pressure
from students the university settled on a compromise that
allowed the monitored parties.
Monkeying around
AFTER ALMOST THREE months, authorities have
finally tracked down a fugitive who nearly made a
was kind of like watching a drunk. He finally just sat
down and went to sleep."
No, I'm more stupid
D O YOU KNOW someone who needs a job that doesn't
require much intelligence? If so, "Stupid" Steve
Helton, a partner in Burglar Bar Manufacturing Co., may
have work for him. Helton is running the following help-
wanted ad for salespeople in the Pensacola Journal:
"Earn $1,50 per week with ease and pleasure. Watch me
do it. If you're twice as stupid as I am, then join our
organization and make half as much. Call me. Stupid
only be married in front of a "21" table. So Naomi Peake
forsook her hand of cards and took the hand of Grady
Phillips in a ceremony at a "21" table Monday at the On-
slow Hotel-Casino. The Portland, Ore., couple's friends
made the arrangement r Phillips proposed last week,
but they knew little of w. At was coming when they stop-
ped in Reno on their vacation this week. "When I knew we
were coming to Reno to gamble, I said that as long as
we're there, let's get married," Phillips said. "I had kin-
da planned to go to the chapel." But his friends had other
plans. While slot machines jangled and cards were dealt
at other tables, Reno minister George Treat Flint joined
the couple in holy matrimony. "I figure this is one gamble