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November 08, 1984 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1984-11-08

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Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom


L I E4

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Partly sunny and windy with a
high near 60.

Vol. XCV, No. 55

Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, November 8, 1984

Fifteen Cents

Eight Pages

Reagan works
on tax issues
ras he plans
second term
From AP and UPI
President Reagan said yesterday his historic landslide re-
election showed the American people "approve of the things
we are doing," although the Republican sweep fell short of
giving the GOP working control of Congress.
Probably not until Congress gets back to work in January
and conservative southern Democrats are put to the test will
the strength of Reagan's mandate be known for sure.
"WE WILL take our case to the people," Reagan told
reporters at a news conference yesterday. When asked what
kind of mandate he would be working with in Congress, "I'm
For more election results and a final
tally of campus area voting precin-
cts, see Page 5.
satisfied with the way things worked out. I think the people
made it very plain they approve of the things we are doing.
That is what we will continue to do."
One of the first challenges President Reagan will face in
his second term is how to raise revenues without increasing
individuals' tax bills, a feat his vanquished opponent regards
as impossible.
Reagan remained firm in his conviction, telling a news
conference yesterday, "We're not going to try to deal with
the deficit problem by raising taxes."
BUT HE has said he expects to increase revenues, both
through growth and through an overhaul of the tax system, to
help reduce government red ink.
See REAGAN, Page 7




protest note

AssoioteUd ress
Yesterday after winning the presidential election, President and Mrs. Ronald Reagan wave
as they board a helicopter heading for their Santa Barbara ranch.

MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP) -
Foreign Minister Miguel d'Escoto sent
a note the Secretary of State George
Shultz yesterday protesting what he
called harassment by U.S. warships
and planes of a Soviet freighter that
docked in Nicaragua.
D'Escoto's note claimed the
"harassment in national water" of the
Soviet freigher Bakuriani, which
docked earlier in the day in the Pacific
port of Corinto, was a "flagrant
violation of Nicaraguan national
A Defense Ministry spokesman said
an American plane flew over the Corin-
to area and was chased away by shore
artillery fire, but was not hit.
The text of the note was made public
here by the foreign minister last night
after a news conference in which he
denied reports that the Bakuriani
carried advanced Soviet warplanes of
the MiG-21 type - a delivery the
Reagan administration has said it will
view seriously.
In the note, d'Escoto demanded that
the United States "cease these acts of
provocation which cold lead to un-
foreseeable consequences to inter-
national peace and security."
In Washington, President Reagan
said earlier yesterday that if Soviet
warplanes were being shipped to
Nicaragua it would indicate the San-
dinista regime contemplates "a threat
to their neighbors." D'Escoto called the
report that MiGs were aboard
the Soviet freighter at Corinto, 100
miles northwest of Managua, "a
categorical lie," but refused to say
what cargo it carried and what was
being unloaded,
In the note, he claimed that "serious
events occurred between 10 and 11
a.m., seven miles from the Nicaraguan
coast," when two U.S. Navy frigates
"harassed" the Bakuriani, and "under-

took chase maneuvers" against a
French-built Nicaraguan patrol boat
that went out to circle the Soviet ship.
D'Escoto also said a U.S. plane over-
flew the area less than five miles from
the Nicaraguan coastline, "violating
Nicaraguan airspace," and the
Nicaraguan artillery chased it away
with "preventive fire."
In a telephone interview with The
Associated Press, Defense Ministry
spokesman Lt. Guillermo Gonzalez said
the plane took of f from a U.S. warship,
but said he could not identify the type of
aircraft. The note did not specify from
where the American plane took off.
See UNKNOWN, Page 7
with wire reports
University faculty members yester-
day expressed concern over the alleged
sale of Soviet MiG warplanes to
"We need to be very cautious about
this situation and not react to highly
unclear reports," said history Prof.
William Rosenberg, who also serves as
director for the Center for Russian and
East European Studies.
"I THINK what people have to realize
is the historic perspective among the
Nicaraguan people. Most adults there.
still remember the occupation of
Nicaragua by United States Marines in
See 'U', Page 7

Nielsen, Smith electe

Republicans Neal Nielsen and Veronica Latta
Smith were elected to the University's Board of
Regents yesterday, in a sweep that put their party's
candidates in every vacant state education position
Nielsen and Smith join Regent Deane Baker (Ann
Arbor) as the only Republicans among the board's
eight members. This election is the first time since
1976 that the Democratic Party has not controlled at
least six seats.
NIELSEN, an attorney in Brighton, and Smith, a
substitute teacher and retired insurance agent in
Grosse Ileaearned,.26 percent of the state-wide vote
over 24 percent foa: Democratic incumbent Robert
Nederlander and his running mate Marjorie Lansing.
Campus area residents, however, voted almost the
exact opposite by making Nederlander their number
one choice and Lansing their second. Smith followed

