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October 27, 1984 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1984-10-27

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Saturday, October 27, 1984
Reagan, Bush refute


Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
British phone system for sale

WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Reagan and Vice President George
Bush were quick yesterday to put
distance between themselves and a
statement by Secretary of State George
Shultz that the United States oc-
casionally might have to kill "innocent
people" while combatting terrorism.
Shultz's remarks, in a New York
speech Thursday night, seemed to con-
tradict a statement by Reagan in the
presidential debate Sunday night that
his administration hadn't retaliated to
terrorist attacks in Lebanon partly
because it didn't want to "endanger the
lives of innocent civilians."
BUSH FLATLY said he disagreed
with Shultz, and Reagan said the
secretary was not enunciating ad-
ministration policy in the speech.
"I don't think it was a statement of

policy," Reagan said during a cam-
paign stop in Fairfield, Conn. "He was
saying all these things must be con-
I think what Secretary Shultz was
saying was that you couldn't rule out
the possibility of innocent people being
killed. He was not saying that we would
do that," Reagan said.
"IN DEALING with terrorists, yes,
we want to retaliate, but only if we can
put our finger on the people responsible
and not endanger the lives of innocent
civilians in the various communities
and in the city of Beirut where these
terrorists are operating," the president
Vice President Bush disagreed with
Shultz's statement that the United
States must be ready to respond
militarily to terrorist acts even if lives
of innocent civilians are endangered

and even if it cannot be proved con-
clusively who the terrorists were.
"The vast -'majority of American
people would expect retaliation if you
could retaliate against the people that
did it," Biush said. "I don't think they
would be supportive of random
retaliation which might kill one
terrorist and 500 innocent civilians."
But John Hughes, the State Depar-
tment spokesman, earlier insisted that
Shultz was speaking for the ad-
ministration. "Certainly the speech
was cleared by the White House . . .
Certainly the secretary was voicing an
administration position," he said.
And Hughes was supported hours
later by Reagan's own chief
spokesman, Larry Speakes, who said
the address represents administration
policy "from top to bottom."



... disagrees with Schultz

Senate releases report on Beirut bombing

WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate in-
vestigators concluded yesterday that
terrorists succeeded in truck-bombing
the U.S. Embassy annex in Beirut last
month because of the "tragically
simple mistake" of American officials
in failing to park cars or erect tem-
porary barriers around the building.
"It appears evident that the
terrorists observed the embassy's
procedures at the time, identified the
flaw and exploited it with brutal ef-
fect," the investigtors wrote in a bipar-
tisan report to the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee.
IT WAS this simple mistake and not
the absence of Marine guards or suf-

ficient security equipment that assured
the success of the Sept. 20 suicide at-
tack that killed 14 people, including two
Americans, the report said.
The report was written by Graeme
Bannerman, who works for the
Republicans who control the commit-
tee, and John Ritch of the Democratic
The investigators are skeptical that a
report from the Defense Intelligence
Agency could, if delivered to the
proper officials, have prevented the
terrorist attack.
THAT REPORT has been mentioned
in various news stories as evidence that
the Reagan administration ignored

specific warnings of such an attack.
The DIA document apparently did not
reach State Department security of-
ficials until after the bombing.
"The report contained no intelligence
findings or specific recommendations
on security measures, and indeed did
little more than recite what all concer-
ned already knew: that Beirut is a
dangerous place and buildings such as
the Baaklini annex are vulnerable to
terrorist attack," Bannerman and Rit-
ch concluded.
On the other hand, the congressional
aides added, no specific warning was
needed. "All concerned knew that
Lebanon was replete with explosives,

readily available to those who had
demonstrated a willingness to die while
striking a blow against the American
presence there."i
Most U.S. Embassy personnel in
Beirut were moved to the annex in the
eastern sector of the city after the main
embassy building in west Beirut was
destroyed by a bomb-laden terrorist
truck. That attack, in April 1983, killed
17 Americans and 46 Lebanese.
Four months after that attack,
President Reagan ordered the with-
drawal of most U.S. forces from
Lebanon. However, about 90 remained
to supplement the contingent of
Marines that protect U.S. missions.


