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November 10, 1984 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-11-10

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Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom


LIE ian


Colder and rainy, with high tem-
peratures just reaching the fif-

Vol. XCV, No. 57 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, November 10, 1984 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages

visits U'
Jason Salzman, an organizer of the
drive to stock suicide pills at Brown
University, told a group of University of
Michigan students yesterday that the
movement is aimed more at making
people aware of the nuclear threat than
forcing universities to supply the pills.
At a press conference sponsored by
Students Against Nuclear Suicide
(SANS), a campus group trying to
place a similar referendum on the
April Michigan Student Assembly
ballot, Salzman conceded that the idea
of having health services stock the pills
for students to commit suicide during a
nuclear war is unconventional, but he
said, "at least we've gotten people to
think about (nuclear war)."
STUDENTS at Brown passed a
referendum to stock the pills last mon-
th, though officials of the school have no
plans to heed the non-binding vote..
Another proposal to stock suicide
pills at the University of Colorado was
defeated a few weeks ago. Salzman said
the vote was not a loss for the
"It's no less even though it was
defeated," he said. "People are talking
about it. It's our task now to get the
campuses to take it seriously. We want
to motivate action."
Salzman said he and fellow organizer
Chris Ferguson have received hun-
dreds of letters since the election at
Brown last month.
HE SAID curbing the arms race must
become an important issue when
choosing candidates for public office.
"We have to make this the number
one issue on how we judge our can-
didates. Our priorities need to be
around the arms race," Salzman said.
A recent poll which showed 50 percent
of the population under the age to 30
See PILL, Page 2




affect financial




Despite President Reagan's overwhelming vic-
tory this week, education officials say he will
probably continue to face major obstacles from
Congress in implementing the financial aid cuts he
pushed for in his first term.
The president's coattails simply were not long
enough to cripple opposition to his educational
policies in the House where Democrats lost a
small number of seats, or the Senate, where the
Democrats actually gained two seats, they said.
"EVERY INDICATION seems to show that the
Reagan administration (plans to) continue to cut
educational funding," said Bill Krueger, director
of public affairs for the American Council on
Education. '(But) Congress has been pretty good
in rejecting the administration's proposals. I'm
pretty sure they will do it again for us."
Thomas Butts, the University's lobbyist in
Washington, agreed that 'things are pretty much
the same" in the capitol.
The real test, however, will come in the next six
months as congressmen will probably shy away.
from the big battles while they attempt to deter-
mine exactly what kind of support Reagan does
have from the people and what issues it applies to,
Krueger said.
"THE PRESIDENT will have a honeymoon un-
til about next summer," he said. "Until then,
Congress will be looking at the kind of mandate he
really does have."
If the president can't rally grassrouts support
for his educational policies by then, the ad-
ministration will be in "big trouble," Krueger
said. "Congress will say to themselves, 'this is our
ballgame now, we'll do whatever we want.'"
Another key to next year's education ap-
propriations is the replacement for Rep. Paul
Simon (D-Ill.) as the chairman of the House Sub-
committee on Post Secondary Education, Krueger
said. Simon will be moving to the upper chamber
of the house after defeating Sen. Charles Percy

last week.
'SIMON HAS been as experienced and well
respected a supporter of education as you'd find in
the House. But we don't feel that his loss will hurt
the sub-committee," said his press secretary
David Carle. 'He'll seek an appointment with the
Senate Committee on Education where an
education would have a harder time getting
through. We feel that it will benefit higher
education overall."
Simon's replacement on the House committee
will likely be Michigan Rep. William Ford (D-1st
District). Ford was chairman of the House Sub-
committee on Higher Education before he became
chairman of the Committee on Post Offices and
Civil Services.
Supporters of higher education are less con-
fident, however, about the make-up of the rest of
the House Sub-committee on Education. And the
committee will be especially important in the next
year because it will be examining the Higher
Education Reauthorization Act, Butts said.
THE reauthorization act, which occurs every
five years, is an examination of all financial aid
programs and traditionally dictates the direction
those programs will take in the following half-
decade, Butts said.
"Both the House and Senate sit down, look at all
the existing programs in eduction, includng finan-
cial aid programs, and decidee which ones to keep
and what changes have to be made," he said.
Since last year, however, the sub-committee has
lost five Democrats. "It's difficult to see what the
sub-committee will look like," said Wolomin. "We
won't know what new representative will come."
In one final positive note for students, Butts said
that this congres will probably reject major cuts
in Social Security Educational benefits, which the
last Congress passed four years ago as part of the
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act. The act cost
University students about $20 million in benefits
which have never been made up, he said.

Assocatred Press
Remembering the war
Herman Woods, a Vietnam veteran from Petaluma, California, who has two artificial legs, touches
names engraved on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial yesterday in Washington. A bronze statue
was unveiled yesterday at the Memorial in honor of the men who fought in that war. The statute
stands 80 yards from the memorial site.

