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November 07, 1984 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-11-07

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3:30 a.m.


LiE 43

ii ai1

3:30 a.m.

Vol. XCV, No. 54

Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor,

Michigan - Wednesday, November 7, 1984

Fifteen Cents

Ten Pages








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Voter's Choice fails
As returns continued to roll in this morning, it appeared that voters had
defeated the Voter's Choice proposal, which would have rolled taxes back to
1981 levels and forced tax increases to be approved by the voters. With 30
percent of the precincts statewide reporting, the tally was 589,700 against the
proposal and 387,329 in favor. See page 9.
Pursell retains seat
Rep. Carl Pursell won re-election to his Second Congressional District seat,
garnering 22,353 votes in Washtenaw County to 15,351 for challenger Mike
McCauley with 40 percent of the precincts reporting. See page 6.
Bullard defeats Jensen
State Rep. Perry Bullard easily won re-election, defeating perennial can-
didate Paul Jensen by a 2-1 margin. With nearly all of the precincts in his
53rd district reporting, Bullard had 16,394 votes to Jensen's 7,587. Jensen
said last night he'll run for mayor in April. See page 6.
Regent hopefuls await tally
Early this morning candidates for University regent were awaiting
statewide totals in their race. In Washtenaw County, with 40 percent of the
precincts reporting, Democrats Robert Nederlander and Majorie Lansing
led with 20,767 and 19,662 votes respectively. Close behind were Republicans
Veronica Latta Smith, with 17,133, and Neal Nielsen, with 16,284. See page 7.
Prosecutor race runs close
Democrat George Sallade and incumbent Republican County Prosecutor
William Delhey were too close to call last night, althought it was expected
that rural county votes would help Delhey with 40 percent of the precincts
reporting. Delhey led with 21,828 to Sallade's 17,490. See page 6.
Sheriff yet unknown
Incumbent Sheriff Ronald Schebil held the lead last night with 21,639 votes
over SalinePolice Chief Jim Douglas' 17,490. Forty percent of the votes had
been counted. See page 6.
Probate goes to Wood
Based on forty percent of the votes, Judith James Wood had captured the
probate court judgeship with 19,717 votes to Richard Conlin's 12,112.
Supreme Court races
Dorothy Comstock Riley and James Brickley held command in leads this
morning in their races for the Michigan Supreme Court, while former Sen.
Robert Griffin held a slim lead over Patricia Boyle with 25 percent of the
vote counted.
County offices
With forty percent of the precincts counted Democrat James Murray held
19,975 votes in the race for his seat as drain commissioner while Republican
challenger Dan Bicknell had 17,228. County treasurer candidate Michael
Stimson held 19.565 votes to Kenneth Latta's 17,370. County clerk candidates
Susan Greenburg and Robert Harrison were nearly tied with 18,858 votes for
Greenburg and 18,707 for Harrison.
Helms wins, Ill. unsure
North Carolina Sen. Jesse Helms retained his controversial place in the
Senate, defeating Gov. Jim Hunt in the nation's most expensive Senate cam-
paign. In Illinois, Sen. Charles Percy was in a dead heat with challenger
Paul Simon. See page 6.

gains fast
on Lousma
Republican Jack Lousma held a slim
and rapidly shrinking lead last night at
press time as late returns from incum-
bent Sen. Carl Levin's Detroit
strongholds were counted.
At 2:11 a.m., Lousma led by 11,164
votes out of more than 2.2 million coun-
ted. But most of the precincts in Detroit
where Levin is heavily favored, had not
been counted.
DETROIT'S television stations
projected Levin as the winner based on
exit polls, but Lousma left for the night
without conceding defeat and Levin
never claimed victory though his staff
was confident.
based the projection on a survey of
voters leaving the polls during the day.
Levin, a 50-year-old Detroit
Democrat, had been named as the
favorite in pre-election polls.
His campaign enjoyed substantially
better funding than his opponent's.
Both candidates scheduled press con-
ferences this morning to officially end
the race.
With 40 percent of Washtenaw county
precincts counted, Levin led Lousma
25,890 votes to 17,713 votes.
See LEVIN, Page 6

From AP and UPI
President Reagan scored a landslide
victory over Walter Mondale last night,
taking command in more than enough
states to assure his re-election.
Mondale conceded defeat, telephoned
his congratulations to Reagan and told
cheering supporters in St. Paul, Minn.,
"He has won. We are all Americans; he
is our president and we honor him
"TONIGHT WE rejoice in our
democracy, we rejoice the freedom
of a wonderful people, and we accept
their verdict," he said to an audience at
the St. Paul Civic Center. "I thank the
people of America for hearing my
The president's victory was convin-
cing; he and Vice President George:
Bush came close to the 50-state sweep
he sought. Mondale and Geraldine:
Ferraro won easily in the District of
Columbia, and the state of Minnesota.
The president got news of his victory.
in Los Angeles, where he and his wife
watched the returns in a Century Plaza
Hotel suite equipped with four
television sets.
HE TOLD reporters he hoped to par-'
ticipate in a summit with the Soviet
Union during a second term in office.
See REAGAN, Page 9

Daily Photo by MATT PETRIE
U.S. Sen. Carl Levin awaits election results while surrounded by optimistic
reporters at Cobo Hall in Detroit last night.

