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October 17, 1984 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1984-10-17

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Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom


Sir 43f


Scattered showers and thunder
showers, with highs in the 70s.


Vol. XCV, No. 36

Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, October 17, 1984

Fifteen Cents

Eight Pages

to visit
Democratic presidential candidate
Walter Mondale will visit the Univer-
sitt next week, an official from his
Campaign said last night.
John Austin, a member of Mondale's
team who is currently in Ann Arbor
organizing the campaign stop, said the
former vice president "will definitely
ddress the University community next
MONDALE will make an appearance
in Ann Arbor after a stop in
Youngstown, Ohio. The exact time and
location have, not been decided at this
time. Austin said the rally would be
Members of Mondale's team will
meet with University President Harold
i Shapiro this morning to determine the
time and site for the rally. Campaign
officials would prefer to have the event
around 1 or 1:30 p.m. in "an area that is
frequently traveled by students,"
Austin said.
At last night's Michigan Student
Assembly meeting, President Scott
.Page informed the assembly about the
MSA unanimously passed a
resolution inviting any major presiden-
See MONDALE, Page 3
U-Club to
meet on
From staff reports
The University Club Board of Direc-
tors will decide in a meeting Oct. 26 how
it will respond to two liquor license
violations the bar has received this
year, the board president said yester-
The board was expected to respond
after meeting last Friday, but can-
celled its meeting when the Daily
editor-in-chief and a reporter tried to
get in.
president of the board, said Friday that
the board is a private body and would
See U-CLUB, Page 3

from AP and UPI
OSLO, Norway - Black Anglican
Bishop Desmond Tutu won the 1984
Nobel Peace Prize yesterday for his
passionate but peaceful "heroism" in
leading a non-violent crusade against
South Africa's system of racial
With its decision, the Norwegian
Nobel Committee restated a position it
first took a quarter-century ago, when
it honored Tutu's black countryman
Albert John Lutuli: that people who
work for human rights work for peace.
"THE WORD 'peace' is more and
more considered a matter of human
rights," committee Chairman Egil
Aarvik said after announcing the award
to the anti-apartheid leader. "If human
rights are violated in any place of the
world, ... a peace would not be real or
would not last."
Tutu, 53, said in New York City where
he is a visiting professor at the General
Theological Seminary that he would
accept the $190,000 award on behalf of
"all those who have been involved in
the liberation struggle, working for a
new society in South Africa."
Tutu has strived peacefully to
eliminate South African apartheid -
the institutional racial segregation and
discrimination of the nation's 22 million
blacks by the 4.5 million whites. He is
seen as that nation's Martin Luther
King, Jr., who won the award 20 years
"The committee has attached impor-
tance to Desmond Tutu's role as a
unifying leading figure in the campaign
to resolve the problems of apartheid in
South Africa," the Norwegian Nobel
Committee said in announcing the
TUTU IS despised by the right-wing
Afrikaner establishment in South
Africa but has also been criticized by
some black extremists for being too
Tutu, whose home is in the black
township of Soweto, was the second
black South African to win the award.
The Peace Prize for 1960 was reser-
ved and awarded the year after to
Albert Luthuli, head of the African
National Congress who fought against
apartheid, which was instituted in 1948
when the Afrikaner National Party
came to power.
Although some easing of South
Africa's racial laws has occurred in




Associated Press

Nobel Peace Prize winner Bishop Desmond Tutu listens to a question during
a news conference after the announcement of the award at the General
Theological Seminary in New York.

Daily Photo by DAVID FRANKEL
Falling at her feet
LSA freshwoman Darlene Carrol sits among autumn's fallen leaves by the
Natural Science Building.

recent years, the plight of blacks there
has changed little since Luthuli's
award. Tutu's selection was a clear
call by the Nobel Committee for the
elimination of apartheid.
"THIS YEAR'S award should be seen
as a renewed recognition of the courage
and heroism shown by black South
Africans in their use of peaceful
methods in the struggle against apar-
theid," the five-member awarding
committee said.
Asked later if the Committee wanted
this award to influence the situation in

South Africa, Committee Chairman
Egil Aarvik said, "Yes".
Tutu was expected to arrive in
Johannesburg tomorrow for four days
"to go and celebrate with the people."
Tutu supporters said they did not ex-
pect the government to restrict his
The bishop has been jailed and his
passport revoked. He currently is
traveling on temporary documents, but
the Pretoria government would not say
Tuesday if it will allow him to come to
Oslo to collect his peace prize in

