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October 24, 1984 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-10-24

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 24, 1984 - Page 7
Crowd baffles security officials

Security officials for Democratic
presidential candidate Walter Mon-
dale's Diag rally yesterday may not
have agreed on the size of the crowd,
but everybody involved said the
gathering ran smoothly.
John Austin, a member of Walter
Mondale's advance team, said that
Secret Service officials numbered the.
attendance figure at around 30,000.
Local law enforcement officials,

however, estimated the size of the
crowd to be closer to 8,000-10,000 people.
The Secret Service refused to make
further comments about the rally.
Local officials said the crowd's
behavior was generally good. Deputy
Chief Donald Johnson of the Ann Arbor
Police described the audience as "very
Approximately 20 officers from the
Ann Arbor Police Department, five of-
ficers from the Michigan State Police,
10 officers from Campus Security, as


Hart makes appeal to
(Continued from Page1) Sallade's house and continued his ap-
uoted from a letter written by Reagan peal to young people to vote
n 1961 which compared Kennedy's Democratic. He discounted reports that
olicies to those of Karl Marx. Reagan's strongest support comes
"I am outraged by Ronald Reagan from the 18- to 25-year-old age group,
nvoking the name of John Kennedy and said that he hoped students will
vhen he doesn't deserve to do that," "react to an idealistic appeal" and vote
lart said, "because it was the for Mondale.
)emocratic party and a great young Hart also met with "Gary's
>resident named John Kennedy who Guerillas," a group that supported him
ame to this campus and called for a in the primaries, in a closed meeting at
>eace Corps and appealed to the the Union. Hart reportedly thanked
dealism of the American young people, them for their help, but didn't want the
nd Ronald Reagan has never done press to be there because it would draw
hat." attention away from the Mondale cam-
HART SAID that it is in college paign.
tudents' best interests to vote After the meeting, Hart continued to
)emocratic and predicted that Mon- express skepticism over polls. "The
dale would receive the support of young polls are a snapshot, not a portrait," he
voters. said.
"Ronald Reagan does not deserve HART SAID people should refrain
your support; Walter Mondale does," from analyzing voters' behavior before
Hart told the crowd. election day because there are many
After the rally, Hart visited the home "soft" voters and independent voters
>f George Sallade, Democratic can- who don't decide for whom to vote until
lidate for prosecuting attorney and a few days before the election.
Hart's former campaign coordinator in Before Mondale and Hart arrived, six
MIichigan. speakers addressed the crowd.
HART THANKED his supporters at State Attorney General Frank Kelly

well as representatives from the
Washtenaw County Sheriff's Depar-
tment assisted Secret Service agents
with security measures yesterday.
None of the local agencies reported any
arrests in connection with Mondale's
Michigan State Police, who assisted
with traffic control and protection of
the motorcade, also reported that there
were no problems or arrests at the
youth vote
spoke strongly against Reagan, citing
the classic book, 1984. "George Orwell
was truly a prophet," he said. "Already
one of his prophecies is here. Big
Brother is watching us, and at the same
time, Big Daddy is asleep."
THE RECEPTION for a number of
the Democratic candidates was
lukewarm at best. When Gov. James
Blanchard was introduced, he was met
with a smattering of applause and boos
and hisses. State Sen. Lana Pollack (D-
Ann Arbor) also met a cold audience.
Two people who shape the nature of
higher education, University Regent
Thomas Roach (D-Saline) and Regent
Sarah Power (D-Ann Arbor), received
the coolest reception of anyone when
they were introduced, and the crowd
began a "no-code" chant until Kelly
announced that he was referring to "the
progressive wing of the regents."
Other speakers yesterday included
University President Harold Shapiro,
Michigan Student Assembly President
Scott Page, and U.S. Senator Donald

Walter Mondale joins Sen. Gary Hart on the podium yesterday after Hart introduces him.
Mondale attacks Reag an's competence

