4 OPINION Page 4 Sunday, October 28, 1984 The Michigan Daily Thousds show up to gape at Mondale W HEN STUDENTS come out of theirhtrol officials on several occasions, despite the So as it stands now, we'll just have to wait a rooms, busloads of people stream onto fact that the club is allowed to serve alcohol few months to sing. in the Purple Rain. the city streets, a band other than the Michigan only to those who are members of the club: Marching Band begins to play Hail to the Vic- University students, faculty, staff, and tors, and thousands wave miniature versions of registered alumni who are of legal age. Central America Day Old Glory-creating a red, white, and blue The board decided that their attorney will splendor that outdoes the autumn leaves-one meet with the attorneys from the state to might conclude one of two things. One: leave discuss the incidents. However, a meeting date Organizers of Central America Day had their town immediately because it's all too easy to be has not yet been set. The board will also hearts in the right place, but fate - and over- trampled upon. Or two: a presidential can- acknowledge what happened, tell them why it whelming support - just didn't seem to be with happened, and explain what precautions they them this year. are taking to prevent future violations, accor- Members of the Latin American Solidarity ^'ding to University attorney John Kettlehut. Committee (LASC), the Faculty Committee for - Board members claim that the U-Clubs HmaRihsnE SvdradCnra management was so excited about getting America, The Progressive Student Network, people into the bar, which has been plagued and 25 other groups sponsored a teach-in Wed- rwith debts, that they became careless about nesday to educate the campus community alir J£( 4 L checking identification. about U.S. involvement in Central America. U-Club managers will just have to take a Only six of the 25 sponsors contributed dose of some sober medicine and grill the bar's money, however, leaving much of the patrons for their I.D. cards. The risks are just monetary responsibility to members of LASC. too high if they don't. The cure is simple Originally, the sponsors asked professors to didate has invaded this previously sacred, non- ,aenough, though a hassle. cancel classes or discuss the day in their partisan community and the only thing to do is ___ __ _classes, and planned a full menu of panel to go and gape at he who might be at the helm nEdiscussions and debates. of this nation some day. Daily Photo by DAN HABIB Prince on campus Unfortunately, few professors cancelled Most Ann Arborites followed the second plan Democrat presidential candidate Walter Mondale pumped some hands Tuesday as he classes, and few students stayed away from of action and an estimated 10,000 or more tur- brought his campaign to Ann Arbor. The way he sees it, "anybody who wants to be president plating Central Aeria ssue ned out at the Diag to see the man they will vote should come to the University of Michigan and ask for your votes." The estimated 10,000 Wouldn't it be nice to see the hyper-popular LASC members said that was all right, foNov. 6, ake fun of an yawn t one the students and area residents who attended the rally seemed to agree with that idea. artist Prince without having to restructure your though, because the class boycott was onlya and shoves, and waves, enjoying one of the schedule around a trip to Joe Louis Arena, small part of the festivities, and they had seen andshoes an wves enoyng neof heWhat dedicated Prince and Revolution-lover lots and lots of enthusiasm from a number *I more physically exciting aspects of this' Tuesday and President Reagan ventured into Reagan's reelection bid, it's not too difficult to wouldn't jump at the chance to see the Purple people.se nation's democratic political process. Buckeye territory on Thursday. see why. Wonder at the nearby Chrisler Arena? Th whe h Those ho anted to get a iec o the action But Mondale obviously knew where he had to Although the president may find he is out- Ann Arbor pop enthusiasts, you may have debate had to be cancelled because the sp; before Mondale appeared included the campus go, especially since the polls have shown him numbered by Mondale supporters in this area, that chance. The University's Major Events sors couldn't find an American leader who was darling, Sen. Gary Hart. The Coloradan woke hurting among the 18 to 25-year-old voting it won't be known for sure until Nov. 6 when the Office is now negotiating with the artist for an willing to participate . (They were refused by up those who had intended to stand amidst the group. The Democratic challenger and former real Mondale and Reagan supporters stand up appearance at Chrisler. According to MEO the State Department, the White Hous thousands in silence. And for Republian ears University of Minnesota student, claimed per- and are offically counted by the voting Director Kevin Gilmartin, those negotiations Speakers Bureau and Michigan State particularly, he urged students to abandon suasively that there is so far one qualification machines, have been going on for about six months and a Republican Party.) their materialism for idealism and vote the for the presidency which he meets and the concert in the area of December, late January, As it ended up, Luis Mendez, a counselor to Mondale/Ferraro ticket. Gov. James Blan president does not: Reagan has not come to the T C ubr saga continues or March could become a reality, the Nicaraguan embassy in Washington,gave chard,. Attorney 'General Frank Kelly, and University. V-Clu sgq co tiue Sources in MEO said early this week that a speech in