Classified research proposal tabled


A research committee yesterday put
off a decision on whether to recommend
that the University reject a controver-
sial classified research proposal.
In a meeting yesterday, Nancy
Aronoff, a representative on a panel
which reviews all classified research
proposals, told members of the
Research Policies Committee (RPC)
that the project would violate classified
research guidelines.
- ARONOFF's presentation raised
some questions in the minds of the
committee, said William Williams,
chairman of the RPC.
"Clearly, if there were not questions
we would have voted this morning," he
said. The committee's recommen-

dation will be made after the December
meeting, he added.
Aronoff said the Department of
Defense sponsored project is intended
to help the U.S. Navy locate and track
Soviet submarines, and that this
violated the University's ban on projec-
ts which endanger human life.
UNIVERSITY guidelines prohibit
research on classified projects "the
clearly forseeable and probable result
of which. . . or any specific purpose of
which is to destroy human life."
The project would help make a first
strike nuclear attack more likely
because the U.S. would be able to locate
and destroy submarines the Soviets
would use forsretaliation, Aronoff said.
Because submarines, unlike land-based

'Clearly, if there were no questions we would
have voted this morning.'
- Chairman RPC,
William Williams

nuclear weapons, cannot currently be
located and tracked, both superpowers
are reluctant to launch a first strike.
According to Theodore Birdsall, the
engineering professor who proposed the
project, the research is used to map
temperature patterns in the ocean. It

can also be used to improve weather
forecasting techniques said Kurt Met-
zger, Birdsall's assistant. Metzger said
he saw no direct application to anti-
submarine warfare.
ANY RESEARCH done in the ocean

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proposal gains

A proposal that could force local landlords to make
their rental property more energy efficient has
gained 1,1200 of the 5,000 signatures needed to place
the measureon the April ballot, a petition spokesman
said this week.
Dan Kaller, a member of Weatherization As
Responsible Maintenance (warm) said the group
should have trouble meeting the January 3, 1985
deadline for the signatures. "Not all the petitions
have been brought back yet, and we're hitting the
dorms next."
A DIFFERENT weatherization proposal was
defeated by Ann Arbor voters in April of 1983. The
new proposal calls for insulation of ceilings, caulking
of doors, and window frames, and weatherstripping
of doors and windows.

Kaller said the first proposal failed because it was
too specific including provisions for storm doors,
windows, and dual set thermostats when would have
greatly increased costs to the landlords.
Area landlords are not all happy about the new
weatherization drive. According to Fred Gruber of
the Ann Arbor Apartments Association, the proposal
could undermine another project where landlords
would voluntarily post the energy efficiency of the
rental unit.
GRUBER SAID THE tenants could compare the
ratings while shopping for a residence.
"This would encourage resident participation,"
Gruber said, while the new proposal "undermines the
See PETITION, Page 2

Daily Photo by MATT PETRIE
Dries, tries, Michigan dies
Michigan center Ray Dries takes a shot at Spartan goaltender Norm Foster in
second-period action at Yost Arena last night. The Wolverines lost 4-1, and
will square off again against the Spartans tonight at East Lansing.

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White snow, red tape, part I

or ice either on the ground or on the way, the city ad-
ministrator can declare a snow emergency. It then
becomes illegal to park on any street which is marked as a
snow emergency route. Violators can be fined up to $25 plus
towing charges. That's the easy part. Read on. On the
secondary streets, meaning any street not marked as a
snow emergency route, it's a bit more complicated. Section
10:143 of Chapter 126 of the Ann Arbor City Code says that
during a snow emergency you can't park on the even side of
the street (the side with even house numbers) on even-
numbered days or the oddside of the street on odd-
numbered days. Plowing will usually begin after four in-

Ann Arbor to provide pedestrian walkways free of ice and
snow and to encourage pedestrianisms," a city release
says, "regular enforcement of the Sidewalk Snow Removal
Ordinance will be in effect." Under this law (Chapter 49,
Sections 4:60, 4:61, and 4:62), you have until noon to remove
ice and snow which has appeared on the sidewalk adjacent
to your property. Snow that falls or drifts onto the sidewalk
during the day has to be gone by noon the next day. Other-
wise the city will do it for you, they say, at a cost of 45 cents
per foot for sidewalks 5 feet long and shorter and 90 cents
per foot for those over 5 feet - plus a 10% collection fee.
Elderly and handicapped residents may have the fee

donkey dung to an unflattering newspaper, another called
the FBI and others are asking for recounts. "It dawned on
me that I had so much frustration with this paper and
maybe I ought to make a gesture, so I did," Democrat
Howard Greenebaum said after he placed a plastic cup of
donkey dung on the desk of the published of The Capitol in
Annapolis, Md. A donkey, named Demmy, was the mascot
for Greenebaum's losing campaign against six-term
Republican Rep. Majorie Holt. The Capitol was not
amused. While it published no story on the incident, the
newspaper said in an editorial Thursday that Greenebaum
"stooped to what is believed to be an all-time low in election




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