City defeats free zone proposal

City voters last night rejected a
proposal to make Ann Arbor "nuclear
free" by a 2-1 margin, according to
preliminary results.
With about 70 percent of the city's
precincts reporting in early this mor-
ning, there were about 20,596 'no' votes
and 10,958 'yes' votes.
IF PASSED the proposal would have
prohibited "the design; research;
development; testing or production of
nuclear weapons; delivery systems for
such weapons; command, control, and
communication systems for such
weapons" within the city limits. Local
firms and the University would have
been included in the restrictions.
"Personally, I'm pleased the faculty
won't be subjected to this act if it were
implemented," said Alan Price,
University assistant vice president for
"I'm pleased the public has
recognized the importance of freedom

of inquiry and research," Price said.
However, he added, "I don't take any
pleasure in seeing these peace activists
"THE ONLY thing we did is to take
our message to the voters," said Rick
Claussen, the North Hollywood
publicist who was hired by Citizens

Against Research Bans (CARB) to
defeat the proposal. "We said 'read
(the proposal) and see for yourself.'
And based on these numbers, I'd say
they did read it," he said last night at
CARB's celebration in the Campus Inn.
"That's all campaigns are. There's
no magic," he said.

"Supporters. of the proposal weren't
as happy last night at their headquar-
ters on 410 W. Washington.
"WE WERE certainly hoping to win
but we knew the odds against us were
tremendous," said Janis Michael,
Campaign for a Nuclear Free Ann Ar-
See FREE, Page 9

'U' students vote for Mondale

President Reagan may have swept the country, but he
didn't sweep the University. Of the predominantly student-
dominated precincts, 63 percent voted for the Mon-
dale/Ferraro team and 37 percent voted for Reagan/Bush.
Despite lines of up to two-hours long, the student voter
turn-out was "up slightly" from 1980.
IN WARD 5, Precinct 1, at the YMCA which attracted
mostly students, the Democratic ticket took 79 percent of the
vote, and at East Quad and Yost Ice Arena, Mondale took 74

The disappointment of Mondale/Ferraro fans at East Quad
became increasingly evident throughout the evening.
Chanting "Four more years sucks" and "They're turning
the White House into a ranch house," East Quad residents
raided candy machines and wore glum faces as they listened
to the projections in the main lounge.
"OVERALL IT seemed like everybody liked Mondale,"
said a surprised Dave Reno, an LSA freshman. "But when it
came down to one-on-one they liked Reagan better."
Long lines at the polls, which caused waits of up to two
See 'U', Page 7

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angry with
court dates

The trial of the 11 members of the
Progressive Student Network (PSN),
arrested last March for blockading a
University laboratory, has been post-
poned until December.
The trial was scheduled to begin
tomorrow in 15th District court with
Judge S.J. Elden presiding. Last
Friday Elden changed the date for the
trial because he was ill, according to his
secretary. She said he will hear the
case in December.

the 11 protestors were angry. "We
really don't have any control of the trial
date," she said.
This is the second time the trial has
been postponed by the court. Shortly
before the original date in August Elden
postponed the trial because he expected
the defense to appeal a court ruling
against the defendants' claim that their
actions were justified under the inter-
national law because they were acting
to prevent a crime. Donald Koster,

council for the defense, never appealed
the ruling but the trial was postponed
Aronoff said the new date, Dec. 20,,
was "one of the worst times we could
possibly have it." Dec. 20 is one of the
last days of the University's fall term
final exams. She said the defendants
may request a postponement, but ad-
ded that they are not hopeful that their
request will be granted.
See STUDENTS, Page 2

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The good life

campus who supports Mondale? Do students really spend
four years here in mad pursuit of upper-middle class-
lifestyle and the right to raise 2.3 children and own a Ford
Escort? In short, what motivates students these days and
why? MSA president Scott Page and Daily Editor-in-Chief
Bill Spindle answer these questions and more at Campus
Meet the Press today at 4 p.m. Oh yes, it's in the Kuenzel
room of the Union.

doors. The neighbors, John and Gloria Raith, said the
smoke caused them emotional strain, upset stomachs, in-
digestion, heartburn, and nausea. Judge William Selbie
ruled the smoke was a private nusiance and ordered Coles
to cease "emitting and discharging noxious substances
... specifically cigar smoke and odor."

to make certain everyone knew that in our household it was
only me that was for Mondale," said Patton, a lawyer.
When Patton came home the next day, a red, white, and
blue tribute to the incumbent chief executive stood in con-
trast to this Democratic promotion. Unfazed, he put the hiss-
and-hers notices on them. Political differences are nothing
new for the Pattons. Since their marriage, Mrs. Patton has
always supported Republicans in national races; her
husband has remained a Democrat. Those divergences





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