place of the debate, and a small o r pegit pThe way I look at it, anybody who wants to there was a possibility of Prince scheduling a crowd on the Diag grew to about 150 as Englis condemnation of the incumbent president and be president should come to the University of couple concernt either prior to or immediately Prof. Alan Wald and State Rep. Perry Bullard floated a few names of their party s candidates Michigan and ask for your votes," Mondale At their annual public meeting Friday the following his Joe Louis engagements next mon- (D-Ann Arbor) warned against continuing U.. through the air. proclaimed with gusto. Michigan Union's University Club bar finally th. involvemtn in Central America Meanwhile, not too far away, two members Why shouldn't the president want to make an decided how it will respond to the two citations The Howard Bloom Agency, a New York firm of that other presidential ticket made their appearance here and meet that qualification? it has received from the State Liquor Control that handles Prince's publicity, cast doubt on The Week in Review was compiled by case to lesser schools. Well, considering that three University Commission for violating its liquor license. that rumor last Thursday saying that the Kid Daily editors Georgea Kovanis, Sue Barto; Vice President Bush took his campaign to students have enlisted more than 10,000 people As expected, the board won't deny that U- was already scheduled for concerts throughout Cheryl Baacke, Pete Williams, and Jackie Western Michigan University that very same in just over 40 law schools nationwide against Club waitpeople served alcohol to liquor con- the month of November. Young. 4 4 I 4 .4 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 'U' official replies to charges Vol. XCV, No. 46 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board The EPA: Wasting Away T OXIC WASTE represents a prob- lem for which there is currently no solution. But instead of working toward a solution, the Reagan ad- ministration and the Environmental Protection Agency are relaxing stan- dards of protection and only loosely en- forcing environmental safeguards. It is a dangerous negligence that in decades to come promises large social and economic costs. A recent EPA report obtained by an independent environmental group shows that the government's program to monitor the contamination of un- derground water supplies simply does not work. The report shows that numerous storage and disposal sites can and do contaminate the water systems beneath them. The 1976 toxic waste law requires waste facility operators to monitor leakage from their sites. These operators, unfortunately, are not known for their rigorous adherence to the law. The profit motive is usually stronger than their commitment to en- vironmental and social responsibility. In most cases, the EPA delegates responsibility for enforcement to the states in the belief that the states will be diligent in their efforts. The report showed, however, that the operators haven't been monitoring their own sites, the states haven't been monitoring the onerators. and the EPA contaminations now will not remain so as the toxins spread through water systems. The longer solutions are put off, the more difficult and costly those solutions will become. To a large extent, the EPA's in- potence comes out of a lack of funding. The Reagan administration's budget priorities have gutted many of the agency's programs. More importantly, however, is a negligent attitude among the agency's officials. The toxic waste report illuminates a characteristic example of this attitude. There had been little willingness to assure that the states have legitimate programs for enforcement. Another example is the EPA's an- nouncement on Wednesday that it would not produce controls on airborne radioactive materials such as those produced by nuclear reactors. The risk from such emissions was termed "relatively trivial" by agency of- ficials. But under current levels of ex- posure for people living near some of the unregulated facilities, the risk of incurring cancer from radiation is 1 in 1,000. Such risk is certainly not trivial and it is disturbing that it should be termed so by administrators of the EPA. The Reagan administration has shown its lack of commitment to en- vironmental protection in its nomination of agency directors who By A lan Price After being "attacked" several times in the press about my role in the current campaign to defeat the nuclear free zone proposal, I would appreciate your considering the actual facts: " Did I go to Cambridge, Massachussetts to investigate their campaign which defeated a similar zone proposal last November? Yes, I particularly visited the president's offices at Harvard and MIT, seeing how their staffs recommended distinguished faculty freeze advocates who also treasured academic freedom (like Jerome Wiesnerand Ernest May) for a Citizens Against Research Ban committee (CARB). I collected President Bok's and President Gray's strong statemen- ts to the academic community opposing the zone proposal. This information was judged important for our executive officers in con- sidering the Ann Arbor issue. (The Michigan Alliance for Disarmament (MAD) group in Ann Arbor said they patterned their zone proposal after the defeated Cambridge one). - Did I send them a confirming note on based opinion survey in Ann Arbor, or "hire" a California-based consulting firm? Of course not. I was informed by the Ann Arbor Cham- ber of Commerce president that his board had recommended a loan to retain the firm, and that local companies had pledged support for the poll. No University person