The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 17, 1984 - Page 3
MSA opposes tax
proposal C
The Michigan Student Assembly last
night unanimously passed a resolution
voicing their opposition to Proposal C,
the controversial Voter's Choice amen-
If passed, the amendment would
slash state taxes back to 1981 level in
addition to making all future tax hike
decisions subject to public referendum.
THE UNIVERSITY could stand to
lose as much as $32 million in state aid
if the measure passes. University of-
ficials say that loss in funds could hike
tuition 19-21 percent.
"The resolution lets students know
what Proposal C is and that students as
well as the administration is against
it," said Mark Williams, the MSA
representative who brought the
resolution to the assembly.
The assembly also unanimously ap-
proved of the appointment of Lee
Winkleman, a LSA senior, as the
assembly's budget researcher and Non-
academic Code of Student Conduct
researcher. Both positions were ap-
proved by the assembly last April.
President Steve Kaplan, the assembly
is in need of someone to do research on
the code issue and make contact with
other schools who have codes.
Winkleman will be working 25 hours a
week at 4 dollars an hour.
"My goals as code researcher are to
get information out to the students
about the code, and inform them as to
what the administration is trying to do
and why," Winkleman said.
Winkleman also wants to make sure
that students' rights are protected and
that the administration is prevented
from passing the code.
Currently, Winkleman feels that he
will be able to handle both the budget
research position and that of a code
researcher. However, there may be a
time he said when MSA will need to hire
a second individual.
"I do forsee that there will be Univer-
sity budget issues that MSA will need to
address this year," Winkleman said.
U-Club to meet on violations
" 4
Scared staff
Six weeks old "J.J." finds a spot atop a warning sign as the ideal place to
keep alert. Once all is clear, getting down will be the next problem.
Blizzard buries Colorado
(Continued from Page 1)
cancel its meeting if the Daily stayed.
THE DAILY considers the board a
public body which is prohibited by law
from holding private meetings.
Lehmann said, however, that on Oct.
26 the board will consider the violations
at a special club meeting, which is open
to the puic.
The U-Club was cited with a violation
of its liquor license this summer for
serving to a customer who was not a
member of the club.
THE BAR owns a "private club"
liquor license which allows it to sell
alcohol to club members only. Students,
professors, staff members, and alumni
are automatic members of the club.
The bar was cited with a second,
identical violation early this Septem-
acknowledge the violations and explain
why they happened or challenge them.
Several weeks ago Lehmann said the
club would probably acknowledge the
violations and explain steps to prevent
Mondale to visit campus
(Continued from Page 1)
tial or vice presidential candidate to in bringing Mondale to campus," P
come to the University, although MSA said. MSA also sent letters to1
will not provide money to candidates. Reagan campaign inviting them
"Austin stopped in at the MSA offices speak, but there has been no respor
today to see if MSA would be interested yet.
(Cortinuedfrom Page 1)
From UPI
A surprise autumn blizzard buried
eastern Colorado under as much as 3
feet of snow and chest-high drifts
yesterday stranding travelers and
closing schools and businesses in Den-
-ver and nearby communities.
South of the snowbelt, wild storms
spawned tornados and hail as large as
baseballs. Two people were injured and
dozens of homes were destroyed by
twisters that skipped across. north-
western Arkansas.
Three twisters damaged buildings
and uprooted trees in the Arkansas
towns of Dora, Summers and Cedar-
ville. Baseball-size hail bombarded
West Fork, Ark., and hailstones pelted
portions of western Nebraska and
Five people were injured, one
critically, by a tornado accompanied by
heavy rains that touched down in two
rural southwest Missouri towns on the
Webster-Christian county line,
damaging at least 51 homes.
Authorities said the tornado sfruck
just outside the tiny resort town of Lin-
den in Christian County shortly after
THE BLIZZARD, spiked by 45-mph
winds, was part of a massive storm
system that stretched from southern
Idaho to western Nebraska.
"This is basically a statewide storm
and we are discouraging travel
everywhere," said Lt. Ron Adams of
the Colorado State Patrol. "It's blizzard
conditions on the plains and we're sen-
ding snowcats out to bring people in."
Three feet of snow buried Woodland
Park, near Colorado Springs. Thirty-
one inches plastered Coal Creek
Canyon west of Denver.
A story in yesterday's Daily incorrec-
tly attributed several statements about
Illinois Senator Charles Percy to David
Practicing Pharm. D.s discuss
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College staff members will be present to answer questions about
admission to U-M Doctor of Pharmacy program.
Punishments for the offenses range further problems.
from a fine of up to $300 to loss of the The board was supposed to respond to
liquor license. the commission by tommorrow, 20 days
In its response to the liquor com- after the second violation was mailed.
mission, the board can either
say .iee
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The University Club presents Laughtrack at 9 p.m. tonight.
Cinema 2 - Desk Set, 7 p.m., His Girl Friday, 9 p.m., Lorch Hall.,
The Ark - Bryan Bowers, 8 p.m., 637S. Main St.
Musical Society - Concert, Guarneri Quartet, 8:30 p.m., Rackham Aud.
Performance Network - SF Mime Troupe, 8 p.m., Michigan Theater.
Michigan Map Society - Eila Campbell, "Cartographic Treasures of the
Bodleian Library, Oxford University," 8p.m., Clements Library.
Center for Russian and East European Studies - Michael Petrovice,
"The Serbian Elite at the Turn of the Century," noon, Lane Hall Commons.
Chemistry department - David Pranitis, "Optrodes, 4 p.m., room 1200,
Chemistry Building.
Research Club - Guy Mermier, "Searching for the Biological Basis of
Depression," 8 p.m., West Conference Room, Rackham.
Computing Center - Leigh Daniels, Using the Apple // e Microcomputer
with MTS," 4 p.m., room 1016, Paton Accounting Center.
Statistics department - Thomas Kuczek, "Random Fields and Their Ap-
plication," 4 p.m., room 451, Mason Hall.
School of Natural Resources Peter Rossett, "Environmental Protection
in Wartime: Notes of an Agro-Ecologist," noon, Dana Building.
Mathematics Department - Raoul H. Bott, "On the Hodge Theory - Old
and New," 4 p.m., room 231 Angell Hall.
Academic Alcoholics - 1:30 p.m., Alano Club.
Ann Arbor Support Group for Farm Labor Organizing Committee - 5:30
p.m., room 4318, Union.
Science Fiction Club-8:15 p.m., Michigan League.
Latin American Solidarity Committee -8 p.m., Union.
Council for Minority Concerns - 2 p.m., room 5075, Fleming Ad-
ministration Building.
Ann Arbor Libertarian League --7 p.m., room 439 Mason Hall.
Student Legal Services Board of Directors - 7:30 p.m., room 3000, Union.
ACS/Student Affil - 5 p.m., room 3005, Chemistry Building.
Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship -8 p.m., room 225 Angell Hall.
U-M Soaring Club - 8 p.m., room 296 Dennison Building.
U-M Soaring Club -8 p.m., room 296 Dennison Building.
Michigan Gay Undergraduates - 9:30 p.m., Guild House, 802 Monroe St.
Student Wood and Craft Shop - Power tool safety class, 6 p.m., room 537
Microcomputer Education Center - Intro to Macintosh Personal Com-
puter, 9 p.m., room 3113, School of Education Building.
School of Music - Organizing conference, 4:15 p.m., St. Andrew's
Episconal Church. 4:15 p.m.. Hill Aud. 8:30 p.m.
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