Polls open until
p.m. U7:
Ninety-five Years L t4EU I aD
OE f LrearsElection day is finally here and it
Editorial Freedom will be a beautiful day to walk to
_______________________the polls with sunny skies and
highs in the mid-40s
Vol. XCV, No. 53
Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan -
Tuesday, November 6, 1984
Fifteen Cents
Ten Pages
At least one member of the audience
at yesterday's debate between
Democratic and Republican leaders
refused to side with either President
Reagan or Walter Mondale l ky
A half hour into the debate, held in the
Kuenzel Room of the Union, a woman
stood up, shook her finger at the two
& party representatives, and said:
YOU KNOW, I'm having some
problems with whole debate .... It's a
question ~ of war-monger ver- ; g
sus war-monger. It's the
same thing, Ronald Reagan or Mon-
dale, I think it's ridiculous that people
are having a big, intellectual debate
when both of them are preparing for
World War III," said the woman, who
later identified herself as Merill Wilson
f After some of the 50 students in the
audience began to shout at her to sit
down or leave, Wilson was escorted out
of the room by two debate organizers.
In the hallway, Wilson explained she
is a member of the Revolutionary
Communist Party. She said she in-
terrupted the debate in order to remind
people that they do not have to accept
the current system of government.
"THE GOVERNMENT is responsible ou can't o home
for all the oppression of the people in
the world and I don't think elections
have ever changed anything," she said. A banner proclaims support yesterday for Se
Wilson als hangd delivyd her on the front of the house at 2 Marshal Court
Wisoe ealis d the Di Levin's challenger, Republican Jack Lousn
essage earlier yesterday in t ag Lousma was raised in Ann Arbor and attend
Students take aim at
Students back Reagan
for pocketbook policies
Daily Photo by DAVID FR)
en. Carl Levin's re-electionf
which was the boyhood hor
ma. Before joining the Mar
ed the University.
Students who vote to re-elect
President Reagan today may not agree
with his position on social issues, but
they are confident his second ad-
ministration would mean a big payoff in
high salaries and low taxes, according
to two University professors.
Although polls show voters aged 18 to
25 favor Reagan over Democratic
challenger Walter Mondale by a
margin of more than two to one, their
preferences don't signal a shift toward
conservatism, said political science
Prof. Greg Markus.
YOUNG VOTERS tend to support the
Equal Rights Amendment, the nuclear
freeze, and the right to abortion-just
as they always have, Markus said, but
today they place more emphasis on a
strong economy.
In addition, younger voters have not
experienced enough presidential ad-
ministrations to understand the dif-
ferences in party platforms and how
they affect the country, he said.
the economic growth of the Reagan
administration with the Republican
effort party, and economic stagnation and
me of unemployment with the Carter-Mon-
ines, dale era.
"In one sense, they are liberal,"
in Ill. race
United vote."
e PLO. UNIVERSITY of Wisconsin's Studen-
IMPAC ts for Israel group was alerted to the
Percy's joint effort late, and will only send 10
porter of people, but Northwestern University
b arms will make up for this with over 150
Amato's volunteers.
ition of According to field coordinator
Shelley Laskin, the Northwestern
ght and students will knock on doors, post
r Joliet. literature, and even paint a rock in the
student center of the Northwestern campus
na, and with Simon's name, posting guards so
king on "the Republicans can't paint over it."
ate their Can IMPAC actually have an impact
on the Percy-Simon race?
nan of THE SIMON campaign thinks so. Jill
ents for Goldenberg of the campaign's student
s that "it headquarters thinks that without the
eople it student volunteers "we're going to lose,
out and See STUDENTS, Page 5
Markus said. "But now they are putting
all of their weight on their economic
"I don't like Reagan, but he keeps the
economy prosperous," said LSA
freshman Scott Kremkow, adding that
he did not agree with Reagan's stands
against abortion and for prayer in
public schools.
ding college in order to get higher
paying jobs with greater security when
they graduate, 1983 poll shows. In 1970,
39 percent of all students gave that
reason for earning a college degree; by
last year that figure had risen to 69 per-
cent, Markus said.