every voted to spend such money. " Did I solicit names and persons willing to serve on an "Ann Arbor CARB" group to op- pose the amendment? Yes, the chamber president asked for names 'of faculty who might be interested in the zone proposal; I said I didn't know how they felt about the zone issue, but I knew several who had strong feelings on the academic freedom versus review of non-classified research issue. These were individuals whose public opinions I had heard at our Research Policies Committee and Senate Assembly meetings or at our Collegiate Institute for Values and Science: Professors Carl Cohen, Thomas Donahue, James Duderstadt, Thomas Dunn, Edith Gomber, Gordon Kane, Paul McCracken, James Neel, Michel Oksenberg, and James White. This distinguished. group of faculty needed only to be asked if they were aware of the zone proposal, and they immediately responded unanimously that they were opposed to it, primarily on grounds of freedom of inquiry, faculty interests and University policies to anyone who asks. I offered help similar to that above to MAD/PSN members Lee Winkleman and Nancy Aronoff who visited me on Sept. 26 and Oct. 9. I also gave Judy Wenzel our classified research policy for her use as an "analogy," for her Ann Arbor News letter published Oct. 6. I gave Roger Kerson data on our DoD research volume for proponent Perry Bullard's use at the ACLU debate Oct. 12 against Carl Cohen. I sent my talks with questions about the meaning and impact of the zone proposal, to five campus ministers who were endorsers of the proponents' advertisements and solicitation letter. " Are such activities in violation of the state's law for public institutions regarding ballot proposals? No, such activities must not be charged to the University's igeneral flunds accounts or other restricted accounts. I never told anyone I was doing this as a "private citizen." Such activities are either unpaid or recharged to other appropriate community relations accounts. Similar examples would include any University staff working against the old Tisch Amendment or the new Proposal C. " Am I or is the University against the zone proposal? My personal, private vote is irrelevant; however, as I told the students, I am sympathetic to their genuine frustration with the ever-growing arms race. (When I was their age, I participated in Martin Luther King audiences, anti-Vietnam War symposia, etc.). President Shapiro has given his personal reactions to the proposal: it "represents a significant threat to the vitality of the Ann Arbor community and, potentially, to the academic vitality of the University. Thus, I am opposed" to it. Last week at least four of the regents personally spoke against it as well. " Does the University impose other restric- tions on research? Yes. I am personally responsible for the vice president for resear- ch to ensure that all University research work complies with federal and University guidelines/regulations for humane use of human and animal subjects, as well as for safe use of recombinant DNA, radioisotopes, and other chemically and biologically hazar- dous materials. All these areas are ad- ministered and monitored closely for us by University professionals and by expert faculty committees. In each case there could be an immediate threat to the health of the whole areas of non-classified research 4h academia. * Would the zone amendment be difficult fo my University colleagues and me to ad- minister? I will note only two of the dif- ficulties, where, I believe, even the proponen- ts/drafters of the zone amendment apparen- tly contradict themselves. MAD organizer Justin Schwartz in "A step toward ending the arms race" (Daily, Oc- tober 23) states: "Work affected by the law is classified. If you discuss its contents freely, the government will put you in jail." However, the word "classified" does not ap- pear anywhere in the zone proposal. Instead it clearly says it "Will review all contracts requiringwork in AnnArbor granted by either the DoD or DoE..." Yet in the adjacent column of the same ar- ticle, Schwartz cites a specific example of "such aggressive weapons work being done in Ann Arbor. At the University, engineers are working to harden nuclear missile and bom- ber electronics ...." And the MAD brochure text, reiterated by Nancy Aronoff to the regents last week, cited three specific professors and their DoD projects. The fact is that all of the research is unclassified, fully open to public scrutiny and fully publishable, clearly contradicting Schwartz's claim above. 4 Schwartz and his colleagues state "the proposal only extends existing University policy to the city as whole." No, we have a 4 panel within the University only to review classified proposals. (We have only one or two per year, and they are termed "classified" only because of the need to have access to classified facilities or information. The con- tract files and the research results are not classified and can be freely disseminated.) Indeed, the regents' 1972 classified research bylaw clearly demands that all such "classified work" be publishable within a year; thus we have no "secret work" on carti- pus. The regents' bylaw insists on that in or- I der to defend academic freedom (the right to publish without censorship), and we impose it on all research contracts and grants at the University. Last year the regents voted against having any faculty committee (much less a citizen's commission) "review all DoD and DoE con- tracts." Such review was thought to come too close to a violation of academic freedom for such open, unclassified research. This prin- ciple remains. As President Shapiro has