Hog wild
Presidential candidate Walter Mondale
tried to appeal to farmers.:

gives the thumbs up sign to supporters. Speaking in Iowa yesterday, Mo

U=1l bU
eon t
(Continued from Page 1)
club membership is difficult, even
when all entrances are posted. .
"The Board instructed the secretary
to reflect in the minutes special concern
for the private nature of the Club, and
asked particularly that management
ad Press proceed cautiously when new activities
tempted co-sponsors to extend adver-
tising beyond the Club's limited mem-
ondale bership."
Cianciola could not be reached for
comment last night.
management) to be more careful," said
Prof. Charles Lehmann, U-Club board
airline president. "The problem is . .. doing
nov was things that make the club successful
square to also make it more vulnerable," he ad-
and that ded.
er Todo Lehmann said the management of the
although U-Club, which has been plagued by deb-
at he did. ts in past years, were so happy to see
Agca and people coming into the club that they
pate two became lax about checking member-
to cover ship identifications.
b was not According to U-Club Board Secretary
o off and Norman Herbert, there was never any
[that had confusion in the board's mind that the
ctures of U-Club was a private club. He said the
he square board advocated allowing only mem-
bers into the club.
had been "THE BOARD has always wanted it
i that an to be members only," he said. "That's
e a final all the board ever wanted," Herbert
duced by added.

LONDON-The British government yesterday put its biggest plum up for
sale to the private sector: British Telecom, which boasts 19 million phone,
lines, more than $1 billion in profits and a higher price tag than any share
offering anywhere.
Britons already have been bombarded with ads saying "You can share in
British Telecom's future."
By the time stock exchange trading in the company's shares starts
December 3, displays urging the public to buy stock in the '8.4 billion utility,
with its near-monopoly on Britain's phones, are scheduled to appear in 24,000
bank brances and 24,000 post offices.
Critics worry that a sale as big as British Telecom could disrupt financial
markets, reduce service to consumers, and distort the national budget with
income from one-time share sales that cannot be repeated.
With an estimated.value of at least $3.6 billion, the offering is far larger,
than the $1.166 billion that American Telephone and Telegraph Co. raised
when it sold 17.6 million shares on March 10.
Bolivian leader protests cocaine.
LA PAZ, BOLIVIA-President Hernan Siles Zuazo yesterday began the
second hunger strike of his presidency to protest a congressional censure of
his decision to negotiate with drug traffickers to end the country's illegal
billion-a-year cocaine industry.
"In an act of supreme protest, I have decided to declare a hunger strike to
restore a climate of peace and reflection by all Bolivians," Siles Zuazo said
in nationwide broadcast Thursday night.
The 71-year-old president said the fast, launched yesterday, was designed
to protest Wednesday's congressional censure of his decision to negotiate
with cocaine smugglers in an attempt to end the country's drug trade.
Drug trafficking is believed to be the impoverished South American
nation's main export earner. Bolivia sells about 2 billion a year in cocaine,
must of it smuggled to the United States.
Chilean terrorists strike again
SHMTIGHO, CHILE- A car bomb planted by leftist guerrillas exploded.
yesterday outside the headquarters of Chile's military government, shat
tering hundreds of windows and injuring five people, police said.
Shortly before the early morning blast, two other smaller bombs rocked:
the capital, including one that went off outside the offices of Awaconda, the
U.S. mining company.
The military government of President August Pinochet Wednesday cen-
sored coverage of terrorist acts, so few details of the blast were reported on'
radio stations. Authorities mounted a nationwide search for the bombers.
The explosions came a week after members of a Communist Party
Guerrilla group blacked out the entire Chilean capital by blowing up three
high tension towers.
Polish leader condemns
abduction of priest
WARSAW, POLAND (UPI)- Polish leader Gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski
yesterday condemned the kidnapping of a pro-solidarity priest as "an act of
banditry" amid rumors that the outspoken cleric had been found dead.
In an opening address to the two-day session of the ruling Communist Par-:
ty Central Committee, Jaruzelski called on the 200 assembled party officials
to publicly denounce the abduction of Rev. Jerzy Popieluszko, known for;
his anti-state sermons.
Popieluszko, an ardent supporter of the outlawed solidarity union, was ab
ducted from his car October 29 by three ment, one of them posing as a police
officer, as he has being driven to Torun in northern Poland.
On Thursday, a secret agent employed byt the Interior MInistry, identified
only as Grzegorz P., and two others were arrested on charges of kidnapping
the priest, but there as been no word of his whereabouts.
Janusz Onyszkiewicz, a former press spokesman for Solidarity, said the:
kidnapping followed a series of threats by secret police against Popielusdzko
and other dissidents.
Redgrave testifies in BSO suit
BOSTON - Vanessa Redgrave, at times breaking into tears, testified
yesterday that she earned no money as an actress for 14 months after the
Bostom Symphony Orchestra canceled a contract with her in April 198
because of her pro-Palestinian activities.
"The next time I did work for which I was paid was June 1983," when she
eared $20,000 for a role in an Italian film procured by actor Franco Nero, the
father of one of her two children.
Before that, she said, she had earned more than $1 million as a performer.
She is suing the symphony for $5 million contending that it violated her
civil rights and committed a breach of contract by its decision to cancel a
series of performances featuring her narration of Stravinsky's "Oedipus
Rex." The symphyony manager has testified that decision stemmed from
fear her performance would mean a loss of Jewish CONTRIBUTORS.
Her attorney called the cancellation "blacklisting," but orchestra officials
claimed that her presence would upset the audience and players and take
their attention off the Stravinsky work.