Prof's controversial
chart rates Reagan
"I'm voting for President Reagan
because he favors the wealthy and I
plan on being wealthy in a few years,"
said Phil Maki, a junior in
Students who intend to cast their
ballots for Mondale, on the other hand,
tend to place more emphasis on social
issues, said Michael Traugott, a
political science professor and resear-
cher at the Institute for Social Resear-
cerned with broad themes of leadership
with little concentration on issues," he
See STUDENTS, Page 3
Anybody from any state who is in-
terested in a strong U.S.-Israeli'
relationship should help defeat Senator
Charles Percy," said LSA sophomore
Jeff Barness, who is doing just that.
Barness and 49 other students headed
to Illinois today to "get out the vote" for
Percy's Democratic opponent, Paul
Simon, in a race that appears to be a
dead heat.
THE STUDENTS are all members of
the Involved in Michigan Political Ac-
tion Committee (IMPAC), formed on
campus seven months ago to "promote
candidates who have shown consistent
support for Israel. Group leaders say it
is the nation's first official political ac-
tion committee made up entirely of un-
dergraduate students.
The committee's first project was to
raise $1,200 on campus and target the
Percy-Simon contest as the closest race
with national importancesaid Steve
Belkin, vice chairman of the commit-
Percy has "consistently supported
lower aid levels to Israel," said Belkin.
BELKIN ALSO called "deplorable"
Percy's support for the U.S. sale of F15
aircraft and AWACS radar planes to
Saudi Arabia and his refusal to sign a
congressional letter which suggested
prohibiting arms sales to Jordan until
the country joined the peace process in
the Middle East.
But even more important to the group
is Percy's influence as chairman of the
Senate Foreign Relation Committee,
Belkin said.
Percy's words carry national weight
and often influence the "scope of
American foreign policy," said Belkin,
who was particularly angered by Per-
cy's recent suggestion that the
States negotiate directly with th
IN CONTRAST, Belkin and
chairman David Karp describe
opponent as a "consistant supp
Israel, who opposed the Ara
packages and signed Sen. D'
letter (suggesting the prohib
arms sales to Jordan)."
So IMPAC members left bri
early today by bus headed fo]
There, they will join other
groups from Illinois, Indiat
Wisconsin who will be knoc
citizen's doors, hoping to transh
support into votes for Simon.
Doug Freeman, chairm
Washington University's Stud
Simon organization said that 40
ts would be making the trip, and
doesn't help just to have the p
pro-Simon: they have to get
As students head for the polls today,
one University professor is offering a
controversial way of evaluating the
performance of past presidents and
President Reagan.
In a chart listing the levels of eight
economic variables during every ad-
ministration since 1961, Economics
Prof. Edward Gramlich totaled the
figures for each year in a president's
term and averaged them out to find an
overall figure for the term.
HIS CHART, which includes four-
year averages for the Reagan
presidency, generally shows that
Reagan has performed poorly based on
economic variables.
But Gramlich's system is "un-
professional," according to Chief
Economist for Senate Republican
Policy Committee Richard Billmire. He
compared Gramlich's system to a man
who cannot swim crossing a stream
that was two feet deep on the sides but
12 feet deep in the middle. Although the
average depth might be passable for
the man, he could not cross the stream
because he could not get through the 12-
foot deep center. "You've got to
measure performance from beginning
to end," Billmire said.
portant than an absolute average," said
University of Notre Dame Economics
Prof. James Rokowski.
"(This method) obscures the trend
and fact that things are better now than
they were in 1982." Average statistics,
he said, "miss the buoyancy of the
economy." He suggested presenting the
information in a chart which showed
the figures for each year of each term.
Gramlich maintained that his method
is a "neutral way to do it." Among
other things his statistics show that
federal expenditures as a percentage
ofthe Gross National Product "rose a
lot under Reagan."
