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November 11, 1984 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-11-11

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Sunday, November 11, 1984

Memorial reflects mood

NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) - The
designer of the Vietnam Veteran's
Memorial in Washington says she wan-
ted "to make the point that there were
no heroes or villains in this war, that it
was unlike any other major war in our
Maya Ying Lin, a second-year
student at Yale University's school of
architecture, chose a stark design: two
black granite walls sunk into a bank of
earth and coming together in a huge V,
inscribed with the names of the more
than 58,000 Americans killed or missing
in the war.
"At first, people said that the
memorial was too abstract, too morbid,
too inhuman," Lin recalled last week in
an interview with The Associated
Press. "Then they went and saw it, saw
their faces reflected in the granite bet-
ween the carved names, and they
realized it was the most human kind of
memorial that you could have.
"The memorial represented a great
maturing in our attitudes towards
war," she said, "but we've been sliding
back over recent years."
An addition to the memorial, a statue

of three soldiers was unveiled this
weekend. The statue is placed so it ap-
pears the soldiers are walking through
a small grove toward the memorial.
Lin, who did not participate in the
statue design, said the idea came from
"people who wanted to politicize the
memorial, to give it a heroic John

Wayne image." She said the sculpture
was not heroic because the men had
"dazed" expressions and would have
little effect on her design because it was
situated on a plaza out of sight of the
monument itself.
After winning a national competition

of war
to determine the memorial's design as
a senior undergraduate at Yale, Lin, 25,
of Athens, Ohio, designed sets for a
professional jazz opera and for a public
television program on art. She is
currently studying for a master's
degree in architecture.

Veterans receive new memorial


(Continued from Page 1)
to serve as commander of the Veterans
of Foreign Wars, said, "I pray we can
use this event as a signal to end any
remaining division among veterans."
Yesterday's events included an out-
door concert on the Mall by Frankie
Valli and the Four Seasons, a can-
dlelight vigil for Vietnam veterans
missing in action and the isuance of a
postage stamp in honor of all those lost
in Southeast Asia.
This year's salute, as well as the one
in 1982, was organized by veterans
themselves. The idea for a memorial

was also born by a group of vets, who
formed the Vietnam Veterans
Memorial Fund to see it become a
BOB FORTIER, 35, who came to
town for this year's salute with a van
full of buddies from Pawtucket, R.I.,
said, "I remember returning home
from Vietnam in 1969 to be greeted by
people who spit at us and called us
'baby killers.'
"Now," he said, "It's suddenly cool to
be a Vietnam Veteran. Guys are
coming out of the closet to say, 'I'm a

vet,' including some who were never
even there.'"
At the outset, there was some con-
troversy about the memorials design,
selected in a competition. The winner
was Maya Ying Lin, then a 21-year-old
architecture student at Yale Univer-
Many complained the stark black
walls, forming a wide "V" set deep into
the ground, appeared to be a sign of
shame rather than honor.
The statue was added to ease com-
plaints, most of which have long since

Nicaragua prepares for possible attack

MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP) - Government office
workers have been instructed to fight U.S. soldiers in their
neighborhoods at night if the United States invades
Nicaragua, a government newspaper said yesterday.
To prepare for the alleged imminent invasion, the leftist
Sandinista government had said it would begin yesterday to
issue rifles and train students in defense tactics. But a tour of
the city at mid-morning revealed no training sessions at any
of the various militia drill grounds scattered throughout the
JUNTA coordinator Daniel Orgega, reiterating allegations
that U.S. spy planes had violated Nicaraguan air space last
week, was deliverying another invasion warning to reporters
yesterday morning when a noise like a sonic boom rattled
windows in the capital.
Sandinista officials have said that three previous, similar
booms - the first on Oct. 31 and the other two on Nov. 8 and 9
- were caused by U.S. spy planes breaking the sound barrier
over Nicaragua.
Ortega, with his right hand in the air for emphasis, was
telling reporters at a breakfast meeting about the alleged spy

