4 Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 9, 1984 ,FONDEROSA 1 ---m o Ford, Carter to talk on arms control at 'U' IN BRIEF NCompiled from Associated Press and United Press International reports I I YouCanhave o C naeTone k D inners ekTWO for $99 WITH T~CoUP ON d hflt Seniors 60 and Over! Ponderosa has special prices od meai~for ou every afternoon.Stop insoOf!2-5PMdailY mnealsst f=y0u1 y Big aChoped SteakDinners Big Cho d Steak Dinners lf p6.9 s for SirloinloteakealueMeals 'Irloi Steak SirloinrSteak 9aluemea 2 for$7.9 s 2 for $7.99T-Bone Steak Dinners SBone Steak Dinners '2 for 8.9aBulet wi 2 for $8.99 Includes the World's BiggestBest Salad Buaoe a it h n c lad B u let'~ w it tw o h o t s o u p s (al- y o u c a n e a t) , b a k e d p o a o nt incudesthewordsBiggest Best SaldBft tb a steakhouses. two hot soups (ail you caneat}, baked potato and warm rol with butter. Cannot be usedwtohe i e ons.axotnc.Apriiaig . warm roll with butter. Canno t be use e. s coupon good ta r any party size. counts. Tax ntin tpa sie. .Validuntil 1291,8= _mm Coupon good trany pa st rteaas _ CopValid until 12/98 _ re ~fs r B WreafstSe fal! 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During the funeral of Anwar Sadat in October of 1981, the former president found that they had a common interest in the area of foreign policy. "They realized that there needed to be a con- certed effort to understand the problems of arms control and that there was a need for a solution that is bipar- tisan in scope" according to Stein. THE MORNING session, entitled "New Weapons and the Technology Race," will center on the charac- teristics and strategic rationale of the new weapons and their impact on arms control negotiations and the Soviet- American strategic struggle. The afternoon session will focus on "The State of Soviet-American Relations. Recent and projected Soviet military developments and the effect of new weapons systems on arms control efforts and on Soviet-American relations will be examined. The program will conclude with remarks on the present impasse in Soviet-U.S. relations, the role of summit meetings, and possible areas of negotiation. George Grassmuck, a University political science professor who is coor- dinating the symposium, said he is op- timistic that the meeting will generate a meaningful dialogue. "(THE symposium) comes at a significant time because it is after the presidentialbelections, sopeoplecan, we hope, be beginning- to think in reasonable terms about what is hap- pening, what is available, whatis to be done," he said. "We're bringing together here impor- tant decision makers of the past and now even of the present . . . It is this combination which I think could break new ground and give us new ideas in policy decision," Grassmuck added. However, in light of President Reagan's victory Tuesday, others say it is debatable whether the symposium will have any impact on policy decisions concerning arms control. "WHETHER these characters flying in to spend the day shouting will lead to anything or not I don't know," said William Zimmerman, professor of political science. "Maybe getting these people together in the immediate af- termath of a landslide will provide an impetus to do something. Reagan will now be working for the history books. Who knows, maybe he will do something for arms control." Some say the Reagan administration will also dictate the effect new weapons technology will have on Soviet- American relations. "There are ainumber of problems for arms control, not the least of which is that it is not clear how serious this par- ticular president is about arms con- trol," said Martin Einhorn, a physics researcher who teaches a class on nuclear war. "THE traditional approaches to arms control have had problems in getting approval in Congress and Senate partly for reasons of verification of agreemen- ts," Einhorn said. The problem in the United States is that the new weapons that are being developed, such as cruise missiles, are easily concealed, making verification of the number of missiles each side is deploying by traditional means of satellite reconnaisance impossible, he said. "'There's the question of whether moving in the direction Reagan's committed us to in (space-based weapons) or Ballistic Missile Defense, whether that whole thing is in our in- terest," Einhorn said. "The MX, for example, is vulnerable. So we have the tendency to think about using it instead of losing it. And at the same time we're putting the Soviet missiles at risk so they may have the same tendency to think about using theirs instead of losing them." THIS RELATIONSHIP will continue a perilous spiral as more technology is developed and, according to Einhorn, new technological developments will continue throughout the Reagan Ad- ministration. "There's no consensus. They seem to endorse just about everything that's technologically possible for strategic defense missiles," he said. "What Reagan is saying, in a sense, is that through some sort of technological fix we can somehow im- prove the relationship between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, whereas the relationship is a political problem, not a technological problem, and correcting that relationship requires improvement in international relations," Einhorn said. "THE QUESTION is how can the U.S. create political conditions for the kind of arrangements arms control en- visages," said Zimmerman. "One can make all kinds of proposals but you need one that is acceptable to both the Soviet Union and the United States. But, like most arms control proposals, they will be made unacceptable to one or the other side before they are even discussed," he said. According to Zimmerman, the split within the administration between those who favor arms control and those who are opposed to arms control is not only a problem in approaching the Soviets, but is also used as a bargaining device. "It's very difficult to go to the Soviets with proposals when they're san- dbagging back at home," he said. THIS SPLIT, however, is not just a problem from the American gover- nment's perspective. "Any time we've looked closely at Soviet views of problems such as foreign policy or U.S.