The increasing deficit is unfair
because "they're just borrowing on
credit, and the funds have to come from
somewhere, he said. "Where are they
coming from?" he asked. "We're
stealing from our kids by leaving less
capital than they might otherwise
Many University students seem con-
cerned about the economy. Richard
Geiringer, a business student from Port
Washington, New York, said that while
he didn't like Reagan in 1980, "he got in-
See PROFS, Page 5
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Jury clears
Richard III
of murder
LONDON (AP) - Five hundred years after
the crime, a British jury has found King
Richard III innocent of the murder of the Little
Princes, the two teen-age nephews he seized
and put in the Tower of London because they
stood between him and the throne.
The "jury," 12 ordinary Britons assembled
by London Weekend Television, delivered its
unanimous verdict after four hours of
testimony in a mock courtroom.
THE JUDGE and lawyers in "The Trial of
Richard III," broadcast Sunday night, were
eminent jurists. The witnesses were historians
and a forensics expert.
History has not been kind to Richard III. He
seized the throne in 1483 when he was 30 and
ruled for just over two years before being killed
in the Battle of Bosworth by the forces of Henry
Tudor, head of the house of Lancaster, who
became Henry VII, first of the Tudor kings.
That clash formally ended the decades of
dynastic skirmishing between the houses of
Lancaster and York known as the Wars of the
William Shakespeare, the loyal subject of a
later Tudor monarch, Elizabeth I, wrote a play
depicting the king as a grasping, ill-tempered,
often cowardly hunchback.
Sir Thomas More, the cleric and historian,
writing during Henry VII's reign, stated flatly
that Richard ordered the princes' murder.
THE FACTS of the case are these:
On April 9, 1483, King Edward IV died. His
son, Edward V, was not of age, and the dead
king's brother Richard, then Duke of
Gloucester, became regent.
On April 29, Richard intercepted the boy en
route to London with his mother. Edward was
taken into Richard's "care" pending a June 24
coronation and sent, weeping, to the Tower of
London, the medieval fortress that still stands
on the River Thames and was then a royal
The former queen took refuge at West-
minster Abbey with her younger son, Richard.
But on June 16, she sent him, too, to the Tower,
where his presence was supposedly required
for the coronation.
It never took place.
ON JUNE 25, the Duke of Gloucester had her
marriage to Edward IV declared invalid
because of an alleged previous contract by the
king to marry. The princes were therefore
illegitimate, and the duke was declared king.
He was crowned Richard III on July 6.
The princes were seen once playing together
in a nearby field - but were never seen again.
The scandal of their disappearance sent sup-
porters flocking to Henry Tudor, whose men
slew Richard during a battle on Bosworth field
Aug. 22, 1485.
SOME 200 years later, workmen unearthed a
chest in the Tower and inside were two
skeletons. Assumed to be those of the princes,
they were buried in Westminster Abbey. A
forensic examination conducted in 1933 showed
they were the right ages and seemed to be close
relatives, but did not settle the cause of death.
Historians noted that no physical evidence
existed to show Richard ordered the murder; it
was simply assumed by his contemporaries,
given his strong motive.
The modern-day Duke of Gloucester -
Queen Elizabeth II's cousin but no relation to
the medieval king - says he's "on the side of
Richard. . . I cannot tell you he was a saint. But
nobody could be as evil as Shakespeare's
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Venus de Milo
hree American tourists were charged with in-
decency Sunday for posing for nude photographs in
before the ancient site was closed at sunset on Saturday.
The three men, who stripped shortly before the site closed
at sunset Saturday, were detained pending their trial and
told district attorney Andreas Sinioris they were "sorry
about the stupid joke," the spokesman said. Greeks still
consider the Acropolis hill, where Athena, the patron god-
dess of ancient Athens was once worshipped, a sacred
precinct. In summer, tourists without shirts are not permit-
ted to enter the site.
Pot penalty
dered to do 1,000 hours of community service each.
Mossman accepted their deferred acceptance of guilty
pleas, meaning the records of the defendants can be cleared
if they stay out of trouble. The judge said he was imposing
the strict sentence as a warning to others.
By a Hare
bearing Reagan's picture," he said. "The No. 16 indicated
the president would gain re-election by a 16 percent
margin." Frymire, a former railroad commissioner, has
been predicting the outcome of elections, weather and other
things with the use of "gadgets" found around the house
and yard for nearly two decades.
On the inside ...