Vol. XCV -No. 45
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967X) is published Tuesday through Sunday
during the Fall and Winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during the
Spring and Summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. Sub-
scription rates: September through April - $16.50 in Ann Arbor; $29.00
outside the city; May through August - $4.50 in Ann Arbor, $6.00 outside the
city. Second-class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send
address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to
United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndi-
cate and*College Press Service, and United Students Press Service.

.Italian judg

- -- -

(Continued from Page 1)
MARTELLA, who released only 12
pages of the 1,243 page indictment,
made no mention of allegations by
Italian officials that the Soviet KGB,
then headed by late Soviet President
Yuri Andropov, used Bulgaria to plot
and carry out the attempt to kill John
Martella replied tc questioning, "I
have not addressed that issue. It was
not part of my job."
Prosecutor Antonio Albano, who had
recommended the indictment in May
after reviewing the evidence, said that
Bulgaria, possibly with Soviet support,
masterminded the plot in order to stop
unrest in the pope's native Poland. John
Paul was a strong supporter of the
now--banned Solidarity federation, the

e~ indicts 7 in
first independent labor union in the
Soviet bloc.
THE SOVIET Union and Bulgaria
have condemned the allegations as part
of a Western plot to discredit Com-
munist nations. The Bulgarian gover-
nment responded to the indictments
yesterday with a statement released in
Sofia through its official news agency,
BTA: "It has become clear for every
unbiased person, that this is not a
matter of judicial error but of a
political conspliracy against Bulgaria
and socialism."
A 12-page summary of the indictment
said the three Bulgarians had promised
to provide a truck or car with
diplomatic protection to sneak the two
Turkish gunmen out of Italy after the

Papal ploi
It further stated Bulgarian
employee Sergei Ivanov Antor
waiting with a car outside the:
help Celik and Agca escape;
Bulgarian Embassy cashi
Aivasov was in the crowd,
there were no details about wh
The summary added that A
Celik had planned to deton
"panic bombs" in the squre
their escape. The type of bomb
disclosed. But they did not g
Agca was nabbed by the crowd
been waving and snapping pi
the rope as he rode through th
in his white, open-topped car.
The magistrate said no date1
set for trial and he stressed
Italian court must still mak
judgement on the evidence pro
his investigation.

(ljburd lOt5 ip 'eruicru Students gain extra sleep

1236 Washtenaw Ct.
A Campus Ministry of the
Christian Reformed Church
Rev. Don Postema, Pastor
10:00 a.m. Morning Worship: "The
Compassionate Commandment."
11:15 a.m.; Refreshments.
6:00 p.m. Evening Worship: "For
Such a Time as This."
* * *
at Lord of Light
801S. Forest at Hill St.
Pastor: Galen Hora
Sunday Worship; 10:30 a.m.
6:00 p.m.; Supper.
Sunday Evenings: 7:30 p.m., In-
clusive Community Service.
Wednesday Evening Worship, 9:30
p.m. Choir; Wednesday, 8:00 p.m.
Thursday Evenings; 7:30 p.m., Cen-
tral American Study.