in third)place and Nielsen in fourth.
Candidates from both camps attributed the
Republican win to the "coattail" effect of President
Reagan's landslide victory.
"I'M SURE the heavy Reagan landslide had
something to do with the outcome," said Nederlan-
der, who, after serving on the board for 16 years,
failed to be re-elected to a third term.
Nielsen eclipsed his running mate by 30,000 votes
and third place Nederlander by more than 110,000. A
supporter of Proposal C, Nielsen beat the other can-
didates in Oakland and Macomb counties, where the
tax revolt is said to be strongest.
But Nielsen - who repeatedly criticized UAW
leadership for swaying delegates at the Democratic
convention by refusing to endorse Regent Gerald
Dunn for re-election - probably got an added boost at
the polls as a result of one special interest group's en-
dorsement, according to Baker and Smith.

d regent
NIELSEN told an audience at a forum last month
at Wayne State University that he would "hate to see
our governing boards controlled by special interest
groups." He called the UAW incident "deplorable."
But along with five other Republican education
candidates, Nielsen received the backing of the Right
to Life organization in Michigan.
Nielsen said he didn't know what impact the endor-
sement had on his campaign, but Jane Muldoon,
chairwoman of Right to Life's political action com-
mittee said it undoubtably helped.
"WE DISTRIBUTED over 450,000 newspapers with
his name on it all over the state and called a good
200,000 people and urged them to vote for the pro-life
people," shesaid.
"(Pro-lifers) don't care anything else about the
person except that they expound the same ideas,"
Smith said. She added that several pro-lifers told her
See GOP, Page 7

Students expected Reagan win

One Mondale supporter was not "not
shocked at all." A Reagan supporter
"knew it was going to happen."
Another Mondale backer "expected it."
It just didn't matter if you were pro-
Reagan or pro-Mondale - you knew
who was going to win Tuesday's elec-
tion. Reagan by a landslide.
Despite Reagan's sweep of 49 states,
Mondale did considerably better than
the president among students.
IN CITY precincts which were
predominantly student, 14,540 people
K went to the polls Tuesday, a drop from
the 15,441 in 1980.
Mondale had a clear lead in those

'Mondale wants to please too many people
- give people money when they don't work
for it.'
Rudy Tanasijevich
LSA Junior

precincts, with 9,380 votes (64.5 percent)
to Reagan's 5,043 (34.7 percent). In
1980, 51.9 percent of the vote in student
areas went to Carter and 26.4 percent to
LSA junior Rudy Tanasijevich, the
Reagan supporter who "knew it was

going to happen," said that Mondale
was too politically motivated to win the
election. "Mondale wants to please too
many people - give people money
when they don't work for it."
TANASIJEVICH said he was "kind of
See ELECTION, Page 3

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Students can
press for
answers about
code tonight

Talks still haven't begun between the University
administration and the Michigan Student Assembly
on the proposed student code for non-academic con-
But students will have the opportunity at a special
forum tonight to ask University President Harold
Shapiro, an MSA member, and the chair of the
University's Civil Liberties Board about their
positions on the code and what they hope to change in
the latest draft of the rules which will regulate
students' behavior outside the classroom.
A QUESTION and answer period wil be held after
See STUDENT, Page 3

Daily Photo by KATE O'LEARY

People watching

These distinguished amphibians catch the eye of pedestrians outside a local furniture store ... but who's watching

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Bottoms up

representing an innocent man. "So we cleared the cour-
troom, except for the attorneys," said Schroder. "We had.
him bare his buttocks and there was nothing there. I
decided right then and there whose testimony to believe."
Schroder said he offered attorneys for both sides "a closer
look" so they could be sure a mole had not been removed
surgically from the 35-year-old Bushong, and "everyone
was satisfied that he was in his natural state." "I'm glad I
did it now. That decided the case," he said.
No dud spud

sumes processed potatoes in proportions rivaling Western
nations, he said. S.Y. Jung, interpreter and spokesman for
the South Korean delegation, said that when they first
arrived he was skeptical that Oregon potatoes were unique.
Three days later, he said, "I have observed that if we need
that kind of potato suitable for processing, there is no other'
place to import it from. I myself don't like french fries, but
my children do," Jung said. the potato commission's
dreams don't stop with South Korea, however. It hopes to
introduce processed potatoes to all of the Pacific Rim
nations, with more than 458 million potential french-fry

University of Pennsylvania. The fraternity will donate
$1,000 to Wanda Starry of Commodore and her daughters,
Lisa and Amanda. All three suffer from various medical
problems, Snow said. The money was raised among 500 or
so spectators at the blind date last month between Katie
Neidhold of the University of Alaska and Bruce Morgan of
IUP. Activities for the couple included a pep rally, all-night
beer party and homecoming parade. A recently published
book on American colleges listed the University of Alaska
as the home of the nation's ugliest women students and IUP
the ugliest males. Niedhold and Morgan were selected in
cnntests held to find the "ugliest" man and woman from




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