planes when a boom interrupted his remarks.
"THIS IS AN impludent violation of our air space," Ortega
"We are living in the most critical moment since the
triumph of the revolution, more critical than last Novem-
ber," he said, referring to the alert ordered after the U.S. in-
vasion of Grenada in October 1983.
Tensions worsened last week when the Reagan ad-
ministration warned Nicaragua against receiving arms
shipments from the Soviet Union. A Soviet freighter docked
at Corinto, a port on Nicaragua's Pacific coast, on Wed-
nesday, and Reagan administration officials said they
believed the vessel was delivering MiG fighter planes.
But a White House official, who spoke on Friday on con-
dition of anonymity, conceded that the administration lacked
proof for its claims.
A KNOWLEDGEABLE source, who also spoke Friday on
condition of anonymity, said the Soviet ship Bakuriana might
have delivered one or two Mi8 helicopters and maybe one
Mi24 helicopter.

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports
Lebanon halts troop withdrawal,
BEIRUT, Lebanon - Lebanon suspended troop withdrawal negotiations
with Israel yesterday and said no more talks will be held until the Israeli
army frees four Shiite Moslem militia leaders arrested in south Lebanon.
Announcements by Prime Minister Rashid Karami and by Shiite Moslem
leader Nabih Berri, the Cabinet minister for south Lebanon, made it unlikely
that the just-started negotiations would resume as scheduled tomorrow in'
the southern Lebanese village of Naqoura.
After a 90-minute conference with President Amin Gemayel, Karami told
reporters, "We are for the talks in Naqoura, but we are also for the freedom
and security of our people in the south," occupied by Israel since June 1982.
A spokesman for Israeli Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin responded in Tel
Aviv, Israel.
"We've come to the talks to seek a solution for ending the Israeli army's
presence in Lebanon," said Nachman Shai. "It should be clear that we will
also continue to take all measures to prevent attacks on Israeli soldiers in
Lebanon, including dealing with those elements who incite attacks."
U.S.-supplied warplanes bomb
Salvadoran leftist rebel targets
SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador - U.S.-supplied warplanes bombed suspec-
ted rebel positions yesterday as troops battled guerrillas for a second day
northwest of Suchitoto, the scene of intense fighting the rebels say killed or
wounded 100 troops.
Leftist rebels also ordered drivers to stay off the highways tomorrow,
warning any vehicle would be a potential rebel target as the insurgents.
staged their second sabotage campaign to bring traffic to a standstill since
peace talks were held Oct. 15 in La Palma.
U.S.-supplied A-37 "Dragonfly" warjets flew over Guazapa Volcano early
yesterday, bombing suspected leftist guerrilla positions on the volcano near
Suchitoto that has served as a rebel stronghold through most of the more
than 5-year-old war between rebels and the U.S.-backed government.
IRA plot prompts security hike
LONDON - Scotland Yard, prompted by fears of a new Irish Republican
Army bombing campaign, yesterday increased security nationwide and
reportedly doubled the guard on the royal family to protect them during a
high-profile weekend.
There was no official announcement of the measures, but British news
reports said authorities had received intelligence from Northern Ireland
saying the outlawed IRA was plotting an attack on par with last month's at-
tempt on the lives of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and members of her
The IRA, fighting to oust British troops from Northern Ireland, has war-
ned it will continue its campaign and has targeted leading British figures, in
cluding members of the royal family.
Heightened security was visible yesterday around military installations
and government offices nationwide.
Ill. slayer continues threats
LINCOLN, Ill. - Police have stepped up patrols at eight elementary
schools after an anonymous caller claimed to have committed the
Halloween slayings of two cousins in nearby Decatur and warned he would
strike again, authorities said.
Meanwhile, Decatur police said a 7-year-old girl who was abducted with
the victims but not harmed was taken into protective custody Friday and
placed in a home at an undisclosed location.
Decatur Police Chief Patrick Vaughan said 7-year-old Patricia Hall was
put in protective custody because of "the continuing nature of this in-
vestigation and the concern that there is a potential for harm by unknown
person or persons against a minor child in connection with this case."
Police said Patricia will not immediately be returned to her mother, Ear-
nestine Gordon.
Patricia had been under police guard at Decatur Memorial Hospital since
she was found in a closet in a vacant apartment building two days after she
and the other girls disappeared while trick-or-treating.
Shutde launches second satellite
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - The crew of the space shuttle Discovery
made it "two for two" yesterday by launching a second satellite to clear the
cargo bay for daring spacewalk rescues of a pair of automated relay stations
marooned in orbit.
The Symcom communications satellite sailed out of Discovery's hold like'
a giant Frisbee and 45 minutes later soared thousands of miles higher on the'
push of a rocket that flashed to life in full view of the astronauts.
The crew then readied equipment for the first spacewalk tomorrow and
quickly encountered a minor but perplexing snag - one of two headlights on
each spacesuit helmet did not work.
Flight director Larry Bourgeois said the spacewalks could be accom-
plished with just one light - and none if necessary - because there are