College board candidates
lament high tuition costs

.. 7

Special to the Daily
DETROIT - Candidates for the governing
boards on Michigan's three largest universities
last night lamented rising tuition costs and
declining state aid to higher education.
But their solutions to changing the recent trend
in college funding ranged from pushing for more
state dollars to abolishing public colleges.
"THE COSTS of education are becoming
delplorable and prohibitive," said Neal Nielsen,
a Republican candidate for U-M board of regen-
ts. "U-M is one of the gems of our state. If our
people cannot take advantage of it, then what
good is it?"
Nielsen and 12 other regental candidates spoke
at a public forum last night at Wayne State
NIELSEN, A Brighton lawyer, advocated
increased funding through private business
sponsorship of research and development at the

Robert Nederlander, a two-term regent of the
University emphasized private gifts as an alter-
native to state aid. Nederlander (Detroit) chairs
the University's capital campaign to raise $160
million from private sources.
He noted that a decade ago tuition revenue
composed a third of the University's general
fund budget. Today, that figure is 43 percent. Un-
til the state reverses that trend, Nederlander
said governing boards will continue to hike
"NOBODY WANTS to raise tuition, but I do it
almost every year," he told the audience.
But rather than operate under the whims of
legislators drawing up the state budget,
Michigan State University libertarian candidate
Thomas Jones proposed severing colleges
financial ties with the state completely.
"Given the option, I would vote to abolish
Michigan State University as a public in-
stitution," Jones said.
THE CANDIDATES also discussed the
political maneuvering behind the party can-
didate selection proces. University Regent

Gerald Dunn (D-Garden City) failed to win
renomination on the state Democratic party
ticket last September.
Some pin the blame on leaders of the United
Auto Workers who disagreed with Dunn's work
as a lobbyist for state schools.
"When I look at what happened to Gerry ... I
don't think that is appropriate," Nielsen said.
Nielsen added, regents might not be free to
make choices about what's best for the college if
they have special interest groups at their backs.
"Nederlander refused to say whether behind
the scenes politicking actually took place at the
state party convention.
"Gerry Dunn is a very qualified person. Marj
Lansing is a very qualified person. All I can say
is that Iran my own race," he said.
Nielsen suggested that similar tactics were
used to unseat MSU's trustee Blanch Martin this
fall. But Charles Vincent, a Democrat who some
say replaced Martin, said Nielsen's assertion
showed "a lack of homework."
"I'm not working for the Democratic party,
but I'm not dissociating myself either."

$5000 tour
the world
grant up
for grabs
How would you like someone to hand
you $5,000 and tell you to go around the
world to study international human
Every other year since 1980, a University
student has gotten just such an oppor-
tunity through the Circumnavigators
Club Foundation, an international
organization of world travellers.
PAUL MORELAND, a member of the
club, said that there are certain restric-
tions on the way the money is used.
"One must make a complete circum-
navigation of the globe in one direction,
cutting all meridians in either the north
or south pole, all in one trip and the trip
must be for goodwill," said Moreland,
who has circled the world twice.
/~ The club has given the grants since
1967. Most of the grants had gone to
students of Georgetown University, un-
See $5000, Page 2


LiKely Story

are there. But it wasn't easy for Enyart to face her friends
or the insurance agent. "He didn't stop laughing
for 10 minutes, " she said. "Then he asked me how much I
had to drink. Down at work they tell me my story should be
nominated for 'Ripley's Believe It or Not.' " When the ac-
cident occured, around 11:55 p.m. Wednesday, Ms. Enyart
said she knew instantly who to blame. "I got home and told
my husband a beaver dropped a tree on the car," she said.
"It dented the hood and the roof, smashed the windshield,
and creased the whole right side of the car." She explained

volunteers would be confined to huts, venturing outside only
after taking the precautions similar to what they might
need to survive on the red planet. They would bring sup-
plies to start off, but would to grow their own food.
Lord Young says he has found 15 volunteers, all from Great
Britain or Australia. All he needs now is the cash to finance
the venture - about $490,000.

chin and hands. "They looked very embarrassed when they
realized they'd landed in the middle of a costume party."
At first, the party-goers thought the officers "were more
guys in costume;" she said. The officers left shortly
thereafter. '




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