ARTS .. __ G The Michiaan Daily Wednesday, November 7, 1984 Page 5 ,t 'Body double' is well worth the ,low 4 By Joshua Bilmes LARGE PART of the pleasure in . watching a new Brian De Palma ;movie, including Body Double, his most . recent, comes from watching his .camera dance. One scene 'from his The Fury has stuck in my mind since I first saw the film many years ago. It happens near the beginning, when some people are - conversing on an Israeli beach. The camera does not follow the usual pat- 'tern of an establishing long shot followed by close-ups. Instead, De Palma circles the table, just going round and round. The scene .might not be much, but it serves as an --example of his willingness to move his camera a little bit differently. B The camera goes circling again in Body Double. This time, the setting is once again a beach. Jake and Gloria are standing on the beach, kissing. As they get more and more involved, the camera circles faster and faster, joining in the ecstasy we see in the characters. When they stop, so does the camera. Chances are, you are wondering who Jake and Gloria are. Jake is Jake Scully (Craig Wasson). He is an actor, who gets his first big break by getting to play the vampire in Vampire Kiss, a low budget horror movie. One scene in the movie has Jake opening his coffin. -He is unable to do it, the result of a childhood trauma when he was playing a game of sardine with his brothers and found a hiding place so good he was unable to get out. The director decides to replace Jake, but even before we find that out, Jake goes home and finds his lover in bed with another man. The house is hers. Jake has to move out. Fortunately, he comes across , somebody with a sublet available, and what a sublet it is. The house is lavish, with a rotating bed, a well-stocked bar, a view, and a telescope. The friend shows Jake what the telescope points to: a very attractive woman who engages in a sensuous routine, every night like clockwork. Jake becomes obsessed with the woman, and it is here that parallels to Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo really start to come in. In Vertigo, James Stewart, that everyman Wasson is attracted to her. First, he tails her to a shopping mall, like the Hitchcock movie. Unlike Hitchcock, he is spotted. And also unlike Hitchcock, she is being followed by someone else. This scene is a good one. It is silent. De Palma lets the actions speak for themselves, something that happens all too rarely these days, and that De Palma does frequently here. Jake tries to tell Gloria that she is being followed, but is unable to. His version of vertigo stops him when the elevator becomes too crowded. Next they go to the beach. There, Jake is actually about to warn Gloria when the other follower steals her purse. This other man is in what we know to be an Indian mask by virtue of some close-ups in which it is obvious. Jake does not know it is a mask, and he goes chasing after the Indian. Again, his vertigo keeps him from nabbing the snatcher, but he does get the purse back Gloria thanks Jake. They get to kissing. It is here that we entered into this review. The Indian had taken one thing from the purse: a card key to Gloria's house. The Indian goes in to rob her. Jake is looking on from his sublet, expecting to see the nightly display. Instead, he sees that start of a murder. But who was it being murdered? Gloria, or the body double. The term body double comes from film. When someone does not want to be seen in the nude, like Angie Dickinson in De Palma's Dressed to Kill, a body double is hired for the more exposed scenes. Even more important, who was the In- dian who killed Gloria, using an elec- tric drill bit for the task? The plot might not be one of De Palma's most gripping, and is perhaps too similar to some of his others, but it works, especially because De Palma is on ground he has explored before, and he knows how to keep the action going at a good pace. For someone who is not a particular fan of De Palma or film technique, Body Double is a passable evening. For someone such as myself who is willing to let a few very good displays of technique make up for other short falls, or who enjoys De Palma's work, the movie is more than passable. De Palma and cinematographer Stephen H. Burnum make their camera dance. It pans in and out and circles, and circles in, and circles out. De Palma is one of the best at moving the camera, and just catching that was worth the price of admission. Also deservant of special notice is the score by Pino Donaggio, who also com- posed music for Altered States and much of De Palma's earlier work. It sets the mood well, and is at least as nice to listen to as the camerawork is to watch. The acting is competent. No one looks great and no one looks like they need a refresher course. It keeps out of the way of the technique. The script by Robert Avreh and De Palma, from a De Palma story, is also competent. Some of the things about the plot are a shade predictable, but nothing is blatantly obvious. There is also a nice touch of humor. It is a good piece of clay for De Palma to mold. Like Scarface, Body Double has some violence. While the drill bit is never shown entering the body, it is plenty suggestive. There is also some sex; but none of it struck me as being gratuitous, which is a common flaw in many Clint Eastwood movies. It was essential to the plot, for the most part, t e1__-__. __!_ __ - _ _._r ___ _f_ L_- price but if you are sqeamish, be warned. Body Double is not a great motion picture. It is entertaining though. De Palma has earned the right to imitate Hitchcock, because his work shows him to be a worthy successor. Body Double would fit in well with median Hitch- cock. Not a Psycho, but satisfying. INN DAILY !!N!!!!i@!! !!!!lN* ii@l0e0000@00@0@0 I. COUPON $ 00 THIS ENTIRE AD GOOD FOR TWO $3.00 TICKETS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT AN EXTRAORDINARY ADVENTURE! WHEN THERE'S NO ONE ELSE ... ERICAN CHOOSE ME " DREAMER i JOBETH ! ~WILLIAMS _ I TOM CONTI4 rPG SDAILY 1:00, 7:00, 9:00 DAILY 1:00, 7:20, 9:30 0ii!!i!i~!!!i!!!!!*liil De Palma ... the camera moves a cop suffering from vertigo, was hired to spy on his client's wife. He becomes obsessed with the woman. He follows her while she goes shopping and to the beach. One of the flaws in the movie is her never noticing she is being followed. In Body Double, Jake goes following this woman, by the name of Gloria (Deborah Shelton). She is proprerly alluring and secretive. It is no surprise We take our competition seIously .. . 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