41 OPINION Page 4 Sunday, October 21, 1984 The Michigan Daily I Students mobilize to cheer the champs F OR ALL THOSE who thought student activism had been stifled on this campus, guess again. Students don't turn out in large numbers to protest the University's proposed code or this nation's foreign policy, but when it comes down to the nitty-grit- ty things such as baseball, students make their voices heard. Last Sunday over 200 students stormed the streets of Ann Arbor following the Detroit Tigers' win over the San Diego Padres for the World Series title. The mobs of students may not have been protesting pressing issues, but from the actions of the celebrating fans, it would have been difficult to distinguish them from radical '60s students by observation alone. Well, maybe there were observable differen- ces. The '80s students shouted "We're number one. Detroit Tigers are number one,"instead of Although they "trashed the lobby" of the UGLi, destroyed one expensive reference book, sprayed beer on innocent bystanders in study areas, and broke several outdoor lamps, overall theirs was a non-violent celebration. Anyone that doubted the power of '84s students to mobilize should have been assured that students still have it in them. Even, if it only shows up during jubilant partying. Opposition to proposal C The University administration and Board of Regents has opposed this ballot proposal. The University chapter of the American Association of University professors opposes it. And the Michigan Student Assembly this week passed a resolution saying they oppose it too. What is everyone on campus so opposed to? Proposal C, better known as the Voter's Choice amendment, is, of course, the offen- ding ballot proposal the campus is so worried about. And for good reason. If passed, the amen- dment would slash state taxes back to Decem- ber 1981 levels. It would also make all future tax hike decisions subject to a public referen- dum - and nobody really likes having to raise their own taxes. If passed, the proposal would impact the University in several harmful ways. As much as $32 million in state aid would be put in jeopardy and students could expect a tuition hike of between 19-21 percent that would nearly blow their socks off. MSA's resolution against the ballot proposal coupled with the administration's disapproval should send a clear message to student voters and their parents that this measure is not in their best interests. Nuclear confusion While regents and administrators haven't held back on their opposition to one local ballot' proposal, another which would make Ann Ar- bor a nuclear free zone has created a lot of deb- ate, but no formal policy positions. The regent's meeting this week, as well as the Senate Assembly, resembled a debating Daily Photo by DOUG McMAHON University students come to life and ditch their books in a show of support for the Detroit Tigers - World Series champions for the 1984 baseball season. passage of the ballot proposal. The whole issue becomes rather confusing considering that University President Harold Shapiro once wrote in an article for a magazine, that he thought the Universtiy should remain "an intellectually open community and not the ally of a particular point of view." Apparently, Shapiro doesn't think the regents' resolution: condemning the Voter's Choice amendment is: an example of the University becoming 'the ally of a particular point of view." And ap- parently, Alan Price thinks he has a right to say how the nuclear free proposal impacts the University. No wonder no one really knows where the. University stands. A change of heart The University Club Board of Directors has: had a change of heart and decided to invite the: public, including Daily reporters, to their. special meeting where they will discuss the U-: Club's recent violations of its liquor license. Last week, the president of the board told the Daily the board is a private body which doesn't have to let the public into its hearings. The Daily had tried to cover the meeting, con- sidering the board to be a public body which is prohibited by law from holding meetings closed to the general public. The U-Club was cited this summer and once again this fall with a violation of its liquor' license for serving customers who were not members of the club. The bar owns a "private club" liquor license which allows it to sell alcohol to club members only. Students, professors, staff members, and alumni are considered automatic members of the club. At the meeting the board is expected to agree to acknowledge the violations and explain why they happened. It is doubtful the board would challenge the state Liquor Control Coin mission. The Week in Review was compiled by Opinion Page editor Jackie Young. of "U.S. out of Vietnam." They held Tigers flags and wore Tigers t-shirts. You wouldn't have caught one of these students burning an American flag, and God forbid, never a Detroit pennant. They were looking for something, though ob- viously not a better political system or some idealistic principle. As one Tiger fan put it: "It was wild man. We were looking for something and we found it." They didn't disrupt classes, after all, it was Sunday. But they did their best to find students studying. The mob of loud-mouthed celebrators traveled across the campus, hitting the Michigan Union, the Law Library, the Graduate Library, and the UGLi, to name a few stops. match with those pressing for the University to show its distaste for the arms race on one side, and those who fear any infringement on academic freedom on the other. The middle of the road viewpoint is that there are concerns on both sides, it is not the role of the University to come out with a formal position on this par- ticular issue. "We have a