-Soviet relations, we've found them to be of two minds. Also their regimes are changing so fast that it's been hard to judge their con- ditional mood," Zimmerman said. The first symposium, which dealt with problems in negotiating with the Soviets, was held at Emory University in Atlanta in May. POLICE NOTES Bicycle stolen An unlocked door allowed an in- truder to steal a $300 bicycle from a house in the 1100 block of South Forest Sunday evening or Monday morning, Ann Arbor Police said. Sikhs spend holy day in hiding NEW DELHI, India-Troops patrolled the streets of New Delhi and the Sikh- dominated Punjab state yesterday as worshippers visited temples or prayed in makeshift tents in squalid refugee camps on the holiest day of the Sikh year. On a day usually celebrated with processions in the streets, many of In- dia's 13 million Sikhs, frightened and bloodied by last week's rioting by Hin- dus, hid in their homes or offered quiet prayers in their temples as the army stood guard against any new violence. Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, 40, ordered that action be taken against members of the governing Congress Party if they were found guilty of abet- ting the violence that spread across northern India after the Oct. 31 assassination of his mother, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. He urged senior party leaders to look into every report of allged in- volvement'of Congress Party members in the riots. More than half the fatalities occurred in the Indian capital, authorities say. The Sikhs' religious observances mark the 515th birthday of the founder of their faith, Guru Nanak Dev. Shuttle chases lost satellites CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla-Space shuttle Discovery streaked into orbit in pursuit of two wayward satellites yesterday, setting the stage for next week's salvage job when two spacewalkers try to snare the craft with Lan- celike grapples. The two satellites that are the astronauts' prey-Indonesia's Palapa B-2 and West Union Westar 6-are in higher paths that take longer to complete one orbit so Discovery ws gaining slowly on them. Palapa is to be retrieved first, during a spacewalk by Allen and Gardner Monday. After Hauck and Walker fly Discovery to within 35 feet of the drum-shaped satellite, Allen will use a jet-propelled backpack to fly over to it and snag it with the lance-like structure designed to lock onto the nozzle of a spent rocket on the satellite. The insurance underwrites who paid out $180 million when the two satellites were lost are paying NASA $5.5 million to attempt to retrieve them. In addition, Hughest Aircraft Co., which built the satellites, was paid $5 million for their role in preparing for the salvage mission. S. African police hold activists JOHANNESBURG, S. Africa-South African security Police yesterday raided labor and political groups who helped organize the most successful. black strike in 35 years. At least five leading anti-apartheid activists were detained. 23 blacks died in bloody clashes with police during the 48-hour protest strike, bringing to more than 150 the number killed in two months of violence across South Africa's black townships. Home Affairs Minister Frederick de Klerk warned that South Africa could not allow "its labor and economic spheres to become a political battlefield." "No matter how unpopular it might make us in the outside world, strong action will be taken against instigators, arsonists and radicals. Order shall be maintained." Police searched the offices of the United Democratic Front in downtown Johannesburg for three hours, confiscating pamphlets, posters, files and ad- dress and telephone number lists. EPA clamps down on acid rain WASHINGTON-The Environmental Protection Agency, acting under court order, proposed yesterday to tighten the reins on sulfur dioxide pollution from coal-burning power plants, which is blamed as a major cause of acid rain. The regulations, if implemented, would require a reduction of 3 percent to 12 percent in the 24 million tons of sulfur dioxide pollution each year. The an- nual cost of the new reductions was estimated at $300 million to $1.4 billion. Two-thirds to three-fourths of the proposed reductions would fall on utilities in Ohio, Georgia, Indiana, Missouri, West Virginia, and Tennessee, where high-sulfur coal is the chief source of electrical power. A preliminary economic analysis commissioned by the EPA indicates that meeting the requirements could result in electricity rates rising 2.6 percnt to 3.6 percnet in Georgia and up to 2.1 percent in Ohio as industries passes the cleanup costs along to consumers. By requiring an estimated 100 to 150 power plants to either install expen- sive scrubbers or switch from high-sulfur to low-sulfur coal supplies, the new regulations also are expected to have a devastating impact on many coal- producing areas already racked by high unemployment. Philippine typhoon kills 452 :MANILA,Philippines-President Ferdinard Marcos yesterday delcared an emergency in six typhoon-ravaged provinces where an American relief of- ficial said more than 1,000 people may have died. The action prohibits hoarding and allows the government to confiscate essential goods for relief operations for victims of Typhoon Agnes. Officials said partial reports showed some 90,000 Filipinos were in evacuation cen- ters, most of them homeless. With winds roaring up to 128 mph, Agnes blasted across the central Philip- pines Monday and Tuesday. It triggered floods, crushed huts, government buildings and bridges, demolished coconut, sugar, rice and corn fields and felled communications and power lines. The confirmed death toll stood at 452 yesterday. 14 I A I Subscribe to The Daily Phone 764-0558 11 14 E3SML- SEMAIKABLE UNIVERSIIIES Uh ESEMESITE-IU-YEAR PRUGRAMS, LUUSES AUHi IN ENGLISH, TRANSFER CREDITS, MODERATE FEES SCHOLARSHIPS, TOURING & MORE! 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