120S. State St.
(Corner of State and Huron)
Church School and Sunday Service
9:30 and 11:00.
October 27. "Is the Future Full of
Promise?" by Dr. Colin W. Williams.
Ministers: Rev. Wayne T. Large
Dr. Donald B. Strobe
Dr. Gerald R. Parker
Rev. Tom Wachterhauser
Education Director, Rose McLean
Broadcast Sundays 9:30 a.m. - WRNS, 1290 AM
Televised Mondays 8:00 p.m. - Cable Channel 9.
* * *
1511 Washtenaw
Robert Kavasch, Pastor
Sunday Services at 9:15 and 10:30.
Thursday: Bible Study at 7:30; Vocal
Choir at 8:30 and Handbell Choir at 9:30.

(Continued from Page 1)
"have a blast in the Arb by raking a pile
of leaves, inviting all my friends,
drinking cider, and just relaxing for an
Ann Arbor's late-night business
establishments were not overly concer-
ned with the clock change. Many of
them - including the Lamplighter,
Joe's Star Lounge, Nickelby's, Old
Town, Stadium Tavern, and Liberty Inn
- will close at their normal 2 a.m. time,
even though it will legally be only 1 a.m.
OTHERS - including Good Time
Charley's, Mr. Flood's Party, and the
Pan Tree - plan to stay open the extra
hour and wil pay their employees ac-
And still others will base their
decision on the night's crowd, like the
Full Moon and Rick's American Cafe.
"If people are willing to drink, we're
willing to serve them," said Rick's
manager Steve Crowley.
A LOT of other things can happen in

the seemingly short space of an hour.
While exhausted students are lying in
bed or partying, a human being can
travel 24,969 miles, according to The
Guiness Book of World Records. That's
how fast Apollo X astronauts went in
their return to Earth in 1969.
The Guiness Book of World Records
also reports that Brooklyn New York
resident Margarett Hamma's
lightenign fingers can type 9,316 words
in an hour.
Even non-humans can find produc-
tive ways of spending an hour. Control
Data Corporation's Cyper Model 205-444
computer is capable of 791,860,000
calculations in tonight's extra hour.
And although that extra hour means a
lot to University students, it would have
had even more value for noted crime
leader Al Capone. In 1927, Capone
hauled a record $105 billion into his per-
sonal fortune that's $11,986 an hour -
despite calling himself, on his business
card, a "second hand furniture dealer."

Editor in chief .......................BILL SPINDLE
Managing Editors .............. CHERYL BAACKE
Associate News Editors ............ LAURIE DELATER
Personnel Editor .......................SUE BARTO
Opinion Page Editors...... ........JAMES BOYD
NEWS STAFF: Louro Bischoff, Dov Cohen, Stephanie
DeGroote, Nancy Dolinko, Mary BethDoyle, Lily Eng,
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Hrach, Gregory Hutton, Bruce Jackson, Sean Jackson,
Carrie Levine, Jerry Morkon, Eric Mattson, Curtis
Maxwell, Molly Melby, Trcey Miller, Kery Murakami,
Lisa Powers, Elizabeth Reiskin, Charles Sewell, Stacey
Shonk, Dan Swanson. Allison Zousmer.
Magazine Editor.................. JOSEPH KRAUS
Associate Magazine Editor......... BEN YOMTOOB

Associate Sports Editors............JEFF BERGIDA
SPORTS STAFF: Dave Aretha. Mark Borowski. Joe
Ewing, Chris Gerbasi, Jim Gindin. Skip Goodman,
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Adam Martin, Scott McKinlay. Barb McQuade, Brad
Morgan. Jerry Muth. Phil Nussel, Mike Redstone,
Scott Salowich. Randy Schwartz. Susan Warner.
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Advertising Manager..........MICHAEL MANASTER
Display Manager .................... LIZ CARSON
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Marketing Manager .......... KELLY SODEN

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