much greater likelihood of per- suading others to stop if we ourselves show a willingness to stop, at least for a while, so as to see what type of reciprocal action that elicits," Medical School Prof. David Basset told the regents Thursday. Philosophy Prof. Carl Cohen disagreed with this reasoning. Cohen told the regents that the proposal is a "pernicious" attempt to use criminal and civil law to suppress some types of intellectual activity. Two University students also used the regen- ts' meeting to scold members of the ad- ministration for not supporting the idea of a nuclear free zone and using University stationery to indicate "the University viewpoint" when supposedly there has been no official stand taken, such as a regents' resolution, on the matter. LSA junior Ingrid Kock and LSA senior Nancy Aronoff contended that the University's assistant vice president for research, Alan Price, had misrepresented the University. Price wrote in an August memo that there are six major flaws with making the city a nuclear free zone, and went on to list them. The memo was sent to people who had expressed an in- terest in joining a group formed to prevent the A Edited and managed by students of The University of Michigan Reagan is anti Vol. XCV, No. 40 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Destructive Indifference By Alan Tate Perhaps for the first time in our nation's history, an incumbent president's perfor- mance must be measured with the Con- stitution of the United States. By appearan- ces, at least, President Reagan has failed to uphold his responsibilities with respect to the Constitution. Reagan's directive 84 sought prior con- straint on speech through establishment of a pre-publication review and would have exten- sively expanded the use of lie detector tests in government. This is consistent with Reagan's assault upon our right to know by opposing our freedom of speech. In October of 1981, he sought extensive weakening of the Fredom of Information Act, and in April of 1982 he issued an executive order seeking to maximize classification of all government documents. Only a man who doesnot believe in the First Amendment can so consistently act as Reagan does. IN ARTICLE 10, Section 8 of the Con- stitution, the power to declare war is granted only to Congress--not to the president. Yet, Reagan, on the basis of a number of overt lies, invaded Grenada on his authority alone. Whereas in our past our entry into wars has been predicated upon attacks upon Americans, ("Rememb Lusitania, Pearl Harbor was predicated upon a the students by the Gren state department had r plicit assurances that th be harmed. Indeed, they the Grenadans. The s were divided in two secti "liberated" on the mit other group of three "saved" until much 1 never taken hostage no: Cubans and Grenadans a no students came under U.S. troops invaded their In the prosecution of prohibited standard dire by the press, another di First Amendment. The da in a free society (ours? the press's prerogative, choice for the press. Given this pattern, it is has not been the Ameri investigated the disturb Reagan's account of the cident of a year ago. Fir leaning June issue of D more fully in the Augu Nation, the Soviet accu Constitution er the Alamo, Main, been granted credibility while Reagan's claim ,etc.") this invasion of innocent error has been profoundly: possible" capture of discredited. With the KAL 007 being the aadans--this after the Korean president's personal pilot, with eceived official, ex- unusually extensive U.S. surveillance e students would not throughout the plane's flight path at the time, were not harmed by and with a U.S. defense department jet flying tudents in Grenada with the Korean jet shortly before it invaded ons, one of which was Soviet air space, how can we believe that in- ial assault, but the vasion was merely due to instrument error,? hundred was not At the least, Reagan is involved in a hideous ater--yet they were cover up. At worst, as with his willingnes to r endangered by the endanger the American students in Grenada. round them. Indeed, Reagan has actively sacrificed over 250 in- hostile gunfire until nocent civilians to test American radar jam- area. ming equipment or to spy on a Soviet missile this attack, Reagan test known to be in progress at the time. ct front line coverage I am told the Anti-Christ will appear in irect violation of the robes of piety. While the truth of this is yet angers of the front line be seen, clearly, the greatest threats to our ) have always been constitutional freedoms have come from- not the president's within: Joseph McCarthy and the House UnAmerican Activities Committee, and s not suprising that it Richard Nixon's hard line anti-communism. can press which has Unless he can satisfactorily resolve the issues ing contradictions in raised above, he who votes for Reagan this Korean air liner in- year votes against the Constitution. T HE REGENTS' monthly public comments session is not known for its meaningful exchange of ideas. Students or members of the com- munity are allowed five minutes to ex- press their concerns regarding the University - concerns which are usually ignored or met with only the most brief response. But Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor) took this disregard for alternative opinion even further on Thursday after listening to LSA senior Lee Winkelman describe what he views as flaws in the proposed code for non-academic con- duct. Instead of providing a constructive response, as is so desperately needed regarding that issue, or even just ignoring Winkelman like the rest of the regents did, Baker obnoxiously asked, "Are you a member of PSN?" The question didn't come out of a sincere concern for Winkelman's political beliefs, nor