Eo ViT LEBT IEBL [LET NEMU i lL F T EI [ fi [ LEBT [iED PLEl NM EBD PLEAT Ed] PLEBT FEBW PLEBT fEU] ILEBT NENT 1LEBT Technus Nerdium Erectus CanYou Spot The 12 Warning Signs OfA A f Computer Nerd? Beware the Computer Nerds. They're Everywhere! They're Everywhere! CAUTION:The Surgeon General's Netdoor Neighbor Has D etermined That Being A Computer Nerd is Hazardous To Your Cumpus Sociul Life. SaveYourself From The Horrors Of Being A Computer Nerd... ...and SAVE BIG BUCKS on your very own Zenith Personal Computer: The Cure For The Computer Nerd! Are you aware that loathsome Computer Nerds are invading your campus? It's true! This terrifying epidemic grows more dreadful with each passing day. And you could be the next victim. So, to help you spot the warning signs of being a Computer Nerd, we want you to have this life-saving "Cure For r The Computer Nerd" poster. Display it promi- nently on a wall in your room for all to see. If you spot someone showing any of these symptoms, blaze a trail in the opposite direction. And if you fear you may be suffering any of these warning signs, seek help immediately before it's too late! As another public service to you, Zenith Data Systems wants to give your enthusiasm for computers a shot in the p arm by offering its "Cure For The Computer Nerd" at a special low student price! Now, you can protect yourself from the threat of becoming a Computer Nerd-and receive spectacular savings at the same time-when you order your very own Zenith Z-100 PC. Hurry! Don't be a Computer Nerd. Order your Zenith Z-100 PC at a Special Student Price... 0 BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! See the reverse side of this panel for the name and location of your Zenith Data Systems dealer or campus representative. And when you order your Zenith Personal Computer by December 31, 1984, you'll get the thrilling Microsoft Flight Simulator-valued at $49.00- ABSOLUTELY FREE! Soar to new heights of computer game excitement. Fly Microsoft's Flight Simulator on your new Zenith Z-100 PC! Flight Simulator puts you in the pilot's seat of a Cessna 182 as it duplicates actual flying conditions. Thisamazingly realistic program lets you take off from Meigs Field in Chicago to any of 23 airports across the nation. You can even dogfight in the World War I battle sequence. Plus, you can control over 30 flight variables-from fuel levels to altitude changes. Even weather conditions! 26 FAA flight instruments let you gauge the action. Remember, Flight Simulator is yours ABSOLUTELY FREE when you order your Zenith Personal Computer by December 31st. Until then, happy landings! 7Ewimdata - systems T HE QUAL ITY GOES IN BEFORE T HE NAME GOES ON