(Continued from Page 1)
'vay before him it was 'benevolent
' Mondale ordered Reagan to stop in-
voking Kennedy's name, saying, "A
>resident who cares, who leads, just
"like John Kennedy did, can make and
)nust make a difference in the lives of
'our country. That's not Karl Marx.
2 That's not Adolf Hitler. That's America
at its best."
"" PICKING UP on a popular theme of
his campaign in recent weeks, Mondale
.'charged that Reagan is incompetent in
'his job.
"We have a president who cannot
talk about a major problem without
making a major mistake. Mr. Reagan
;is the most detached, the most remote,
~and the most uninformed president of
modern American history," he said.
Mondale referred to several com-
'ments made by Reagan during the
adebate as proof that the president lacks
a grasp of weapons development and at
"the same time shrugs responsiblity for
*4U.S. blunders abroad.
Z. DURING THE debate Reagan said
an investigation was underway to
determine who was to blame for the
C.I.A. guerilla manuals written for in-
surgents in Nicaragua, who are backed
by the United States. Some copies of the
manual advocate not only assasination
".of Nicaragua's Sandinista leaders, but
' also the hiring of criminals to
:assassinate guerillas to make martyrs
K of them.
"Reagan said 'I didn't do it. Someone
'else in our government did it,"' Mon-
>dale said.
e "But Mr. President, you ordered that
war, you paid for that manual, it's your
-secret war, and the American people
will hold you accountable on November
6," Mondale charged.
Mondale called upon Reagan to ac-
cept responsibility for the 244
, American servicemen in Lebanon
killed a year ago yesterday by
terrorists, rather than blame a local
THE CHEERING quieted when Mon-
Sdale said that while he believes
Reagan's commitment to peace is
genuine, he doesn't know what weapons
the U.S. and the Soviet Union own or
where they are based. Sunday night
Reagan admitted that he was unaware
Soviet retaliatory power lay in land-
based missiles.
"There is no way that the risk of

nuclear war will be reduced.. . unless
we have a president who knows what
he's doing," Mondale contended. He
added that Reagan's plans for arms
control talks are not "tough or smart."
Mondale pledged to work for human
rights and blasted the Reagan ad-
ministration for supporting dictator-
ships because they are better than
Communist regimes. He pointed to the
Philippines, whose president Fer-

Mondale desperately needs the sup-
port of young voters, according to Louis
Harris poll released last week. The poll
showed that Mondale has earned less
than a third of the votes of the nation's
young adults, aged 18 to 25, while
Reagan has 70 percent.
Many of the students in yesterday's
crowd were probably from conser-
vative families in the southern part of
the state, where an anti-tax sentiment

'This election is not about sending a teacher
into space, it's about educating this next
generation right here on earth and at The
University of Michigan.'
- Walter Mondale

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dinand Marcos is supported by Reagan
even though he holds authoritarian
ON A LIGHTER note, Mondale con-
trasted the Democratic and Republican
campaigns. The election, he told the
audience, "is not about sending a
teacher into space, it's about educating
this next generation right here on earth
and at The University of Michigan."
Students screamed and waved Mon-
dale-Ferraro posters to the remark.
And though they booed Gov. James
Blanchard, University Regents Sarah
Power (D-Ann Arbor) and Thomas
Roach (D-Saline) and State Sen. Lana
Pollack (D-Ann Arbor), campaign
organizers say Mondale's visit cer-
tainly swung votes over to the
Democrat's camp.

Siibwcibe to

is strong, said Pollack after the rally.
"They come from conservative
homes and have heard a lot of conser-
vative rhetoric about taxes," Pollack
said. But she added, "A stop like this
and a speech like this is going to make a
measurable difference."
Another observer of the rally, Jim
Minder, who was a graduate student
here during the turbulent 1960s and is
now executive director of the state's
human services department, said the
students were quiet during most of the
rally because they were listening.
"There's a difference between going
to a speech and 'rah-rah-ing' and
listening to what the candidates have to
say," he said.
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Off the Wall!
-David Denby,
DAILY 1:00, 7:10, 9:10


-Vincent Canby,
(Nobel Prize Winner, 1982)


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