should it have sin- ce an opinion on the code has nothing to do with whether one is to the left or right. Baker's motive was simply to discredit Winkelman's argument by associating it with the Progressive Student Network. "PSN" is a dirty word to the regents. They are the kids who sit. in labs to protest military research and a lot of them even have long hair. Evidently their opinion doesn't mean as much to Baker who would rather hear a "nor- mal" student speak. The problem with "normal" students, though, is that they aren't informed and just don't care. Though the PSN may at times be a bit extreme, they are at the very least involved with issues that affect this University. That involvement .is exactly what the public comments session is supposed to encourage, not discredit. But whether Winkelman is a mem- ber of PSN or not, the real problem is that the regents have no intention of taking alternative viewpoints seriously. Baker shouldn't have asked the question he did, but by the same token the other regents should not have remained silent as they did. The average public comments session is an exercise in futility for those speaking their mind. The students who speak .are there because they care. Unfor- tunatly, they are met with indifferen- ce. The regents yawn, get up to get cof- fee, read the newspaper - anything but listen conscientiously. And President Shapiro rigorously clocks five minutes on the stopwatch. It is silly. And that is too bad since the regents could use a good talking to. The proposed code is a perfect example of where student input is necessary, but ignored. For the student who cares enough to talk to the regents and who puts up with the kind of discreditiing Baker threw around, being met with all of those empty stares must be especially pain- ful. If the regents don't care, why should the students or community? Should that indifference spread, the entire University would be the loser. The regents should show that they care so that the students and com- munity know that it is crucial for them to care as well. st in the British right- efense Attache, then st 18-25 issue of the sation of spying has Tate is a graduate of the University who now lives in Seattle, Washington. BEIJING, CHINA - When it first printed a marriage ad, "The Market" newspaper received a protest of letters. The weekly was accused of publishing material "incompatible with Chinese marriage conventions and social traditions." Today, three years later, the ad column does not have near enough space for those who want to be listed. And this is just one sign that China now is worried about its large number of un- married people. "IF ONE person stays single, it's absolutely a personal mat- ter," said. Xu Jiashe, manager of a marriage agency here. "But when hundreds of thousands of people over 30 remain single, it becomes a social problem. r Sociologists point to several reasons for the high number of unmarried people. - Many young people had to forego marriage when they went to work in the countryside in the "cultural revolution." - Many missed out on marriage because they opted for higher education. - Young women, with their in- creasing role in society, have become more critical of prospec- iv a- th iah te tr..ai;inn The fourish ing of the Chinese m atchmakers By Huang Quing paign calling on all sectors, in- cluding party organizations at all levels, to help find marriageapar- tners for young people. The nationwide effort, backed by trade unions and women's federations, involves a variety of activities. Enterprises are being urged to sponsor more sporting and recreational activities for young people, creating oppor- tunities for a love match. Publications have started special columns giving advice to lonely hearts, and a wave of articles and programs have focused on the problem. Today Chinese find mates in a variety of ways - by themselves, through arrangements made by parents or go-betweens, and by , - ---.. ---- rate in this group. Gu Shugin, 50, the head nurse in the city's Chaoyang Hospital pediatrics section, has become something of a celebrity by helping link up nearly 1,000 people between 20 and 50 years old. "I'm very glad to see that 146 pairs en- ded up getting married." deAnother renowned match- maker is Zhang Guorong, who speaks about his spare-time ac- tivity with pride. "It's not dif- ficult to be the go-between for a couple of people, but it is difficult to be a mtchmaker for hundreds, especially to be one trusted and respected by the public." More than 3,000 people have registered with Zhang, who never asks anything from his clients. T . is r la : nn.,a 'Inu o i c~: - gatherings such as tea parties and plans excursions. "We just provide opportunities for these people to meet," said Xu. Other-active groups include the Women's Federation, which has sponsored dances, movies, con- certs and the like, and the Education Trade Union, which has held dances for more than 300 unmarried teachers, graduate students, and researchers. The most successful social gatherings are said to be the parties held in front of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests in Tiantan Park (Temple of Heaven). These parties - run by the Park and the Beijing Evening News - have been going on since early July. They usually involve 150 go-betweens to help the "lonely hearts" establish con- tact. On a less traditional note, the park recently has installed a computer system which stores in- formation - including nationality, ageheight, health, education, profession, and in: come -on registrants. } But newspaper advertisements have not been displaced. Indeed, in addition to the Market, the Chinese Youth Journal and the national magazine, Women of China., also have started the ser- .. .... .... ........... ..