enough lights in Discovery's open cargo bay for the astronauts to work by
during the 40-minute night portion of each orbit.






... protests spy planes

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Stanford police accuse
athlete of stripping woman


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STANFORD, Calif. (UPI) - Police
are investigating charges that a 215-
pound football player tried to rip the
clothes off a woman student at a frater-
nity party while his friends were
"cheering him on."
Campus police sought an arrest
warrant from the Santa Clara County
District Attorney's office for David
Keane, 21, of Littleton, Colo., a 6-2, 215-
pound sophomore and tight end on Stan-
ford's varsity football team. Keane also
is a member of the Fellowship of
Christian Athletes, officials said.
"He was ripping my clothes off and
all his friends were gathered around in
a circle cheering him on," Charlotte
Lowson of New York, an 18-year-old
freshwoman at Stanford University,
said Friday.
Campus Police Chief Marvin
Herrington said there were three other
similar incidents at the party involving
Keane, who reportedly was drinking.
Lowson said she was attacked after
she and three other coeds went to the
Beta Theta Pi fraternity party late
Thursday night and Keane grabbed her
and pulled her to the dance floor, she
"I tore away from him and hid in the
bathroom," she said, but when she
came out he grabbed her again and
pulled her on top of him.
"I was struggling desperately and I
looked up at the crowd and said, 'Can't
somebody please help?' " she said.
She said about 10 young men
surrounding them just laughed.
Finally, she said, two freshwoman
friends, Jill Higgins, 18, of Great Falls,
Mont., and Cathy Zerboni, 18, of Aptos,
Calif., tried to help her.
"I tried to tear him off her," Higgins
said. "I dug my nails into his neck but
he totally ignored it."
Mike Hein, 18, a freshman from An-
chorage, Alaska, said he helped the
young women and "with all three of us,

he finally managed to get her free and
we all ran out of the house.''
The campus police chief quoted
Keane as saying, "I think I'm in
trouble. I was drinking and can't
remember anything."
The fraternity denied that Keane was
a member.
"We tried to kick the guy out but he
was too big," said a member of the
Dan Kaller, a member of
Weatherization as Responsible Main-
tenance (WARM) said the group should
not have trouble meeting the Jan. 3,
1985 deadline for getting the 5,000
signatures needed to place a
weatherization proposal on the city's
April ballot. The group has gained 1,100
signatures so far. A story in yesterday's
Daily listed the wr'ong number of
signatures received so far and in-
correctly stated that the group should
have trouble gathering 5,000 names by
the deadline.
Engineering Prof. Theodore Birdsall
is seeking approval of a research
project he wants to propose to the
National Science Foundation. A story in
yesterday's Daily incorrectly stated
that he intended to make the proposal to
the Department of Defense.




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Vol. XCV - No.58
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967X) is published Tuesday through SundayL
during the Fall and Winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during the
Spring and Summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. Sub,
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address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor;
Michigan 48109.
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